Mr. Briggs got a job with an insurance company(保险公司) after he left school and we

Mr. Briggs got a job with an insurance company(保险公司) after he left school and we

Mr. Briggs got a job with an insurance company(保险公司) after he left school and went around visiting people in their homes to sell them life insurance. One day, after he had been working for the company for about a year, the insurance manager sent for him and said, “Mr. Briggs, I have been looking at your record as a salesman with our company, and there is one thing that surprises me about it. Why have you been selling insurance only to people over 95 years old, and why have you been giving them such generous(宽厚的)conditions? You’ll ruin our company if you go on like that.”
“Oh, no, sir,” answered Mr. Briggs at once, “Before I started work, I looked at the figures(数字) for deaths in this country during the past ten years, and I can tell you that few people die at the age of 95.”
小题1: Before he worked in an insurance company, what was Mr. Briggs?______.
A.He was a worker.B.He was an official.
C.He was a student.D.He was a businessman.
小题2:The word “ruin” in the second paragraph means       .
小题3: Which of the following is true according to the passage?      
A.Mr. Briggs had studied the figures for deaths for several years.
B.Mr. Briggs began to look at the figures after he started work.
C.A great number of very old people die every year.
D.The number of the very old people who died every year is small.



Robert is nine years old and Joanna is seven. They live at Mount Ebenezer. Their father has a big property. In Australia they call a farm a property.
Robert and Joanna like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends but Robert and Joanna cannot see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300, miles away and like Robert and Joanna, they all go to school by radio.
Mount Ebenezer is in the center of Australia. Not many people live in “The Center”. There are no schools with desks and blackboards and no teachers in “The Center”. School is a room at home with a two-way radio. The teacher also has a two-way radio. Every morning she calls each student on the radio. When all students answer, lessons begin… Think of your teacher 300 miles away!
小题1: The children in “The Center” do not go to a school because ______.
A.they live too far away from one anotherB.they do not like school
C.they are not old enough to go to schoolD.their families are too poor
小题2: In order to send their children to school, parents in “The Center” of Australia must have ______.
A.a propertyB.a car
C.a school room at homeD.a special radio
小题3:Teachers in “The Center” of Australia teach ______.
A.not in a classroom but at the homes of the students speaking only and not showing anything in writing
C.without using any textbooks or pictures
D.without knowing whether the students are attending
小题4: A “property” in Australia is a ______.

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At 50 I was the first woman to travel alone to the North Pole. But what should I do to celebrate my 60th birthday? What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica. I began my almost 400-mile journey on November 1st, 1997,a few days before my birthday. I walked and skied alone. My dog team were not with me to pull my sled. Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.
The first days the weather was very good. The wind was icy but not very strong and there was bright sunshine 24 hours a day. But changes were just around the corner. On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the nest week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.
I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong. Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and the tent away, but none of that happened.
小题1:from the text we know the writer was born on ___.
A.1st November 1937 B.12th November 1937
C.22nd November 1947 D.1st November 1957
小题2:Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin. “ Another journey” here means ___.
A.the travel to the North Pole. B.another journey to Antarctica.
C.400- mile journey on November 1st 1997.D.a new trip that she was planning.
小题3:After reading the short passage, we can guess that ___.
A.the trip to the North Pole must be the same hard as that to the South Pole.
B.The trip to the Antarctica may be more dangerous than that to the Arctic
C.There was no danger though the trip to the South Pole was hard.
D.During the trip to the Antarctica, the weather, most of the time, was not so bad.
小题4:Do you think which kind of people the writer is?

