阅读理解。     On May 23, six pandas left an important panda base (基地) in Wolong, sou

阅读理解。     On May 23, six pandas left an important panda base (基地) in Wolong, sou

题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
     On May 23, six pandas left an important panda base (基地) in Wolong, southwest
China"s Sichuan Province, because of damaged (损坏的) shelters and food shortages
after the May 12 earthquake, a local official said.
     The pandas were taken by trucks from China Giant Panda Protection and Research
Center to Ya"an, another base less affected by the earthquake, said Xiong Beirong, an
official of Sichuan Provincial Forestry Bureau (林业局).
1-3 CDB
     You may have known several kinds of police, traffic police, and street police. But have you ever heard
of energy-saving (节能) policemen?
     A group of 22 of these new policemen went to work last week in Beijing. They go around the city to
see the use of energy in hotels, office buildings, shopping centers and onther public places. One of their
aims is to make sure that these sites have set their air conditioning (空调) no cooler than 26 ℃.
     They also set up a special phone line so that people can tell them which buildings fail to follow the rule.
     "If everyone sets their air conditioning at 26 ℃, Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours of electricity
in one summer. That"s one-third of all the usage of the city in the season," said a TV advertisement.
     Other Chinese cities, like Wuhan in Hubei Province and Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province, are going to follow
Beijing"s steps in setting up a similar police team.
     As one of the fastest developing countries, China is using a lot of energy. This has a great effect on the
country"s environment and limited energy.
      From 1986 to 2005, the country experienced 20 warm winters continuously. Numbers show that Chinese
cities have to spend billion of yuan solving (解决) environmental problems every year.
     At the beginning of this month, China made its first action plan to fight pollution. It aims to reduce energy
usage by 20% and increase renewable energy up to 10% from 7% by 2010.
      To introduce the public to a green life, last week Beijing held a show on energy-saving technology and
productions. Environment-friendly machines, such as a vending machine that helps colllect used bottles, have
attracted lots of attention.
     "We want to tell people that there are certain ways to protect the environment. Each of us can find
effective ways to do it in our daily lives," said Liu Qianguang, an environmental engineer in Beijing.
1. The job of the energy-saving policemen is ___________.
A. to set the air conditioning cooler
B. to check the use of energy in public places
C. to set up a special phone line
D. to make sure that more energy will be produced
2. Beijing will use ___________ million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer.
A. 1200
B. 800
C. 400
D. 133
3. Which of the following years" winters were all warm in China?
A. 1984-1988.
B. 1999-2003.
C. 2002-2006.
D. 2005-2009.
4. In the year 2010 China"s energy usage is going to be cut by ___________.
A. 20 %
B. 10 %
C. 7 %
D. 17 %
5. According to Liu Qianguang, ___________.
A. there is few ways to protect the environment
B. it"s difficult to find good ways to save energy
C. it"s easy for one to do something good for the environment
D. it"s not easy for one to do something good for the environment
     Do you know you could get sick just by walking past a building? The bacteria (细菌) that cause
Legionnaire"s disease grow very fast in large modern buildings. They are carried by air through the buildings
and outside. Legionnaire"s disease is only one of the illnesses that are caused by "sick buildings".
     Some buildings can make you ill because their heating and air-conditioning are controlled. Air from
outside cannot get in through the closed windows. This indoor air pollution is a growing problem.
     Legionnaire"s disease, which can kill, is probably the most serious result of sick buildings, but other
unpleasant illnesses can appear. People who work in some buildings suffer from tiredness, feeling sick and
headaches. Their offices look bright and clean, but invisible (无形的) and dangerous bacteria are in the air
around them.
     There is an answer to the problem. The air-conditioning and heating can be tested for bacteria. Once the
tests are complete, the sick building can be cured (治愈)
. This is expensive to do, but the results are good.
"The people in the buildings no longer get sick, and everybody is happier.
1. "Sick buildings" means _________.
A. very old buildings
B. buildings that are going to fall down
C. buildings for sick people
D. buildings that make people feel sick
2. The indoor air pollution is caused by _________.
A. Legionnaire"s disease
B. the air from outside
C. lack  of flesh air
D. unpleasant illnesses
3. We can tell that a building might be "sick" when _________.
