阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)We eat food to get energ

阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)We eat food to get energ

We eat food to get energy, so we should eat when we feel hungry. But do we really eat only when we are hungry? No, we sometimes eat even when we’re not hungry, and this causes overeating ----eating too much. But overeating can do a lot of harm , as it can cause obesity(肥胖)that can cause heart problems and other illnesses.
There are many common reasons that make us eat too much.
Meeting friends may be good for our social life, but it can also be one of the main reasons for overeating. We usually pay no attention to our health when we meet with friends.
Moods such as anger, sadness, happiness ,fear are the most common ones that make us eat food to help us feel better .
Busy lifestyles can have an effect on our eating habits .We start eating too quickly just to save time , as a result ,we eat more than our body’s requirement . When we eat meals or snacks too fast, our brain takes some time to realize that it’s full, and of course it results in overeating.
Temperature plays a very important role in deciding our food habitat In winters, we usually have warm or hot drinks like coffee, tea, hot chocolate and heavy meals to keep ourselves warm . In summers , we have ice dreams ,desserts and other drinks .These foods with the regular food add to calorie and lead to overeating .
Supermarkets have lots of attractive offers to get us to buy things that we may or may not need .There is no doubt we love eating and when we are served with our favourite food , we act like we have never seen food before .
We have always been taught to finish everything that is on the plate .So, even when we start feeling full , we keep on eating till our plate is empty or till we stop feeling guilty about wasting food .
How to control how much you put in your stomach ? here are some ways .
Use smaller plates and tall, skinny glasses. It seems that there is more food on the plate and more to drink in the glass. Smaller serving containers(容器)help stop you from putting much food and drink .
Make the sweets and other snacks out of reach . Get the candy dish off your desk and set out a bowl of fruit instead .
Don’t overeat
___小题1:_that is caused by overeating
Overeating can cause obesity and some illnesses.
Common ___小题2:___ of overeating
*When we eat with our friends, we eat too much ___小题3:___paying attention to our health.
* When we __小题4:____ from different moods, we often turn to food to feel better.
* Busy lifestyles can __小题5:____our eating habits. We eat too fast to save time.
* Because of temperatures in different __小题6:_____, we have some food that adds to calorie.
* Attractive offers in the supermarkets make us buy and eat our ___小题7:____food.
* We don’t __小题8:____ eating until the plate is empty.
__小题9:___to control overeating
*Don’t use __小题10:_____ serving containers when you eat food or drink.
*Don’t make it easy to eat the unhealthy food.


小题1:Harm / Result / Problem / Effect / Influence
小题5:affect / influence
小题9:Ways / How
小题10:larger / bigger / large / big

小题1:根据第一段及下文描述,可知过量饮食引起来很多危害,故填:Harm / Result / Problem / Effect / Influence,危害/结果/问题/影响/影响.
小题3:根据短文第三段We usually pay no attention to our health when we meet with friends.描述,可知当我们和朋友一起吃饭时,不太注意健康问题。故填介词without,没有。
小题4:根据Moods such as anger, sadness, happiness ,fear are the most common ones that make us eat food to help us feel better .描述,可知当我们情绪不好时,有时也转向美食寻求美感。故填suffer,遭受。
小题5:根据Busy lifestyles can have an effect on our eating habits .描述,可知忙碌的生活方式可以影响我们的饮食习惯。本句中can是情态动词,故后面动词用原形,故填原形动词affect / influence,影响。
小题9:根据右栏内容,可知此处指的是控制过量饮食的方法。故填:Ways / How,方法/如何,怎样。
小题10:根据短文最后一段Smaller serving containers(容器)help stop you from putting much food and drink .描述,可知吃饭或者喝水时不要使用大的容器。故填larger / bigger / large / big,大的/更大的。
In one way, it may be thought that failure(失败)is a part of life. In another, failure may be regarded as a step towards success.
The "spider-story" is often told as an example of this. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider(蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the English. Edison, too, the inventor of the light bulb(电灯泡) , made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.
So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were you in high spir¬it then? What can you change so that things will go right the next time?
Second, is the goal(目标) you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about this question: "If I am successful in this, where will it get me?" This may help to prevent failure in the things you shouldn"t be doing anyway.
The third thing to remember about failure is that it"s a part of life. Learn to "live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, "You can"t win them all. “
小题1:Robert Bruce was mentioned in the passage to show that        .
A.people who fail are not lonely
B.animals can help people sometimes
C.nature will help us if we are hard-working
D.confidence is important for one to be successful
小题2:Edison"s example shows us that        .
A.he liked to do other kinds of work
B.he invented many kinds of light bulbs
C.failure may be a way towards success
D.he was a man of many important inventions
小题3:If you are not sure about what success will get you, you"d better         .
A.change your goalB.go on with your goal
C.not care for thatD.work even harder on your goal
小题4:It can be learned from the passage that        .
A.one should try not to fail
B. one"s failure is another"s success
C.one should take failures seriously
D.one should learn lessons from failures
小题5:This passage is mainly about        .
A.two great men
B. two sides of failure
C.ways to keep away from failure
D. the right attitude(态度) towards failure

