Once when I was six years old I saw an amazing picture in a book called True Sto

Once when I was six years old I saw an amazing picture in a book called True Sto

Once when I was six years old I saw an amazing picture in a book called True Stories from Nature about the primeval(原始的)forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor(大蟒蛇) in the act of swallowing an animal. In the book it said:“Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole without chewing(嚼)it. After that they are not able to move and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion(消化).”
I thought deeply then over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing. My Drawing Number One. I showed my work to the grown-ups and asked them whether the drawing frightened them. But they answered:“Frighten? Why should anyone be frightened by a hat?”
My drawing was not a picture of a hat. It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made another drawing. I drew the inside of the boa constrictor so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. They always need to have things explained. That"s my Drawing Number Two.
The grown-ups" response this time was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of ba constrictors whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. That is why at the age of six I gave up what might have been a great painter. I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two. Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.
So then I chose another profession(职业) and learned to pilot airplanes. I have flown a little over all parts of the world; and it is true that geography has been very useful to me. At a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona. If one gets lost in the night, such knowledge is valuable.
In the course of this life I have had lots of chances to meet with a great many people. And that hasn"t much improved my opinion of them. Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I tried showing him my Drawing Number One which I have always kept. I would try to find out if this was a person of true understanding. But whoever it was, he or she would always say: That is a hat. Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors or primeval forests or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I would talk to him about bridge and golf and politics and neckties. And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such an intelligent man.
小题1:The writer drew his first picture in order to ________.
A.show the grown-ups what the book was about
B.frighten the grown-ups trying to enter the forest
C.remind himself of the adventures of the jungle
D.illustrate(说明)a boa constrictor"s act of digesting an animal
小题2:How did the writer understand the grown-ups" response to his second drawing?
A.He was actually only good at academic study.
B.It was a waste of time for him to keep on drawing.
C.He had difficulty in communicating with the adults.
D.He was good at anything but geography.
小题3:The underlined word disheartened in Paragraph 4 could most probably be replaced by ________.
小题4:Which of the following statements is true?
A.The writer could have become a pilot if encouraged when young.
B.The writer finally changed his opinion of grown-ups.
C.The writer has been showing his two pictures to others ever since.
D.The writer felt nobody could have really understood him.


小题1:D推理判断题。根据第三段中It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant.可知,应选D。
小题3:A词义猜测题。根据上下文和划线部分的下文the failure可知,这两幅画的失败打击了作者。故disheartened,在此可理解为“使失去信心”.
小题4:D正误判断题。根据最后一段中I would try to find out if this was a person of true understanding. But whoever it was, he or she would always say: That is a hat.可知:D项正确。
I was 230 pounds this spring and I decided to get down to a healthier 200.In a house full of food,including snacks bought for my 7­year­old sons,I had a hard time cutting calories. Then I noticed my neighbors were having diet meals (减肥餐).I decided to do the same,knowing I would never be able to stick to a diet if I had to do the buying and cooking myself. I was looking for food that I could afford but I might take a diet more seriously if it hurt me in the wallet.
After online searches,I decided to compare the offerings of four companies:Zone Manhattan,Chefs Diet,Nu­Kitchen and eDiets. All four would send the meals to my door. Three send food daily,while eDiets sends a large package once a week. There were dozens of companies I could have chosen.Research suggests that the economic crisis has made diet programs less tempting.Consumers prefer do­it­yourself diets with foods bought from the supermarket.
Nu­Kitchen regards itself as the “personal chef”.I ordered the five­day plan ($230.53) and the taste was disappointing. I neither lost nor gained weight on the food.
eDiets promises “healthy,delicious meals sent to your door”.I ordered five breakfasts,five lunches and five dinners. My total cost was $119.70,or less than $25 a day. Overall,the food from eDiets was better than that from Nu­Kitchen.
Chefs Diet charged $380.99 for seven days,making it the most expensive of the four services.I never tasted anything terrible,but I never tasted anything that made me want to renew for a second week.
Zone Manhattan charged $349.80,with tax,for a week’s supply of food,or about $50 a day.I liked the food so much that I lost six pounds in the first four days on the diet.
小题1:When the author began to have diet meals,she________.
A.was 200 pounds
B.didn’t have any children
C.worked as a cook in a company offering diet meals
D.didn’t believe she could stick to a diet if she had to cook herself
小题2:What does the underlined word “tempting” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Attractive. B.Expensive.C.Delicious. D.Useful.
小题3:Which of the four companies’ food cost the least daily?
A.Zone Manhattan’s. B.Chefs Diet’s.
C.Nu­Kitchen’s. D.eDiets’.
小题4:We can learn from the passage that________.
A.the author gained weight on the food from Nu­kitchen
B.the author would choose the food of Zone Manhattan
C.the food from eDiets was the worst of the four
D.Zone Manhattan sends food once a week

