


Looking back at my school yearbooks of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, I find the style of uniform says a lot about the students and the character of the times. In the 1970s, students accessorized (配饰) their uniforms with platform shoes. During the 80s, hair was huge—literally. Students’ goofy hair filled up nearly every shot in the yearbook. In the 90s, accessories were all the rage (流行).
Uniform rules have always been strict. The restrictions (限制) are down to the inch: Gray or plaid skirts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee; a red, green, navy or white polo must be worn at all times; and only white, blue, black, and gray sneakers or flats are allowed. With all these rules, one can’t help but wonder how the typical rebellious (叛逆的) teenager can express her individuality.
Still, they manage. Senior Michelle Ferrier says she accessorizes by wearing bright colors like green and pink in bracelets, shoe laces, and headbands to stand out and be fashionable. For any stylish (时尚的) Carondelet student, accessories are key.
At Carondelet, one thing’s for sure: The older a student gets, the more she’s willing to bend the rules. Senior Natalia Piwek admits that she often pairs her “tights and colorful socks” with “illegal shoes”. If you happen to see a girl with colorful tights or boots running across the hallway, it’s most likely that she’s running from a dean.
In about two months, I will say goodbye to my uniform. I will miss the convenience of wearing it. However, I must say, wearing a uniform has taught me an important lesson that I will take with me when I go off to college: it doesn’t matter what you wear, but how you wear it. And how you carry yourself.
56.In the 1980s, _________.
A.uniform rules are sneer
B.students preferred goofy hair
C.accessories were popular with students
D.students wrote colorful shoes with uniforms
57.Which of the following combinations might the students think stylish?
a. grey bracelets     b. parks shoes laces C. green heathens
d. patterned tights   E. red polo
A.abe   B.bde   C.bcd   D.ace
58.According to the students, the restrictions of uniforms are_______.
A.atcler              B.understanding childish
C.childish           D.unselfishly
59.What’s the author’s attitude towards wearing school uniforms?
A.Objictive. B.Tolerant.   C.Agreenble.       D.Oppcaitive.
60.What is the main point of the text?
A.The history of student’s uniforms.
B.How to make school uniforms stylish.
C.Memories and lessons From school uniforms.
D.The debate oven restrictions on school uniforms.



Heavy downpours last month in Rhode Island led to widespread flooding, causing millions of dollars in property damage and leaving thousands homeless. The flood waters also poured vast amounts of raw sewage(未经净化的污水) into the rivers and streams that flow into Narragansett Bay.
It sounds like the makings of an environmental nightmare. But in fact it’s just the opposite. To scientists’ delight. The sewage-loaded floodwaters have caused a well-timed growth of phytoplankton. The microscopic creatures that form the foundation of marine(海洋的) food chains. With more food available for fish. Clams and other sea creatures. The bay’s fisheries industry is expected to benefit.
In decades past. Narragansett Bay typically experienced a late winter early spring algal(海藻) bloom that fed creatures up and down the water column. But in recent years, the waters of Narragansen Bay warmed greatly, meriting this seasonal event.
Mark Berman, an oceanographer with the Nationa. Marine Fishertes Service. Said the flood seemed to have sent the bay back in its normal state.
However, local, mutate and federal officials in Rhode Island leave been batting other algal blooms that, by contrast, are causing widespread harm to the Narragansett Bay ecosystem. During summer months, sewage and agricultural runnel flows into the bay. Causing large blooms. But inseam of becoming food for sea creatures, much of the phytoplankton is consumed by bacteria, which grow last in the warmer waters. The rapid bacteria growth leads to hypoxia decrease of oxygen in the water that can cause large fish tools. One such die-off occurred in 2003. when millions of oxygen-starved fish washed up on the belches of Narragansett Bay.
The flood’s positive impact will probably be a one-time event, Mr Berman said. Mcanwhile efforts to curb the harmhl summer honors continue; in 2003. for instance, Providence completed a $359 million sewage tonal under the city designated to reduce the polluted storm overflow into Narragansett Bay.
71.Scientists believe that the row sewage flowing into the bay will           .
A.pollute the island’s environ mean   B.cause lots of property damage
C.increase the fisheries production     D.destroy the food chains in the bay
72.The potential benefit of fisherics industry rclics on the           .
A.warm temperatures of the bay.       B.growth of phytoplankton
C.large summer alga blooms      D.consumption of oxygen by beaters
73.People struggle against the summer blooms because they will          .
