Dealing with School PressureGet organized.By becoming more organized, you can re

Dealing with School PressureGet organized.By becoming more organized, you can re


Dealing with School Pressure

Get organized.By becoming more organized, you can reduce your stress level drastically(彻底地)Make a daily schedule of all your activities.Another way to become more organized is by getting your supplies and desk in order.Label folders(文件夹) for each class and arrange your notes and assignment by topic or date so you can easily find information.
Don"t procrastinate.Putting off doing your schoolwork will only make you more stressed.If you get an assignment that is due in a month, and you don"t have any other assignment to finish, go ahead and begin working on it.
Exercise.Performing some sort of physical activity for thirty minutes three times a week will considerably lower your stress level.Taking the time to exercise will help get your mind off the chaos and stress in your life.
Get plenty of sleep and eat healthily.You need between seven to eight hours of sleep per night in order to rest your mind and body so they can perform well during the day.Eating well-balanced meals will provide your with enough energy to accomplish your daily activities.
Adopt a positive attitude.If you are always negative, then stress will overwhelm you.By looking at things in a positive light, you will not only reduce your stress, but you will also feel better about yourself.
Realize that it"s okay to say "no".If you already have a full schedule, don"t attempt to add anything else to it.If your friends want you to go out at the last minute but doing so would conflict with your schedule, don"t feel bad about turning them down.They will understand.They have been stressed before too.
小题1:According to the tips, your life will be   if you study without a proper schedule. disorderC.freeD.busy
小题2:Which is NOT TRUE according to the tips?
A.The more you sleep, the less stressed you will feel.
B.A balanced diet will make you energetic.
C.Regular exercise will help you feel relaxed.
D.Everything in a mess will increase one"s stress.
小题3:What does the underlined word " procrastinate" mean?
A.ahead of time.B.delay.
C.give up.D.make up.
小题4:If your good friend invites you to do something while you are busy.what should you do so as not to increase stress?
A.You should accept the invitation.B.You had better say "no".
C.You should keep silent.D.You should feel bad.