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Miss Lovely began to work in our office last year. She thought she was 36 and hardly talked with us . Her house was a little far from our company and she had to go to work 37 every day.
Of course, she had to spend a lot of 38 on this, She decided to have her own car, and began to 39 how to drive two months ago . Now she was able to drive, but had to 40 a license before she could buy a car. It took her a week to 41 the traffic regulations. She was sure she would 42 the examinations.
It was finally time for her to take the examinations yesterday.  Miss Lovely didn’t come to work. We 43 she would drive her new car to our company this morning. But to our  44 she came here by taxi and didn’t tell anybody about it. None of us asked her the 45 but her face clearly showed she had 46 in the exams.
This afternoon one of our workmates told us 47 had happened to the girl when she was 48. Yesterday the chief examiner had asked her some questions, but she could answer only  a 49 .For example,“Would you run over a man or a dog if you see them both in the middle of the 50 ?”
“Of course  I’d run over the dog ,sir”, Miss Lovely answered without 51 .
“I’m sorry to tell you, Miss Lovely,”the examiner shook his 52 and said ,“you have to take the examination again!”
“I don’t think my answers were 53 ,sir”the girl said in a hurry.“I 54  run over a man, you know!”
“Iagree with your 55, Miss Lovely,”the chief examiner said with a smile,“but why not brake(刹车)?”
A.by taxiB.by trainC.on footD.by plane
A.findB.apply forC.look forD.make
小题8:A suggested    B. described    C. thought      D. replied
A.surpriseB.joyC. angerD.pleasure
A.nameB.reasonC. ruleD.notice
A.illB.aloneC.in D.out
A.fewB.severalC.all D.lot

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40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of. But when the yearly games for the disabled were started at Stoke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwig Guttmann, the situation began to change.
Sir Ludwig Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany, had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries center at Stoke Mandeville Hospital near London, His ideas about treating injuries included sport for the disabled.
In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part .The next year, 1949, five teams took part. From those beginnings, things have developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stoke Mandeville every year. In 1990 the first Olympics for the disabled were held in Rome, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years games for the disabled are still held at Stoke Mandeville, In the 1984 Wheelchair Olympic Games, 1,064 wheelchair athletes form about 40 countries took part. Unfortunately, they were held at Stoke Mandeville and not in Los Angeles, along with the other Olympics.
The games have been a great success in helping the progress of international friendship and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can’t enjoy sport. One small source of disappointment for those who organize and take part in the games, however, has been the unwillingness of the International Olympic Committee to include disabled events at the Olympic Games for the able-bodied. Perhaps a few more years are still needed to persuade those fortunate enough not to be disabled that their disabled fellow athletes should be included.
小题1:The first games for the disabled were held ___ after Sir Ludwig Guttmann arrived in England.
A.40 yearsB.21 yearsC.10 yearsD.9 years
小题2:Besides Stoke Mandeville, surely the games for the disabled were once held in_____.
A.New YorkB.LondonC.RomeD.Los Angeles
小题3:What do we know about Sir Ludwig Guttmann from the passage?
A.He is an early organizer of the games for the able-bodied
B. He is welcomed by the British government
C.He is an injured soldier.
D.He is from England.
小题4:From the passage, we may know that the writer is_____.
A.in favor of holding the games for the disabled
B.against holding the games for the disabled
C.a disabled person who once took part in the games
D.one of the organizers of the games for the disabled

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I always think my spoken English is so poor that I can’t communicate with
native English speakers well. So after going to the college, I take as  36 English lessons as I can. 37  I am free, I go to English corners and  38  English lessons and lectures. To my surprise, I can understand most of  39 of the professors who come from Canada, and the USA. However, I haven’t had more  40  to talk to them in English.
Although I  41  English articles out aloud every day, I am not sure if I can make myself  42  by native English speakers. How I hope I can talk to  43  English speakers for  a while. I went to the English  44  as usual last night. Surprisingly, there were three foreigners sitting there. There , however, were several Chinese students around them, too. “I must not  45  this chance,” I said to myself.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” I  46  to one of them.
“Nice to meet you too.” He put out his hand. We  47  hands, what a warm hand! Then I  48 myself to him. When I told him that I had  49  English by myself for three years, he said that it was  50  and my English was so good. His words gave me a lot of 51  . At that time he hadn’t had dinner. He asked us if it was rude or 52  to talk to us while he was eating (a)  53  . We, said we didn’t 54  that, only
if he was  55  to talk to us. He smiled and began to eat his supper.
A.As long asB.As much asC.As far asD.As soon as
A.encouragementB.surpriseC. responsibilityD.glory

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Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life.This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened.
On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister"s dress and picked out a beautiful skirt."Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago.She never wore it.She was saving it for a special occasion." he said.I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral (葬礼) of my sister, after her unexpected death.
He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral.Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, "Don"t ever save anything for a special occasion.Every day you"re alive is a special occasion."
I"m thinking about his words, and they"ve changed the way I live my life.I"m spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings.Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer."Someday" and "one of these days" are losing their importance on my vocabulary.If it"s worth seeing or hearing or doing,I want to see and hear and do it now.
Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold hack or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives.Every morning when I open my eyes.I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift.So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life.
小题1:Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didn"t wear it?
A.She waited for a special occasion to wear it on.
B.She wanted to keep it for someone else.
C.She saved it till she grew up.
D.She would give it to herself as a gift some day.
小题2:What does the underlined word "cherish" mean?
小题3:From his experience, the author learns that _______.
A.everybody can have a happy life through efforts
B.every day in our lives is worth cherishing
C.enjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our lives
D.everybody will have some things left to do after his death
小题4:What does the author write this passage for?
A.To show how to make good use of every day in life.
B.To explain the true meaning of his brother-in-law"s words.
C.To tell people to cherish every day and find the meaning of life.
D.To encourage people to waste time and enjoy themselves in life.
小题5:What"s the best title for this passage?
A.Every Day Is a Gift
B.My Sister Jan
C.What Is the Meaningful Life Like
D.The Most Important Time in Your Life

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