完形(15%)Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity

完形(15%)Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity

Albert Einstein said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Once __41 __, such opportunities are like valuable diamonds hidden in the sand.
Several years ago, I spoke at a school about how we were surrounded by “___42___  ” if we could only recognize them. A man stopped by to see me, and I remembered him as somebody who had suffered through a(n) ___43___ divorce (离婚) and was examining what was most important to him. He took a small ___44___ out of his pocket. Here is what he said to me that day.
“I ___45___ on this stone when I was leaving church last Sunday. You had spoken about  ___46___ opportunities—diamonds. I put the stone in my ___47___ to remind me to look for those “diamonds” that I need. I have been trying to sell my business . On Monday morning, a man who seemed interested in ___48___ some of my stock (股票) stopped by. I thought, ‘Here’s my diamond—don’t let it ___49___!’ I sold the entire stock to him by noon. Now my next diamond is to find a new ___50___  !”
Not long afterward, he did find a new and better job. From then on, he decided to keep his stone with him all the time as a ___51___ to look for “diamonds” as he dug through the ___52___ of life.
Richard DeVos is right when he points out. “This is an exciting world. It is filled with opportunities. Great moments wait around every corner.” Those moments are diamonds that,   ___53___ left unrecognized, will be forever lost.
Are you looking for “diamonds” every day? If not, you may ___54___ pass them by! Perhaps there is a diamond of opportunity hidden in the difficulty you’re ___55___ now.
A.go offB.give inC.stay up D.watch out



Miss Gogers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them,“Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?”
 Tom at once answered,“Your brother. Because electricity travaels faster than sound waves.”“That’s every good,”Miss Gogers answered; but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gogers said.“Yes, Kate.”
 “I disagree,”Kate said.“Your brother would hear you earlier because when it’s 11 o’clock here it’s only 8 o’clock in Los Angeles.”
小题1:Miss Gogers was teaching her class_________.
A.how to telephone  B.about electricityC.about time zone  D.about sound
小题2:Miss Gogers raised this question because she wanted to know whether______.
A.it was easy to phone to Los Angeles
B.her student could hear her from 75 feet away
C.her students had a good command of her lesson about sound
D.sound waves were slower than electricity
小题3:Tom thought that electricity was _________.
A.slower than sound wavesB.faster than sound waves
C.not so fast as sound wavesD.as fast as sound waves
小题4:Kate thought Tom was wrong because _______.
A.clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New York
B.electricity was slower than sound waves
C.Tom was not good at physics at all
D.Tom’s answer had nothing to do with sound waves
小题5:Whose answer do you think is correct according to the law of physics?
A.Tom’s  B.Kate’sC.Bath A and BD.Neither A nor B

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It was about midday. I’d left work early in the morning to cash a cheque. I walked along to the bank, and found that there weren’t too many people about ten or eleven customers in there, which was pretty unusual for those central city banks.
I waited until it was my turn and just went up to the desk and started to talk to the bank clerk. He had a really strange expression on his face -- just sort of blank stare at least I thought he was looking at me and then I realized he was staring over my shoulder.
I began to turn round to see what he was looking at. At the same moment the outside bank guard came flying through the door and lay face down on the floor and following him through the door were three frightening masked men. They were carrying guns; at least I think the one in front was carrying a gun. Whether or not they said anything at that point I can’t remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I’ve just no idea.
For a few moments there was just total silence, suddenly broken by the telephone ringing and I remember thinking and wondering who was on the other end of the telephone. Nobody went to answer the telephone, so this thing just kept on ringing and ringing. Then two of the masked men went to the counter, jumped over it and got the cashiers and the bank clerks to start filling the bags with cash. While the two were getting the money, the one at the door who was covering us with the gun was a bit frightened. He started swearing at them, and telling them to hurry up, to get a move on. They jumped back over the counter. One of them slipped as he landed on the floor and fell over and the other two swore at him again. They left through the door. Warning us, “Don’t move, stay like that with your hands up for ten minutes.” And then they just disappeared. Again back to total silence. People put their hands down, I put my hands down but I just stayed exactly where I was.
小题1:What does the writer mean by saying “…a pretty unusual number for those central banks” in the first paragraph?
A.More customers than usual were staying in the bank.
B.Less bank clerks than expected were in the bank.
C.There were often more than a dozen customers in the bank.
D.More banks should be open to serve customers in the city center.
小题2: The bank clerk wore a blank expression on his face probably because ________.
A.he was feeling upset at that moment
B.he felt puzzled and sensed something terrible
C.he was required to keep silence
D.he was threatened with a gun by robbers
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The customers didn’t wait in line but jumped the queue because of the confusion.
B.All the people in the bank except the writer put their hands up automatically.
C.Nobody answered the phone because all the clerks were busy with work.
D.the bank workers were forced to fill the robbers’ bags with cash.
小题4: What’s the best title of this passage?
A.A Street GangB.A Strange Bank
C.A Bank RobberyD.A Horrible Adventure

