“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence . When I first read this sente

“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence . When I first read this sente


“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence . When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed . I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish .
Obviously , it is a word-by-world literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure ! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting , I was too thrilled to believe her . Her words could not convince me at all . So I did a research on google .com . To my surprise , there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “ Long time no see.” This sentence has been widely used in emails , letters , newspapers, movies , books , or any other possible place . Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily . Ironically , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word , the soft-ware will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected .
Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence . Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies . In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world-wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens . Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius . “Long time no see” was his trademark . Soon after Charlie Chan , “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies .
Some scholars refer America as a huge pot of stew (染缸). All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together , and they change the color and taste of each other . American Chinese , though a minority ethnic group in the United States , is also contributing some changes to the stew !Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew .
You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese , such as pizza from Italian , susi from Japanese , and déjá vu from French etc . There is a long list ! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others . They will modify it and make it their own , so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant , or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store . Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays , I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future . In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor .
1.The writer himself felt surprised at       .
A.reading “Long time no see”
B.knowing the expression is standard American English
C.seeing the literal translation of the expression
D.finding out Americans use the expression every day
2.According to the passage , it can be inferred that       .

       A.Charlie Chan made the phrase “Long time no see”
B.Americans prefer informal languages to those which go with grammar and structure
C.the huge pot of stew can change every kind of culture
D.Language in Microsoft system is ruled by grammar and structure
3.The main idea of the last paragraph is that       .
A.some other examples are introduced into English
B.you’ll be surprised to find a tofu in a restaurant in America
C.there used to be iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store
D.American English are enriched from different cultures
4.Which of the following statements is NOT true ?
A.Informal language sometimes doesn’t go with grammar and structure .
B.It was Hollywood that made “Long time no see” popular .
C.”Long time no see” has been used in at most two media mentioned in the passage .
D.There are four languages mentioned to be adopted in the American stew .



第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
以下是Knox 大学所提供的一些课程:
A.German 202
B.Modern European History
*Intermediate language program
* 5 nights (Tue-Sat)
*Class Time: 7:30-9:30pm
*Covers both language and also provides introduction to German culture.
*German 101 is required for admission
*Cost: $1,100

*non-academic introduction to European history
*3 nights per week (Mon-Wed)
*Class Time:
*Focuses on historic sites of Europe along with basic introduction to German and French languages
*Cost: $900