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A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year.【3】You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar.
Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can.A few days before the exam, you should start going to bed early.Don’t stay up late at night studying and learning things.Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper.【4】Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write.When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
小题1:Learning rules of grammar is enough to pass the English exam, isn’t it?
小题2:What should you do a few days before the exam?
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use   provide     wait    save     find
About one year ago, people 小题1:__   ___ for a taxi by the road in China. But now Dididache is one of the most popular taxi-hailing apps(应用软件).Many young people think it is a good way 小题2:           money and time. According to a report the taxi-hailing app 小题3:__       by more than "40 million people so far. But for the old it"s getting harder to take taxis. The government should 小题4:____out solutions. Dididache Company says that it 小题5:        more convenience for people to get around in future.
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Microsoft has stopped providing service for Windows XP since April 8. The computers that use the XP system are not as safe as before.
The "demise" of Windows XP will have the greatest influence on China because it has about 210 million XP users, who make up about 70.percent of the PC market in the world. Microsoft"s decision to "kill" Windows XP, a product with hundreds of millions of users, has a certain purpose to show its strong position in the operating system market.

At the same time, the "death" of XP has created opportunities for China"s IT companies to grow and develop.
In fact, shortly after Microsoft announced the “demise” of XP,some Chinese IT security(安全)providers were willing to offer safe solutions for XP users who do not change into a new system.
Information security is crucial for the IT companies, and the key to safeguarding information is the core technology, which very much depends on innovation(革新).
Although China has some well-known IT companies, it still does not have the core technology to develop an operating system. Many people are always complaining about and criticizing.  Therefore, only by having information technology and a policy that encourages innovation can China break the monopoly(垄断)of international IT giants and protect the internet security.
From the first paragraph of the passage, we know Microsoft has __________ __________ providing service for Windows XP.
According to the passage, there are about__________ __________XP users in the world.
According to the passage, how can China break the monopoly of international IT giants and protect the internet security?
What is the main idea of the passage?   
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Many young people all over the world love to travel and see the world. Have you heard of backpackers? They are normally young people who travel cheaply with just one rucksack(背包) and comfortable walking boots. They buy local food in supermarkets to save money and at the same time become friends with local people.

Some people prefer adventure tours. Brave people may try bungee jumping from the bridge overlooking the Victoria Falls in Africa with only a rope around their legs.Some enjoy the challenge of rock climbing in the Alps in Switzerland. Others may go snowboarding in the Rocky
Mountains in the USA.
Have you ever heard of an ecotourism (生态旅游)? It rr;eans a holiday in which people come close to nature but are very careful not to damage the nature beauty or living things in the area. How can this be possible? Let"s read an interview with people who enjoyed a swimming with dolphins tour.
Interviewer what was the most exciting part ofyour holiday?
Sharon from South Africa I felt excited when I heard the sound of wild dolphins approaching me in the water and then swimming directly under me. An image I will never forget.
Xavier from Portugal There were two dolphins below us swimming downwards. One stopped and looked back at me as if to say "What are those strange beings?" Fantastic!
Interviewer Did you feel that your holiday helped local people and areas to keep their beautiful
Jane from New Zealand The hotel and the whale and dolphin watching comparues employ(雇佣) local people. They used to hunt those whales and dolphins, but now they can eam money from tourism and don"t have to kill them. Not many boats are allowed at the same time so these animals aren"t bothered. The boat companies also work to educate the local schools about the importance of protecting these wonderful creatures.
Helen from England I am glad they are not killing the whales and dolphins any more, but the cars and boats use fuel which could cause pollution and make the sea less clean.
Well, what do you think? Thousands of people visit the Forbidden City or the Great Wall of China every year. Do you think that"s a good thing, or do you feel that China"s important historical sites can be damaged? Are there any ways of sharing your treasures  (珍宝)  but keeping them in good condition?
小题1:From the first paragraph, backpackers are young people                  .
A.visiting historical places in China
B.traveling cheaply with just one rucksack
C.who love to travel and see the world alone
D.who love to buy local things as souvenirs
小题2:What did Sharon, Xavier, Jane and Helen do in their holiday?
A. Try bungee jumping in Africa.                         
B. Enjoy rock climbing in Switzerland.
C. Enjoy a swimming with dolphins tour.  
D. Go snowboarding in the USA.
小题3:What can"t you do when you take an ecotourism?
A.Come close to nature in the holiday carefully.
B.Protect the living things in the area.
C.Be careful not to damage the nature beauty.
D.Keep the local people frustrated.
小题4:Sharon,Xavier,Jane and Helen think the tours are helpful EXCEPT       
A.the hotel and the companies employ local people to eam money
B.local people used to hunt and kill whales and dolphins but now they don"t
C.not many boats are allowed at the same time so animals aren"t bothered
D.the cars and boats use fuel to cause pollution and make the sea dirtier
小题5:According to the passage, which of the foiiowing is NOT true?
A.It"s a cheap and popular way to travel and see the world as a backpacker.
B.We believe an ecotourism can greatly protect the nature beauty and living things.
C.The writer think China"s sites can be protected because of being visited by tourists.
D.Following the rules of the nature is good for sharing treasures and keeping them good.

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