It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell how much         1. _______

It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell how much         1. _______


It is a pleasure for me to write this letter to tell how much         1. _______
I enjoyed my stay in your whole family last week. This was my     2. _______
first visit to a English family. At first, I was worried about my      3. _______  
poor English. And when I saw your wife and children waiting for    4. _______
me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. I immediately knew  5. _______ 
that everything would be all right. There are many more happy      6. _______
memories of the week that I will keep with me forever. I particularly 7. _______
enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the       8. _______
changing colors of the leaves on the trees. I also like the                     9. _______
fishing trip. It was such much fun.                                  10. _______

1. 在tell后加上you。
2. 将in改为with。
3. 将a改为an。
4. 将And改为But(或Yet)。
5. 将smile改为smiles。
6. 去掉more。
7. 此行无错。
8. 将saw改为seeing。
9. 将like改为liked。
10.             在boy前加a。

1. 此题考查词汇用法。tell需要跟两个宾语,即指人的间接宾语和指物的直接宾语,结构才算完整,故应在tell后加上you。  
2. 此题考查介词用法。stay in some place,stay with sb.,注意句中的family指的是“家,家人”,不是指“住宅”意义上的“家”,故应将in改为with。 
3. 此题考查冠词用法。在以元音开头的前需用不定冠词an,故应将a改为an。 
4. 此题考查语句连贯。前后句之间的转折关系,故将And改为表示转折意义的But(或Yet)。
5. 此题考查名词单复数。smile为可数名词,故应将smile改为复数形式smiles。 
6. 此题考查形容词用法。应去掉more,因为此处及上下文中不存在比较前提。 
7. 此行无错。
8. 此题考查并列情况。将saw改为seeing,使其与driving并列,共同作enjoyed的宾语。 
9. 此题考查时态用法。将like改为liked,使其与上下文的动词时间和形式保持一致。 
10. 此题考查词汇用法。much前用so表示程度,故应将such改为so1. 此题考查名词用法。boy是可数名词,第一次提及,需要用不定冠词。故在boy前加a。

This is a story told by my father: “When I was boy,                       1._______
the most exciting thing was when to celebrate the Spring                        2. _______
Festival. My grandma was the best cooker in the world                     3. _______
but could make the most delicious dishes. One time, I just                    4. _______
couldn’t wait for the Spring Festival dinner. As I was                          5. _______
about take a piece from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in                     6. _______
the kitchen looking at me. Shake her head, she said, ‘It                 7. _______
isn"t a good time to do that, dear. ’ At once I apologize                   8. _______
controlled me at my best till the dinner started. You                    9. _______
know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month. ”              10. _______
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The others day, on his way back from school, Li Ming                  1._____
found a strange-looked toy car lying on the grass.                   2._____
Curiously, he picked it out and played with it. To his                   3.______
great surprising, suddenly ,the toy became larger and larger .             4.______
Finally it changed into a real car .A moment Li Ming                5.______
got into the car ,from a speaker above coming a stranger’s                6._____
voice: “Please input your address on the screen in front of             7._____
you, and fastened your seat belt. You will go wherever                   8._____
you like ”. As a boy full of adventures, Li Ming decided to                  9._____
take a risk and try on this magic car ….                               10.____
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Although the first computer was only introduced
to China in the mid-1950s, since then ,a number of computers       1._____
used in different fields has been grown rapidly.                     2.______
Computers are now affected millions of people in countless ways       3.______
every day. They are used to predict the weather, examine the           4.______
ocean,and to develop defence systems. They depend more and more   5._____
heavy on computers. There is no reason to think that their use         6._____      
will decrease.By the contrary ,they will develop more rapidly            7. ______
as you think.If you are among those who still don"t know much                8.______
about computers, you will lost in the future.                               
You should learn what you can while you still have the chance                
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Time flies as an arrow. I"m already in the second half   1.______
of senior grade 3 before I realized it. It is only a little more2.______
than three months before I graduate middle school. At        3.______
the present, I"m busy reviewing my lessons in order to         4.______
take the college entrance examination. I hope to go to         5.______
Beijing University, that is one of the best universities not     6.______
only in China but also in the world. I"ll try my best to turn     7.______
my dream to reality. Most of my classmates are also   8.______
studying very hard to realize our wishes. I do believe everyone     9.______
will be able to enter a very good university and college.            10._____
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We have done a survey recently to find whom students will turn to 1.______
when they in trouble .The following are the results .     2.______
Most of students will go to their friends ,because  3.______
they are almost the same age and are able to  4.______
understand each other easy .Some students will tell  5.______
their parents or teachers about their troubles for the reason that they all 6.____
have too much experience that they can be trusted   7.___
by their kids and students. Only a few students    8______
prefer to solving the problemsall by themselves .They hate to talk with others  9______
and can’t get on well with others .As a result ,they have more friends . 10._____
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