阅读理解。    ● AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury (受伤) is still stopping him from

阅读理解。    ● AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury (受伤) is still stopping him from

阅读理解。    ● AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury (受伤) is still stopping him from returning to football. He has
not played for 32 days. Kaka says he is in a lot of pain. "I hurt myself in an area that we always put pressure
(压力) on." Kaka once played for a year with a knee injury, but the 26-year-old said this is much worse.
   ● British actress Emma used to spend more time filming than at school. But today she is ready to pay
more attention to her studies. This 19-year-old girl will start at the Yale University in the autumn. "I always
loved school. I just want to go back and find what else there is," she said.
   ● Chinese 25-year-old sports star Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai in March. He had a successful foot
operation (手术) in December in Houston, and spent the next three months there for recovery (康复) and
basic training. It is said that a group of doctors are ready to help with Liu"s recovery.
   ● Russian great tennis player Sharapova will not be playing in the MPS Group Championships, which
begins in the US on Monday. Sharapova was missing the Sony Ericsson Open the week before last in Miami.
She may continue training for the WTA Rome event at the beginning of May. 1. Liu Xiang"s foot operation was successfully done in December in            . [     ]
A. Miami
B. Rome
C. Houston
D. Shanghai 2. How long has Kaka not played football because of his foot injury?[     ]
A. More than a month.
B. About a year.
C. Two weeks.
D. Three months. 3. Which of the following is RIGHT?[     ]
A. Emma started school at the age of 19.
B. Sharapova may play in the WTA Rome evernt.
C. Kaka was hurt by other players.
D. Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai for an ad. 4. Among the four persons,             isn"t a sports star. [     ]
A. Sharapova
B. Liu Xiang
C. Emma
D. Kaka
1-4: C A B C
阅读理解。    A giant panda from the Beijing Zoo has been saved by a transfusion of blood from two black bears. But
it"s still under special care, according to the Beijing Zoo.
    Yong Liang, two years old, is the first giant panda raised from birth in the zoo. Last month zoo keepers
found the panda was suffering from serious anaemia (贫血症), calling for urgent (紧急的) blood transfusion.
    The best way, according to the zoo"s experts, to save Yong Liang from anemia would have been to
transfuse blood from another panda. But it was the breeding (reproducing) (繁殖) season for giant pandas,
making such a transfusion very difficult.
    But the experts found that there exists (存在) a close consanguinity (血缘) between giant pandas and black
bears, and so they decided to try to take blood from black bears in the zoo and transfuse it to Yong Liang.
    With the help of hospitals and the Beijing Blood Donor Station, they made an experiment which proved that
the red blood cells (细胞) in the blood of black bears can be used.
    On the afternoon of February 15th, the first red blood cell transfusion was given to the giant panda, from
600 ml of black bear blood. Immediately the young panda started to recover. 1. From the passage we can infer "transfusion of blood" means           . [     ]
A. 抽血
B. 供血
C. 运血
D. 输血 2. The best title of the article should be           . [     ]
A. Bear Blood Saves Panda
B. A Successful Transfusion
C. Protecting Giant Pandas
D. Yong Liang-A Giant Panda 3. Which of the following is not true according to the article? [     ]
A. After the special transfusion, the young panda began to regain health.
B. The 2-year-old panda must have been born in the Beijing Zoo.
C. Giant pandas and black bears are of the same race (种族).
D. The transfusion was based on scientific research and experiments. 4. They decided to try another way instead of the best way to save the panda because           . [     ]
A. it was the breeding season for the panda, Yong Liang
B. other pandas were producing young at that time
C. it was difficult to find other pandas
D. blood of pandas was too expensive 5. This article must be taken from           . [     ]
A. a doctor"s diary
B. a medical book
C. China Daily (中国日报)
D. a story book
题型:0110 期末题难度:| 查看答案
Reading comprehension.(     )1. The Hollywood film star Julia Roberts gave birth to twins on Sunday morning at a Southern California 
            hospital, an English reporter said on Sunday.
(     )2. Hong Kong actress and singer Kelly Chen for the first time serves as the Brand speaker for 3D-Gold 
           Jewelry. The ad. Telefilm is on show at the night of Dec. 1st, 2006.
(     )3. The Museum of Modern Art has opened its doors to the public once again after a $425m revamp
           (翻新). Thousands of people queued up outside the gallery to take a discount entry on its first day.
(     )4. Chinese film star Zhang Ziyi will launch her lastest movie Purple Butterfly in America. Zhang Ziyi is
           one of the most successful Chinese actors this year with her martial-arts epic House of Flying Daggers
           premiering in the US tomorrow (on Friday).
(     )5. Chinese mainland A-list director Chen Kaige"s new film The Promise Film Festivals, and even the
           2006 Oscars. Choose the best topic from A to F according to the passage.
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省期中题难度:| 查看答案
A. New York MOMA Gallery Reopens.
B. An Impressive Beauty In 3D-Gold.
C. The Promise Aims For 2006 Oscar.
D. Julia Robert"s New Film was a Success.
E. A Chinese Film Star"s Appearance in the USA.
F. It"s a Girl, And a boy.
    Athens (August 16, 2004)-China won four gold medals including the first gold of the Games out of the
total 13 events on August 14, the first competition day of the 28th Olympic Games in Athens.
    It takes the first spot (排名位置) on the medal standings with six medals including another silver (银牌)
and bronze medals. On 14th, the first competition day after the opening of the 28th Olympic Games August
13, women"s young sharpshooter (神枪手), Du Li, a 22-year-old girl from Shangdong Province and a
daughter of a policeman, won the women"s air rifle (气步枪). This is the first gold medal in the gold medal
in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens. Soon, Wang Yifu who is 44 years old from Anhui Province took the
second gold medal for our country. This is his sixth in Olympic the men"s 10m air pistol (气手枪) event. In
evening competition, women"s duo diving (双人跳水) GuoJingjing/Wu Minxia and men"s duo diving Tian
Liang / Yang Jinghui won another two gold medals for China.
    On the second day, Xian Dongmei won the gold medal in the women"s judo (柔道) half-light-weight
(52kg) competition at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, August 15, 2004.
1. Who won the first gold medal for China in the 28th Olympic Games?
[     ]
A. Wang Yifu
B. Tian Liang / Yang Jinghui
C. Du Li
D. GuoJingjing / Wu Minxia
2. From this news, we know that the 28th Olympic Games began on ______, in Athens, Greece.
[     ]
A. August 13
B. August 14
C. August 12
D. August 15
3. How many medals did the Chinese athletes win altogether on the first day?
[     ]
A. Four
B. Five
C. Seven
D. Six
4. How many times has WangYifu, a 44-year-old player, complete in the Olympic Games?
[     ]
A. Twice
B. Six times
C. Three times
D. Five times
5. Who won the fifth gold medal for China at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games?
[     ]
A. Xian Dongmei
B. Guo Jingjing
C. Tian Liang
D. Yang Jinghui

