用所给短语的适当形式填空(每题1分共10分)get away with    play a trick on     dress up   take place

用所给短语的适当形式填空(每题1分共10分)get away with    play a trick on     dress up   take place

get away with    play a trick on     dress up   take place 
turn around      make sure  burst into laughter  as usual 
be familiar with   look forward to
1. Great changes _______________in the rural areas in the last two decades.
2 .She is ___________________going home on May Day.
3.They _______and went to the dancing hall together.
4. Our monitor successfully ___________all of us on April Fool’s Day.
5. I don’t know how he managed to _____________stealing the bike.
6. As parents, you must ________ that the children get enough sleep.
7.He looked at his watch, knowing that she was late again__________.
8. As she came to know him better, she _______________him more.
9.When the teacher __________,the students began to make faces and talk .
10 .On hearing the funny story, everybody_______________.

小题1:have taken place    
小题2:looking forward to           
小题3:dressed up    
小题4:played trick on     
小题5:get away with    
小题6:make sure   
小题7:as usual  
小题8:was familiar with   
小题9:turned around        
小题10: burst into laughter

小题1:have taken place    本句的关键在于in the last two decades要和现在完成时连用,以及take place没有被动语态这两点。
小题2: looking forward to   固定搭配look forward to期待,中的to是介词,后面要接动名词的形式。
小题3:dressed up    上下文串联,根据下半句去参加舞会,说明她盛装打扮。
小题4:played trick on   根据April Fool’s Day愚人节,说明班长在这一天愚弄了我。
小题5:get away with   固定短语get away with…做了坏事摆脱惩罚…
小题6:make sure   上下文串联,作为父母亲要保证孩子有充足的睡眠。Make sure确保。
小题7:as usual  固定搭配as usual和平时一样。
小题8:was familiar with  上下文串联,前句说现在很了解他,说明他更加熟悉她了。
小题9:turned around      根据后半句,学生在做鬼脸,说明老师没有看见,那么是指老师转身。Turn round转身。
小题10:burst into laughter 固定搭配burst into laughter突然笑起来。根据前句听见这个滑稽的故事。
My friend Jack who was always working hardly so that he could earn enough to buy a car of his own. He used to say, “My life will be better when I get a nicer car.” It took him more than three years to make his dreams come true. However, Jack was not satisfied with what he has achieved. He worked even harder, hoping that he would able to buy a big house with a beautiful garden. One day, I told himself that happy is a journey, not a destination. Try to do what you like and enjoy what you can enjoy at the present, and you will feel regretful when you are too old to do anything.
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短文改错(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
My brother Tom was very selfish when he was little boy. He did not want share things with
other people. For example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place,
that I couldn’t find. Then he ate it all by himself. He never helped other. He said he is busy.
In other words, a game of tennis made him very busy. He did not care if something that he did
it made people angry. For instance, one night he played strongly and loud music till four o’clock
in the morning. But he is difference now. He often helps grandma with houseworks, helps mom
with cooking and helps his classmates with their lessons.
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Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. There are two extra. (10 points)
give out   put stress on    give in   come into being   cut off concern ... with
date from    come across   under the influence of  cut down contribute to
bring an end  to
小题1:I tried every possible means to persuade him to give up the plan with little succes, and finally my patience _________.
小题2: He had no choice but _________ to his wife when a quarrel broke out between them because he is a responsible and gentle man who loves his wife so much.
小题3: As a science student, I’d like to choose a career which _________ engineering after graduation from college.
小题4:____________ his mother who was born into a very poor family, the boy also formed a habit of saving.
小题5:While teaching how to write a formal letter, the teacher _____________ the conventions, content as well as the details including the vocabulary, grammar and accuracy of the language.
小题6:The Three Gorges Dam was completed in 2002, ___________ the danger of flooding .
小题7:Since Chairman Xi Jinpin came to power, many local governments in China ___________ the cost of all kinds of meetings greatly.
小题8:____________the 11th century, the old buildings of Paris including the palaces, castles and churches have attracted masses of visitors.
小题9:If you ___________ a monster which only existed in fictional novels or movies on the road, would you feel so frightened as to freeze?
小题10:From my perspective, it is poor air quality that __________ an increasing number of people getting ill.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Error correction. ( 15 points )
One day, Mary stopped outside the shoe-shop and looked into the 小题1:_______
window. For some times, she fixed her eyes on a pair of high boots 小题2:_______
on display. “They are exactly I’ve been looking for,” she thought,  小题3:_______
“I would like to buy a pair of boots as that in the window.”    小题4:_______
After ask about the price, Mary decided to try a pair on. While    小题5:_______
the shop-assistant was helping him  put the boots on, she kept     小题6:_______
looking at Mary’s stockings which was made of fine white lace (网眼).小题7:____
“Excuse me for asking,” the assistant said at last, “but where    小题8: _______
did you get these stockings? They are the most latest fashion”.    小题9:_______
“They were given to me by my grandma!” Mary said proud. 小题10:________
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I used to feeling pressured to do well in exams. I was such afraid of falling behind that I kept thinking about studying every minute of the day. The pressure makes me out of breath. To my disappointed, the more worried I was about my studies, the less effective I became. Later, I realized I just took pressure too serious. So I tried taking things easy by taking part in various activity out of class, enjoying music and even daydreaming about fun things.
To my delight, this worked! Gradually,I became more anxious about exams and began to take pleasure in my studies. Pressure cannot avoided. What counts is how to deal with properly, but above all, how to turn it into pleasure or challenge.
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