阅读理解。     When you are reading something in English, you may often find a new wo

阅读理解。     When you are reading something in English, you may often find a new wo

阅读理解。     When you are reading something in English, you may often find a new word . What"s the best way
to know it?
     You may look it up in an English-Chinese dictionary . It will tell you a lot about the word: the
pronunciation, the part of speech , the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word . But how can
you know where the word is in thousands of English words ? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly
and correctly?
     First, all the English words are arranged in the alphabetical order (按字母顺序排列). In the
dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A , then B , C , D , E , … That means, if
there are two words "desert" and "pull" , "desert" will be certainly before "pull" . Then if there are two
words both beginning with the same letter , you may look at the second letter . Then the third, the fourth,
... For example, "pardon" is before "plough" , "judge" before "just" etc…1.When you don"t know a word , the best way is ________.A. to ask your teacher
B. to think hard
C. to do nothing
D. to look it up in a dictionary2.When you look up a word in the English-Chinese dictionary, you should understand not only
    its Chinese meaning , but also________ .A. its pronunciation
B. its part of speech
C. the use of it
D. its pronunciation, the part of speech and the use of it3. In the English-Chinese dictionary, the first part is ________.A. the words beginning with the letter A
B. the words beginning with F
C. the simple words
D. the very short words4. Here are four words, "blind" , "monument" , "murder" and "boyhood" . Their right order in
    the English-Chinese dictionary is ________.A. blind, boyhood , murder, monument
B. blind, boyhood, monument, murder
C. boyhood, blind monument, murder
D. monument, murder, blind, boyhood5. The English-Chinese dictionary is ________.A. useful in learning Chinese
B. Our good friend in learning Chinese
C. Our good friend in learning English
D. not useful in learning English
1-5    DDABC
完形填空。     Some students cheat ( 作弊) because they"re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without
__1___ the time studying. Other students might feel that they can"t __2___ the test without cheating.  
Even when there seems to be a "good reason" for cheating,  it isn"t a good __3___.
     A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test __4___ to talk with the teacher and his
  or her parents ,so they can find some better ways  together. Talking about these problems and __5___
them out will help feel better than cheating.
     If a student is __6___ cheating, the teacher may give a " __7___" on the test, send him or her to the
headteacher"s __8___, and call his or her parents. Worse than the ___9__ grade may be the feeling of
having disappointed those people, ___10__ parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not
an ___11__ person and a teacher might watch you more ___12__ the next time you"re taking a test.
     There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn"t cheat, but some students have already cheated. If
that"s  you, it"s ___13__ too late to stop cheating. Cheating can become a  __14___, but a student is
always  able to act better and make better _15____. It might help to talk the problem over with a parent,
teacher or friend. 
(     ) 1. A. taking    
(     ) 2. A. write    
(     ) 3. A. idea      
(     ) 4. A. decides  
(     ) 5. A. breaking  
(     ) 6. A. caught    
(     ) 7. A. prize    
(     ) 8. A. office    
(     ) 9. A. bad      
(     ) 10. A. and      
(     ) 11. A. outgoing
(     ) 12. A. closely  
(     ) 13. A. always  
(     ) 14. A. menu    
(     ) 15. A. educationB. spending    
B. exercise    
B. purpose      
B. hopes        
B. working      
B. offered      
B. result      
B. school      
B. dangerous    
B. besides      
B. honest      
B. bravely      
B. never        
B. medicine    
B. decisions   C. costing        
C. pass          
C. conclusion    
C. needs          
C. missing        
C. appeared      
C. zero          
C. seat          
C. anxious        
C. like          
C. interesting    
C. certainly      
C. once          
C. habit          
C. challenges    
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案

     In 2009, Shanghai-born Charles K. Kao and two North American scientists got the 2009 Nobel
 Prize (诺贝尔奖)  in Physics together.  Their work made the Internet come into a new age.
      Kao, 77, was born in Shanghai in 1933.  He is famous for finding out how to transmit (传输)  light
 signals (信号) over long ways through glass fibers (玻璃纤维) as thin as a human hair. His work makes
 the Internet information transmit faster around the world. Kao was vice chancellor (副校长) of the
 Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1987 to 1996. He doesn"t work, and lives in Hong Kong now.
     The Chinese people were pleased to learn the good news. "The people of Hong Kong and I send our
 congratulations to Kao on receiving the prize. Kao is also a true gentleman. We are greatly proud to
 have  such an excellent person in Hong Kong. " Zeng Yinquan once said.
    Willard Boyle, a Canadian American, and George Smith of the Untied States got the other half of the
1. Charles K. Kao was born in _____.
    A. Shanghai              
    B. Hong Kong          
    C. New York
2. How many scientists got the 2009 Noble Prize in Physics together?
    A. One.              
    B. Two.            
    C. Three.
3. Zeng Yinquan thinks Kao is _____.
    A. an excellent person in Hong Kong
    B. a good student
    C. an honest friend
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Kao"s work makes the Internet information transmit faster around the world.
    B. Kao is still working in the Chinese University of Hong Kong now.
    C. Willard Boyle and George Smith are both scientists.
5. The Chinese people feel _____ at the news that Kao got the Noble Prize.
    A. interested          
    B. surprised          
    C. happy

