阅读理解。     Children"s schooling is changing very fast. In the past, teachers kept

阅读理解。     Children"s schooling is changing very fast. In the past, teachers kept

阅读理解。     Children"s schooling is changing very fast. In the past, teachers kept children sitting still for hours. They
made them memorize (记住) different kinds of things. In other words, the children had to go on repeating
things until they knew them "by heart". Today, many want to know if it"s possible to make children learn all.
They say they can only help them learn. They say they must let children learn and find out things themselves.
      But for some children, school is a kind of prison (监狱). They are there only because their parents make
them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets them leave. Many of them want to find
work, but the law will not let them work until they reach a certain age. And so, they have to stay in school.
Often they do not learn anything at all and hate school every moment. 1. The word "schooling" in the passage means _____.A. 学费
B. 教育
C. 锻炼
D. 训练 2. Which of the following has the same meaning to "go on repeating"? A. read and write
B. read or write once
C. read or write twice
D. read or write again and again 3. Now, the teachers try their best to _____. A. make their students learn more in class
B. teach their students how to learn themselves
C. make their students do everything they say
D. ask their students to do more exercises after class 4. Some children hate schools because _____. A. they hope to spend much time reading
B. their teachers aren"t friendly to them
C. they regard them as prisons
D. they are angry with their classmates 5. _____, so they want to stop to find work. A. Some children need some money
B. Some children dislike staying in school
C. Some children fall behind their classmates
D. Some children come from poor families
1-5: BDBCB
阅读理解。     Penguins lie together, but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own. When a penguin wants to walk
through its neighbour"s ground, it must ask for permission. If it does not, it will have to fight. Penguins come
and go all day. They catch fish and look after their children.
      All penguins are good parents- the male penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in
the middle of the dark Antarctic water. They choose their wives in the dark. They can only hear them-not see
them. Then the female penguins lay their eggs and go away for about two months. The males look after the
eggs. If the eggs get cold, there will be no chicks. There is no food. The snow falls and the wind
blows-sometimes at 150 kilometres an hour. The penguins do not move. When females return from the sea,
they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. Only one thing matters - the eggs. Male penguins
never fight unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. Then they fight because they all want it. They are
strange and wonderful birds.1. It seems interesting and unusual that the male penguins choose their wives ______. A. when the female penguins return from the sea
B. just by hearing in the darkness
C. each time they see the lovely females
D. after they have had their own grounds 2. It is ______ that take care of the eggs. A. the male penguins
B. the female penguins
C. both the husbands and the wives
D. the penguins that lost in the fight3. Only when ______ can a penguin walk through its neighbour"s ground. A. it gets wet
B. it has become a father
C. it gets married
D. it gets permission 4. When the females return from the sea, they will ______. A. live with their husbands
B. look after the eggs
C. get food for their husbands and children
D. not remember their husbands 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Female penguins often have their new husbands.
B. Male penguins fight when choosing their wives.
C. Female penguins take care of the eggs.
D. Male penguins use their ears to choose wives.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you can learn things
quickly. You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living-room? This is not a good place
because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help
you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean
your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You are feeling tired easily if there is not enough (足够的) light. 1. When you have good study habits, you will _______. A. learn things quickly
B. remember things easily
C. both A and B 2. The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too _______. A. quiet
B. noisy
C. clean 3. You are feeling tired easily if the light is ________. A. good
B. enough
C. bad4. You should remember to ________ before you study. A. tidy the room
B. clean the desk
C. turn on the light 5. The best title(标题) for this passage is ________. A. Good Study Habits
B. How to Study
C. Desk Light is important
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The spider is very little and clever. Its body is made up of two parts. It has four pairs of legs and eight
little eyes.
     The spider loves work. It begins to work as soon as it begins to live. Every spider is a weaver. Even the
youngest spider knows how to weave (编织) its web just as well as the oldest.
     The silk of which it makes its web comes from its body. It is like hairs. Many of these hairs come out
at the same time, but they are all formed into one rope of silk. It is so thin that a hundred of them together
are only as thick as a human hair.
    First the spider fasten (固定) one end of the silk thread (丝线) to a leaf or to a piece of wood, then it turns
and fastens it to the other end.
    When the spider fastens both ends, it can run down the silk and fix some more threads. These are the
cross ropes of the web. Then it weaves other lines round them, and makes about twenty rings.
    Then spider works hard and fast, and it finishes its work in less than an hour. The web is then so strong
that the wind cannot blow it away and the rain cannot break it. The purpose of the spider"s web is to catch
insects, which are its food.
     Insects cannot walk or fly out of the web, because the spider covers it all with something like glue (胶水),
which sticks to anything that touches the web and holds it fast (牢固).
     Not all the spiders are the same sort of work to do. Some spiders are masons (泥瓦匠). They build houses
the size of a big thimble (顶针). They make doors in them, which they shut after them when they go in. They
can even fasten the door of the house from the inside, so that no robber can get in.
     The garden spider lets thread float in the air till they stick to plants or to the branches of trees. It then uses
these threads as the roads or bridges to cross from one place to another. 1. What is the spider"s silk like? A. It"s very thin. One hundred of them are as thin as a human hair.
B. It"s very strong. It is made of human"s hair.
C. It"s really like human hair and it"s as thin as human"s hair.
D. It"s as strong as one hundred human"s hair. 2. While the spider makes its web, _______. A. first it makes a leaf or a piece of wood
B. first it fixes one end of the silk thread firmly to a leaf or a piece of wood
C. first it fixes one end of the silk thread to its own head
D. first it fixes human"s hair to a leaf or a piece of wood. Then makes a web along the air 3. The spider makes about _______ rings. A. thirsty
B. a hundred
C. fifty
D. twenty 4. The spider finishes its work _______. A. more than a day
B. in less than an hour
C. in a week
D. in half an hour 5. Which of the following is true? A. All the spiders are masons.
B. The garden spider lets thread float in the air to catch insects.
C. The silk of which makes its web comes from human"s hair.
D. The spider is both little and clever.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
easy  different  few  good  help  sit  if  noisy  quick  same  when  you
     Some years ago, Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags, new clothes or new
pens to their classmates when the new term started. Today, however, all have  1 . If you still come back to
school  2  only these things, you are falling out-of-date (过时的). Students in big cities like to bring the latest
high-tech things to school, and feel happy and  3  to show off these things to  4 . Mobile phones, MP3 players,
CD players, electronic dictionaries, the list is endless.
     Young people think that, living in the 21st century, they must keep up with the times. They don"t want to
fall  5 . Besides, they think that they need to keep in touch with their classmates, so they need mobile phones.
They also like to  6  the pop music, so they need CD players. They explain that just like electronic dictionaries,
these can be  7  in their study,too. They think that their parents should understand  8  they want these things.
     Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they return to school at the beginning
of a new term.  9  , they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to  10  these
high-tech things that they want.
题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. changed
(     )2. A. to    
(     )3. A. right  
(     )4. A. other  
(     )5. A. down  
(     )6. A. hear  
(     )7. A. new   
(     )8. A. where  
(     )9. A. But   
(     )10. A. borrow
B. come    
B. from     
B. lucky   
B. the other
B. off     
B. listen to
B. modern   
B. which    
B. However  
B. buy      
C. joined
C. of    
C. nice  
C. others
C. behind
C. read  
C. latest
C. what  
C. So    
C. lend  
D. stopped   
D. with      
D. pleased   
D. the others
D. back      
D. play
D. useful                         
D. why       
D. Still                                       
D. take