选词完成句子。每题1分,共10分 从所给的词或词组中挑选出10个,并用其适当形式填入句中。 be concerned about       be senten

选词完成句子。每题1分,共10分 从所给的词或词组中挑选出10个,并用其适当形式填入句中。 be concerned about       be senten

选词完成句子。每题1分,共10分 从所给的词或词组中挑选出10个,并用其适当形式填入句中。
 be concerned about       be sentenced to death   on purpose   as if
because of   make use of    such as    ever since   equal   ignore
graduate    actually     reliable        disagree      rescue    
小题1:He is a/an ___________ man. You can turn to him whenever you are in trouble.
小题2: There is no doubt that the man who murdered his wife and children _________________________.
小题3:Everybody outside is carrying an umbrella _______________ it is raining.
小题4:Animals __________rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can .
小题5:___________then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.
小题6:He has been working in that factory after his _______________ from the technical school.
小题7:He pretended to be asleep but________, he was awake.
小题8:To attract his attention, she broke a glass ____________.
小题9:Not all men are _________ in ability. That is to say, some men are able while others may not be so able.
小题10: My mother is devoted to our family and she ______________our family no matter where she is.

小题2:will be sentenced to death
小题3:such as
小题4:Ever since
小题7:on purpose
小题9:is concerned about


My classmate,Joseph,is at present in hospital                                                         
with a breaking leg.He was walking to school the other                                              1.         
day when he let a bicycle ran right into him.He never                                                2.         
watches where he is going,so he often gets into the trouble.                                     3.         
But he is having a nice time there.He has a comfortable                                             4.         
room,patiently nurses,and a great deal of time to read.                                                 5.         
Some friends of his go to see him every day,they take him                                         6.         
lots of good book and fresh fruit.He is not losing any time                                                7.         
from school because he is busy study what he has                                                               8.         
missed in class.The doctor says he is recovering fast than                                       9.         
expected and will be out of hospital a few weeks.                                                      10.         
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields
every day. One day, w____ he was ploughing the fields, he heard a 小题1:          
striking sound. He saw a _____ lying by the trunk. He           小题2:          
picked it_____ and found that it was a fat rabbit. He thought      小题3:           
to h_____," Since it is so easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I 小题4:          
work so hard all day long?’! He t____ his hoe away and lay by the 小题5:         
tree every day, _____ (梦想着) for more rabbits to come.         小题6:          
When he f____ realized his foolishness and returned to his        小题7:          
fields, he found that all his crops were ____ (死了). The story tells  小题8:          
us that we should not wait for unexpected gains ____ chance.      小题9:           
Or, we should not hope to get ______(报酬) without hard work.    小题10:        _
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
此题要求改正所给句子中的错误,对每一行做出判断,如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾( √ );如有错误(每句只有一处错误),请按下列情况改正,并把答案按要求写在答题卡上:
此句多一个词,把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉; 然后在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉;
此句缺一个词, 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧ ), 然后在句子后面的横线上写出该加的词;
此句错一个词, 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该行句子后面的横线上写出改正后的词.
I am worker at the tap water company. I find that            小题1:___________
people were becoming more and more careful about         小题2:____________
health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear            小题3:__________
and muddy ,the telephone will ring again and again.         小题4:____________
Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the         小题5:___________
protection of water resources .For the sake of our           小题6:___________
health ,we should take good care our water resources        小题7:__________
and environment .There is a saying “whether we do         小题8:___________
not careful protect our environment, the last drops          小题9:__________
of water we will see them will be our own tears.”           小题10:____________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great ____小题1:____ are located on rivers, and almost ___小题2:____ country has at least one river flowing through it that plays ____小题3:____ important part in the lives of its people.
Since the beginning of history, people _____小题4:_____ (use) rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi, and the lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. _____小题5:_____ transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the people ___小题6:___ live along their banks.
However, large cities and industries that are located on rivers often make problems. As the cities grow __小题7:____ size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes ____小题8:_____ (pollute) with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the ___小题9:_____ (important) of doing more to keep their rivers clean ___小题10:_____ they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A. Practice speaking as often as you can -- even speaking to yourself is good practice. Try recording yourself whenever you can.
B. It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working. Agree times to meet and set goals for the week. And test each other regularly.
C. Practice improvising (即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across, even if you don"t know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have time. An example is the use of tenses. Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.
D. Guesswork is important in learning a new language. When listening to recorded material, you aren"t expected to understand everything the first round. If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time. Learn to make maximum (最大限度) use of all the clues (提示) you can pick up.
E. A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning, but don"t try to learn too much vocabulary at once.
F. If you are the person on the bus, street or restaurant asking how you can improve your English, you are on the right track. The only way to improve your speaking is by speaking. Don"t worry about a bad accent or forgetting words or not being understood.
小题1: Jack Anderson"s vocabulary is very small. He is very anxious to improve his English. Therefore, he wants to enlarge his vocabulary in a short time and tries his best to memorize new words as many as possible at a time.
小题2: Margret Lillian"s pronunciation is poor. And she doesn"t know how to improve her
pronunciation. She is very worried and doesn"t know what to do.
小题3:Alice Fingelhamm has difficulty in understanding the meaning of the English text. So she looks up the new words in the dictionary in order to understand everything. However, she made little progress in English.
小题4:Although Peter Florian wants to communicate with people on the bus when he is on the way home, he is afraid of being laughed at because of his poor accent.
小题5: Lynne Nagata can"t express herself clearly in English because she sometimes forgets some key words and doesn"t know the tenses exactly.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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