阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I have a friend who ha

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I have a friend who ha

I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood, but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives, some of them laughed at him, and some even held down his enthusiasm      .
"I must change it." said the boy angrily, “I believe I can speak very    , I will do!"
When it was possible, he would spend an hour     to chickens. He viewed the chickens as living persons,     himself to be the person in the speech.
"In the beginning, the chickens looked so        , then they watched me curiously, putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been        by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes they seemed to be listening to me       . Gradually, the effect of this practice became more and more   and I had a better understanding of the exact      of my stammer, so I found the ability to speak more."
"You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的). He        believed in the old saying: "Young man should be more knowledgeable, but should not      much." During the whole childhood,   I spoke or commented, he criticized me seriously, which    my shy personality. I used to worry about being  at, so I became a stammerer. From then on, I kept     in front of everyone because they didn"t want to see my embarrassment. But later I found myself talking in front of chickens, stammers disappeared      , therefore I regained my   ."
Now, the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most   missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language    . So when you come across disadvantages, you should believe you can     them by yourself.
A.sincerely B.impolitely C.strangelyD.privately
A.frequentlyB.fluently C.obviouslyD.completely
A.contributing B.seeingC.turningD.speaking
A.think B.listen C.playD.talk
A.applied toB.led toC.referred toD.owed to
A.silent B.activeC.noisyD.upset
A.successfulB.intelligent C.modestD.responsible



