When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by

When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by


When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they should stay at “bed and breakfast” houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.
“We didn’t stay at bed and breakfast houses,” they said, “because we found that most families were away on holiday.”
I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought “VACANCIES” meant “holidays”, because the Spanish word for “holidays” is “vacaciones”. So they did not go to house where the sign outside said ‘VACANCLES’, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where the sign said ‘NO VACANCLES’, because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!
We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word “DIVERSION” means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word “DIVERSION” on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hold.
English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris. when someone offered me some more coffee, I said ‘Thank you’ in French. I meant that I would like some more, However , to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that ‘Thank you’ in French means ‘No, thank you.’
1. My Spanish friends wanted advice about ______.
A. learning English                     B. finding places to stay in England
C. driving their car on English roads        D. going to England by car
2. I suggested that they stay at bed and breakfast houses because ______.
A. they would be able to practise their English
B. it would be much cheaper than staying in hotels
C. it would be convenient for them to have dinner
D. there would be no problem about finding accommodation there
3. “NO VACANCIES” in English means ______.
A. no free rooms        B. free rooms      C. not away on holiday    D. holidays
4. If you see a road sign that says ‘Diversion’, you will ______.
A. fall into a hole
B. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself
C. find that the road is blocked by crowds of people
D. have to take a different road
5. When someone offered me more coffee and I said “Thank you” in French, I ______.
A didn’t really want any more coffee      B. wanted them to take the coffee pot away
C. really wanted some more coffee        D. wanted to express my politeness



You’ll have many things to arrange and think about before you leave your home country for New Zealand. Use our links to find some important information to help you prepare for departure.
Bank accounts and credit cards
Your present bank should be able to help you set up a bank account in New Zealand before you leave, so that you can make credit card and other withdrawals(提款)when you arrive.
Documents, credit references(证明)and driver licences
Your first few days in New Zealand are more likely to be easy and problem-free if you arrive with the following documents:
◎birth certificates
◎marriage certificates
◎academic qualifications
◎references from previous employers
◎curriculum vitae (个人简历)
◎an international driver licence or permit
All documents should be originals (not copies). _________________________ they should be accompanied (附上)by a certified (认可的)translation.
Plan what to wear
The weather is changeable, so bring a range of clothes and do not forget to include a raincoat. Remember, seasons are the reverse(相反的) of those in the northern hemisphere.
Bringing your belongings
The New Zealand Customs Service pamphlet(小册子), Advice on Importing Goods into New Zealand, provides full information about importing goods into New Zealand. The pamphlet is available from New Zealand immigration, diplomatic(外交的) and trade offices or you can E-mail: feedback@customs.govt.nz
You may need to plan six months ahead if you wish to bring your domestic pets into the country. For full information, contact the Import Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). Telephone: +64 4 498 9625, Fax: +64 4 474 4132.
71. What is the proper title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)
72. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
When you set off for New Zealand, bring some clothes in case the weather changes
73. Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)     ________________________________
74. Which one of the preparations do you think is the most important for you if you go to New Zealand? Give your reasons?(Please answer within 30 words)
75. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.
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Anderson was born in the slums(贫民区) of Odense, Denmark, on April 2,1805. His early life was not easy. His father was a shoemaker and his mother worked as a washerwoman. He received little early education. As a child he was very emotional and was laughed at for being feminine(女性化)and tall.
In l8l6 his father died and Andersen was forced to go out to work. first in a tailor’s shop and then at a tobacco factory. At the age of l4 Anderson moved to Copenhagen to start a career as a singer and actor. He struggled for three years until he had to leave the theatre when his voice broke in l822.
Anderson went to a grammar school after he left the theatre. Having done well he was admitted to Copenhagen University in 1828.
He began to publish his fairy tales in 1835. They came out in small volumes(量) until his death. Nowadays, children all around the world are familiar with his fairy tales such as “The Little Mermaid ”(《美人鱼》),“The Princess and the Pea” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The colourful characters from the stories made us laugh and cry throughout our childhood. Although Anderson lived a hard life, he tried to make people laugh in all his stories. He wrote because he didn’t want children to have a sad childhood as he did. “Being born in a duck yard does not matter, if only you are hatched(孵化) from a swan’s egg,” he once said.
