阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。_____ 小题1:

阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。_____ 小题1:

_____ 小题1: Miss Wang is now working in a joint venture (合资企业) as a business woman. Her major work is to contact the foreign businessmen through emails, calls and letters. She has no trouble communicating with the English-speaking people face to face. However, when it comes to business writing, she is not sure about the grammar and the form.
_____ 小题2:Mr. Zhang taught himself English. Three months ago, when he was required to work as a sales representative in Britain, he had trouble in communicating with his English customers. The problem is with his pronunciation and intonation (语调). He wants to find some websites offering spoken English teaching with correct pronunciation and ideal sound effects.
____小题3:Ms. Wilson is now teaching English in China. She has found that the major problem with her students’ reading comprehension lies with their limited vocabulary. However, memorizing a list of 10-20 new words every day is a boring task for the students. She wants to find some games from the internet, so that her students may have interest in learning and using the words.
_____ 小题4: Li Yue is not interested in reciting English texts. He says it is boring. He is more interested in practicing his newly learned English expressions in classroom activities. But when he is at home on holiday, he has no one to talk to in English. His mother suggests him looking for interactive websites from the Internet.
_____ 小题5:Zhang Ming is going for his undergraduate study in America. His friend has rented a room for him from an old American couple. This is his first time to go abroad and stay with the natives. To get along well with them, Zhang Ming is eager to learn English idioms and everyday topics. So, he searches the Internet for some useful websites.
ELT Website Review
☆http: // www. putclub.com
PUT stands for postgraduate plus undergraduate plus teachers. It provides various listening materials for students of English at different levels, including news and articles for academic purposes. It also has some instruction on how to improve listening skill. There is also a forum (论坛) for you to share your English learning experiences with other.
☆http: // www. oup. Com / elt / products / students/
This site offers interactive games and exercises to help learners practice English in an entertaining way. Resources are organized at various levels and cover all the four basic skills. The exercises include three levels: primary, secondary and adult. You can choose an exercise of your own level.
☆http: // www. focusenglish. com / dia / co. html
Do you sometimes get upset when you’re unable to express yourself clearly? This website focuses on idiomatic and everyday expressions that can help learners deal with daily conversational situations. Each dialogue is accompanied by carefully designed exercises so you can follow the steps and practice at your own pace. From this you will know how native express things.
☆http: // writing. englishclub. com / s-talk / htm
You can find tips on how to start writing memos (备忘录), to send emails or to write business reports for your company. There are exercises at different levels and in different forms. If you register (注册) as our member, send us your writings. Our language experts will emails you in reply and offer free instructions within seven working days.
☆http: // esl. About. com / cs / pronu / a / astress. htm
English is considered a stressed language. This means we stress certain words while other words are quickly spoken. When you speak English, the words you stress can change meaning in a sentence. This website provides examples and exercises to help you improve your pronunciation through correct word stress.
☆http: // www. vocabulary. Com
This vocabulary puzzle and activities site helps you learn vocabulary in an interesting and innovation (有创意的) way. The activities come at 3 levels of difficulty, with 20 thematic topics on various subjects such as Wizards, Elections, Holidays, Character Education, Science Shakespeare, and Fitness.


