SECTION BDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four word

SECTION BDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four word


Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with word or phrase that best fits the context. (10分)
It was a Sunday afternoon. I was waiting outside the classroom where my son was about to take a(n)   31  . The boys and girls were busy discussing the exam, while their anxious parents were watching them outside. There was a lot of  32  .
I noticed one boy who was standing alone in silence, with fear written all over his face. He did not join other children  33  the discussion and he looked puzzled. He wanted to mix with the others;  34  , he didn’t seem to be confident enough. He 35  me deeply. I moved towards him and smiled at him. He smiled back warmly. Then I started to encourage him and told him that he would do well in the exam. This helped him  36  his fear and he told me something about himself: his parents never cared about him and did not  37   him even if he was always a top student. I told him that his education was preparation for later life that should never be   38  . He became encouraged and said he would try to fight against all the difficulties in his life and be successful. He then went into the   39  and we lost touch.
A few days later, I happened to be in the school and I saw him again. He looked different. He gave me a broad smile and came to me with   40  steps. He said happily that he had got first place in the test and that those few minutes with me was really important to him. He thanked me for the words I had said. It was a great moment for me.
31. A. class          B. exam        C. lecture        D. meeting
32. A. voice          B. noise        C. sound        D. fun
33. A. to             B. into         C. together       D. in
34. A. though         B. besides       C. therefore      D. however
35. A. excited         B. delighted      C. impressed     D. appealed
36. A. restart          B. promote      C. remove       D. keep
37. A. support         B. control       C. share          D. rescue
38. A. given out       B. given up      C. given away     D. given in
39. A. restroom        B. classroom     C. waiting room   D. dining room
40. A. certain          B. ready       C. hopeful        D. confident

31-35 BBDDC         36-40 CABBD

The key to happiness is how quickly you can get back your focus on what`s important.
Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here`s what happened. I hopped in a taxi,and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when,all of a sudden,a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes,skidded,and missed the other car`s back end by just inches!
The driver of the other car,who almost caused a big accident,started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean,he was friendly.  So,I said,"Why did you just do that?This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!"And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call "The Law of the Garbage Truck. "
Many people are like garbage (rubbish)trucks. They run around full of garbage,full of frustration, full of anger,and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump it. And if you let them,they`ll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you,don`t take it personally. You just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on. You`ll be happy with what you did.
I started thinking,how often do I led Garbage Trucks run right over me?And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work,at home,or on the streets?It was that day I said,"I`m not going to do anymore. "
Successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their day. What about you?If you let more garbage trucks pass you by,you`ll be happier. Life`s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So,Love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don`t.
小题1:What happened one day when the author was taking a taxi?
A.The taxi almost hit another car.
B.The taxi driver was injured.
C.The author scolded the driver of the other car.
D.The author learned a lesson from the driver of the garbage truck.
小题2:How did the taxi driver respond to the behaviour of the driver of the black car?
A.He yelled back at the driver.
B.He sent the driver to the hospital.
C.He was friendly towards the driver.
D.He dumped some garbage in front of his car.
小题3:What does the taxi driver think of people according to Paragraph 3?
A.Many people like to drive garbage trucks.
B.Many people dump garbage wherever they like.
C.Many people are warm-hearted to make others happy.
D.Many people tend to be very much depressed.
小题4:What can we infer from Paragraph 4?
A.The author used to have a lot of garbage trucks.
B.The author used to complain a lot.
C.The author used to have a lot of money.
D.The author used to be a good manager.
小题5:According to the passage,what should you do if people "dump garbage" on you?
A.Ignore them and go on with our own work.
B.Try our best to persuade them not to do that again.
C.Tell them to dump the garbage in the right place.
D.Take over their work and carry the garbage to somewhere else.

