阅读理解。1. You love basketball very much. You may watch TV at ______. A. 19:00 on C

阅读理解。1. You love basketball very much. You may watch TV at ______. A. 19:00 on C

阅读理解。1. You love basketball very much. You may watch TV at ______. A. 19:00 on Channel 2
B. 19:40 on Channel 1
C. 20:20 on Channel 2
D. 21:15 on Channel 1 2. What time can we watch TV plays on Channel 1?A. At 18:30.
B. At 21:45.
C. At 21:15.
D. At 20:10. 3. At 18:30, we can learn ______on Channel 2. A. English
B. art
C. music
D. computer4. I want to watch English news on TV. I can watch TV at______. A. 19:00 on Channel 1
B. 21:00 on Channel 1
C. 18:30 on Channel 2
D. 21:45 on Channel 25. You can ______ at 21:15 on Channel 1.A. watch a TV play
B. listen to music
C. watch NBA
D. listen to the news
1-5: CDADB
阅读理解。     Miss Lee is only twenty-one. She is tall and thin, and she has brown, long hair. She likes children and her
teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much
work to do, but she often plays games with her students after school. The children like her very much. On
Sunday she drives her car to her father"s house and stays with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes to
see her friends on Sundays.
     She drives back to school on Monday morning. She likes singing, dancing and swimming. She is a nice
teacher. 1. Miss Lee is a ______teacher. A. very good
B. very old
C. good English
D. good Chinese2. Which is right? A. She has no work to do and often plays with the children.
B. She plays with the children from Monday to Friday.
C. She likes her students and plays games with them.
D. She always (总是) works, but doesn"t play at all.3. She goes and sees her friends _____. A. every day
B. on Sundays
C. on Saturday
D. on Friday4. Miss Lee goes home _______. A. in her car
B. on a bus
C. on foot
D. by her car 5. Miss Lee likes _______. A. driving
B. cooking
C. running
D. teaching
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In Siam (暹罗) a white elephant is a great animal. When the king (国王) of Siam doesn"t like someone, he
gives him a white elephant. The white elephant doesn"t work. It only eats good food. So the man spends all his
money for it. Today at a market, you can see people selling "white elephants". Don"t want anything like a white
elephant. People don"t like white elephants and want to sell them to others. 1. Where did the story happen (发生) at the beginning? A. In the zoo.
B. In Siam.
C. At school.
D. At a market.2. When the king is angry at someone, he gives him _____.A. an animal
B. an old elephant
C. a white elephant
D. some money 3. People there want to sell white elephants because _____. A. they can"t look after them
B. they can give them some bread
C. they will give them nothing to eat
D. they will use all their money for them 4. "White elephants" means _____ now. A. useless ( 无用的) things
B. a beautiful elephant
C. a good present (礼物)
D. King of Siam 5. Which is the best title (题目)? A. King of Siam
B. White Elephants
C. Good Food
D. The Elephant on Sale
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     American boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children spend six hours a day in front of the TV set.
Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. Many parents let their children watch TV
only during certain (特定) hours.
     TV shows are like books or films. A child can learn bad things from some of them and good things from
others. Some shows help children to understand the news from the world. Some programs (节目) show people and places from other countries or other times in history. With TV a child does not have to go to the zoo to see
animals or to the sea to see a ship (轮船). Boys and girls can see a play or a basketball game at home. Some
programs even teach children how to cook or how to use tools (工具).
     It is fun to watch TV, but it"s also fun to play games, to read a book or to visit friends. 1. American boys and girls spend _____. A. six hours at school on Saturday
B. four or six hours on TV shows on Saturday
C. eight hours or more watching TV every day
D. very long time in front of the TV sets at the weekend2. Many parents _____. A. let their children learn things from TV but not going to schools
B. ask their children to watch TV during the certain time
C. think that TV programs are better than (好于…) the textbooks
D. let their children to watch what they like3. With TV, boys and girls can _____. A. learn good things and bad things
B. only learn interesting news and places
C. learn from each other (相互) and play basketball games at home
D. read books at home and see movies in the cinema 4. Boys and girls like to watch TV because _____. A. they do nothing at home
B. their parents like TV programs
C. they don"t want to play games or visit friends
D. it is fun5. The writer"s opinion is _____. A. boys and girls should spend some time both on TV and other things
B. children shouldn"t watch TV shows
C. parents can"t buy TV sets
D. children should stop watching TV
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。Dear Li Lei,
     Thanks for your email. Your school life is very interesting. I hope I can go and visit you soon (不久).
Now I"d like to tell you something about my school life in England.
      In England, school is from Monday to Friday. It often begins at nine o"clock. First we go to meet our
teacher for registration (报道). Then we have our classes. Each class is forty-five minutes. There is a rest
about twenty minutes in the morning. During the rest, we can buy food from the school shop. A lot of
students have lunch at school and others bring their hamburgers or go home. Students have to wear school
uniforms and we also have sportswear for P.E. class. Class are over at about three thirty in the afternoon and
then there are a lot of activities, for example, sports and music clubs. I know Chinese students usually have a
lot of homework. We have homework, too, but not much.
      I have many friends here. I would like you to meet them, if you like. Keep in touch.
                                                                                                                                             Bill 1. What time does Bill begin his class? A. At seven thirty
B. At eight
C. At nine
D. Three thirty in the afternoon 2. What do Bill and his classmates do first in the morning?A. Do morning exercises.
B. Go to their teacher for registration.
C. Hand in(上交) homework
D. Have P.E. class. 3. How long is each class in England?A.45 minutes
B. 40 minutes
C. 35 minutes
D. 30 minutes 4. The word "sportswear" in the passage means _____.A. 校服
B. 制服
C. 运动服
D. 礼服 5. Which of the following is true? A. Students in China have little homework to do.
B. Students in England don"t have much work to do at home.
C. Students in England don"t have any activities in school.
D. Students in China have a lot of activities after class.
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(请将各小题的答案写在短文后相应的横线上。)       Mr Brown is a policeman. He"s busy every day. He   1    (get)up at six o"clock in the morning. Then he 
  2   (take)a number 18 bus to work. He works all day. Mr. Brown is tired, but he says he    4  (love) his job.
Look! He 4 (stand) in the street now to help people   5   (walk) across the road.
     Last weekend, he    6   (find) a thief   7   (do) bad things in the supermarket. He took him to the police
station. I think he is a great man.
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案


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