A.pollute the local natural environment
B.increase the prcducmon of fishery industry
C.cause large fish kills of the bay indirectly
D.provide too much food ior sea creatures
74.It can be inferred that         .
A.money spent on the summer blooms has been wasted
B.the government is inverting to promote the local fisheries
C.research of accanology should he encouraged
D.she raw sewage impacts are currently con radiator
75.The underlined word “carb” n the hast postage can be defined as “          ”.
A.control     B.consume   C.cause D.cure
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

[1]some popular expressions are a raystery. No one is sure how they developed. One of these is the expression “carry a chip on your shoulder”. A person with a chip on his shoulder is a problem for anybody who must deal with him. He seems to be expecting trouble.
[2]One writer believes that the expression might have come from an old saying. The saying warms against striking too high, or                . That could be good advice. If you strike high up on a tree with an axe, the chip of wood that is cut off will fall into your eye.
[3]Later, in the Unite States, some people would put a real chip on their shoulder as a test. They wanted to start a faint. They would wait for someone to be orate enough to try to hit it off.
[4]The word ship appears in a number of special American expressions. Another is chip off the old block. This means that a child is exactly like a parent. This expression goes back at least to the early sixteen hundreds. The British writer of plays. George Colman, wtcte tonse lines in seventeen sixty-two. “You’ll find him his father’s own son, I believe. A chip off the old blank, I promise you!”
[5]The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing. An investigator may say. “We’re going to let the chips fall where they may.” This means the mvestigation is going to be complete and honest. It is also a warning that no one will be protectexl form being found guilty.
[6]Chips are oaten used in card games. They represent money. A poker player may, at any time, decide to leave the game. He will turn in his chips in exchange for money or cash.
76.What’s the text manly about? (no more than 5 words)
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the allowing one?
It seems that he is likely to get into some trouble.
_______________________________________________________________________________   78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph? With proper words. (no more than 10 words)
_______________________________________________________________________________   79.Chip can be used on the occasions when people (no more than 20 words)
80.Please translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Pupils are ordered not to wade into ankle-deep water unless teachers first carry out a full risk assessment and put“proper measures in place”.
Staff are expected to check rivers, ponds and the sea for currents and rocks before allowing children to dip their feet.
Guidance issued to schools warns that any“impromptu (事先无准备的) water-based activities”could pose dangers to children.
The recommendations were outlined in a document-available to all 21,000 schools in England — to help teachers organize more school trips. Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families is intended to cut red tape (官样文章) and give staff practical tips.
But the guidance caused argument after teachers were presented with a series of orders surrounding swimming and the use of minibuses.
It said:“Swimming and padding or otherwise entering the waters of river, canal, sea or lake should never be allowed as an impromptu activity. The pleas of young people to bathe — because it is hot weather, for example, should be resisted where bathing has not been prepared for.”
“In-water activities should take place only when a proper risk assessment has been completed and proper measures put in place to control the risks.”
Teachers are urged to check the weather, currents, weeds, rip tides, river or sea beds and breakwaters before allowing children into the water. No child should be able to swim deeper than waist height, the guidance added.
Margaret Morrissey, from campaign group Parents Outloud, said:“Wading out into the ocean is one thing but there’s nothing wrong with padding where the waves break.”
“Part of children’s learning is to walk along the water’s edge and get your feet wet. There are dangerous currents further out and you stay at the edge.”
She added:“I want to see schools and youth groups taking advantage of opportunities that learning outside the classroom can provide.”
But the Department for Children, Schools and Families said teachers had to plan activities carefully.
“We are not banning padding,”said a spokeswoman.“We have seen cases in the past where things have not been planned and assessed for the risk. Unplanned activities around water can be dangerous.”
67.Guidance issued to schools in England gives the information that _________.
A.school trips to oceans are forbidden in the country
B.school swimming pools should be surrounded with fence
C.school staff must plan water-based activities carefully
D.school children shouldn’t have a walk along river banks
68.Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families shows us that _________.
A.they are strongly against the guidance
B.they are fond of the outline of the guidance
C.they don’t understand the aim of the guidance
D.they want the guidance to become more useful
69.To the guidance, Margaret Morrissey holds the opinion that _________.
A.oceans are dangerous place for children to visit
B.young people should be encouraged to learn outside
C.children should learn padding in rough ocean alone
D.schools should stop students from walking along beaches
70.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.No padding on school trips, children told.           
B.No walking along the rivers, teachers told.
C.No swimming after school, parents told.
