My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday o

My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday o

My class will put on a short play in English at the end of the year. Yesterday our English teacher gave us copies of the play.
“Choose a character in the play whom you’d like to be, ”she told us. “This afternoon learn a few lines of this part for homework. Then tomorrow you can say those lines in front of the class. Ill decide who play each part.”
I wanted to have one of the bigger parts in the play, so I choose the part of the king. He has a lot of lines to say. I learned them by heart.
This morning in our English lesson we had to say our lines. I acted the part of the king. When I said my lines, I put a lot of expression into my acting. I thought I acted really well.
Everyone in the class read a part and then the teacher who would play each part.
Many of the students in my class couldn’t act at all. They couldn’t even read without making lots of mistakes. I was sure that I would get a big part in the play.
However, the teacher gave me the part of a soldier. He has only one line. It is, “Yes, sir!”
I was very disappointed. At the end of the lesson I went up to her and asked her why I had such a small part.
“You put too much expression in your acting,” she said. “Good acting is not big acting. It is acting the audience can believe in.”
I think I know what she means.
小题1: What did the boy want to do in the play?
A.To get a morning eating part
B.To organize the play
C.To get a large acting part.D.To work the lights.
小题2:How did the boy feel when the teacher told the class they would put on a play?
A.Bored. B.Sad. C.Excited. D.Unhappy.
小题3:Why didn’t the teacher give him the part of the kings?
A.He did not act correctly. B.He did not know the lines.
C.He was not handsome. D.He was too short.
小题4: What does the underlined word “expression” in the passage mean?



Mobile phones and the internet have improved our live in many ways. However, along with improvements, they have also brought a number of worrying problems.
Many car accident are caused by mobile phones. You can use many new mobile phones to get on the internet. This can be very convenient, but some drivers get on the internet while driving. Driving needs all our attention. By looking at their mobile phones and not at the road, these insensitive Drivers are a danger to us all.
Many of the dangers of the internet are well known. Children who visit websites without their parents’ permission sometimes talk to older people they don’t know and put themselves in great danger. People with blogs sometimes post embarrassing photographs of people they don’t know on their websites without permission. There are also people who use the internet to get personal information that we do not want them to have.
Mobile Phone and Internet Safety Tips
If you need to use a mobile phone with you drive use a “hands-free” phone.
In difficult driving situations such as rain or snow, do not use your phone at all.
Do not make very important phone calls while driving. They take your attention off the road.
Tell your children not to talk with anyone they do not know on the internet.
In an embarrassing situation, pay attention to people around you. People will be shy about taking your picture if they know you’re paying attention.
Refuse to give out any information personal information on the internet.
小题1:Which of these dangers of mobile phones or the Internet is Not mentioned in the passage?
A.You can have a car accident.
B.Someone can post your photograph on the internet.
C.Someone can get your personal information
D.Someone you do not know can call you.
小题2: A “hands-free” mobile phone is probably a mobile phone that _____. free to use B.can be used without your hands
C.can be used with only one hand D.can be use only in ears
小题3: What advice is given in the passage to stop someone from taking an embarrassing picture of you?
A.Pay attention to the people around you.
B.Don’t give out your personal information.
C.Use a “hands-free” mobile phone.
D.Wear your camera phone on you belt.
小题4:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Internet Problems
B.Mobile Phone and Internet Dangerous
C.The Development of Mobile Phone and Internet
D.The Advantages of Mobile Phone and Internet

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One day when some government officials were rebuilding a house, they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to make the mice inside the hole come out. A while later they saw mice running out, one after another,but they saw two mice didn’t run away immediately. It seemed that one was trying to bite(咬) the tail of the other.
Everyone was puzzled, so they came nearer to take a look. They realized that one of the two mice was blind, and the other was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite his tail in order to pull the blind one with him to run away.
During the meal time, they started to talk about the two mice. One serious American said, “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of king and guard.”
A smart Frenchman said, “I think the relationship between them was that of husband and wife.”
A Japanese said, “I think the relationship between them was that of mother and son.”
At that moment, one Chinese asked, “Why did those two mice have a certain relationship?”
Suddenly, they looked back at the Chinese. The American, the Frenchman and the Japanese who had spoken earlier all lowered (低下) their heads in shame, and didn’t answer.
In fact, the great love is not built on friendship or blood relationship. Instead, it is based on no relationship.
小题1:The two mice didn’t go away immediately because _______. was playing with the was trying to help the blind one
C.they were not afraid of smokeD.the mouth of the hole was too small
小题2:The underlined word “puzzled” in the passage means_____ in Chinese.
小题3: We know from the second paragraph(段) that _______.
A.the mouse carried the blind one out of the hole on its back
B.the mouse ran out of the hole after the blind one
C.the mouse led the blind one out of the hole with its tail
D.the two mice came out of the hole hand in hand
小题4: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.There were many mice in the hole.
B.After the meal, the officials began to talk about the two mice.
C.The other officials felt shamed when hearing the Chinese’s words.
D.The government officials came from different countries.
小题5: The best title for the passage is _____.
A.Two Lovely MiceB.Help Produces Love
C.Friends in NeedD.Love Is All

