第二节、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)My grandmother has been suffering from a bad cough th

第二节、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)My grandmother has been suffering from a bad cough th


My grandmother has been suffering from a bad cough these days.  36 old people seem to get diseases often, I got  37 about my grandmother when a friend told me about her grandfather  38  a stroke and diabetes.
I  39  my grandmother every day asking about her sleep, her diet or what she buys, to  40  she is all right. It is now that I  41  how much my family   42  to me. Remembering my grandma cooking dinner for me, I am  43  to find that if I think about it, there are lots of things that move me to  44  . I found that my dad was taking   45  of the roses in my bedroom to make sure they were  46  when I went back from school on the   47  . On the Sunday , my parents take me   48  to campus and gave me fruits, snacks, and drinks as if nothing was  49  at college.
But I   50   none of this before. I used to phone them if I had problems and would   51   without a thank-you as soon as I got the   52  . My grandma’s problem   53   me of how important family is. The world is attractive to us teenagers and we seem to have a great career to pursue and many   54  . But most important of all, we have a   55    to care for and love for.
36.A.Unless                     B Although              C.Until                 D.D.Whether
37.A.bored                      B.delighted              C.disappointed            D.worried
38.A.having                    B.considering           C.curing                     D.governing
39.A.write                       B.save                     C.call                         D.dream
40.A.carry out                 B.make sure             C.point out                 D.put forward
41.A.realize                     B.miss                     C.regret                      D.doubt
42.A.excites                    B.touches                C.means                     D.encourages
43.A.amazed                   B.interested             C.frightened               D.annoyed
44.A.thanks                     B.sweaters               C.tears                       D.hopes
45.A.fun                         B.part                     C.hold                        D.care
46.A.worse                      B.friendly                C.valuable                  D.lovely
47.A.space                      B weekend               C.time                        D.place
48.A.back                       B.right                    C.straight                   D.away
49.A.beneficial                B.cheap                   C.available                 D.comfortable
50.A.noticed                    B.accepted               C.adapted                   D.performed
51.A.show up                  B.hang up                C.burn up                   D.bring up
52.A.agreement               B.decision               C.exchange                 D.solution
53.A.reminds                   B.informs                C.approves                 D.robs
54.A.impressions        B.invitations      C.responsibilities        D.explanations
55.A life                         B.family                  C.friend                     D.soldier

36-----40BDACB  41-----45ACACD  46-----50DBACA  51-----55BDACB


It was a sunny summer day last year when I got the news that I was admitted by the university.
Soon the news spread all over the village. Hearing the news, my parents were more than(不止) happy: big smiles formed on their faces. But behind their happiness and pride for my success, I noticed my parents worries about the heavy financial burden on their shoulders. I kept being calm.
In order to prepare for my study expenses, my parents worked hard day after day all that summer. And the day finally came when I had to go to school which was far away from my hometown. I still remember it was in the morning that we arrived at the bus station. My parents had helped me get everything ready. It was so hot that day: the scorching sun baked the ground dry. The heated air was filled with the crowds’ noise and all kinds of smells coming from the station. Sweat streamed down my parents’face. I took my seat on the 11 AM bus and looked at my parents through the window, waiting for the bus to start. Two minutes to 11:00! My heart leapt (强烈跳动). I suddenly recalled all the efforts they made for me, all the energy and all the sweat they spent on me. They were so selfless! I almost burst into tears! While I kept my tears back, I turned around, for I didn’t want them to see me crying…
The last moment came. The bus started and was moving further away from my parents. They waved at me and I turned toward them, watching their shadows disappearing gradually into the sea of people. I, an 18-year-old girl, who had never left my hometown, began my long trip to my school.
I didn’t know what would the future be, but I knew that I would have a long way to go, and I believe I could be brave enough to take up all the challenges in my future life with my family’s love, their wordless and selfless love.
I will be always thankful for this love.
56.From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A.her parents are very rich and generous
B.her parents wouldn’t support the writer to further study
C.her parents think high education is very important for their child
D.her parents have been always happy on hearing the news
57.The writer’s parents have the following feelings except _______ according to the passage.
A. pride     B. happiness     C. worry      D. regret
58.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Her parents worked hard day and night in order to prepare for the study cost.
B. Her parents had helped her get everything ready before she arrived at the station in the morning.
C. It was so hot and windy and they feel comfortable.
D. The writer took her seat on the 11 PM bus and looked at her parents through the window.
59.Which of the following is the closest in the meaning to the underlined word?