D.No learning out of school, students told.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 ~ 55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Today I felt very uncomfortable studying English as usual.My eyes were   36   and my mind was confused.I buried my head deep in the great pile of books.Many vocabulary words   37  
my mind.As more and more entered,I   38   focus,and my   39   became crazy.The clock hands were pointing at twelve. I always   40   the time when I study.Without any fruitful results,I felt more   41   and tired.I   42   up and walked to the living room just to take a little break.  43   that would make me feel better.The street lamps looked like stars outside the window.A few scattered(分散的)branches   44   shadows on the French window.Something seemed more   45   and quiet than before.I walked to the   46   slowly,and let my face press against it,  47   very carefully…oh my God!!…It’s snow! It was very bright and covered up the whole   48   while I was studying English painfully, so white and so quiet.At this moment, I was so   49   that I felt like I might burst into tears.The snow was like a spring   50   into my heart,and my eyes were shining with it.All my pain and tiredness   51   at this moment,as the snow dropped into my heart.
I quickly became calm again,as the excitement went away.I sat on the bed silently,and drew the   52   to one side to let the white house and white tree stay just beside my bed.I thought this must be a(n)   53   from God,because I liked snow so much.  54   I was weakest and most helpless in this world,nothing could inspire me but   55 .I should inspire myself from such a beautiful scene.
36.A. closed                  B. tired                         C. shining                     D. weeping
37.A. left                      B. confused                   C. filled                        D. impressed
38.A. lost                     B. got                           C. realized                    D. changed
39.A. thoughts               B. feeling                      C. words                       D. concept
40.A. waste                   B. limit                         C. remember                 D. forget
41.A. flexible                B. guilty                       C. unhappy                   D. curious
42.A. stood                   B. turned                      C. checked                    D. hurried
43.A. Sure                    B. Maybe                      C. Immediately              D. Always
44.A. shook                  B. cast                          C. resembled                 D. printed
45.A. disappointing        B. frightening                C. bright                       D. light
46.A. shadow                B. lamp                        C. branch                      D. window
47.A. looking                B. thinking                    C. moving                     D. cleaning
48.A. night                   B. house                       C. world                       D. mind
49.A. disturbed              B. excited                     C. surprised                   D. bored
50.A. pouring                B. delivering                 C. drilling                     D. rising
51.A. occurred              B. arose                        C. escaped                     D. disappeared
52.A. bed                      B. curtain                      C. desk                         D. book
53.A. anger                   B. smile                        C. gift                          D. punishment
54.A. As usual               B. As a result                 C. At last                      D. At a time
55.A. snow                   B. God                         C. white                        D. beauty
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
[1] My daughter did an experiment for me two summers ago. She applied to job openings she’d found on a couple of big online job boards.    She mailed the applications and waited. And waited. After sending out 100 resumes(履历表), specially addressed to each organization’s human resources(HR) manager, fewer than five HR departments took the time to reply, or acknowledged receipt.
[2] What happened?
[3] Maybe in the thirty seconds or so of attention that her resume received, each HR person made a snap decision. It seemed that 95 of them were unimpressioned.
[4] Or, maybe, out of the 300 other resumes HR had received that morning, they had already scheduled a requisite(必要的) number of interviews. Or, maybe HR simply forwarded her resume to the hiring manager who was supposed to call her for an interview.
[5] Or, maybe they thought her resume was fairly generic(一般的) and they didn’t have time to figure out if she might be a good fit, with the necessary skills, attitudes, and the desire to do the job.
[6] Most likely, the real reason why she didn’t get an interview was the last one. HR didn’t have time to figure out how she would work in their company.
[7] This happens all the time. I think most job seekers make the serious mistake of thinking that all they need to do is tell the HR department what they did in the past.
[8] That might be OK for some hiring managers, but most want to know the answer to one question: How can this applicant help us right now? If your resume does not answer that question, or sufficiently tell a story about how you may be able to help, you won’t have a shot at the job in this market.
[9] Before you can answer that question, however, you need to do some research on the company. Find out everything you can about the company, including the departments, the people, the products, markets, and the plans for the future.
[10] Information is power, and it is available quite easily. Don’t expect HR to figure out how you might fit into their organization. You _________ instead. This is the surest way to get the interview.
76.What’s the main idea of this passage?(within 20 words)
77.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
You should tell the HR what you can do for them in your resume and then you may be able to find a job.
78. Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(within 8 words)
79.List two of the reasons why most HR managers even didn’t give the girl a reply.
(each within 10 words)
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 into Chinese.
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