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Two Chinese farmers who became an overnight sensation(轰动)when their heart-rendingversion of a famous pop song appeared on the Internet took to the stage in front of thousands offans in Shanghai last Saturday.
Wang Xu, 44,and Liu Gang, 29, sang “In the Spring" alongside the song"s star composerWang Feng, in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium.
The audience buzzed with excitement and let out deafening cheers, the moment as theywere introduced on the stage and then when Liu started the first sentence of their parts of thesong.
The two migrant workers became stars after singing the tearjerker(催人泪下的)songduring an evening drinking session in a 6-square-meter rented room in a late August evening. Afriend recorded the performance on a cell phone and posted it on the Internet.
“If someday I am dead, please bury me in the spring," they sing. Wang"s penetrating chorus,delivered with his eyes closed, has moved thousands to tears.
Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of lower-class groups like themselves."With no credit card, no girlfriend, or a home with hot water, but only a guitar, I am singinghappily, on streets, under bridges or in wild country, though nobody pays attention to themusic," they sing.
To support his wife and two sons, Wang came to Beijing in 2000 from the countryside andhas worked as a boiler man, and street peddler, before becoming a medical warehouse keeper,with a monthly pay of around 1,500 yuan. Little is left after he pays 600 yuan for rent and buysfood.
Liu came to Beijing in 2002. “I wanted to try my luck in the big city,,,he said. He hadworked as a guard, roadside peddler, and porter, but never had a stable job. Street performingwas his main income, even after he married and became a father three years ago.
Wang and Liu are still uncertain where their fame will lead. Wang has started learning touse a computer. They even have a microblog(微博)account to communicate with fans.
小题1:Wang Xu and Liu Gang first became nationally known after______.
A.they sang the song “In the Spring" with a star composer Wang Feng
B.the video of them singing “In the Spring" was posted on the Internet
C.they sang on streets and under bridges
D.they started their microblog
小题2:People like Wang and Liu"s version of “In the Spring" because ______ .
A.they sang the song better than other singers
B.they were introduced to the public by the song writer himself
C.it was specially composed for them two
D.it is a heartfelt expression of the two singers as migrant workers
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that   ______.
A.migrant workers" conditions will be improved soon
B.they will learn to write songs on computers
C.a song showing people"s real life and feelings is more likely to be accepted
D.singers for migrant workers are more likely to become popular
小题4:The best possible title for the passage is______.
A.Internet Farmer Stars Make Stage Appearance
B.“In the Spring"—A Touching Song
C.A Successful Internet Performance
D.No Pains, No Gains