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Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practice   36  English in class, but not   37  class. Here is a story to show you   38  important it is to speak the English language freely in everyday life.
A foreigner once   39  hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he   40  his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again in order to   41  that he wanted something   42  because he could not speak English. The waiter soon   43  him a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then took   44  the tea and gave him a cup of coffee. Still the man didn’t   45  what he wanted. He tried again and again, but he wasn’t able to make the waiter   46  him. Finally   47  man came in. He spoke English   48  and fluently. After a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of   49  .
So you see a man can go hungry if he   50  master(掌握)a foreign language.
小题1:A. speak                       B. speaking                 C. to speak
小题2: A. outsider                   B. out                      C. out of
小题3: A. how                        B. how an                   C. what an
小题4: A. get                        B. gets                     C. got
小题5:A. open                       B. opened                   C. opens
小题6: A. express                        B. expressed                    C. expressing
小题7:A. eats                        B. eating                       C. to eat
小题8:A. took                        B. brought                  C. bought
小题9:A. away                        B. out of                       C. down
小题10:A. make                        B. give                     C. get
小题11: A. understand                 B. understood                   C. be understood
小题12:A. other                       B. the other                    C. another
小题13:A. clean                       B. clear                        C. clearly
小题14:A. he                          B. him                      C. his
小题15:A. doesn’t                        B. won’t                       C. isn’t
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A principal decided to honor the teachers in his school to show his appreciation(感激)for their hard work. He told them how they made a difference in their jobs. Then he gave each of them a blue ribbon(缎带)that read, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.”
One of the teachers wanted to take this idea into her students. One day the teacher noticed that a boy in her class was unhappy. She went to him and asked him the reason. The boy told her that his father had been worrying about the job and often punished him for some little things. Hearing what he said, the teacher decided to give him the ribbon to cheer him up. She said, “Dear boy, what your father has done doesn’t mean the lack(缺少)of love for you. He needs your understanding. You’ve been a kind boy. Here’s a ribbon for you. Would you like to take this ribbon and pass it on? Let’s keep this ceremony going and find out how it affects people.”
That night the boy sat beside his father and said, “Dad, today my teacher gave me a blue ribbon for being kind and asked me to find somebody else to honor. I’d like to give the ribbon to you. I want to let you know how deeply I admire you and how much you mean to me. I love you!”
小题1:All the teachers took the principal’s idea into their students.
小题2: The teacher gave the ribbon to the boy because she wanted to cheer him up.
小题3:With the teacher’s help, the boy showed his admiration and love for his father.
小题4: The father wasn’t surprised or moved at all when he received the ribbon from his son.
小题5: From the passage, we know only encouragement brought the father’s confidence back.
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Do you know that it is your own immune system working against the virus that makes you uncomfortable when getting a cold, but not the virus itself? So when you have got a strong immune system and the virus is strong enough too, you will possibly get terrible cold symptoms( 症状) ?
Vitamin C won"t stop a cold
It is claimed that Vitamin C helps by increasing white blood cells. However, many tests have shown that it does not prevent colds. At best, it only slightly reduces the rime of symptoms.
Staying indoors won"t protect you
One of the most likely sources of cold viruses is your computer mouse or desk. A study of the cold virus in offices found that 47% of desktops, 46% of computer mice and 45% of telephones had cold viruses on them.
Wrapping up warm won"t protect you
Colds are more common in autumn and winter. That"s because the cool, wet and cold weather drives people indoors, where viruses may more easily jump from one person to another. And the distinct peak in colds(感冒高峰) is in September and early January, which is likely due to the return of students to schools and colleges after the summer and winter vacation.
Old granny"s chicken soup is right
Granny"s chicken soup is an old cure for colds since a long time ago. Scientists say it is true. Chicken soup does help cure a cold. Many canned soups are just efficient as homemade ones.
小题1: It is ______ that makes you uncomfortable when getting a cold.
A.the virus itselfB.Vitamin C
C.the terrible cold symptomD.your own immune system
小题2: "Staying indoors won"t protect you" tells us that ______ indoors.
A.there are many desksB.there are many telephones
C.there are many cold virusesD.there are many computer mice
小题3:The distinct peak in colds is in September and early January. That"s because______."s in autumn and winter
B.the weather is cool, wet and cold
C.students return to schools and colleges
D.viruses can jump from one person to another more easily
小题4:Many canned soups are just efficient as homemade ones. The underlined word "efficient" means _____ in Chinese.
A. 有效的     B. 美味的     c. 值钱的     D. 方便的
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