A few days ago, I got a letter from a student. In his letter, he told me, “I hav

A few days ago, I got a letter from a student. In his letter, he told me, “I hav

A few days ago, I got a letter from a student. In his letter, he told me, “I have this friend at school. She’s one of my good friends but lately she has been ___36__ strange. When I talked to her the other day, she said coldly, ‘Do I look like I care?’ She was being all strange to me. She told me __37___ she thought I was a bad friend, but she still thinks I am her best friend. I am so confused.”
In my letter in reply, I gave him my advice:
After reading your question, I can understand why you’re confused. It sounds like your relationship with your friend is a little shaky. There could be several reasons for her __38__. For example, maybe she has a lot on her mind and is __39__ a few challenges of her own. She may not feel comfortable talking to anyone about them __40__ and may just need a little time to sort through her own feelings. Or, on the day you talked to her, she could have been having a bad day and didn’t realize she was very cold to you. I could list a few more __41__for you, but you know, __42__, the only person who knows why your friend reacted that way is your friend. My__43__ to you is to tell her how you feel. Let her know she hurt your feelings and ask why on some days she’s nice to you, and on other days she isn’t __44__ nice. It could be that your friend is making some other new friends at school and is having difficulty __45___ her old relationships. Whatever her reasons are, you should let her know that you are a unique, caring person who certainly deserves a good friendship at school, _46__ you wouldn’t have taken the time to write me. If your __47__ with this person fades a bit, it’s OK, because you will develop may other friendships.
36. A. proving                B. thinking               C. showing            D. acting      
37. A. before                B. if                    C. until               D. in case
38. A. background             B. feelings              C. reaction          D. appearance
39. A. getting alone          B. going through          C. blaming for        D. standing up
40. A. already                B. too                 C. yet              D. afterwards
41. A. choices                B. questions            C. opportunities      D. excuse
42. A. last but not least        B. to conclude        C. to be honest       D. as a result
43. A. letter                B. focus             C. recommendation      D. advice
44. A. too                   B. as                  C. also                 D. such
45. A. refusing                B. finding               C. remembering        D. balancing
46. A. and                   B. otherwise           C. because          D. so
47. A. attitude              B. progress            C. hesitation           D. closeness

36. D 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. D 46. B 47. D
36.act 在此处用作动词,表示“行为,举止”。
37.before 在此为adv. “before she thought”意为“以前她认为”。
38. reaction表示“反应”,即指那天来信中的学生和他朋友聊天时,他朋友对他的反应。
39.go through “经历,遭遇”。
40. yet “仍然”。句意:她也许仍然觉得和别人谈自己遇到的棘手的问题不舒服
42.解析同上。last but not the least 意为“importantly”。
44.这里的as nice 根据语境可得知原句:on other days she isn’t as nice as she’s nice to you on some days.
45. balance在此处作动词,表示“使……平衡”。
46.otherwise “否则”。
Yesterday afternoon I went to Yuexiu Park. It happens that I saw         76._____________
a touched event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake.              77._____________
Among whom was a happy family. They were taking photos                   78._____________
while suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was                      79._____________
struggling but her parents cried out, “Help! Help!” It was                       80._____________
obviously that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man       81._____________
immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he
jumped into water and quickly swam towards the girl, who was already   82._____________
tired out. At last he carried her to the lake bank. She was saved!                    83._____________
How happy the parent were! Before they thought                                84._____________
thanking the young man, he had disappeared.                         85._____________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to  36  my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a tiresome  37  from one end of the city to another and to  38  among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the  39 , so the friendship I knew at school was  40 . I put up with it for a short period. It was  41  long a walk on cold winter’s nights and it was hard to put my  42  into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued writing poetry at home.
By chance, I  43  some prizes and awards for literature. A young woman from a  44  company came to the college one day. She told me that I won a national poetry award. I  45  at her in astonishment and disbelief. She wanted to make a short  46  about me, to which I said, “ No, I couldn’t do that.” Not that I had any real  47 . I was just frightened. In the end she  48    me that I should do it the following day.
So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my  49  and I became  50  interested in literature than ever. I  51  what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not  52  myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly told my parents that I wanted to _53  to school. They were greatly surprised and a little afraid, but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was  54 , and if I knew what it meant and  55  I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter no further.
36.A.stop                 B.go on                  C.continue        D.walk
37.A.talk                    B.journey               C.job              D.walk
38.A.do              B.sit             C.talk           D.work
39.A.family         B.class           C.city            D.country