小题1:A. sincerely:真诚地; B. impolitely:无礼地、粗鲁地; C. strangely:奇怪地;D. privately:私下地、背地里。题意:当男孩向亲朋叙说自己的愿望时,有些人粗鲁地打击他的热情。故B项正确。
小题2:A. frequently:经常地、频繁地;B. fluently:流利地;C. obviously:明显地;D. completely:完全地、彻底地。题意:男孩相信自己能克服口吃的毛病,把话说流利。故B项正确。
小题3:A. contribute to:为……做贡献、捐赠;B. see to:照看、照管; C. turn to:转向(某人寻求帮助) D. speak to:对着……说话。题意:为练习说话、克服口吃,男孩一有机会就会对着鸡群说话。故D项正确。
小题4:A. imagine:想象;B. consider:认为、将……看做……;C. declare:宣布、宣称;D. find:发现。题意:男孩将鸡群看成活人,而将自己想象成演讲人。consider指“观点、看法”,涉及对某人或某事的评价。与题意不合。故A项正确。
小题5:A. satisfied:满意的;B. pleased:高兴的;C. frightened;害怕的;D. surprised:惊讶的。题意:男孩刚开始对着鸡群说话时,鸡仔们自然的反应就是“害怕”。后来被逐渐吸引。“惊讶”、“满意”、“高兴”等都不能用来描述鸡仔们的反应。故C项正确。
小题6:A. attracted:被吸引;B. beaten:被击败、沮丧;C. bothered:被打搅;D. influenced:被影响。题意:鸡仔们放下口中食物,倾听男孩的话,似乎被他有力而有效的语言所吸引。故A项正确。
小题7:A. casually:随意地;B. carefully:仔细地;C. luckily:幸运地;D. cautiously:谨慎地。题意:从上文“放下口中食物倾听”可知,鸡仔们在“仔细地”听男孩说话。故选择B项。
小题8:A. obvious:明显的;B. slight:轻微的;C. crucial:至关重要的;D. common:常见的。题意:练习的效果越来越明显。后文也说明,男孩最终摆脱了口吃的毛病,正是找到口吃原因以及练习的缘故。故A项正确。
小题9:A. effect:效果、影响;B. benefit:好处、益处;C. cause:原因、起因;D. harm:害处、坏处。从下文可知:男孩的父亲专横,认为“男孩子可博学但不可多话”,整个孩提时代,只要他说话或发表看法,他父亲就会严厉批评他。这正是造成男孩口吃的原因。故C项正确。
小题10:A. originally:起初;B. personally:亲自;C. doubtfully:犹豫不决;D. stubbornly:固执地。题意:男孩父亲固执地信奉“男孩子要博学少言”的古训。从男孩一说话父亲就严厉批评来看,其态度是坚定的。故D项正确。
小题11:A. think:认为;B. listen:听;C. play:玩耍;D. talk:谈话、说话。古训:男孩要博学但不可多话。D项正确。
小题12:A. since:因为;自从;B. before:在……之前;C. whenever:无论何时;D. unless:除非。题意:无论何时,只要男孩说话,都会受到父亲严厉指责。故选择C项。
小题13:A. apply to:申请;B. lead to:导致;C. refer to:指;参看;D. owe sth. to sb.:欠某人某物。 题意:父亲的严厉指责“造成”男孩害羞的性格。B项正确。
小题14:A. amaze:使 ……惊奇;B. study:研究、学习;C. laugh:大笑;D. look:看。题意:因为害羞,过去总是担心被人“嘲笑”,所以变成了口吃。laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人。C项正确。
小题15:A. silent:沉默的;B. active:活跃的;C. noisy:吵闹的;D. upset:难过的。题意:因为害羞、怕人嘲笑,所以在人前保持沉默。A项符合题意。
小题16:A. logically:逻辑上;B. typically:典型地;C. equally:平等地;D. naturally:自然地。题意:对着鸡仔说话,不必担心被嘲笑,口吃“自然”也就消失了。D项正确。
小题17:A. strength:力量、力气;B. dream:梦想;C. confidence:自信;D. freedom:自由。题意:口吃消失了,自然获得了“自信”。C项正确。
小题18:A. successful:成功的;B. intelligent:聪明的;C. modest:谦逊的;D. responsible:有责任心的、需负责的。男孩的梦想是成为传教士,他做到了,且很成功。他现在能言善辩,这与“聪明”、“谦虚”、“有责任心”等没有关系。故选择A项。
小题19:A. gift:礼物、天资;B. barrier:障碍;C. ability:能力;D. study:学习。题意:看到他现在能言善辩,很难想象过去的他曾有语言障碍。B项符合题意。
小题20:A. arrange:安排;B. exchange:交换;C. reduce:减少;D. change:改变。题意:遇到劣势,要相信自己能够“改变”劣势。D项正确。
Fannie Cratty wasn’t really my aunt. I only referred to her as “My Aunt Fannie” because the name always made my father laugh and gave my mother cause to look angrily at both of us---at me for being disrespectful of my elder and at my father for encouraging my bad behavior.
As a young woman, my mother had worked in the kitchen of a large Victorian farmhouse owned by Fannie Cratty. During those years my mother helped Aunt Fannie make the best blueberry jam ever tasted by anyone in Glenfield. Aunt Fannie was well known for her jam and for never sharing the recipe with another living soul. Even though my mother knew the recipe by heart, as long as Aunt Fannie was alive (and she lived to be ninety-six!), she never made the jam without Ms. Cratty in our kitchen to direct the process and preserve the secret. 
Each August, when blueberry season would roll around, my mother would prepare me for Aunt Fannie’s visit. It was vital that I should be on my best behavior. After all, the woman was old, wealthy, very strict with children. Whenever she was at the house, I didn’t need to be reminded to guard my thoughts and watch my tongue. 
One year, after I had been particularly helpful with the jam process, Aunt Fannie gave me a quarter(25分硬币) and then made me promise that I would never spend it. “Hold onto this quarter,” she said, “and someday you will be rich. I still have my very first quarter, given to me by my grandfather.” It had obviously worked for her. So, I kept the 1938-quarter into a small box, put it in my dresser drawer, and waited to become rich. 
I now have the blueberry jam recipe and the quarter from Aunt Fannie. In people’s eye Aunt Fannie’s success was due to that secret recipe. But to me, it was just a common recipe. Neither has significantly contributed to my wealth, but I keep them as reminders to hold onto the valuable things in life. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the relationships and the memories of time spent with friends and family that truly leave you wealthy. And that is a fortune that anyone can build.
小题1:Paragraph 2 implies that my mother    .
A.used to forget the secret blueberry jam recipe
B.wanted to show off her excellent cooking skills
C.was unable to make the jam without Aunt Fannie’s direction
D.tried to convince Aunt Fannie that she would keep the secret
小题2:According to Paragraph 4, the author believed that Aunt Fanni was rich because    .
A.she had kept her first quarter
B.she had never wasted money
C.she had worked very hard
D.she had kept her promise
小题3:The author thinks that we can feel wealthy if we    .
A.share our wealth with others
B.have good fortune and money
C.know the secret of a jam recipe
D.own lasting love and friendship
小题4:Which would be the best title for this passage?
A.An old quarterB.Valuable Things
C.Blueberry Jam RecipeD.Memories of old time

