用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空(每个短语只能用一次,其中有两个短语多余的)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)to some extent  draw upo

用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空(每个短语只能用一次,其中有两个短语多余的)(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)to some extent  draw upo

to some extent  draw upon      be identical to  knock out  knock over  on behalf of
break down     lose interest in  all at once     go through  be dying to  be allergic to
小题1: This is the hottest handbag design and every woman __________ get one.
小题2: ____________, the architecture of Kyoto(京都) is a mirror of the fascinating culture of ancient China.
小题3: Some bacteria are capable of _________ the human waste into natural gas and different
小题4: Older people are better at solving problems, because they have more life experience
___________than younger people do.
小题5: My cap _________ John"s, so I often take his by mistake.
小题6: Storms ___________ power, but haven’t cooled off southern Asia. 
小题7: So many thoughts of the past were now crowded into her mind___________.  
小题8: I could see his discouragement and feared he ___________learning. 
小题9: We spent several days ____________ all the related reference materials.
小题10: I"m writing _____________ my mother to express her thanks for your gift.

小题1:is dying to
小题2:To some extent
小题3:breaking down
小题4:to draw upon
小题5:is identical to
小题6:have knocked out
小题7:all at once
小题8:would lose interest in
小题9:going through
小题10:on behalf of

小题1:这是一个最热销的手提包,每一个妇女都想买。every woman 作主语谓语动词用单数根据句意故用is dying to表示“渴望,想要”。
小题2:根据句意故用To some extent在一定程度上,是固定短语。
小题3:一些细菌是有能力把人类的粪便分解成气体和不同的化学物质,这里放在are capable of 之后必须用动名词,故用breaking down.
小题4:老人更擅长解决这些问题因为他们比年轻人有更多的可利用的生活经验。这里用动词不定式做定语修饰名词experience,根据句意故用to draw upon“利用”。
小题5:这里是固定短语,因为帽子相似,所以经常拿错,这里主语是第三人称单数,故用is identical to “相似”。
小题6:由于暴风而停电了,根据and后的句子的谓语动词haven’t cooled off可知空格处也应该用现在完成时,故用have knocked out power “停电”。
小题7:那么多过去的想法突然都想了起来,all at once“突然”。
小题8:我能看出他的气馁和担心他会对学习失去兴趣。因为feared 是过去式,所以它后面的从句也应用过去式,因为这里是担心以后的事情,故用过去将来时,故用would lose interest in.
小题9:我们花了几天的时间来查阅所有的可参考的书籍。这里是短语spend some time in doing,故用going through“查阅”。
小题10:我正在写信来代表我的母亲表达她对于你的礼物的谢意。这里用on behalf of“代表”。
In recent years many flowers shops have been appeared in our small town. It is
common for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering, visiting a sick friend,
or attend a wedding or birthday party. I still remember clear one day last year when
Tom, a disabled student, presented some flowers to his mother to express his gratitude for
her. He owing his entire life to his mother’s kind and care. With her he would not
have had the confidence or the courage to fight his disability. As a result the great
effort he has made, he was finally admitted to a key university.
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It is reported that the United States uses ______ energy as the whole of Europe.
A.as twiceB.twice muchC.twice much asD.twice as much

