He pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to count

He pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to count


He pretended to be a pilot and got free rides on international airlines to countries around the world. He wrote fake checks and stole several millions of dollars from banks, hotels, and airlines. He lied and got jobs by impersonating a doctor, a lawyer, and a university professor, all before he was twenty-one years old. Does this sound like the story to movie? It is. But it is also tree. This is the story of Frank Abagnale’s life of crime told in Abagnale’s book Catch Me if You Can and in the movie by the’ same name. Although the movie is based on the book, there are several important differences between the two.
Probably the one thing that really sets apart the book from the movie is the point-of-view of the story. The book, co-written by Abagnale and a professional writer, is told in Abagnale’s own words. In the book, he tells the reader, “I did this. This is how and this is why.” But in the movie, the story is told from a third person’s point-of-view. This point-of-view limits the details available to viewers of the movie.
Because the writer of the movie could not include many of the details about Abagnale’s crimes and motives, the writer had to change things to make the story understandable for viewers. For example, Agagnale explains in the book how he used his knowledge of the banking system’s number codes to commit fraud (诈骗). In the movie, Abagnale has detailed knowledge of printing and check design, like a kind of criminal genius. The movie’s writer never tells the audience how Abagnale got all of this knowledge.
Another key difference between the book and movie has to do with the people trying to catch Abagnale. In the book, there are only a few references to an FBI agent named O’Really, the man in charge of Abagnale’s ease. However, the movie gives viewers a lot more information about how an FBI agent, renamed Hanratty, cracks down Abagnale and finally catches him.
There are a number of other major differences between the book and the movie about Abagnale’s life, some of which seem to make the book more interesting while others make the movie more interesting. In the end, it all comes down to the question, “Which is better?” Like many other books that have been made into movies, the book is better in this case. The fictional parts of the movie may help create dramatic scenes for the movie and help viewers understand the story quickly, but they are fictional. There is an old saying, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” And in this case, the truth is both stranger and more interesting.
1. Why is Frank Abagnale most famous?
A. He directed a movie about his life.
B. He stole a lot of money from the FBI.
C. He talked his way into many different jobs.
D. He was trained as a pilot, a lawyer and a professor.
2. Which is true about the book and the movie?
A. Both were not use.                                B. Neither was very popular.
C. There are several major differences.        D. They were written by the same person.
3. What did Abagnale know about in-real life? He knew ____________.
A. how to fly a plane                                 B. the number system used by banks
C. how to direct movies                             D. the working system of the FBI



第Ⅱ卷  (两部分,共35分)
Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. The danger of what lay ahead of them, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their fate and possible delays, at first made us feel low and discouraged. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin(企鹅) and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again.
Life now fell into a regular pattern. Just keeping alive took all our time and energy. For example, we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea-ice. If this drinking But melting the ice was a problem. With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke but had he advantage of burning strongly in fierce winds. We could also eat the remains when the fire died down.
Food was also a problem as there were no vegetables or fruit to be found. As one of’ our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat -- seal steaks, cooked seal, penguin steaks, cooked penguin liver.” As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals, so I was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could. It was difficult.
We had to be very particular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us. It was almost as dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. Becoming too hot led to sweating and this could freeze very quickly. Another part of the body that needed special caution was the eyes. The ice and snow reflected dangerous rays from the sun so that if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.
Four months of this was as much as the twenty-two of us could bear in this bone-numbing cold. We were lucky that our group wolf worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way. Above all, Shackleton encouraged us to have celebrations: for birthdays, festivals or even just because of a good catch of penguin. This kept us cheerful and encouraged harmony in the group.
When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to a warm bed, good food and the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive and he had repaid us by his commitment to return and save us from a slow but painful death.
Main Points
Shackleton and his boat having (71)   ▲   away, we stayed on Elephant Island, feeling low and discouraged. A dinner of penguin and dynamic music (72)    ▲   us up.
Water problem
To gather fresh water, we grasped and then melt sea-ice by(73)    ▲  
seal fat.
(74)   ▲  problem
Food lacked variety, with only meat from seals and penguins.
Personal care
● Sweating from wearing too many clothes and(75)   ▲   from wearing too few could do harm to us.
● We needed to be (76)   ▲   of the eyes’ being harmed by the dangerous reflected rays from the sun.
(77)    ▲   for our survival
● Our positive (78)    ▲   
● Having celebrations
● Harmony in the group
Four months later, we were (79)   ▲   by Shackleton. And he
(80)    ▲    his promise.