注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。
3 必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。
I saw an accident happened on my way to home this afternoon. A girl was crossing the
street on a zebra crossing while a young man drove a motorbike towards her. The young
man saw the girl and tried to stop, and he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl and fell
off her motorbike. The girl was badly hurt and couldn’t move. The young man didn’t
know how to do. I ran to a phone box nearby and dialed 110. Soon the police reached.
They sent her hospital at once. One of the policeman talked to the young man and wrote
something down while was talking. I think it is very dangerous to drive very fast.
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One day Tom and I were walking down the street while we saw an old man fall off his bike. He was badly hurt. Many people crowded around us. Someone suggested carrying the old man to the roadside, so Tom disagreed. He has learned first aid. He said that they ought to leave him where he was and checked him first. At that time the old man wasn"t breathing. Tom asked me to call in the First Aid Center at once and he began to start the old man"s breathing, use the mouth-to-mouth way. Within five minutes, the old man began to move little and doctors also arrived. They said that we had done was correct. I have learned from this experience that a knowledge of first aid can make a really difference.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: Most expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill.
小题2:Though tipping is not allowed, people who have served you accept tips in a certain way.
小题3:Culturally, tipping is unnecessary, but customers sometimes pay service charge when checking out.
小题4: If you want to get loyal service, you should give a tip more than 10%.
小题5:You ae not expected to pay tips at a low class hotel.
Bangkok (曼谷) There are no established rules of tipping in Bangkok, capital of Thailand. Some places expect it; others don’t. In general, the more westernized the place is, the more likely you’ll be expected to leave a tip.
Restaurants: Some expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appr eciate your increasing by 10% yourself. However, if you’re eating at a cheap eatery, a ti is not necessary.
Porters: At Bangkok’s many five-star hotels, you’re expected to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(铢), depending on how many bags you have.
Taxis: Taxis are now metered in Bangkok, so there’s no bargaining over your fare. The local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.
Jakarta (雅加达)  Tipping is not part of the Indonesian culture, but international influences have turned some westernized palms upward in search of a few extra rupiah (卢比).
Restaurants: A 10% service charge is added at most high-end restaurants. At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it---if the service is superb, add an extra 1,000 rupiah or so.
Porters: Pay a few hundred rupiah for each bag.
Taxis: Most drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah. Some will claim they have no change and will bleed you for more. Don’t accept anything more than a 1,000-rupiah increase.
Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡)  Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is only common in the expensive westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel bill.
Restaurants: If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge or add the same amount yourself. But at local stalls, there’s no need to add a tip.
Porters: At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(林吉特) will be enough. At low-end establishments, you are not forced to tip.
Taxis: Many taxis are now metered, so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit. In unmetered taxis, expect a session of hard bargaining for the ride.
Manila (马尼拉)  Tipping is common in Manila, the Philippines, and anything above 10% will gain you long-lasting loyalty.
Restaurants: Even if a service charge is included, it is a custom to add another 5%-10% to the bill.
Porters: Service in top hotels is good and should be rewarded with 20% pesos(比索) per bag.
Taxis: Most taxis are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of taking taxis.
Seoul  Tipping is not part of the Korean culture, although it has become a rule in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.
Restaurants: If you are at a Korean barbecue (烧烤店), there’s no need to add anything extra. But a luxury Italian restaurant may require a 10% service charge.
Porters: If you are at a top-end hotel, international standards apply, so expect to tip 500-1,000 won per bag.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect a tip, so unless you’re feeling remarkably generous, keep the change for yourself.
Singapore City  According to government rules in the Lion City, tipping is a no-no. It’s basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists to neglect the 10% service charge that many high-end hotels add to the bill.
Restaurants: Singaporeans tend not to leave tips, especially at the outdoor eateries. Nicer restaurants do sometimes charge a 10% service fee, but there’s no need to supplement that.
Porters: Hotel staff are the one exception to the no-tipping rule. As a general guide, S$1 would be enough for baggage-lugging service.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect tips, but they won’t refuse if you want to round up the fare to the next Singaporean dollar.
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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。
In a summer night in Taiwan, Xiao Hong was going on her way to school happily then suddenly she felt the street was strong shaking. The trees were torn up and many buildings were leaned down to the ground. Even a car was destroyed by the fallen buildings. She was knocked down by a tree before she knew. Two doctors carried him to safety and she was settled down in a tent for treatment. After some time, she had got over. Seeing such many goods from the mainland of China and other countries, she believed all the destroyed houses would be built.
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Peter, Catherine, Helen, Elizabeth和Levin 正在澳门科技大学学习,在休息日他们想去参观澳门的众多的博物馆(A-F),请根据他们各自的兴趣帮助他们选择一个适合个人兴趣的场馆,并在答题纸上相应的选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余的。
小题1: Peter: I’d like to go to some larger museums, where I can get an over-all view of Macau’s history and culture.
小题2:Catherine: My family runs a small wine mill in China, so I’d like to learn about wine production.
小题3:Helen: I’m crazy about car races. I’d like to visit some museum related to car races.
小题4: Elizabeth: The idea of Macau’s returning to China has always excited me. I’d like to see the location where the exciting moment took place.
小题5:Levin: I’d like to take the chance to see a collection of traditional and modern art works.
A.Macau Museum
The Macau Museum is a historical and cultural museum with a vast number of objects of great historical value, which demonstrates the way of life and cultures of the various communities which have been inhabited the city for ages. The Macau Museum was opened on 18th April 1998, consisting of two underground levels and a third one above the fortress’ top platform where the old Meteorological Services is housed. The architectural character and special configuration of the architecture has been retained and preserved.
B.Maritime Museum
If the history of Macau is really connected to the sea, there is no better place for the Maritime Museum, than the Square of the Barra Pagoda, dedicated to the Taoist goddess "A-MA", the protector offishermen, and also believed to be the place where the Portuguese first landed. The precise spot is where the Maritime Museum is located, the building is in the shape of a sailing ship anchored in the waters of the Inner Harbour.
C.Wine Museum
This 1400 square-metre space is divided into a number of areas (Historical information/Wine Cellar/Museum and Exhibitions), using maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos, among other things to relate the history of wine. The aim of each section is not only to provide information regarding wine and grapevines, but also to recreate the atmosphere of the production of wine, showing the visitor the modern and traditional tools connected to wine production.
D.Grand Prix Museum
Opened 1993 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Macau Grand Prix, which features a number of automobile and motorbike races and takes place every year in November. It started in 1954 due to the enthusiasm of a group of Macau residents and the support of the authorities. Today it is an international sports event that attracts thousands of tourists and racing enthusiasts to Macau, to watch the classic "Guia Race" and the "Formula 3 Grand Prix". As it takes place on a street circuit, which inevitably leads to a comparison with Monte Carlo, the Macau Grand Prix has been developing into a race that, due to the exactness and the need for precision which it imposes on the drivers, has had the participation of great names of the motor racing participating and which has also served as a launching platform for many other names, the visitor will certainly recognize while visiting the Grand Prix Museum.
E. Macau Museum of Art
Under the management of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Macau Museum of Art is the only art museum in Macau, and provides the largest space dedicated to visual arts. It is situated in the Cultural Centre of Macau in the Outer Harbour area, and was inaugurated on 19 March 1999, with a total area of more than 10,000 square meters and expositive capacity of almost 4,000 square meters. The artistic works and cultural artifacts include Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Seals, Ceramics, Copperwares, Western paintings, Contemporary Arts, Photography artworks, and other significant collections.
F. Handover Gifts Museum of Macau
The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau is located next to the Macau Cultural Centre in Avenida Xian Xing Hai (NAPE). The location of the Museum is also the area that was used for the Handover Ceremony on 20th December 1999 in which Macau was returned to the Mainland. When the hall was dismantled after the ceremony the area became part of the Macau Cultural Centre. The Handover Gifts Museum of Macau was opened December 2004. The main aim of the Museum is to commemorate the handover for its significance in Macau’s modern history. The inauguration of the Museum on the 5th anniversary of the handover is also indeed significant and momentous.
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