题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案

      I"ve been working in a school for more than twenty years. Many parents often ask me, "How can you
 teach your child good study skills? How can he or she get the homework done as quickly as possible?"
  Here are some tips:  
     1. If the child is as young as nine or ten, ask him or her to prepare a small notebook to write down
  the homework given by his or her teachers. By developing this habit, he or she will learn to be much
 more responsible (负责的).
     2. Find a good place to study. This should be a quiet place that is free from everything but study
 things. No games, radios, or televisions. Once you have decided on a place to study, this should be the
 only place where your child does his or her homework and studies. There should also be a very specific
 time for homework to be done. Usually, homework should be done as soon as the child gets home from
 school. This also goes for the kids who take part in after-school activities. Of course, it is a good idea to
 allow the child to have a healthy snack before the work begins.
     3. Also remember that it is the child"s duty to do his or her homework. Some children give up easily
 and go to Mom and Dad for help when they have a problem. Try to let them solve it first. By doing this,
  they will get a sense of success from overcoming problems. In this way we help them to help themselves.
1. Asking the kids to keep a notebook to remember their homework will make them _____.
    A. remember more  
    B. learn more  
    C. more responsible
    D. more interested in studying
2. The place where the children study must _____ .  
    A. be free for everything  
    B. have a TV set and a computer  
    C. be quiet, bright and free from things for entertainment
    D. be big, clean and tidy
3. What does the underlined word "overcoming" mean in the passage?
    A. Forgetting.
    B. Leaving.
    C. Realizing.
    D. Beating.
4. According to the passage, the children should _____ when they have trouble with their homework.
    A. ask their parents for help
    B. try to solve the problems by themselves
    C. wait for their teachers" help  
    D. put it away and have a snack
5. This passage is written _____.
    A. for parents to help their children study well  
    B. for the children who want to improve their work
    C. for teachers to teach their students
    D. for housewives to make their kids happy

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     A lot of people keep asking, "How do I improve my English?" There are many possible answers, but
    here are just a few pieces of advice.
 1. _______________________________________________
     Sure you have teachers, reading materials, and websites to help you with your English, but who is
    really responsible for making sure that you learn English well? Nobody but you.
 2. ______________________________________________    
     If you are interested in English, remember that it is all around you. You can do many things that will
     help you learn English. Find things to do where you need to use English.
     Listen to the radio in English. Watch TV and movies in English. You can also speak in English with
     your friends. Get a language partner and speak in English as much as possible. Finding friends whose
    native language is English is even better.
     Other ideas: Take an English class, join an English group, find a tutor, and read English magazines.
     Do whatever you can to keep using the language.
3. ________________________________________________   
    This means that you should pay attention to how you use English. Think (a little) about how you are
    going to say something before it comes out of your mouth. But don"t think about all of the problems you
    have in English at the same time. Just choose something that you know you are having difficulty with and
    work on using it correctly. 4. _______________________________________________

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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   A. Just keep trying little by little, and your English will get better every day.
   B. Do things in English as much as possible.
   C. Be responsible for your own learning.
   D. Monitor (监督) yourself.

       If you live in the United States,the law says you can"t have a full-time
job until you are 16 years old. At 14 or 15,you can work part-time after
school or on weekends,and during summer you can work 40 hours each
week. Does all that mean that if you are younger than 14, you can"t earn
( 赚) your own money? Of course not!  Kids who are between the ages of
10 and 13 can earn   money by doing lots of things.
       Valerie ,11 ,told us that she made money by cleaning up other people"s
 yards. Lena,13,makes money by knitting( 织) dog sweaters and selling
them to her neighbors,and Reisa said she had started taking art classes
and showing her work to people. People have asked her todraw pictures
for them and they pay her for them. Jasmine,13,writes articles for different
magazines !
          Earning is leaming. By working to eam your own money,you are
learning the skills you will need to succeed in life. These skills can include
things likegetting along with others,using technology and using your time.
Some peoplethink that asking for money is a lot easier than eaming it;
however,when you make your own money,you don"t have to depend on
someone else. The five dollars that you earn will probably make you feel
a lot better in your hand than the twenty dollars you ask for.

1.Kids can have full-time jobs at the age of         in the USA.    
A. 17        
B. 14          
C. 13          
D. 10
2.If you are 15 years old,you can"t work          .
A. after school            
B. on weekends
C. uring summer        
D. on weekdays
3.Reisa makes money by          .
A. leaning up other people"s yards
B. drawing pictures for others
C. writing articles for different magazines
D. knitting dog sweaters and selling them to her neighbors
4.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?    
A. You are learning how to succeed by working in your teens.  
B. Kids are encouraged to live independently in the USA.      
C. Earning one"s money is better than asking for money from others.  
D. Kids don"t need to get along with others when making money.
5.From the passage we know that           .        
A. parents won"t let their children earn their own money  
B. it"s hard for kids under 14 years old to earn money in the USA  
C. kids can learn skills if they try to earn money on their own    
D.if kids try to earn money,they won"t have enough time to study