A. Provided.  B. Understood.   C. Offered.    D. Remembered.
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
“Isn’t this exciting?” whispered Janet Porter to the stranger in the next seat as the plane flew through the (36) sky. “Yes, I suppose (37),” he replied, smiling politely, (38) continuing to read his newspaper. She glanced at her watch. It was half past eleven at night.
Janet was just about to start reading her book (39) the man picked up the briefcase and started moving to the (40) of the plane. (41), Janet stood up and started to (42) him. He opened the cockpit door(驾驶舱的门), walked inside, and then closed it behind him. Most of the passengers on the plane were (43) at that time, but those who were (44) were watching (45) that Janet made. She (46)  herself into the tiny space behind the cockpit door and (47). Seconds later the door flew open and (48) came out holding a gun. “ This is a hijack!” he shouted. “ (49),” Janet said calmly. She held her (50) to the back of his head and said, “ (51) your weapon and lie down on the floor.”
As soon as the plane had landed at the airport, Janet felt (52). A police car was waiting for them. They put the man in the car. Janet smiled at her (53) officers and said, “It’s over. Nobody was (54). What’s (55)?”
36. A. dark           B. blue         C. beautiful           D. fine
37. A. we are         B. you are       C. it is               D. this is
38. A. as             B. before        C. after              D. during
39. A. since           B. while        C. for               D. when
40. A. back           B. toilet         C. door             D. front
41. A. Suddenly       B.Quietly        C.Straightly          D. Patiently
42. A. follow          B. watch        C. seize             D. spy
43. A. reading         B. tired          C. asleep            D. talking
44. A. awake          B. interested      C. surprised         D. alert
45. A. everything       B. great progress  C. some mistakes     D. every move
46. A. ran             B. got           C. forced           D. folded
47. A. observed        B. waited         C. shot             D. aimed
48. A. the man         B. a machinist     C. a passenger       D. the pilot
49. A. Oh, it’s your turn  B. Ah, it’s dangerous  C. No, it’s not     D. Dear! How dare you
50. A. story book       B. police gun      C. briefcase         D. small knife
51. A. Drop            B. Pass me       C. Put away         D. Droop
52. A. worried         B. stressed        C. relaxed           D. impressed
53. A. following        B. proud         C. serious          D. fellow
54. A. informed        B. injured         C. organized         D. shocked
55. A. the person        B. wrong         C. the flight         D. next
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A lot of teachers hate doodlers(乱写乱画的人)during classes.“Pay attention!” Teachers will often warn doodling students,sure that they must be daydreaming.
However, according to a recent study, doodling while listening to a boring lecture helps concentrate the attention:   
Andrade,a psychology professor in England asked participants to listen to a boring lecture. Half the participants were told to color in squares and circles freely on a piece of paper while listening to the lecture. The other half weren’t given a task.After it was over, the participants were asked to retell the lecture.   
Those given the doodling task(color in squares and circles)remembered 29 percent more information than the non-doodlers.Andrade said.  
“If someone is doing a boring task,like listening to a dull conversation,they may start daydream,”said Professor Andrade.
“Daydreaming distracts(使分心)them from the task,resulting in poorer performance.A  simple task,like doodling,can stop them from daydreaming without affecting their performance at the task,”he said.   
So the next time you’re doodling during a class,and you hear “pay attention”,you can tell  the teacher with confidence that you’ve been paying attention to every word. 
66.The passage mainly tells us        
A.doodling will be banned in classes  B. teachers are against doodling
C.doodling may help concentrate D. doodling call lead to daydream
67.Teachers hate doodlers because they thought         
A.doodlers are not good at study   B.doodlers are doing no task
C.doodlers pay no attention in class D.doodlers are not polite to them
68.According to the text,it is helpful to doodle when    
A.a boring lecture is given      B.an interesting story is told
C.watching a long TV program   D.having a conversation with the teacher
69.Professor Andrade thinks      
A.those given the doodling task can remember less information
B.if you have daydream during classes you’ll have a good memory
C.daydreaming is better than doodling
D.doodling can stop us from daydreaming
70.We can learn from the text that      
A.doodling is the best way to draw attention
B.daydreaming is different from doodling
C.doodling will be helpful in any occasion
D.every student should doodle in class
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A Beautiful Dress
My neighbor’s eight-year-old daughter used to live in the countryside, her native place. Recently her parents   51  her to town to live with them. Wild and uneducated, she would use   52  words when she was angry. Sometimes she went so far as to   53  on the ground, to the   54  of all people around. Her parents tried to   55  her by beating and kicking. However, she became more   56 . Finally they became thoroughly   57  with her.