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When Marilynne Robinson published her first novel, Housekeeping, in 1980, she was unknown in the literary world. But an early review in The New York Times ensured that the book would be noticed. “It’s as if, in writing it, she broke through the ordinary human condition with all its dissatisfactions, and achieved a kind of transfiguration(美化),” wrote Anatole Broyard, with an enthusiasm and amazement that was shared by many critics and readers. The book became a classic, and Robinson was recognized as one of the outstanding American writers of our time. Yet it would be more than twenty years before she wrote another novel. 
During the period, Robinson devoted herself to writing nonfiction. Her essays and book reviews appeared in Harper’s and The New York Times Book Review, and in 1989 she published Mother Country: Britain, the Welfare State, and Nuclear Pollution, criticizing severely the environmental and public health dangers caused by the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in England—and the political and moral corruption(腐败). In 1998, Robinson published a collection of her critical and theological writings, The Death of Adam: Essays on Modern Thought, which featured reassessments of such figures as Charles Darwin, John Calvin, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Aside from a single short story—“Connie Bronson,” published in The Paris Review in 1986—it wasn’t until 2004 that she returned to fiction with the novel Gilead, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. Her third novel, Home, came out this fall.
Her novels could be described as celebrations of the human—the characters in them are unforgettable creations. Housekeeping is the story of Ruth and her sister Lucille, who are cared for by their eccentric(古怪的)Aunt Sylvie after their mother commits suicide. Robinson writes a lot about how each of the three is changed by their new life together. Gilead is an even more close exploration of personality: the book centres on John Ames, a seventy-seven-year-old pastor(牧师) who is writing an account of his life and his family history to leave to his young son after he dies. Home borrows characters from Gilead but centers on Ames’s friend Reverend Robert Boughton and his troubled son Jack. Robinson returned to the same territory as Gilead because, she said, “after I write a novel or a story, I miss the characters—I feel like losing some close friends.”
小题1:Robinson’s second novel came out ____.
A.in 1980B.in 1986 C.in 1998D.in 2004
小题2:What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Robinson’s achievements in fiction.
B.Robinson’s achievements in nonfiction.
C.Robinson’s influence on the literary world.
D.Robinson’s contributions to the environment.
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, who is John Ames?
A.He is Robinson’s close friend.
B.He is a character in Gilead.
C.He is a figure in The Death of Adam.
D.He is a historian writing family stories.
小题4:From which section of a newspaper can you read this passage?
A.Career.B.Lifestyle. C.Music.D.Culture.

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I was doing a big clean-up and my kids were helping. One of my sons came across a handkerchief of mine with a coin inside. I took one look and was immediately   to another time.
In 1991,I had spent five months in Viger(尼日尔),a hot African country. There were many things I found      about this place—the climate and beggars who      shouted “Cadeau! Cadeau!” It means gift.
One      was a lot worse.One day,a friend and I headed for neighboring Burkina Faso to work in a health clinic.However,a motorbike with two men      slowly.Without warning,one of the men     my backpack as the motorbike swept close by.The bag had my passport,money,an airline ticket and other things precious to me.I was in deep      .In the weeks that followed I looked at all   with suspicion.
All I wanted was to leave this place.One day,I was stopped by an old woman “Cadeau!” she cried. I’d had enough! I was sick and tired of the country.I told her firmly,“A thief stole all my money and now I can’t get off your country.” The beggar woman listened carefully and     my words.
“Then I will give you a cadeau,” she announced.Kindly,she placed an old brown coin in my palm. I looked at it   .Living in poverty,she gave me something priceless! I saw then the     beauty of the people of Burkina Faso and    deeply the quiet dignity of the small coin;she turned my perceptions upside down.
A.in horrorB.in shockC.in returnD.in addition

