My teacher is very nice.I"ll never forget the        he has done for me.A.favour

My teacher is very nice.I"ll never forget the        he has done for me.A.favour

My teacher is very nice.I"ll never forget the        he has done for me.


试题分析:句意:我的老师真好。我从来忘不了他给我的帮助。这里使用了词组:do sb a favor “给予某人帮助”。后面是一个that引导的定语从句,它的先行词就是favor,然后是that在从句he has done me中当宾语,可以省略。原句是I"ll never forget the favor that he has done me. B.kindness 善良, 帮助, D.benefit利益,所以选A。
My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard.  小题1:   Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.
My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.   小题2:  She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.
 小题3:   Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us.   小题4:   She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.
Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is! 小题5:   This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.
A.She enjoys listening to classic music.
B.As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.
C.She loves her students and cares for them.
D.She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.
E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.
F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.
G. Can you tell us something about your mother?   
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Lihua run a restaurant   小题1:       was always full of customers   小题2:    lunchtime.  But
One day, a strange thing happened that few people came to his restaurant. Soon he found that people went to a  小题3:       (new ) openedone    小题4:  (call ) Lihua’ s slimming restaurant.   
小题5:     ( curious ) drove him into Lihuas, where he was given a menu .   小题6:    His surprise , he found that the food there was simple and the prices were high . But Lihua told the customers that they would lose weight by eating there, he couldn ’t have Lihua getting away with   小题7:   (tell ) lies ,so he threw down the menu and   小题8:      (go )to a library . After doing some research ,he realized that Lihua’s restaurant didn’ t serve people with enough energy giving food. But on the other hand ,Wangpeng’s menu had little     小题9:      (protect ) food ,since neither of them was providing a      小题10:       (balance ) diet ,it was clear that they ought to work together to serve healthy food .
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The snake is a very surprised animal . It sleeps with its eyes open , it feel with its tongue .The snake can move very quick , a snake exuviates (蜕皮)many times each year . It slides (滑动) out its old skin as if it were a worn coat . Here is the more surprising thing of all , a snake swallows (吞)things all in one piece, it can swallowed animals big than itself . Small snakes can swallow bird’s eggs without breaking it . Snakes eat mouse ,they can be a big help around farm . Farmers like the kinds of snakes that eats mice .
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Due to the widespread ______ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.
A.presentation B.appreciationC.qualificationD.application

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Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills ________ people each year than    automobile accidents.                                                 more times moreC.over seven times

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