A. the windows are all closed
B. bacteria can be seen in the air
C. the air-conditioning and heating don"t work well
D. people in it have got different kinds of disease
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Legionnaire"s disease is only one of the results of "sick buildings".
B. There is less and less indoor air pollution.
C. The bacteria are. not dangerous if the offices look bright and clean.
D. If the tests for bacteria are expensive, the results are good.
5. The underlined (下画线的) sentence in the last paragraph means
" As soon as the tests are complete, _________".
A. bacteria will disappear by themselves
B. Legionnaire"s disease won"t kill people
C. people in the building will no longer get sick
D. something can be done to cure the sick building
     Life gets noisier every day and very (1)f______ people can be free from noise of some kind or another.
(2)W______ you live in the centre of a modem city or a village far away-the chances that you will be disturbed
by planes, cars, radios, etc. are almost everywhere. We seem to be used to noise, too. Some people feel quite
lonely (3)w______ background music while they are working.
     Tests have (4)s______ that total silence can be very frightening experiences. (5)H______, some people
enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their ears. The noise level in some
places is far (6)a______ the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
     One recent report about noise said that (7)a______ a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their attention,
only a sudden (8)c______ in the level of noise really affects people"s attention. It goes on to say that a
background noise, which doesn"t change too much (music, for example) may even help people to pay attention. 
     People are testing ways to make less noise. There are even laws (9)c______ noise. We cannot (10)r______
to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can make less noise-if we shout loudly enough about it.
     Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some  1   ask for more food than they can eat, some
students  2  to turn off the water taps (水龙头) after they finish washing, and others often forget to turn
off the  3  when they leave the classroom. They say these things are cheap,  4  I don"t agree with them.
     Waste can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources (资源), we are  5  of others.
It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to  6  in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources,  7  
can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we  8  say no to the students who
waste things every day.  9  should stop wasting as soon as possible. If we do our best, waste can be stopped 
 10  and many natural resources can be saved.
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.  A. people 
(     )2.  A. remember
(     )3.  A. lights 
(     )4.  A. or     
(     )5.  A. tired  
(     )6.  A. use    
(     )7.  A. how    
(     )8.  A. can    
(     )9.  A. Anybody
(     )10. A. one day
B. students 
B. have     
B. machines 
B. and      
B. sure     
B. do       
B. where    
B. should   
B. Nobody   
B. two days 
C.  farmers  
C.  used     
C.  radio    
C.  but      
C.  full     
C.  make     
C.  what     
C.  shouldn"t
C.  Somebody 
C.  some days
D.  workers  
D.  forget   
D.  fridge   
D.  so       
D.  short    
D.  choose   
D.  when     
D.  can"t                        
D.  Everybody
D.  any day  
     You used to get free (免费) plastic bags when you shopped at the supermarkets, didn"t you? But
things have changed now.
     From June 1st this year, China has stopped its shops and supermarkets providing free plastic bags.
Shoppers have to pay for bags if they need them.
     "We hope this ban (禁令) will encourage people to return to using cloth bags, or using baskets for their
vegetables," said a notice from the Chinese government." Plastic bags have led to a big waste of energy and
do harm(伤害) to our environment."
     The Chinese use about 3 billion plastic bags a day. Each year we use 5 million tons of oil to make the bags.
The bags end up in landfills( 垃圾) or we have to burn them. Either way, they pollute the air, rivers and soil.
It takes around 1, 000 years for the bags to break down. They are also dangerous to wildlife, which eats them
without knowing.
     Now a large number of Chinese people have begun to make their own cloth bags, and use them when they
go shopping.
     Do you have one?
题型:福建省中考真题难度:| 查看答案


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Ban: Shops and supermarkets can not provide free plastic bags from June 1st, 2008.
How do plastic bags do harm to our environment?
◆ Each year to make the bags uses 1______ tons of oil.

◆They pollute the 2______, rivers and 3______.
    It takes around 4______ for the plastic bags to break down.

◆Wild animals may 5______ them without knowing.
What should we do?
◆ We"d better take cloth bags or 6______ when we go shopping.