第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I re

第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I re


I remembered vividly that the first English class in the last term of high school. We boys (there were  no girls in the school) 36 expectantly for the new teacher to appear. Before long came a tall ordinary-looking man of about 40. He said shyly, “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”
His 37 had a surprising tone of respect, almost 38 he were addressing the Supreme Court(最高法院) 39 a group of youngsters. He wrote his 40 on the blackboard – Wilmer T. Stone 41 sat on the front of his desk.  “Gentlemen,” he began, “we are now this term- your last –to continue your study of 42.I know we shall 43 learning with and 44 one another. We are going to learn something about journalism and 45 to get out your weekly school paper.46 we are going to try to feel the 47 of good literature. 48 some of us will really get 49 in reading and writing. A man who reads lives many lives. A man who 50, walks the earth with blindfold. If I had to put all my 51 into a single word, it would be: browse(广泛阅读).”
Mr. Stone went on like that, 52 in a friendly and understanding tone. The 53of the class came 54 soon.
And we boys had to leave the classroom 55 an unexpected feeling of excitement.
36.A.waiting     B.looking       C.asking       D.calling
37.A.spirit          B.voice       C.appearance    D.attitude


38.A.as            B.as if         C.after          D.if 39.A.besides       B.except      C.instead         D.instead of
40.A.address       B.telephone     C.name         D.word
41.A.then               B.but          C.so             D.only
42.A.maths        B.chemistry     C.English        D.physics
43.A.begin        B.enjoy       C.practice       D.suggest
44.A.among       B.for         C.from         D.of
45.A.why         B.how         C.when         D.where
46.A.Really        B.Especially   C.Possibly      D.Truly
47.A.joy           B.sorrow             C.anger       D.excitement
48.A.But        B.Then           C.Maybe         D.Surely
49.A.interesting    B.interested     C.moving       D.moved
50.A.does         B.doesn’t       C.must          D.needn’t
51.A.praise       B.trust               C.advice         D.promise
52.A.speaking    B.spoke          C.telling        D.told
53.A.beginning     B.end          C.middle            D.time
54.A.again          B.just            C.too much     D.much too
55.A.on         B.of            C.with          D.at

36-40: A B B D C  41-45: A C B C B     46-50: B A C B B      51-55: C A B D C


WASHINGTON -Tofu(豆腐)and Soyaburgers (豆饼) may be coming to American school lunch menus. What will the kids say?
“Terrible,” said Greg Dudzinski, 17, of Ripon High School in Wisconsin, as he toured the US capital.
“The regular hamburgers are bad enough, so soyaburgers would be a lot worse, offered Zach Richey, 13, of Scottsboro Junior High in Alabama, another tourist.
But the United States government – hoping to reduce the amount of fat that children are eating –has approved the use of soy as a meat substitute in meals for schools and day-care centers.
Not all kids dislike the change. Mariel Spano, 17, of sandy Greek High School in New York, also visiting the capital, said she likes soyaburgers:  “There is less fat, and they are better for you… They taste the same, and they are just as good.”
The government tried to make soy a meat substitute nearly 20 years ago, but later dropped the ideA.At the time, the plan was intended as a cost-cutting move. US Agriculture Department officials say that their purpose now is only to make meals healthier.
Schools are likely to increase the amount of soy that is mixed with hamburgers and other foods already on their menus, and they will also be looking for food companies to develop new soy products that children will like. “ I can’t see putting tofu on a student’s plate and having a good acceptance. I can see taking a product that is familiar to the students and adding a large amount of soy to it and having it to be acceptable,” said Jill Benza, director of food services for the Mesa, Arizona schools.
1.What is the newspaper report mainly about?
A.The difficulty in using soy products for US schools.
B.Various opinions on soy products for US schools.
C.The plan that is made by the US government for school lunch.
D.Healthy foods for students in US schools.
2.Where did the interviews most probably take place?
A.In food companies.             B.In schools.
C.In Washington.                  D.In some other states.
3.We may learn from the text that _________________________.
A.soyaburgers taste better than hamburgers.   
B.hamburgers are healthier than soyaburgers.
C.soyaburgers cost less than hamburgers.     
D.hamburgers cost less than soyaburgers.
4. What Jill Benza said shows that ___________________________.
A.students have not yet been used to soy products.
B.it is hardly possible to make soy products popular.
C.he does not like the change in meals for students.
D.schools are unwilling to change the lunch menus.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

