阅读理解。  In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill. When t

阅读理解。  In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill. When t

阅读理解。  In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill. When the
doctor see them, they usually ask about their troubles and soon give them a
prescription(处方)for some medicine.
  Usually, when people feel ill, they go to see their doctors. But when they
only have a cold, they don"t go to see their . They usually go to the medicine shop
to buy some medicine. Only when they are terribly ill, the doctor will go to their
houses. In an emergency(紧急), people can call 999 for an ambulance. The
ambulance can take them to the hospital very soon. When they are in hospital,
their friends or families can go to see them at a certain time, but they can"t stay
  Usually people have to pay for the doctors" prescriptions. And the price is
the same for any kind of medicine. But when children, students, old people or
people without jobs go to see their doctors, they don"t have to pay for their
prescription.1. When people are ill in England, they"ll _____.A. go to see the doctor nearby            
B. go to the medicine shop
C. ask the doctor to their houses          
D. call 999 for an ambulance2. If people have a cold, they usually _____.A. go to see a doctor                   
B. buy some medicine themselves
C. ask to be in hospital      
D. go to the hospital at a certain time3. What does the underlined words "ambulance" in the second paragraph mean?A. 救援    
B. 报警    
C. 救护车    
D. 担架4. When people without jobs go to the doctors, they _____.A. get free (免费的) medical care at home
B. get free prescriptions
C. get free medicine in the hospital
D. get free medicine in the medicine shop5. Which of the following is not true?A. If people lost their jobs, they"ll get free prescriptions.
B. In an emergency, people can call 999 for help.
C. People can see friends in the hospital at a certain time.
D. All the medicine has the same price in England.
根据所给的中文写出单词。     I like traveling when I am  _ 1__(有空的). This winter holiday, I have a  _2__(计划). I"m going to Hainan for my vacation.  _3    (虽然) I’ve been there  __4     (一次) , I still want to go there. And this time I want to __5   (呆在)there for five days. How can I get there? I’m going there by train because it"s __6_  (迅速的,快的)and safe . Hainan is a good place to enjoy ourselves. It"s __7   (闻名的) for its blue sea , clean beach and sweet fruits. I"m going sighting and swimming there. And I also want to  _8_ (骑)a bike , I will visit the   _9_ (整个的)island. I can"t wait. I think I will never   _10 _ 
(忘记)this trip.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                                 Accident report
       Daisy witnessed (目睹) a road accident. She went to the police station with her mother to make a
  statement.This is what she said.
       At about 8 :30 A.M. I was walking along Ocean Road towards the school. A boy on a bike passed
  me, going in the same direction. He was riding his bike properly and keeping close to the sidewalk. The
  street was empty.
       Suddenly a car came along the street. It passecl me, then as it passed the boy on the bike it hit him.
  He fell off his bike onto the road. The car did not stop, but continued on its way. I believe the driver
  knew he"d hit the boy because I saw him look back.
       The car was quite old. It was red. I think it was a Ford Escort. I did not get its number because the
  license plate was covered with dirt. The driver was a man. He had long hair. He wasn"t an old man but I
  can"t guess his age.
       I ran to the boy. He was badly hurt so I ran to a nearby shop and called the paramedics. They
  amvecl with a police car. I told a police officer what I had seen. She asked me to make this statement at
  the police station.
                                                                                                                                    Daisy Jones           1. Where did the accident happen?A. At Daisy"s school.
B. On Ocean Road.
C. Outside Daisy"s house.
D. Outside the police station.2. When did Daisy first see the boy on the bike?A. When he was hit by a car.
B. When she got to school.
C. When he passed her on his bike.
D. When a car came along the street.3. Why couldn"t Daisy give the police the car"s number?A. Because there was no number at all on the license plate.
B. Because the car drove off too quickly.
C. Because there was something dirty on the license plate.
D. Because Ford Escort had no license plate.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
任务型阅读。根据句子描述选择对应的图片。(     )1. Harry"s home is a little far from school So he usually rides a bicycle to school.
(     )2. Liu Ying can"t go to the concert with us. She has to look after her little brother on Sunday.
(     )3. Tina has shorter hair than Tara. And she is also more athletic.
(     )4. Wang Li studies hard. He does his homework every day.
(     )5. They like to do some activities. They are going hiking next Saturday

              A.                       B.                            C.                           D.                         E.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
根据首字母填空。     Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted
blue, a calm and quiet color.
     Some c     1_ make us feel calm. Blue is one of these colors. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in
a blue room is good for our mind and b       2_ . Blue can also mean sadness, so you may say "I am
feeling b       3_ " when you are feeling sad. White is a     4_  calm color. You should wear white
clothes i     5___
you are feeling stressed. White is also the color of purity(纯洁). Many w      6   like to be in white
on  their wedding(礼)days.
     Some colors can make you feel warm. People living in c      7  climate(气) like to wear warm
colors when they get out.
     Orange shows joy. It can make you happy when you are feeling s       8_ Yellow is the color of
the sun, so it can remind you of(让你咛羽)a warm, s     9_   day. Yellow is also the color for
cleverness. Some people prefer this color when they are s     10 _   for tests. For example, they may
use yellow pens and notebooks.  
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。下面有五位同学在生活中遇到了一些烦恼的事情,请你根据他们的烦恼找出相应的解决问题的方法,把字母写在相应的横线上。                                                                           (I)
          1. Mary has a cold. She doesn"t feel well. She is very weak.
          2. Kate has too much homework. She can"t finish her homework until 12 p.m. every night. 
          3. Tom is in Grade 8. His best friend"s birthday is coming. He wants to buy a gift for his friend,
              but he has no money.
          4. Paul works very hard, but he can"t get good grades . He feels very sad. What should he do?
          5. Li Mei is very shy. Every time when she speaks in front of people, She feels very nervous,
              her face turns red.                                  
A:  Maybe he should ask his teachers for help. He should study in a good way.
B:  She should listen carefully in class, then she"ll finish her homework quickly. She shouldn"t stay up 
      late every night.
C:  She must practice more. She should practice in front of many people. For example, her parents,
      her friends or some strangers. I believe if she does that, she will be better.
D:  She should drink lots of water, lie down and have a good rest.
E:  If he doesn"t have money, he can make a card by himself and give it to his friend, I think his friend
     will be happy.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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