The work brought Anderson world fame, but he remained a lonely man. He loved three women in his life but none of them loved him back and he never married. His friends were the people that paid for his work and not people he was particularly close to. “Just living is not enough…One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower,’’ he said.
Anderson died on August 4, l 875.
 97. ________
99. ______
 92. _______
  after 1816
 make a living
 95. ________
be a singer
 93. _______
  in 1828
 94. ______
96. ________
make children happy
 100. ________

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When Winston Churchill was a young man, his father concluded that Churchill was “unfit for a career in law or politics” because he did so badly in school.  
When Charles Darwin was getting ready to   36   on his five-year expedition on The Beagle, his father was extremely   37  . he thought his son was falling into a life of sin and idleness.
George Washington’s mother was a complaining,   38   woman by all accounts. She thought little of Washington’s achievements and didn’t   39   at either of his presidential inaugurations(就职典礼). She was always complaining that her   40   overlooked her and she was especially angry when her son George ran off to   41   the army for the American Revolution. She   42   believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.
In his youth, the   43   Leonard Bernstein, one of the most talented and successful composers in American history, was continually pressured by his father to give up his   44   and do something worthwhile, like help out in his family’s beauty-supply business. After Leonard became   45  , his father was asked about that, and he answered, “Well, how was I supposed to know he was the Leonard Bernstein?”
People may criticize you or make fun of your ideas or actively try to   46   you. Often their efforts are only attempts to protect you from   47  . But obviously failure is only a possibility if you stop. If you keep   48  , a “failure” is just another learning   49  . Besides, giving up on a heartfelt goal is worse than failing. “Many people die”, said Wendell Holmes, “  50   their music still in them.” That’s true tragedy.
So listen   51   to the worries and criticisms of your friends and family, and do your best to put their   52   at ease, but then carry on. Listen last to your own heart. You   53   yourself better than anyone on earth. Make sure your song is   54  .  
Listen to your own heart. Don’t let your music   55   with you.
36.A.set sail                          B.take charge                 C.set free                         D.take off
37.A.excited                          B.pleased                         C.disappointed               D.affected
38.A.self-centered              B.self-confident              C.kind-hearted               D.cold-blooded
39.A.show off                       B.show up                        C.pick out                         D.pick up
40.A.parents                         B.neighbors                     C.students                       D.children
41.A.fight                               B.beat                               C.command                     D.attend
42.A.foolishly                        B.secretly                        C.bravely                          D.honestly
43.A.late                                B.latter                             C.former                          D.later
44.A.strength                       B.music                            C.wealth                          D.faith
45.A.proud                            B.steady                           C.independent                D.famous
46.A.  advise                         B.suggest                        C.stop                               D.keep
47.A.success                         B.failure                           C.poison                           D.laziness
48.A.stopping                       B.starting                        C.going                             D.coming
49.A.method                         B.experiment                  C.schedule                       D.experience
50.A.with                               B.beyond                          C.without                         D.during
51.A.politely                          B.rudely                            C.thoroughly                   D.roughly
52.A.homes                           B.minds                            C.businesses                            D.efforts
53.A.trust                              B.believe                          C.know                             D.doubt
54.A.finished                         B.completed                   C.written                         D.sung
55.A.live                                 B.die                                  C.sound                            D.play
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Helen Keller
For the first nineteen months of her life, Helen Keller was like other pretty happy babies. Then a sudden illness destroyed her sight and hearing. Because she could not hear what other people were saying, the child could not learn to speak. For the next seven years, she lived in a world of darkness, without sounds or words.