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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-30 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The Obstacle in our Path
In ancient times, a king had a big rock placed on a roadway. Then he        21      himself and watched to see if anyone would   22        the huge rock.
Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and        23      walked around it. Many loudly   24        the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon  25        near the rock, the peasant   26        his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and pulling, he finally   27      . After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a   28          lying in the road where the rock had been. It contained many gold coins and a   29         from the king indicating that the gold for person who removed the rock from the roadway.
The peasant learned what many of us never understand —— ‘‘Every obstacle                    30          an opportunity to improve our condition. ’’
21. A. persuaded    B. raised                C. hid                  D. escaped
22. A. seat                    B. remove                    C. break               D. mark
23. A. mostly         B. hardly               C. simply             D. seldom
24. A. blamed        B. admired                   C. praised             D. respected
25. A. carrying             B. moving                    C. watching          D. approaching
26. A. threw away  B. laid down                 C. put away          D. took down
27. A. ended          B. worked                    C. succeeded  D. overcame
28. A. purse                  B. book                        C. pen                  D. ring
29. A. notice          B. secret                       C. donation           D. note
30. A. has                     B. contains                   C. presents            D. represents
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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
In the dining room of my grandfather’s house stood a massive grandfather clock. Meals in that dining room were a   36  for four generations to become one. The table was always   37  with food from wonderful family recipes(食谱)all containing   38  as the main ingredient(成分). And always that grandfather clock stood like a trusted old family   39  , sharing our happiness.
As I was a child, the old clock  40  me. I watched and listened to it during meals. I   41  how at different times of the day, that clock would strike with a wonderful   42  . Year after year, the clock struck a part of my   43  , a part of my heart.
Even more wonderful to me was what my grandfather did each day. He  44  wound that clock with a special and magic key, which   45  the clock ticking and striking. He never let that clock wind down and   46  . When we grandkids got a little older, he showed us how to   47  the clock.
Several days after my grandfather died, I entered the dining room, with tears flowing   48  . The clock stood desertedly   49  , seeming smaller and not as magnificent as before. I couldn’t   50  to look at it.
Years later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key. The old house was quiet. I opened the clock door with my shaking hand. Then   51  , reverently(虔诚地), I entered the key and wound the clock. It sprang to  52  . Tick – tock , tick – tock, life and chimes were   53  into the dining room, into house and into my  54  . In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather   55  again. B.time D.situation
37.A.filled B.cleared     C.spread      D.left B.surprise
39.A.friend       B.guard
40.A.disappointed    B.encouraged      C.interested  D.comforted
41.A.questioned       B.remembered     C.doubted    D.wondered
42.A.sound       B.hammer    C.voice D.beat
43.A.studies      B.opinions   C.memories  D.brains
44.A.strangely  B.carefully   C.eagerly     D.usually    B.kept  C.prevented  D.found
46.A. break      B.fall    C.stop   D.move
47.A.wind  D.clean
48.A.unexpectedlyB.gently   C.difficultly D.freely
49.A.ticking     B.moving     C.noisy D.quiet  B.bear  C.hope  D.insist
51.A.slowly      B.quickly     C.unwillingly      D.naturally
52.A.feet   B.hands       C.sense
53.A.breathed   B.blown       C.taken D.sent B.bedroom   C.heart D.mind
55.A.died  B.lived C.smiled      D.sang
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Learning English is a great challenge, but with a little help from technology it can be as easy as a piece of cake.
As well as the classroom, teachers and textbooks, the Internet, TV and radio programs can play an active role in helping learn English. The Internet is full of rich and up-to-date information. English learners might wish to try  This website is co-established by the British Council, the BBC World Service and Central Radio and TV University. It provides cultural information about Britain and has an example of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) that students can use for practice. Different levels of grammar tests can also be found.
Make friends online
Another useful website for middle school students and teachers is. Besides reading 21st Century School Edition online, students are also invited to put their views on different topics up on the website.
Users have the opportunity to make friends with people who share their interests.
In the teaching and learning section, there are reading and vocabulary tips for students.