It is, everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.
Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking and late starters are often long listeners. Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word obey is hardly accurate (精确) as a description of the eager and happy cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gestures and by making questioning noises.
Any attempt to trace (探察) the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out to show joy, sadness, and so on. But since these cannot be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new sounds. This self-imitation (自我模仿) leads on to imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as a speech.
1.The third paragraph is mainly about ____
A.the development of babies’ early forms of language
B.the difficulties of babies in learning to speak
C.babies’ strong desire to communicate
D.babies’ intention to communicate
2.The author’s purpose in writing the second paragraph is to show that children ____.
A.usually obey without asking questions
B.are not active in the process of learning to speak
C.are born cooperative
D.learn to speak by listening
3.From the passage we learn that ____.
A.early starters can learn to speak within only six months
B.children show a strong desire to communicate by making noises
C.imitation plays an important role in learning to speak
D.children have various difficulties in learning to speak
4.The best title for this passage would be ____.
A.How Babies Learn to Speak    B.Early Forms of Language
C.A Huge Task for Children       D.Noise Making and Language Learning
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Texting is a great way to communicate and teenagers are doing just that. New research shows that on average, teens are sending 2,000 text messages a month, and doctors say it’s causing injuries.
13-year-old Bailey Baker keeps using her thumbs, sending text messages to her friends again and again. The past March may have been her best month ever, texting 8,000 times. Now, she says she’s feeling the pain. “Just mainly back and neck problems and thumb numbness,” she says.
Baylor-Garland Dr. Jane Sadler is seeing more and more teens who simply text until it hurts. She says parents, including Bailey’s mom, have no idea how much their kids are texting. “I was thinking she was texting about 25 texts a day,” says Lisa Baker. “Wrong! We’ve uncovered a problem.” It didn’t take Dr. Sadler long to find the problem. She gave Bailey the once-over and learnt that Bailey had developed Texting Teen Tendinitis(肌腱炎)
“A lot of them report pain in their thumbs, back and neck,” says Dr. Sadler. “When we look into it and examine a little bit further, we see texting is the main cause of the problem.” Dr. Sadler says back pain is caused by poor posture while texting. Bailey often texts for up to 2 hours a day; that’s a lot of wear and tear on the thumbs which over time, can break down. Dr. Sadler tells over-texting teens to look into the future. “What I tell them is ‘Hey, you might be normal now, but when you are 40 or 50, you can get arthritis (关节炎).’”
Dr. Sadler recommends limiting texting to 50 a day, and keeping good posture. Dr. Sadler also says touch screens are easier on the thumbs than keyboards and hand exercises are great to build up those muscles, making it easier to text.
1. How many text messages did Bailey Baker send a day on average last month?
A. Less than 226.   B. About 230.        C. About 267.        D. More than 300.
2. Because of texting, Bailey Baker suffers from the following problems EXCEPT ______.
A. back pain          B. neck pain          C. headache           D. thumb numbness
3. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. She gave Bailey Baker a quick examination.
B. She solved Bailey Baker’s problem at once.
C. She gave Bailey Baker a piece of advice.
D. She let Bailey Baker send a text message again.
4. What can we conclude from Paragraph 4?
A. Teenagers won’t get hurt if they stop texting right now.
B. Poor posture while texting is the main cause of injuries.
C. Thumbs won’t ache if teens text for no more than 2 hours a day.
D. Over-texting may have a bad effect on people in the long run.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Would you please listen? It’s a complaint we’ve all heard (though perhaps not listened to). The price paid for not listening can be high: from making a mess of a task to broken relationships. “Frustrated, devalued, and disrespected—that’s how people feel when they’re ‘heard’ but not ‘listened to’,” says Jennie Grau, president of communications training and coaching firm Taliaferro Grau Associates. Yet focusing attention and understanding—the qualities that make physically hearing different from actually listening—can be hard to develop.
Learn to truly understand others, and you’ll improve your personal and professional skill sets alike. Business is all about relationships, and being a better listener helps you establish more positive relationships, says Rockhurst University communications professor Laura Janusik.
The first step is to limit anything that draws your attention away. Give up multi-tasking, and focus on what the speaker’s saying. If the moment simply doesn’t allow you to pay full attention, set up an alternative time when you will be able to concentrate.
Next, stop interrupting. Always want to jump in before the other person finishes speaking? Control yourself like this: Press your fingers firmly, count to five, and re-evaluate whether it’s time to talk. Be aware of the subjects or words that influence your emotions—both positive and negative—and calm down before responding.
Finally, listen between the lines. If you hear only the words without paying attention to the speaker’s tone of voice, facial expression, and body language, you risk missing hidden meanings or important signals. Confirm you’ve “gotten” the message. Transform what others said into a few words of your own.
And when it’s your turn to speak, know you’ve provided a model for how you hope your words will be received.
63. What’s the difference between hearing and listening according to the passage? (No more than 14 words)
64. What does the author mean by saying “listen between the lines” in Paragraph 5? (No more than 8 words)
65. What’s the best title for the passage? (No more than 8 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的A, B, C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were 小题1:  .The rivers were long gone back into the 小题2:  .If we didn’t see some rain soon, we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true 小题3:  of sharing and 小题4:  the only miracle I had seen with my own eyes.
I was in the kitchen making lunch when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. Minutes after he 小题5:  into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.
I went back to make sandwiches, 小题6:  that what he had been doing was completed. Moments later, 小题7:  ,he was once again toward the woods. This 小题8:  went on for an hour—walked 小题9:  to the woods, and ran back to the house.
小题10: I couldn’t take it any longer, so I went out of the house quietly and 小题11:  him on his journey. As I leaned into spy on him. I saw the most  小题12:  sight. Several large deer were in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. And I saw a tiny young deer lying on the ground 小题13:  suffering from dehydrateion (脱水) and heat exhaustion, lifting its head with 小题14:  effort to drink up the water in my beautiful boy’s 小题15:  .
When the water was 小题16:  ,Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to a tap that we had 小题17:  .Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle(细流) began to creep out. When he stood up and began to  小题18:  ,I was there in front of him. His little eyes were just filled with tears.
“I’m not 小题19:  ,”was all he said.
As the tears that rolled down his face began to hit the ground,they were suddenly 小题20:  by other drops…more drops…and more.
All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm, just like one little boy saved deer.
A.skill B.lessonC.impressionD.opinion
A.foundB.expectedC.noticed D.witnessed
A.disappearedB.brokeC.turned D.looked
A.admiring B.thinkingC.imaginingD.desiring
A.hurriedly B.secretlyC.worriedlyD.carefully
A.ImmediatelyB.Finally C.FortunatelyD.Unexpectedly
A.amusing B.interestingC.appealingD.amazing
A.put outB.taken awayC.shut offD.set up
A.washing B.drinking C.throwingD.polluting

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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