


66.The passengers were _________ (耽搁)for five hours because of the flood.  66.    
67.The patient is_________ (稍微)better today.                              67.    
68.Water was found at a_________ (深度)of 30 feet.                          68.    
69.The new offices opened in_________ (八月)1998.                           69.    
70.Mr.Smith made no_________ (立即的)answer.                               70.    
71.The U.S.unemployment rate is likely to continue_________ (上升).        71.    
72.All the_________ (场景)of the play were set in Ireland.                  72.    
73.Wood doesn,t sink in water;it_________ (漂浮).                          73.    
74.He____ (更喜欢)doing something to doing nothing while he was in the office.74.    
75.They only say such unkind things about you out of _________ (妒忌).  75.      

66.dalayed  67.sligDly  68.depth  69.August  70.immediae/instant
71.rising     72.scenes    73.floats    74.preferred  75.envy/jealousy

A. 根据首字母写出正确的单词
1. You must ask for p__________ before taking pictures in the church.
2. The new credit cards will be of great b___________ to both sellers and buyers.
3. It wasn’t your f___________. You needn’t apologize to you.
4. The job is not tiring at all. On the c____________, it’s very relaxing.
5. Smoking m___________ the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.
B. 根据汉语提示用正确的单词填空
6. She seems ____________ (真诚的) ,but I still don’t know whether I should trust her.
7. Bob earned his ___________(船费) on an English boat when he traveled to China.
8. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ________________(力量)
9. Eating too many desserts can be ____________(有害的) to one’s teeth.
10.Sometimes,the band may play to ____________(过路人) in the streets or subway.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第一节: (共10小题。每小题1.5分,满分15分。)
66. You are only allowed to take some hand ______ (行李)onto a plane.
67. He advised me to g________this opportunity to go abroad for a further study.
68. He left his country for________reasons.(政治)
69. Harry Potter is a fantasy literature but not science f___________.
70. Life in the oceans r________from the tiniest plankton to giants like sharks and whales.
71. Nuclear science should be developed to________ (受益)the people rather than harm them.
72. Chinese history is filled with great________achievements.(科学)
73. W________a scholarship gave him the chance to go to college.(赢得)
74. The final will be played between France and Brazil. It must be a f________for your eyes.
75 There is no absolute________in any country ;you have to obey the law.(自由)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

82. I will a______ it if you can come to help me tomorrow because there will be many guests in
my house.
83. After the loss of so many antelopes, the game keepers began to e______ new methods for catching the hunters.
84. The disease a______ millions of people in the world every year.
85. Do not r______ on him to give you a hand because he is just a empty talker.
86. The Monkees was so popular that its fans formed clubs in order to get more f______ with it.
87. The famous “ Oprah Winfrey Show” is b______  live every Friday on CNN.
88. The school informed us that we must g______ at the school gate at 6:30 am the next day for the field trip in the Tian Mu Mountains.
89. My mother would tell me that there were so many s______ people in Africa when I wanted to waste food.
90. There are so many religious b______ all over the world, while I choose to believe in myself.
91. I guess you need to prepare something about your weaknesses and s______ for the job interview next Friday.
92. C______ can lead us to learn more about the new things in the world.
93. She borrowed a lot of money when she was poor, but has been out of d______ since she got rich.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第一部分   英语知识运用(共三节,满分50分)
1.early                        A. heart                      B. dear                        C. hear                       D. learn
2.fond                         A. among                 B. long                        C. close                      D. occur
3. recognize             A. lose                       B. sit                          C. sorry                      D. salty
4.now                         A. shadow                  B. show                      C. blow                       D. cow
5.uncle                       A. hand                      B. sink                        C. danger                  D. common
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第一节 单词拼写(共10题,每小题1分;满分10分)
66. He have mended the woodwork and ______(油漆) the walls.
67. Can you i_____ what it would be like to live without electricity?
68. The rain was b______ against the windows.
69. His ________(秘书) says he’s still out at lunch.
70. He’s often here, but _______(奇怪) enough, I’ve never met him.
71. This is one of Bach’s later ________(作品).
72. The daughter of my sister is my n______.
73. My nose is ______(堵塞) because of a heavy cold.
74. They crossed the English Channel in a hot-air ______(气球).
75. I would like a room with a ______(双人的) bed.
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