下面文章中有5处 (第61~65) 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多

下面文章中有5处 (第61~65) 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多

下面文章中有5处 (第61~65) 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. Explore All Your Talents
B. Be Ready for the Up-coming Competition
C. Set a Down-to-Earth Goal
D. Prepare Yourself Emotionally
E. Look for a competitive college
F. Consider Talent Search Programs in Junior High
Many aspects of college planning are the same for most college-bound students. However, if you’re in any academically gifted and talented program, you have additional things to think about. Here are some actions you should consider.
Talent search programs provide educational opportunities for seventh-and eighth-graders who are mathematically or verbally talented. Some of these programs use SAT scores to identify academically gifted students. Although most students take the SAT in junior or senior year of high school, gifted and talented student often take it earlier.
小题2: ______
Many gifted students have the potential to succeed in multiple academic areas. Don"t miss opportunities by focusing too early on one that you excel in; carefully examine all your strengths and interests. Discover what you really like to study and the topics you may want to pursue in college. Pursue your interest and passion for learning to the fullest extent possible while you’re still in high school.
Gifted students often feel that they have to be accepted by very competitive colleges to be considered successful. And while a competitive college may be the right place for you, don’t let selectivity be the only factor. The most important aspect of college planning is finding a college that’s a good fit.
Many gifted students are used to being at the top of their junior high and high school classes. Be prepared to meet other gifted students in college — students who do just as well as you, or better, in the classroom. It can be unsettling. Handle it by staying focused on your own studies and skills and aiming to do your personal best.
Although your academic qualifications and abilities may exceed those of your high school classmates, your age is the same as theirs. High school is a time for adolescence, while college requires emotional maturity. A 15-year-old high school graduate may not be prepared to live on a campus 1,000 miles from home with other students who are 18 and older. Think about what you are ready for emotionally, as well as academically, when you’re narrowing down your college list.


小题1:F从第二段第一句“Talent search programs provide educational opportunities ”判断这段是建议学生提前学习talent search programs 。所以F选项正确。
小题2:A 从第三段“Don"t miss opportunities by focusing too early on one that you excel in; carefully examine all your strengths and interests”可以判断第三段内容是不要太早的关注某一项而错过很多机会,一定要仔细考察自己的强项和兴趣所在,要多方面开发自己的才智,尽可能发挥自己最大的潜能。所以A选项正确。
小题3:C根据“don’t let selectivity be the only factor. The most important aspect of college planning is finding a college that’s a good fit.”判断,作者建议学生选择学校要看是否适合自己,而不要光是满足competitive一方面,要切合实际。C为正确选项。
小题4:B根据“ Be prepared to meet other gifted students in college”判断,要准备遇到其他有天赋的人,也就是要心理做好迎接挑战的准备。所以B选项正确。
小题5:D从最后一段“ while college requires emotional maturity”和“Think about what you are ready for emotionally, as well as academically,”判断,作者提醒学生除了考虑学业和能力方面,还要在情感方面做好准备。所以D正确选项。
It is good to see that today more people have realized the importance exercising and are playing sports regular. But the problem is that there are not enough sports facilities to meet the public growing demand. I love playing basketball and often play with my friends on weekends. Therefore, it is difficult to rent a basketball field and impossible to find a free one. It seems that all courts in the city were always full. Weather permitted, we can play in outdoors. But on rainy days or in winter we have to turn to indoor courts. There are not much in my city, and the charge is expensive. The government should build more public sports facilities, so easier accesses will encourage more people to participate in sports.
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Everybody believes he will be the winner of the 100-meter ____.
A.competition B.matchC.contest D.race

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Although Rose is very busy, she still ____ a lot of time to her students in her spare time.

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Will you help me out with this mathematical problem? I ____ it.
A.am going forB.am stuck withC.am blamed forD.am caring for

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The reason why science exists is to improve our lives. Sometimes science can ruin our small guilty pleasures we nature to be happier, though. These four little truths are just some of those.
Sleeping with pets is a good way to catch the plague(瘟疫), or some other bacterial infections, as is claimed in the study done in February 2011 in Emerging Infectious Diseases magazine. The study shares a case of a nine-year-old boy whose cat caught the plague and gave it to its owners while they were sharing a bed. A regular visit to the vet can greatly reduce the risk of your pet catching any disease that may infect the owner as well.
A recent study done on 200,000 people has shown that vitamin supplements do nothing to improve our lives, and what is worse—they actively increase our death risk. This conclusion from 2010 was so unbelievable that it made researchers do even more studies. Each study had the same result. People who choose vitamin supplements over fruit and vegetables are the same as people who choose to eat a burger over a healthy salad.
People who use the solarium(日光浴室)experience certain changes to their brains that are very similar to many caused by drug addiction. According to a study, our brain can in fact recognize the difference between the natural UV light and the solarium.
Long exposure to artificial light during the night is directly linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, obesity and depression. Exposure to artificial light before sleeping disturbs the natural biorhythms(生物节奏)of our bodies, which leads to restriction on the hormone(荷尔蒙)melatonin, which is the hormone that helps us fall asleep.
               Title: Four scientific小题1:_______
Passage outline
Supporting details
Sharing bed with your pet is a terrible idea
*You will probably be infected with小题2:______.
*To reduce such risk, you should take your pet to visit the vet小题3:______.
Be小题4:______about vitamin supplements
Vitamin supplements actively increase the risk of小题5:______.
You can become小题6:_____ to solariums
The solarium may bring about changes to the小题7:______just like drugs do.
小题8:_____long exposure to artificial lights
*You are likely to小题9:_____from breast cancer, obesity and depression after long exposure to artificial lights.
*The natural biorhythms of your bodies will be disturbed and you will find it not小题10:______to fall asleep.
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