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Everyone needs a break, and vacations are not meant for serious study. Instead, they’re a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book. The Spring Festival is coming up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey or while you’re hanging out with the family.
Before getting into the recommendations, we need to determine your English reading comprehension level so you don’t pick a book which is so challenging that it’s stressful or so simple that it’s boring.
If you’re at the beginner level, there are two options: reading a children’s book or reading a book that you’ve read in Chinese translation. This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases, since you’re already familiar with the story. If you’re at the intermediate level, popular books like pop fiction, mysteries and thrillers are good options, as they’ll be guaranteed page turners and that will increase the possibility of your getting all the way through the book. For advanced readers, science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners (Booker, Nobel, Pulitzer) are good options.
The most important thing is to pick a book that you’re really interested in. When I pick up a new book in Chinese, the first few chapters are always really hard to get through, as I have to get accustomed to the way the individual author uses the language. But after the first few chapters, things get a lot easier, especially if I get involved in the story. Some of my favorite Chinese-language eye candy are books that are series like Brothers by Yu Hua or The Dancer by Hai Yan. I like them because there’s always a lot of action and story development to keep me involved, which helps me make it through those first few chapters.
Another great way to keep yourself motivated over the holiday is to find a friend who’s interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve and discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail. I’m currently doing that with my friend Laura. We’ve been doing this since we were classmates in Chinese at college.
Some quick recommendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by US writer Michael Crichton or British writer Agatha Christie; and if you like horror, US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. But really you should just find a topic or author that you’re interested in, and the rest will go from there. Happy reading!
-from 21st Century (January 21, 2009)
Enjoy English language literature on vacation
Find a good book to read on your journey to a 小题1:___________ place.
小题2:____________  of proper books
●Beginners may pick a children’s book or a book whose story is 小题3: ____________ to them.
●Poplar books might make it小题4:____________for intermediate-level readers to read them from cover to cover.
●Science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners may be 小题5:_____________ for advanced readers.
Ways to keep up your 小题6: ____________ for reading
●Choose a book that is interesting enough to 小题7:____________ you in the story and help get through some difficult chapters .
●Read along with a friend a book you both feel interested in and 小题8:_____________views on plot lines or vocabulary to achieve your common goals.
Books 小题9:________
●Harry Potter series
●Narnia series
●Works by Michael Crichton
●Works by Agatha Christie
●小题10:_____________ fiction by Stephen King
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Dear Zhou Lu,
I’m writing a letter ask you for some help.
As you know, Zhang Fei and I used to be good friend. However, on one day, Zhang Fei read my private letter in secret and tell others what was written in it. Knowing this, I was extreme angry. I told her I would not be his friend any more. Hearing whatIsaid, Zhang felt very surprised and no longer stayed with me. Facing with this, I felt very upset. I am much angry with her improper behaviour, but I can’t forget the wonderful time that I stayed with her. I wonder whether I should forgive her. And I’m afraid if I offer to make friends with her, she will refuse me. How should I do?
Your friend,
Li Hua
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Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. contact    B. include   C. announced    D. public     E. especially
F. growing  G. leader   H. range      I. available  J. separately
Knowledge is free on the Internet at a small but __小题1:___ number of colleges and universities.
About 160 schools around the world now put free course materials on the web to the ___小题2:___. Recent additions in the United States ___小题3:___ projects at Yale,  Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley.
Berkeley said it would offer videos of lectures on YouTube. Free videos from other schools are ___小题4:___ at the Apple iTunes store.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) became an early ___小题5:___with its Open Course Ware project, first ___小题6:___ in 2001. Free lecture notes, exams and other resources are published at ocw.mit.edu. Many exams even include the answers.
Today, Open Course Ware offers materials from 1,800 undergraduate and graduate courses. These  ___小题7:___ from physics to political science.
Visitors can learn the same things that M.I.T. students learn. But as the site points out, Open Course Ware is not a M.I.T. education. Visitors receive no credit toward a degree. Some materials from a course may not be available, and the site does not provide ___小题8:___ with teachers.
Still, M.I.T. says that the site has had forty million visits by thirty-one million visitors from almost every country. Sixty percent of the visitors are from outside the United States and Canada.
Students and educators use the site, including students at M.I.T. But the largest number of visitors, about half, are self-learners.
Some professors have become well-known around the world as a result of appearing online. Walter Lewin, a physics professor at M.I.T., is ___小题9:___ popular. Fans enjoy his entertaining lectures.
M.I.T. Open Course Ware now includes materials for high school. The aim is to improve education in science, technology, maths and engineering.
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