The person who changed Helen’s world was her teacher, Anne Sullivan, who entered her life on March 3, 1887. Miss Sullivan had accepted a job, which seemed impossible. She agreed to teach a blind child who had never leaned to act like a human being, because no one had over been able to guide her in any way. No one could control Helen. She acted like a young animal, rushing widely around, throwing things, and hitting anyone whom she could reach. Who could believe that such a child could be taught?
But Anne Sullivan was a very special kind of teacher. She had been blind during part of her own childhood and had learned to read Braille, a system of writing that uses raised dots which can be felt by the fingers of a blind person. She had learned to see again after seven operations, but she had never forgotten the experience of being blind.
Miss Sullivan understood Helen. She loved her and believed she could teach her.
1. Helen Keller was born            .
A. blind and deaf          B. natural              C. very weak         D. very pretty and happy
2. Before Miss Sullivan came, Helen was            .
A. very wild                 B. very sad     C. well mannered   D. like a school girl
3. Braille is            .
A. the language of Belgium                 B. the language used by deaf people
C. the language for the blind               D. a kind of sign language
4. Anne Sullivan was the person who           .
A. changed Helen’s life                       B. operated on Helen
C. made Helen feel happy                      D. accepted a job as Helen’s playmate
5. Anne became a good teacher because            .
A. she was very patient                       B. she was very kind
C. she knew how to read Braille           D. she knew and shared Helen’s suffering
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Turning on the TV, a wonderful scene comes to your eyes—a group of men, tall, strong and handsome, and women, young, beautiful and attractive, too. Together they eat in the finest restaurants, traveling everywhere around the world by luxurious planes and pleasure ships. They are models.
Do you envy them? What sort of life are models leading? Is it a wonderful life for a young lady or a young man?
A few models are well-known actors or actresses who can make a lot of money only by showing themselves off in commercials. But the majority of them are just curious to see what it is like. They’d like to be models just because they are attracted by what they imagine—models earn a lot of money and lead a glorious life. This is true for those who are very successful. However, most models find it difficult to get work. Very few can earn enough to live on, and for all models their expenses are high. Their agents claim about 20% of the earnings, and no model will get very far without a clever agent. Besides, they have to buy good clothing. They also have to pay to travel to interviews and reach the places where the work is to be done.
Interviews for a model job are known as cattle-markets in the modeling world, and not without a good reason. A top model can choose his or her work, demand and receive high fees and has his or her expenses paid. But for most models, the situation is quite different. And agent or employer inspects each model much as a farmer inspects cattle at a market. Intelligence, qualifications and personal characteristics count for little against good looks and tight figures. For all except the very few lucky ones, the life of a model is a continual search for work, trying to sell himself or herself in the face of fierce competition and, sometimes, not particularly moral standards on the part of some employers.
Immigration officials at airport look suspiciously at a girl whose passport shows her occupation as “Model”, and these are men and women of considerable experience of the world. It comes no surprise to find that some models prefer to put “Secretary” or “Businessman” as their jobs in their passports.
Modeling is a changeable world with great rewards for a tiny minority but not for the majority.
1. For models, their good looks and tight figures are ____, compared with their intelligence and qualifications.
A. more important    B. less needed     C. less essential    D. more looked down upon
2. Which of the following can lead you to believe according to the passage?
A. A model’s traveling expenses are usually paid by his employer.
B. To be a model, good looks are the most important qualification.
C. Most models have a fairly easy way of life with high pay.
D. A model can hardly be successful without a good agent.
3. Models often put “Secretary” or “Businessman” instead of “Model” in their passports because ____.
A. they want to avoid being stopped to sign their names by fans
B. a person with the occupation of a model is easily attacked by black societies
C. models are sometimes looked down upon
D. secretaries and businessmen are free of custom duty
4. What may be the author’s attitude towards modeling?
A. It is a worthwhile life for a young lady or a young man.
B. He is in favour of young people to try modeling.
C. Before being crazy about a model job, young people should be aware of the difficulties.
D. It is a field in which everyone has a great chance to succeed.
5. The underlined word “suspiciously” can most probably be replaced by ____.
A. doubtfully         B. excitedly         C. proudly           D. sadly
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