— I think he"s determined that he won"t give in — see if you can ______ the stub

— I think he"s determined that he won"t give in — see if you can ______ the stub

— I think he"s determined that he won"t give in 
— see if you can ______ the stubborn man. [     ]
A. get round
B. wipe out
C. take over
D. rule out
Since you are my daughter"s classmate, we"d like to _____ you _____ tonight.[     ]
A. put ; down
B. put ; in
C. put ; off
D. put ; up
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
I often _____ the words I don" t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.  [     ]
A. look up
B. look at
C. look for
D. look into
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
The manager has ______ to improve the working condition in the company. [     ]
A. accepted
B. allowed
C. permitted
D. agreed
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
Overeating and lack of regular exercise easily _____ overweight and high blood pressure.[     ]
A. result from
B. live with
C. consist of
D. contribute to
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
He could hardly ______ this amount of work in such a short time. [     ]
A. get through
B. get off
C. get into
D. get down
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案


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