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In side their one-storey, metal-roofed house on Vancouver Island’s west coast,Janet Schwartz and her domesticated(驯养的) deer, Bimbo,are returning to their normal lives. The law—represented by men and women dressed in black uniforms and carrying guns — is no longer threatening to forcibly separate Schwartz and Bimbo,freeing the l0-year-old deer to the fates (命运) of the surrounding rainforest and its hungry wolves and black bears.
“We love each other,”said Schwartz who turned 70 on Saturday. “she’ll come up to me and she’ll kiss me right on the lips,1ike a man kisses a woman’’
For four days last week,Schwartz’ life turned as rocky as the rough logging road that connected her life to the outside world. Conservation officers had arrived with orders to 1oose Bimbo. Schwartz was to1d she wasn’t allowed to touch Bimbo any more It seemed somebody had complained,said  Environment Minister Terry Lake earlier in the week, noting it’s illegal to keep wild animals as pets.
During those tense days,sleepless nights were made even more restless by nightmares,said Schwartz. There were news stories and Facebook pages which supported Schwartz and by Friday,the government had changed its mind. Schwartz could keep her pet with the help of a veterinarian and conservation officers.
“It makes me feel good,”said Schwartz of the announcement.“She is my life.and I’ve had her since the day she’s been born.”
The relationship began when a friend found the orphaned fawn (幼鹿) along a nearby logging road,more than a kilometer away from her current home,said Schwartz. The friend brought the fawn over because she knew Schwartz had raised a deer before.
Schwartz named the fawn Bimbo,based on a Gene Autry song that was playing inside her home at the time,and began feeding the animal goat’s milk.
Days turned into months and years, and now Bimbo’s a part of the family.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1 , Janet Schwartz’s life is returning to normal because______.
A.no one disturbs her life again
B.she can continue to keep the deer
C.she has married again
D.Bimbo has returned to the forest
小题2:Why didn’t Schwartz want to loose the deer?
A.It was the only companion in her house
B.She wanted to study the lifestyle of the deer.
C.The deer had become part of her life.
D.She had a veterinarian to help her.
小题3: Conservation officers ordered Janet to loose Bimbo because              .
A.the deer was not properly taken care of
B.the deer brought harm to the neighborhood
C.it was against the law to keep the deer as a pet
D.the deer made too much noise
小题4: What made the government change its mind?
A.Schwartz’s love for the deer.
B.The threat to the deer in the wild.
C.The change of the law.
D.The influence from the press and the Web.
小题5:What can we conclude from the text?
A.Bimbo will continue to stay with Schwartz.
B.Bimbo will be loosed to the wild.
C.A professional worker will take over Bimbo.
D.Bimbo will stay m a nearby Zoo.

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How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, impolite waiter,rude boss,or an insensitive employee      your day?
One day I was in a taxi and we headed       the airport. We were driving in the    lane when suddenly a black car drove out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his      ,slide sideways,and at the very last moment our car stopped and     the other car by just inches!The driver of the other car looked around and started       at us.
My taxi driver just      and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really      . So I asked,"Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!”   
This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of      , full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment. As their garbage       up,they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on     .Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave,wish them well,and move on.
Believe me. You’ll be      .Don’t take their garbage and      it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with     .The mark of your success is how quickly you can refocus on what’s     in your life. Roy Baumeister,a psychology researcher from Florida State University,found in his extensive research that you      bad things more often than good things in your life. You store the bad memories more easily, and you      them more frequently.
So…Love the people who treat you right. Ignore the ones who don’t. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you       it!
When you follow “The Law of the Garbage Truck”,you take back control of your life. You make room for the good by     go of the bad. Have a Garbage-Free Day!Have a marvelous,garbage-free day!The seeds you plant today       the harvest you reap tomorrow.

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