Have you adapted._ in a different country? [ ]A. to live
Have you adapted._ in a different country? |
[ ] |
A. to live B. to living C. living D. in living |
B |
Many friends send telegrams to congratulate from the famous university. |
[ ] |
A. her graduation B. her graduating C. her on her graduation D. her with graduating |
单句改错。 |
Can you explain me the present situation? |
Cirl students are not boy students in any respect. |
[ ] |
A. inferior B. inferior to C. inferior than D. inferior as |
Paul is good, hard-working and intelligent; ,I can"t speak too highly of him. |
[ ] |
A. as a result B. in a word C. by the way D.on the contrary |
I soon found that the work l was doing had already been done by somebody else, ,I was wasting my time. |
[ ] |
A. in a word B. with words C. in other words D. by word |
- 氯化钠在自然界中分布很广,海水里含大量氯化钠.某氯化钠粗品中含少量氯化镁和氯化钙,某化学兴趣小组设计提纯方案如下:(1)
- -- Peter, set down the result of the experiment, ______?--
- 如图是观察平面镜成像的装置.在竖立的玻璃板前面放一支点燃的蜡烛,可以看到玻璃板后面出现蜡烛的像.另外拿一支大小相同的蜡烛
- 如图, 在等腰三角形中, 底边, , , 若, 则=
- 某个城市,工厂林立,烟雾弥漫,结果使树皮熏成黑褐色,生活在树上的桦尺蠖有深色和浅色的,这种情况下( )A.深色少,浅色
- 生命是大自然的奇迹,而自然又因为生命的存在而精彩。[ ]
- 2013年1月13日,北京市气象台发布了北京气象史上首个霾橙色预警;10月21日英国《卫报》的报道说,令人窒息的雾霾让哈
- 两种金属的混合物共15g,跟足量的盐酸反应时,恰好得到11.2L氢气(标况)。下列各组金属不可能构成上述条件的混合物的是
- 如图所示,用甲、乙两个滑轮组匀速提升同一重物时,使用的拉力分别是F1和F2,则F1 F2(填“>”“<
- 一个长方体水箱,从里面量长25厘米,宽20厘米,深30厘米,水箱里已经盛有深为a厘米的水。现在往水箱里放进一个棱长10厘