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---Do you have any shoes like these?
--- What size?
---       56
--- I"m sorry. We don"t have any.
---     57
--- Did she buy them here?
---     58
--- We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don"t have any now.
---     59
--- I am afraid that I can"t. They were in fashion last year. But they"re not this year. Look, these shoes are in fashion now.
---      60
--- They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes.
A. Size five.
B. Can you get a pair for me, please?
C. No, she bought them in the U.S.A.
D. They look very uncomfortable.
E. What color?
F. But my sister bought this pair last month.
G. Yes, they are.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The ancient Greeks made a list of places they thought people should see. This list was named the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The only one of the ancient wonders that still exists is the Great Pyramid of Giza. Pyramids were built as tombs for the leaders of Egypt called Pharaohs.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is special because people do not know for sure if it existed. It was located on the bank of the Euphrates River.
The Statue of Zeus was built to honor the Greek god Zeus. It was made of wood and decorated with gold and ivory. Unfortunately, the statue was destroyed by a fire.
In addition to Zeus, the Greeks also built a very big statue to honor the Greek sun god, Helios. This wonder is known as the Colossus of Rhodes(罗德港巨人雕像). It is about the same size as the Statue of Liberty.
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus(阿耳忒弥斯神庙) in what is now Turkey was built to honor the goddess of hunting, nature, and fertility. The temple was made of marble and had many bronze statues. The temple was later burned down.
Another wonder was the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. This tomb was built for King Mausolus of Caria. Later, several earthquakes damaged it. However, it remained longer than any of the wonders, other than the Great Pyramid.
The Pharos of Alexandria was a lighthouse. A large mirror inside it was used to reflect sunlight to help warn ships getting close to the Egyptian shoreline. It was later ruined by earthquakes. 
1. Which of the following countries didn’t have one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World?
A. Greece.            B. China.          C. Egypt.           D. Turkey. 
2. Based upon the passage, which of the following is only a wonder built for a practical use?
A. the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.             B. the Pharos of Alexandria.
C. the Colossus of Rhodes.                     D. The Statue of Zeus.
3. Why can’t people visit most of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the Ancient World?
A. They no longer exist.                      B. They are imaginary.
C. It is dangerous to go to those places.          D. They are well guarded.
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All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city. “Where shall I put up?” he said; “I hope the town has made preparations.”
Then he saw the statue(雕像) on the tall column.
“I will put up there, ” he cried; “it is a fine position, with plenty of fresh air.” So he flew down and settled just between the feet of the Happy Prince.
“I have a golden bedroom,” he said softly to himself as he looked around, and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was putting his head under his wing, a large drop of water fell on him.
“What a curious thing!” he cried; “there is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clear and bright, and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of Europe is really terrible. ”
Then another drop fell.
“What is the use of a statue if it cannot keep the rain off?” he said; “I must look for a good chimney-pot,” and he determined to fly away.
But before he had opened his wings, a third drop fell, and he looked up, and saw –AH! What did he see?
The eyes of the Happy Prince were filled with tears, and tears were running down his golden cheeks. His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity.
“Who are you? ” he said.
“ I am the Happy Prince. ”
“ Why are you weeping(哭泣) then?” asked the Swallow; “you have quite wetted me.”
“When I was alive and had a human heart, ” answered the statue, “I did not know what tears were, for I lived in Palace of Sans-Souci(无忧宫),where sorrow is not allowed to enter. In the daytime I played with my companions in the garden, and in the evening I led the dance in the Great Hall. Round the garden ran a very high wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. People called me the Happy Prince, and happy indeed I was, if pleasure be happiness. So I lived, and so I died. And now that I am dead they have set me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and all the misery of my city, and though my heart is made of lead(铅), yet I can’t choose but weep.”
“ What! Is he not solid gold? ” said the Swallow himself. He was too polite to make any personal remarks out loud.
1. The Swallow wanted to put up when he arrived at the city because_______.
A. he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince.
B. he flew into a lovely golden bedroom.
C. he had a whole-day flight and wanted to sleep.
D. it was night and a rain was likely to come soon.
2. Why did the Swallow feel curious when a drop of water fell on him?
A. Because of the heavy rain though there was no cloud in the sky.
B. Because the statue couldn’t keep the rain off though made of gold.
C. Because he thought it was raining despite bright and clear stars.
D. Because he couldn’t understand why the Happy Prince was weeping.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Seeing the Prince’s beautiful face, the Swallow had pity on him.
B. The Swallow flew away immediately he found it was raining.
C. The Prince lived happily because he didn’t know what tears were.
D. The Swallow had wanted to find a good chimney-pot but failed.
3. What made the Happy Prince weep according to the passage?
A. The high wall stopping him from going out.
B. His not being able to play with his companions.
C. His sudden death and his statue being too high.
D. The hard life of the people and his inability to help.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Once upon a time there was a group of tiny frogs that held a running competition. The 36 was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had  37  around the tower to see the race and cheer on the  38 .
The race began,  39 , no one in the crowd really  40  that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard  41  such as, “They will never  42  it to the top.” or “There is no  43  that they will succeed. The tower is too high!”
The tiny frogs began  44 , one by one, except for those who were climbing  45  in different paces.
The crowd continued to yell, “It’s too difficult!  46  will make it!”
47  tiny frogs got tired and gave up,  48  one continued higher and higher.
49 , everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for one tiny frog. After a lot of  50 , he was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other tiny frogs  51  wanted to know how this one frog  52  to do it?
A competitor asked the tiny frog how he had found the  53  to succeed and reach the goal. It turned out that the winner was  54 !
Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic…because they  55  your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you--- the one you have in your heart!
36. A. wish         B. goal        C. plan        D. idea
37. A. looked      B. walked    C. turned     D. gathered
38. A. competitors        B. holders  C. actors     D. performers
39. A. Generally B. Probably        C. Actually   D. Basically
40. A. wondered B. believed         C. guessed    D. hoped
41. A. statements    B. conclusions   C. arguments       D. explanations
42. A. achieve     B. spot   C. encourageD. make
43. A. problem  B. chance    C. doubt      D. favor
44. A. giving up B. cheering up    C. escaping D. settling down
45. A. faster and faster             B. higher and higher  
C. farther and farther           D. stronger and stronger
46. A. No one   B. Everyone       C. Anyone    D. Someone
47. A. Fewer      B. Less        C. More       D. Larger  
48. A. and  B. but         C. so    D. or
49. A. At the same time   B. At each time      C. At no time      D. In the end
50. A. step  B. attempt  C. effort      D. jump
51. A. naturally   B. weightlessly  C. sadly       D. strangely
52. A. managed   B. planed    C. intended D. started  
53. A. energy      B. force      C. strength   D. power
54. A. deaf   B. violent    C. foolish     D. religious
55. A. send         B. pass        C. keep        D. take 
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