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To his parents’ disappointment, Andy was born with a disability. The two sides of his brain were not joined  21  to each other. The right side of his body could not   22   with the left. At age three, it was  23  for him to walk, speak or play. He could only 24 a few words and walk slowly  25  someone held each of his hands.
Then came the 26  struggle. He attended an all-day health center  27  he was enrolled for every type of treatment imaginable. He struggled, sometimes  28  , to get stronger. Andy hated   29 when his parents would leave him there in the mornings.   30  , they believed that he would grow up to live a normal and healthy life. They believed it for themselves and for Andy.
It  31  . Today Andy is a successful 13-year-old high school student. His progress has been nothing short of extraordinary. He receives special help with a few things, but  32 his friends in all the activities he loves. Andy has  33 enormous difficulties to move from adversity(困境) to  34 .
Ask yourself, "What are the seeds of strength    35  in my struggles today? If I get up when I fall, what will that make possible tomorrow?"
"Overnight success" is the    36  of years of determination and continued learning. Victory is possible for    37  who decide it is their   38  . They’ll find the path    39___ their dream. However, they will accept hard times as the adversity that will foster their strength, growth and skills to attract the victory they    40  .
A.talkB.catch upC.communicateD.put up
A.whileB.asC.if D.because
A.difficultyB.bitterC.pressure D.struggle
小题8: danger advance
小题9: C.the timeD.them
A.Therefore B.FurthermoreC.HoweverD.Besides
A.paid offB.took offC.called offD.set off
A.joinsB.attendsC.takes part in D.participates in
A.them B.thoseC.theseD.such

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Fifteen years ago, I entered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then . It wasn’t easy getting hired. I had to fight my way in to a dime-a-word job. But once you were there, I found , you were in .
Globe jobs were for life-guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there—moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior editor. I would have a lifetime of security if I struck with it.
Instead, I had made a decision to leave.
I entered my boss’s office. Would he rage? I wondered. He had a famous temper. “Matt, we have to have a talk, ” I began awkwardly. “I came to the Globe when I was twenty —four. Now I’m forty . There’s a lot I want to do in life. I’m resigning. ”
“To another paper? ” he asked.
I reached into my coat pocket, but didn’t say anything, not trusting myself just then.
I handed him a letter that explain everything. It said that I was leaving to start a new media company. That the Globe had taught me in a thousand ways. That we were at a rare turning point in history, I wanted to be directly engaged in the change.
“I am glad for you , ” he said , quite out of my expectation. “ I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventy-five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can do deal with. But much of it we can’t ,” he went on. “I wish you all the luck in the world, ”be concluded. “And if it doesn’t work out , remember ,your star is always high here.”
Then I went out of his office, walking through the newsroom for more good-byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody—even though I’d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture : all the financial security I had carefully built up.
Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into a billion-dollar property.
I’m resigning, Bill, ” I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn’t looking angry of dismayed either. After a pause, he said, “Golly, I wish I were in your shoes.
小题1: From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous         .
小题2:If the writer stayed with the globe,         .
A.he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams
B.he would let his long favourite dreams fade away
C.he would never have to worry about his future life
D.he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions
小题3:The writer wanted to resign because    .
A.he had serious trouble with his boss
B.he got underpaid at his job for the Globe
C.he wanted to work in the new media industry
D.he had found a better paid job in a publishing house
小题4:By “I wish I were in your shoes. ”(in the last paragraph), Bill Taylor meant that    .
A.the writer was to failB.the writer was stupid
C.he would do the same if possibleD.he would reject the writer’s request

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Mr Adamson enjoys playing the violin in his spare time. He is often pleased with his own  21 . But it is a  22 time for his neighbors when Mr Adamson plays the violin, as he  23 so badly.
One day Mr Adamson sat by a  24 and began to play the violin as usual. Mr Adamson seemed to be making  25 instead of music, but he was so  26 that he almost forgot what he was doing. Just  27 , some stones were thrown out of the windows under  28  Mr Adamson was sitting,  29 he did not pay any attention to it. The “music”  30 . After a little while, an empty bottle and a worn-out shoe were thrown out of the window,  31 . Only then did Mr Adamson know this was not the place for him to play in. Mr Adamson was very  32 . He thought, “ 33 no living people can understand my music, I should go to a place where people may appreciate my works.” So he  34 to go to a graveyard(墓地).
He came to a graveyard where there was no other  35 except the church bell. Mr Adamson sat at a grave and thought  36 , “I must do my best to  37 that my music is outstanding.” The more he thought, the more inspired he was, and  38 he began to play his violin. Suddenly a barefoot(赤脚) stretched out from the graveyard and gave him a heavy  39 which sent him flying. His violin also dropped from his hand. Mr Adamson felt very sad  40 his works were not accepted by anyone, not even the dead.
A.UnlessB.As ifC.AsD.Before
A.somethingB.his musicC.hardlyD.a lot

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