*Business skills program
*5 nights per week (Tue-Sat)
* Class Time:
*Learn all you need to know to run your own business. Course ideal for a current business owner or someone thinking about starting their own business
*Cost $1,600
D.Human Resources 101
E. Introductory
F. Japanese
*Introduction to HR management
*5 days/night a week (Tue-Sat)
* Class Time:
9:30am–12:30pm OR 6:30pm- 9:30pm
*provides practical guidance to improve your ability to handle your employees; includes negotiation and conflict settlement
*Cost: $1,200
*covers the basics required for senior high school and first year university economics study
*Twice weekly (Mon & Thu)
* Class Time:
*Text books included in course fee. Recognized by all major national universities
*Cost: $600
*introductory course to Japanese language
*5 nights (Mon- Fri) a week
* Class Time:
7:30pm to 10:30pm
*recognized by all national universities for admission into second year Japanese courses
*Cost: $1,7 00
56. Jason Smith - graduated from high school last year and is now working as a sales assistant in a supermarket. Wants to get promoted but he needs to have better skills at managing people to achieve this. He works from 1:30 pm to 9:30 pm Monday to Fridays.
57. Julie Bender - is planning to travel to Europe next year and is interested in finding out more about some of the places she is planning to visit or learning a European language. Prefer to study after she finishes work at 6pm rather than on weekends.
58. Hymen Nerdstrom - a senior high school student who wants a course that will help improve  at least one of his weakest subjects, modern history and economics. Finishes school each weekday at 5pm. every Tuesday and Thursday evening has football practice until 7pm.
59. Ron Woods - works in a music shop Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. He is interested in studying a course that will give him the skill to successfully run his own business. He also plays in a band every Sunday night which he must attend.
60. Jill Seawood - left school without graduating 5 years ago, but is now interested in continuing her education. She is interested in history and languages and wants a course that will not only help her learn more about either topic but will also help her to get accepted into university.
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Student Service Centre
The staff members are available to consult on career choice and applications for higher education.
Room Number:113
Tel: 8072 9771
Accommodation office
Mrs. J Marble is available each afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 pm to assist students with problems relating to housing.
Room Number: 114
Tel: 8072 9772
Medical Room
Mrs. J Wright, the college nurse, is available each morning from 9:30 to 12:00 am. The college doctor is in attendance on Wednesday morning.
Room Number: 115
Tel: 8072 9773
Sports Office
Mrs. B Marie can provide information about sporting and keep-fit activities from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in the afternoon.
Room Number: 207
Tel: 8072 9774
Food Service
Mr. G Nunn is the manager and will do his best to help if you require a special diet on condition that you have already paid the tuition.
Room Number: 222
Tel: 8072 9775
Self Access Language Learning Centre
Students can attend a drop-in basis from 9:00 to 4:15 pm to improve your ability of listening and speaking.
Room Number: 203
Tel: 8072 9776
56.   Tom is a freshman. He is too busy to take exercise and becomes too fat. He needs to take some action not to be so fat.
57.   Jim is to finish his study in college. He is considering whether to go to work or go on further study. He needs some help about it.
58.   Lily is going to finish her study in college and has an interview for a job in an
export company of which the manager told him to improve his expression in English.
59.   Li Lei can eat as much as he can, but he feels exhausted all the time. He doesn’t know why. He needs some help.
60.   Lucy has been in the college for two months when she suddenly falls ill. The doctor asks her only to have some liquid food. She needs some help from a particular department.
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As many as 20% of all children in the United States suffer from some form of the learning disorder called dyslexia(读写困难症).
Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use information in a different way. One of the world"s great thinkers and scientists Albert Einstein was dyslexic. Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most people do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. The American inventor Thomas Edison was also dyslexia. Dyslexia first was recognized in Europe and the United States more than 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that persons with the disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of persons with dyslexia are different, In most people, the left side of the brain — the part that controls language — is larger than the right side. In persons with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is bigger. Doctors are not sure what causes this difference. However, a research has shown that dyslexia is more common in males than in females, and it is found more often in persons who are left-handed.
No one knows the cause of dyslexia, but some scientists believe that it may result from chemical changes in a baby"s body long before it is born. They are trying to find ways to teach persons with dyslexia. Dyslexia persons think differently and need special kinds of teaching help. After they have solved their problems with language, they often show themselves to be especially intelligent or creative.
1.Einstein and Edison are spoken of in the passage to prove that ________.
A.they suffered from dyslexia
B.they succeeded because of dyslexia
C.they are neither slow in thinking nor disabled
D.dyslexia is not a disease
2.Who is the most unlikely to suffer from dyslexia?
A.Left-handed persons .      B.Inventors.
C.Females.       D.Males.
3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Once persons with dyslexia have their language problems solved, they will be intelligent
and creative.
B.The left brain of the person with dyslexia is larger than the right side of brain .
C.People have no idea of the cause of dyslexia .
D.Experts think the cause of dyslexia may be related to chemical changes in baby"s body long  before its birth.
4.The passage mainly talk about ______.
A.some form of the learning disorder       B.a serious disease
C.the intelligence of the great people .      D.the teaching help to persons with dyslexia.
5.The persons with dyslexia ________.
A.are some kinds of sick persons      B.are mentally slow
C.think differently from common peopleD.are all males
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Do you know the modern Olympic Games? It started in Greece in 11. The Games are held 12 years. Many people 13 the Olympic Games can be held in their own countries.
At first about ten cities are quite 14 in bidding (申办) for the Olympic Games of 2008. Beijing, Toronto and Paris are 15 cities bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008.
The host (东道主) city of the Olympic Games of 2008 was decided at the IOC (国际奥委会) meeting in July, 2001. In those days Beijing was getting ready for it because it 16 became the host of the Olympic Games of 2000.
Then the Chinese people were all very 17 and cheered because the Olympic Games of 2008 will be held in the capital of China and the Olympic Games has 18 been held before in the country.
Now Chinese people are trying their best 19 ready for the Olympic Games of 2008. They are working hard, and they are learning English, too. Many new buildings have been built. So, I’m 20 it must be a successful one.
11.A.1939            B. 1896           C. 1922          D. 2008
12.A. each four        B. every four      C. every few      D. three or four
13.A. like             B. want               C. decide             D. hope
14.A. ready         B. interesting      C. interested      D. join
15.A. more important          B. the most important 
C. more beautiful            D. the most beautiful
16.A. must            B. already        C. nearly          D. also
17.A. excite           B. exciting         C. excited         D. sad
18.A. never           B. ever           C. just            D. yet
19.A. get              B. gets          C. getting          D. to get
20. A. afraid           B. sorry         C. glad            D. sure 
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Mr. and Mrs. Smith always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past , staying in a small inn at the foot of a hill . One year , however Mr. Smith made a lot of money in his business , so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around the famous city .
They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening . They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry , because in that small inn in New Jersey , no meals were served after seven . They were therefore surprised when the man who received them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night .
“ Are you still serving dinner ? ” asked Mr. Smith .“ Yes , certainly , sir , ” answered the man . “ We serve it until half past nine . ”“ What are the times of meals then ? ” asked Mr. Smith .“ Well , sir ” answered the man , “ we serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning , lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon , tea from four to five , and dinner from six to half past nine . ”“ But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London , ” said Mrs. Smith .
26. Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the past______________ .
A. has often stayed in a big hotel in New Jersey
B. had travelled to many places
C. often stayed in a small inn
D. had made a lot of money
27. They decided to go to a really good hotel because____________ .
A. it was famous
B. it was difficult to find a cheap hotel
C. it was near many interesting places
D. they now had enough money
28. When they arrived at the hotel , they found___________ .
A. no meals were served after seven
B. dinner was still being served
C. their plane had arrived too late
D. they had to go to bed hungry
29. When the man told them the times of meals at the hotel , Mrs. Smith felt_______ .
A. disappointed   B. excited   C. delighted   D. satisfied
30. Mrs. Smith_____________ .
A. thought she would have plenty of time to see the sights
B. was afraid they would have no time to tour around London
C. thought the hotel was not as good as the small inn
D. thought the hotel was much better than the small inn for its good meals
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