     Last month, Jenna and Barbara Bush, the former (前任的) first daughters, wrote a letter to Malia and
Sasha, sharing their advice on how to enjoy life in the White House. In their letter, Jenna and Barbara suggest
that "Four years goes by fast, so absorb (吸收) it all, enjoy it all!"
     They are taking the advice. Ten-year-old Malia plans to use Abraham Lincoln"s desk for her homework.
She thinks that will inspire (激发) great thoughts. Seven-year-old Sasha is expecting (盼望) a dog after spring
     But life as First Daughters won"t be just fun and games. Although lots of people serve (服务) the president"s
family. Malia and Sasha still have to do chores.
     In a recent interview, the Obama parents say the two girls set the table, make their beds, clean their rooms
and clear the dishes. They also have to practice piano every day. If they do all of their chores, their parents give
them a dollar (6.85yuan) a week.
1.Jenna and Barbara wrote a letter to Malia and Sasha,sharing their advice on _____________.
2.Malia plans to ____________________________________.
3.Sasha is expecting ____________________ after the spring break.
4.List (列举) the chores that Malia and Sasha have to do.
5.If they do all their chores,their parents give them _____________ a week.
题型:重庆市中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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       SINA-In order to let people go out more easily during the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing
is going to start a special bus line and seven more night bus lines. 40% of the taxis will be in
service for 24 hours. The subway will run longer hours, too. (December 27, 2007)
      YAHOO-An old man called Shen Yuanyan made five Fuwa toys with 6,000 pieces of
paper. It took him a few months to finish them. Mr. Shen will make another five bigger Fuwa toys
and send them to Beijing. (January 7, 2008)
       BAIDU-The Olympic Flame (圣火) has arrived in Beijing, showing that the Olympic
Games in China will soon begin. From today, the torch (火炬) will carry the Flame across the
world. (March 31, 2008)
      XINHUA-Yang Yang, a famous Chinese skater, received the Beijing Olympic torch
from a leader in Sanya, May 4, 2008. Yang ran the first 200 meters during the torch relay (接力) in
Sanya, the first leg in the Chinese mainland (大陆). (May 4, 2008)