One day their next-door   58 , a retired teacher, gave the girl a snow-white dress, which was very   59 . It immediately caught the girl’s   60  and made them shine brightly.
The girl put on the dress and became quite a   61  person. She no longer acted rudely or hit others. She   62  seldom rolled on the floor. She knew running wild was not   63  for her in a beautiful dress. Since then, the girl had been   64 , neat, and lovely.
The story set me   65  a lot. Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress   66  somewhere in his or her heart. Only some people are not aware of it,   67  it or take no notice of it.   68  is a powerful force or weapon — that’s something   69  by many of us. It can arouse fine qualities that humans are   70  with but have so far hidden somewhere. It has a soul-shaking influence that is indeed unmatched.
51. A. left                 B. brought              C. met                     D. taught
52. A. dirty              B. new                    C. creative               D. attractive
53. A. trap                    B. weep                        C. roll                          D. jump
54. A. surprise          B. delight                        C. mercy                     D. regret
55. A. advise             B. encourage             C. support                D. educate
56. A. mature                B. violent                            C. changeable               D. considerate
57. A. tired                B. pleased                 C. relaxed                D. disappointed
58. A. office             B. stranger                 C. neighbor                D. apartment
59. A. beautiful             B. modern                    C. shabby                     D. fragile
60. A. attention        B. ears                     C. eyes                        D. imagination
61. A. rude               B. different             C. violent                  D. unique
62. A. even             B. also                  C. still                   D. ever
63. A. bad              B. much                C. enough              D. suitable
64. A. voluntary            B. conscious                 C. merciful                   D. gentle
65. A. imagining         B. moving                 C. thinking                 D. puzzling
66. A. ruined           B. hidden               C. disappeared           D. rediscovered
67. A. forget                 B. criticize                    C. advocate                   D. remember
68. A. Love              B. Violence             C. Beauty                        D. Honesty
69. A. cared              B. valued                  C. unlearnt                  D. unrealized
70. A. dealt                B. born                      C. grown                     D. lived
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第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从16 ~ 30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It was Christmas Eve, but I had to work in the clinic. The only thing that   16   my day was the beautiful Christmas tree in our waiting room and a   17   sent to me by my boyfriend — a dozen red roses.
As I was cleaning my desk, I was told that a   18   in the office urgently needed to speak with me. Stepping out, I   19   a tired-looking woman with a baby in her arms. 20  , she explained that her husband was my next   21  . The guards were to bring him to the office that afternoon. She wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in   22  , so he had never seen his son. She   23   me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiting room with her as   24   as possible before I called him for his appointment. I agreed.
A short time later, her husband arrived. The woman’s tired face   25   when her husband sat beside her. They laughed, cried and shared their child.
After almost an hour, I called the prisoner in. He seemed like a   26   and humble man. I   27   what he possibly could have done to be held under such conditions. I tried to make him comfortable.
Finally, I wished him a Merry Christmas—a(n)  28   thing to say to a man headed back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He also said sadly that he couldn’t get his wife anything for Christmas. Hearing this, I was   29   with a wonderful idea.
I’ll never forget the   30   on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful roses.
16. A. darkened                    B. brightened                C. frightened         D. strengthened
17. A. flower            B. souvenir                  C. gift                            D. plant
18. A. lady                     B. couple                  C. guard                       D. patient
19. A. judged                B. followed                    C. recognized     D. noticed
20. A. Nervously                  B. Bravely                          C. Curiously                 D. Seriously
21. A. customer         B. neighbour           C. patient         D. visitor
22. A. school               B. university              C. town           D. prison
23. A. forced           B. begged              C. reminded       D. encouraged
24. A. early              B. often                    C. long             D. soon
25. A. lit up                    B. cheered up                 C. looked up                 D. went up
26. A. rude                          B. cruel                         C. gentle                        D. selfish
27. A. wondered              B. realized                 C. praised           D. doubted
28. A. sad                       B. easy                             C. annoying                    D. difficult
29. A. filled                B. inspired                  C. delighted                    D. satisfied
30. A. impression     B. expression               C. puzzlement           D. sadness
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