40.A.absent           B.missed          C.lost            D.over41.A.too             B.very           C.much          D.quite
42.A.mind         B.heart           C.soul            D.thought
43.A.defeated        B.beat            C.won               D.hit
44.A.TV            B.radio            C.shoe            D.food
45.A.looked           B.fixed           C.shouted         D.stared
46.A.talk          B.film             C.conversation     D.speech
47.A.reason        B.cause           C.excuse          D.wish
48.A.advised       B.suggested        C.agreed        D.persuaded
49.A.poems        B.stories          C.speeches        D.plans
50.A.less          B.much          C.far             D.more
51.A.wandered         B.considered      C.discussed        D.wondered
52.A.think         B.consider         C.spend           D.imagine
53.A.drop           B.leave           C.return          D.go to
54.A.sure          B.clear           C.curious         D.true
55.A.whether                       B.that                            C.how            D.what
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could __1__ tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he 2 in class.
When I took the first exam, I was 3 to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper,   4  English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained_ 5  .
I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that  6 because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I   7 with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his 8   .
One more test before the final exam. One more  8 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time.   10  The meaning of the word “thorough”. But my  11_    did no good and everything  12  as before.
The last hurdle(障碍) was the final. No matter what   13 I got, it wouldn’t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well kiss the   14  goodbye.
I stopped working head. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even  15 myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have  16__with a test.
A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into professor Jayne’s office. He  17__ to be expecting me. “If I gave you the As you  18 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”
I stared at him.  19 That his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct. I had worked my head   20 , as I had never done before.
I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.
1.        A.  take        B. discuss      C. cover         D. get
2.        A. sought      B. presented    C. exchanged     D. obtained
3.        A. shocked     B. worried      C. scared        D. anxious
4.         A. but         B. so          C. for           D. or
5.         A. unchanged   B. unpleasant   C. unfriendly     D. unmoved
6.         A. reflected     B. meant       C. improved     D. affected
7.         A. quarreled    B. reasoned     C. bargained     D. chatted
8.         A. attitude      B. mind        C. plan         D. view
9.         A. choice       B. step         C. chance       D. measure
10.     A. memorized    B. considered   C. accepted      D. learned
11.     A. ambition      B. confidence   C. effort         D. method
12.     A. stayed        B. went        C. worked       D. changed
13.     A. grade         B. answer      C. lesson        D. comment
14.     A. scholarship     B. course      C. degree       D. subject
15.     A. helped         B. favored     C. treated       D. relaxed
16.     A. fun            B. luck       C. problems     D. tricks.
17.     A. happened       B. proved     C. pretended     D. seemed
18.     A. valued        B. imagined    C. expected     D. welcomed
19.     A. remembering    B. guessing    C. supposing    D. realizing
20.      A. out          B. over       C. on           D. of
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mr Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not satisfied with life. He did not sleep well and his food did not  21  with him. The situation lasted for some time. Finally, after a   22  of sleepless nights, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of  23 . “Go abroad,” he said, “But I’m not good at foreign languages,” said Mr Smith. “It doesn’t matter,” said the doctor. “It won’t   24  you to talk a little less. Go on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your weight,  25  rich food.”
Mr Smith went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him bend his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs   26  . After a time his muscles grew hard and firm. The life suited him; he almost put aside his financial  27  and nearly forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to  28  individual trees and individual birds. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home. But unfortunately his improvement was temporary. Soon he was a   29  businessman again, worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his success in a  30  society, and things in general.
21. A. agree                 B. taste                 C. suit                  D. fit
22. A. series                 B. course              C. number            D. few
23. A. situations           B. surroundings      C. weather            D. life
24. A. stop                   B. hurt                 C. help                 D. prevent
25. A. eat                           B. prepare            C. avoid               D. try
26. A. highly               B. widely                    C. alternately        D. regularly
27. A. hardship            B. debts                C. worries            D. success
28. A. see                           B. notice               C. glance               D. consider
29. A. rich                   B. happy               C. normal                    D. successful
30. A. struggle                    B. business           C. miserable         D. competitive
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A seeker asks, “I want to make a difference in the world, but there are so many causes crying for attention that I feel deeply confused. I don"t know where to put my energy to have the greatest   21 . Where do I begin?”
Lynn Answers:
There is no one “  22 ” place to begin. Each of us has a different   23 place, and the place where we will be of greatest service has to do with where we most want to   24 . If we want to have an effect on the world around us, it"s important to   25 what I think of as our "Area of Power." Our Area of Power is where we feel the most passion to act and have the most   26 that results are   27 .
If we pray for world peace, but have no vision of what this would look like and no faith that our   28 will help, our effect is less than if we pray for peace and harmony in our own   29  with a clear picture of what this means and excitement that healing is possible. Without faith that we can   30 , our power to help is decreased.
21. A. power             B. ease                 C. effect                    D. result
22. A. right           B. real                      C. similar                D. exact
23. A. amusing          B. ending                 C. starting                    D. finishing
24. A. give           B. live               C. act                   D. dream
25. A. work              B. regard              C. consider                  D. identify
26. A. power             B. peace               C. faith                   D. energy
27. A. visible        B. possible            C. reasonable         D. accessible
28. A. prayers          B. players            C. seekers                D. watchers
29. A. language         B. way                 C. world                      D. family
30. A. make an effort                          B. make it               
C. make a difference                            D. make ends meet
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