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Chuck was thirteen when he came home from the hospital. He came home not because he was getting better but because he wanted to be with people he knew and loved when he died. I came by the house to visit him and his family several times a week during his treatment. On most of my visits, Chuck was very weak. But the last time I saw him alive, he was awake. “I have got something for you.” He pulled out a piece of crumpled (弄皱的) paper from under his pillow. “I want you to give this to my mom and dad after I die. You’ll know when it’s right, I guess, won’t you?”
“What is it?” I asked. “It’s a list of all the fun we had, and all the happy time when we laughed.” I almost gasped in great surprise.
“Like what?” I asked quietly, trying to regain my calmness.
“Like the time when Mom, Dad, Chrissie, Linda and me were dressed up as fruits and Dad was driving us to a costume party. Dad was a bunch of grapes and I was an apple, and the others were different things like bananas and pears.”
And a policewoman pulled Dad over for speeding. When the policewoman came up to the car, she looked and started laughing so hard that she could hardly stand up. And we all started laughing and she said, “Where are you all heading — a salad bar?” Dad said he was sorry to be speeding, but his kids were getting so ripe(成熟的) that they were starting to draw flies. And she laughed till she had to take off her dark glasses and wiped tears from her eyes.”
Chuck laughed and so did I. The list was full of laughing and fun. What a wonderful gift, I thought.
小题1:Why did Chuck go home from the hospital?
A.He had been cured by the doctors.
B.He got better and better.
C.He missed his friends and teachers.
D.He wanted to be with people who he knew and loved when he died.
小题2:What did Chuck write on the list?
A.What to do after his death. B.His thoughts about fear, anger and disappointment.
C.What to do before his death. D.All the happy time he had with his family.
小题3: Why did the policewoman laugh when she looked into the car?
A.Because she mistook the children for fruits.
B.Because she saw some flies around the children.
C.Because she was frightened.
D.Because the children were dressed in a funny way.
小题4: The underlined expression “pulled Dad over” probably here means “________”.
A.stopped DadB.punished Dad
C.put Dad into prisonD.knocked Dad down

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On numerous drives throughout my childhood, my mother would suddenly pull over the car to examine a flower by the side of the road or rescue a beetle (甲虫) from certain tragedy while I, in my late teens and early twenties, sat impatiently in the car.
Though Mother’s Day follows Earth Day, for me, they have always been related. My mom has been “green” since she became concerned about the environment. Part of this habit was born of thrift (节俭). Like her mother and her grandmother before her, Mom saves glass jars, empty cheese containers and re-uses her plastic bags.
Mom creates a kind of give-and-take relationship with wildlife in her yard. She knows to pick the apples on her trees a little early to fend off the bears and that if she leaves the bird feeders out at night, it’s likely they’ll be knocked down by a family of raccoons (浣熊). Spiders that make their way into the house are captured (捕获) in a juice glass and set loose in the garden.
I try to teach my children that looking out for the environment starts with being aware of the environment. On busy streets, we look for spent (开败的) dandelions (蒲公英) to parachute; we say hello to neighborhood cats and pick up plastic cups and paper bags. This teaching comes easily, I realize, because I was taught so well by example. Mom didn’t need to lecture; she didn’t need to beat a drum to change the world. She simply slowed down enough to enjoy living in it and with that joy came compassion and an instinct (本能) for preservation.
I am slowing down and it isn’t because of the weight of my nearly forty years on the planet, it is out of my concern for the planet itself. I’ve begun to save glass jars and re-use packing envelopes. I pause in my daily tasks to watch the squirrels race each other through the palm (棕榈树) leaves above my porch (门廊).
Last summer, in the company of my son and daughter, I planted tomatoes in my yard. With the heat of August around me, I ate the first while sitting on my low wall with dirt on my hands. Warm from the sun, it burst on my tongue with a sweetness I immediately wanted to share with my mom.
小题1:Why does the author say Earth Day is connected with Mother’s Day?
A.Because Mother’s Day falls shortly after Earth Day.
B.To stress that all the older women in her family are environmentalists.
C.To stress how much her mother cares about the environment.
D.Because on Mother’s Day her mother shows her how to be friend to nature.
小题2: According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is the author’s mother NOT likely to do?
A.When she came across a lost dog, she helped it to find its shelter.
B.In spring, she spent some time watching the plants growing in the garden.
C.She joined in the campaign to encourage the public to contribute actively towards a better environment.
D.She walked to a nearby shop which was within ten minutes’ walk rather than drove there.
小题3:What can we conclude from the article?
A.The author’s mother is very patient with her children.
B.The author’s mother knows how to live in harmony with nature.
C.The author’s mother always took care of the wildlife that came into her yard.
D.The author’s mother used to remind her to slow down to protect the environment.
小题4: We can infer from the article that ______.
A.the author thinks that too many people now label themselves environmentalists
B.the author’s mother knows how to get rid of the wildlife in her yard
C.the author believes that only by learning to slow down, can we enjoy life
D.the author realizes that she should teach her children by example as well
小题5:What is the main idea of the last three paragraphs?
A.How the author taught her children to protect the environment.
B.How the author’s mother influenced the author.
C.What inspired the author to slow down and enjoy life.
D.How the author spent her time with her children.

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