Compared with the Internet, TV programs have their own advantages: one does not have to sit at a computer and the audio and visual effects can even be relaxing.
One popular English-learning program is called "Modern English". This focuses on oral English in practical situations such as taking photos and shopping.
The short dialogues and useful phrases may help students to express themselves if they go abroad or meet foreigners in China. More than 50 TV stations in about 300 cities have aired the program.
Word to World
If you watch Beijing Television Channel 8, you might see a program titled "Study Abroad". On this show Professor Wang Qiang from New Oriental School hosts "From Word to World".
He selects words with a deep cultural background and teaches useful phrases related to that word. Cartoons are also used to explain how to use the word in daily life. Listening to the radio may not be a new way to learn English but it is easy.
China Radio International airs a program called "Studio Classroom" at 6:30 a.m. every day. This 25-minute program is aimed at middle school students and covers subjects from current news to travel and history, all in simple language.
41. This passage ______.
A. introduces some new websites and TV and radio programs
B. focuses on advantages and disadvantages of different medium forms
C. recommends technological help in learning English
D. aims at advertising various English courses
42. If you want to read an English newspaper and make comments on different topics, you try_____.
A.                            B.
C. Modern English                                         D. Studio Classroom
43. One can practise oral English in everyday situations in _____.
A. Studio Classroom                               B. From Word to World
C. Study Abroad                                     D. Modern English
44. According to the author, one superiority of TV programs over the Internet is that they ____.
A. offer more English learning resources                
B. cost you nothing
C. have better audio and visual effects                 
D. have English courses available whenever you need them
45. The author wants the readers to know that learning English ______.
A. is difficult       
B. is easy                
C. is neither easy nor difficult
D. can be made much easier with a little help of modern technology
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  "Mark Twain" was the name used by Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) when he wrote books. His father was a lawyer, but a poor one, who lived at Florida, Missouri. The family was so poor that Samuel did not receive much teaching. He had to learn all that he could from the people whom he met. His father died when he was very young, and then there was even less money than before.
  Many of the men in this part of America worked in the ships on the great River Mississippi, and he did this himself at one time (1857).
  Where did he find the name "Mark Twain"? It came from the great river itself. It was part of one of the cries used by men who worked in the ships. When a man called "By the mark twain!"  he meant that the river was "two marks deep" there, that is to say, six feet deep ( "Twain" is an old form of the work "Two".) Samuel Clemens often heard these words when he was young, and he used them as a penname all his life.
  During his work on the Mississippi he met travelers of all kinds, and this helped him a great deal when he started to write. But the number of travelers became smaller when war started in America in 1861. Many of the great ships on the river stopped work. Samuel left then and went to Nevada with his brother, who was at that time Governor of Nevada. There, near the town of Carson, Samuel became a gold miner, but he never made much money at the time. He soon saw that life in the gold mines was not for him. He also tried writing for the newspapers in Nevada, and this seemed more hopeful. He found that he could write.
  He went to Europe in 1867 and visited France and Italy. In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon, and two years later he was spending nearly all his time writing. Among his books is his own story (1908).
  He is now always known as Mark Twain, and many people do not even know that his family name was Clemens. He traveled in America and in England, and went to Oxford in 1907. He was one of  the great American writers of the time, and could make his readers laugh – a thing which few writers can do. He died in 1910.
小题1:"Mark Twain" was _________.
A.a famous American of a book
C.a great river in AmericaD.a large ship
小题2:As a child, Samuel did not get much education because _________.
A.his father died too early
B.the family was very poor
C.he disliked school very much
D.he could learn what he liked from the people he met
小题3: What gave him a great deal when he started writing? _______
A.His poor childhoodB.The Mississippi river
C.All kinds of travelers he met D.His brother
小题4: We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Samuel loved writing from his early age
B.Samuel did not love writing at the beginning
C.his writings to the newspaper were successful
D.his brother encouraged him to write more
小题5:According to the writer of the passage, a good writer could _________.
A.write a lot for his readers
B.make a lot of money for his family
C.cause his readers to laugh everywhere he wanted

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