阅读理解。Great Camp Model plane (模型飞机) camp for childrenJune 1st -June 15thYou can m

阅读理解。Great Camp Model plane (模型飞机) camp for childrenJune 1st -June 15thYou can m

阅读理解。Great Camp Model plane (模型飞机) camp for children
June 1st -June 15th
You can make model planes here.
9:30 am -6:00 pm
Tel: 9684749  
Happy Children"s Day
We are having a party for children.
6:30 pm -8:30 pm on June 1st
In Central Park on Fifth Avenue
Tel: 6988458
National Park Opening hours:8:00 am -6:30 pm (May -October) 8:30 am -5:30 pm (November -April)
Tel: 6698423
Tents(帐篷)for Rent $20 one night -one or two people
$35 one night -family size (4 people)
Please call Mr Brown at 9685867.1. If you like making model planes, which telephone number should you call?A. 6988458.          
B. 9684749.
C. 6698423.          
D. 9685867. 2. You can take a walk in the National Park at _______ in January.A. 8:00 am    
B. 9:30 am    
C. 6:30 pm    
D. 8:30 pm 3. Where can you enjoy yourself at 7 pm on June 1st? A. At a birthday party.    
B. In the National Park.
C. In Central Park.        
D. In the model plane camp. 4. Maria is hiking with her parents in the mountains for 4 days and 3 nights.
    How much should they pay for the tent?A. $60.  
B. $80.    
C. $105.  
D. $140.5. Mr Brown may be a ______.A. teacher    
B. doctor    
C. tourist    
D. shopkeeper
1~5    BBCCD
阅读理解。     Good morning! Welcome to our food shop. We have many things on sale. Please come in and have a look!
     Please look at our ads(广告).Would you like some of them? Some food isn’t on the ads, such as(如)chicken and fish. The chicken is $20 a kilo and the fish is $25 a kilo.
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  Bananas: $5.00 a kilo
  Apples: $4.00 a kilo
  Oranges: $4.50 a kilo
                                Other Food
  Egg: $5.00 a kilo
  Bread: $2.00 a kilo
  Milk: $3.50 a bottle
  Rice: $30.00 a bag
  Orange juice: $2.50 a bottle
     Happy Music Weekend
     All Jenny"s Fans Are Invited!
     Date: October 2, 2010
     Time: 8:00 p.m.
     Place: Golden Hall
     Join us for the "Happy Music Weekend" and come and listen to Jenny"s new songs. Her beautiful
 _____ will make for a wonderful evening. People who can answer some questions about Jenny will get a
  chance to win CDs, pictures and posters. Come and see if you win! If you are one of the first ten to
 come, you can even sing a song with Jenny.
1. What may the "Happy Music Weekend" be?
    A. A song.
    B. A movie.
    C. A concert.
    D. A match.
2. What do we learn from the poster?
    A. Jenny is a singer.
    B. Jenny is good at taking pictures.
    C. Jenny is going to sell her posters.
    D. CDs and posters will be given to everyone who comes.
3. What may be the missing word?
    A. Words.
    B. Voice.
    C. House.
    D. Children.
4. If John wants to sing with Jenny what should he do?
    A. Buy one of her CDs.
    B. Call her first.
    C. Go early to the Golden Hall.
    D. Go to Jenny"s house.
5. Who can win a prize?
    A. People who sing very well.
    B. People who answer some questions correctly.
    C. Those who are among the first ten to come.
    D. People who pay enough money.
New Year"s Day Party
Some Chinese food
Pop music
Place: Class 3 ,Grade 7
Date: 12,28,2004
Welcome all the students
1. What party is it?
2. Where is the party?
3. When is the party?
4. Who can come to the party?
5. What can people do at the party?
根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。
Notice about Traveling to Oregon State University
  In order to give students a better understanding of the American economy,
culture and education, our school will organize a 15-day visit to Oregon State
University in the USA where speeches on American agriculture, economy and
culture will be given. Students will also have the chance to visit some American
universities and companies, go to concerts, watch sports events and visit San
Francisco and Portland. Students will be staying with local Americans on
weekends to experience western culture and customs. The total price of the trip
will be $1500, including accommodation (住宿), transportation and travel
expenses (费用). There will be an introduction meeting on Feb, 26th in Room
104 of Teaching Building at 1:00 pm. For more information please call at
84399117 or send an e-mail to mpp@njau.edu.cn.
1. The trip to Oregon State University will last _____ days.
A. 15    
B. 26    
C. 31    
D. 10
2. The speech to be delivered will NOT be on American _____.
A. agriculture        
B. economy 
C. culture            
D. education
3. If twin brothers, Victor and Sam, want to take this trip, they will have to pay
A. $1500  
B. $2000    
C. $ 3000  
D. $ 4500
4. If students want more information, which of the following contact details
(联系的细节) is NOT provided?
A. A phone number.      
B. An e-mail address.
C. The teacher’s name.  
D. A room number.
5. The above information is probably a(n) _____.
A. news report        
B. price list
C. guidebook          
D. advertisement  
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Is this your book? Please
call John on 495-3456.
Is that your black backpack?
Please call Mary.
Phone # 476-5939
    LOST :
My pen case.Blue and
white.Call Tom
On 456-8700.
My school ID card.
My name is
Harry.Please call
A set of keys.
Please call Lily on 498-2456.

A cat.Black and white.
Last seen at the
school gate.Call Lisa on 412-9856.