When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald"s in January 2004, the world"s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France, where Mr.Hennequin had done a reliable job as head on the group"s French subsidiary(子公式) to sell more Big Macs to his relatives, His task was to copy this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti-globalisers’ favourite enemy operates.
So far Mr.Henncquin is doing well.Last year European sales increased by 5.8% and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36% of the group"s profits and for 28 of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain, and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly(垄断).
Mr.Hennequin"s recipe for revival(复兴) is to be more open about his company"s operations, to be "locally relevant", and to improve the experience of visiting his 6.400 restaurants. McDonaId"s is blamed for making people fat, exploiting workers, treating animals cruelly, polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr.Hennequin says he wants to engage in a dialogue with the public to address these concerns.
He introduced "open door" visitor days in each country which became hugely popular.In Poland alone some 50,000 visitors came to McDonaId"s through the visitors" program last year.The Nutrition Information Initiative(倡议)launched last year, put detailed Sables on McDonaId"s packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohy drates and salt content, "the details are also printed on tray-liners.
小题1:Which of the following statement is RIGHT?
A.Denis Hennequin has been boss of McDonald since 2004.
B.The sales of McDonald is increasing in France.
C.Denis Hennequin tries his best to increase the sales of McDonald in the world.
D.The nutrition information is always launched on McDonald products.
小题2:McDonaId"s is blamed in Europe for the following reasons EXCEPT         .
A.making people fatB.exploiting workers
C.treating animals cruellyD.earning too much
小题3:Which of the following is not included in the McDonaId"s packaging?
A.attentionsB.fatC.proteinD.salt content
小题4:What did Denis Hennequin do to increase the sales of McDonald in Europe?
A.He visited all the McDonaId"s branches in Europe.
B.He introduced "open door" visitor"s days in each country.
C.He had done a reliable job as head of the group"s French subsidiary.
D.He engaged in a dialogue with the public.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填在空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(AB="E," AC="F," AD=G)
—Mr. Paker, when did you arrive home yesterday evening?
— At about 8 o’clock.
—Well, I washed my hands and then watched sports news.
—At about 8:45, I guess.
Yes, I watched TV and went to sleep afterwards.
—Well, I think I was in the bath at that moment.
A.When did you have supper?
B.Did you go out to have a walk last night?
C.What did you do right after you entered your flat?
D.No, you were not. You robbed a bank in Main Street.
E.     Did you stay at home all evening?
F.     But your friends phoned you at nine, and you didn’t answer.
G.    They tried many means to get in touch with you.
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Welcome to the British Museum, the grandest and the most spectacular of human history.  The admission is free and we open every day from 10:00 to 15:30. You can explore 10 departments including:
The Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
The collection of the Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas includes around 350,000 objects. The scope of the collection is contemporary, and historical. It includes most of Africa, the Pacific and Australia, as well as the Americas. All of the collections were got during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and date from this time.
The Department of Asia
The Department of Asia covers the material and visual cultures of Asia – a vast geographical area of Japan, Korea, China, Central Asia, Afghanistan, South Asia and South-East Asia. The collection dates from about 4000 BC, to the present day. It represents the cultures and ways of life of local people and other minority groups.
The Department of Greek and Roman Empires
The Department of Greek and Roman Empires features antiquities (古董). It has one of the most comprehensive collections of antiquities from the Classical world, with over 100,000 objects. These mostly range in date from the beginning of the Greek Bronze Age (about 3200BC) to the time of the Roman emperor Constantine in the fourth century AD.
69. The scope of the Department of Africa, Oceania and Americas doesn’t include______.
A. Africa B. Australia    C. the South America                   D. Britain
70. The earliest collection is from ______.
A. The Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
B. The Department of Asia
C. The Department of Greek and Roman Empires
D. All of the above
71. The Department of Asia represents ______.
A. the geographic features of Asia
B. the relationships between Asian countries
C. the life styles and cultural traditions of some peoples
D. the cultural fights between some native groups
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It is one of the greatest mysteries of nature. In case you haven’t noticed, all living things follow very definite, individual rhythms, all as regular as a clock, but what makes them regular?
Though many scientists maintain that these rhythms are the result of some outside force like gravity or radiation or both, the results of most scientific researches agree with other scientists who believe that each living thing has its own built-in biological “time clock.”
Take the mystery of migration for example. Scientists can’t really explain why many species of birds migrate in the autumn even though the temperature is still summery. The birds just seem to snub the comfortable weather that they are having. When a certain time comes, they travel south by the thousand. In spring time, they migrate northwards even though there probably is snow still covering the ground when they finally arrive. Something said “go,” and they did.
Animals that hibernate (冬眠) are obeying individual time clocks, too. When their clock indicates the time to take a winter’s nap, they do, and nothing can stop them. At a certain time in the spring, they wake up and come out regardless of the weather outside.
Plants appear to have yearly rhythms, such as the sprouting of seeds, and they also have daily rhythms. Notice sometimes that plants raise their leaves in daylight and lower them at night.
If you live along the California coast, you can easily observe a demonstration of this mysterious clock functioning regularly. There, from February to September, the highest tides occur exactly every fourteen and four-fifths days, and during these high tides, but at no other time, small silvery fish called grunions surf-ride a wave to the beach. There the female deposits her eggs in the sand and the male fertilizes them; then both hitch a wave-ride back to the sea. Exactly fourteen and four-fifths days later, never before or after, the tiny eggs hatch, and the high tide carries the new babies out to sea.
72. According to the passage, the mysterious rhythms result from ______.
A. the influence of gravity on living species
B. the effect of radiation on living species
C. the influence of a mysterious outer force on living species
D. the internal mechanism inside the living species
73. The underlined word “snub” in the third paragraph probably means ______.
A. fight   B. ignore C. symbolize   D. criticize
74. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Hibernating animals are obeying an internal time clock.
B. The positioning of the leaves of some plants is due to the daily rhythms.
C. The internal clock functioning is demonstrated in the reproducing habits of grunions. 
D. The yearly hibernation is more because of the weather influence than the biological functioning.
75. The passage is mainly about ______.
A. the rhythms of life  
B. the reasons of mysterious hibernation
C. strange behaviors of species     
D. the timing for different events in the world of species
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A. the future of computer-human relationship
B. the programming system of the computer
C. the reason of the complexity of the human brain
D. the possibility of a real supercomputer
E. the way for computers to kill humans
F. the shortages of the computer compared with a human brain
76. ____________________
The difference between a human brain and a computer is more complicated than we can imagine. The large mammalian brain is the most complicated thing, for its size. Though the human brain only weighs three pounds, in that three pounds are ten billion neurons and a hundred billion cells. The many billions of cells are interconnected in such a vastly complicated network that we can’t begin to explore as yet.
77. ____________________
Even the most complicated computer man has yet built can’t compare with the brain.  Computer switches and processes number in the millions rather than in the billions. What’s more, the computer switch is just an on-off device, whereas the brain cell is itself possessed of a complex structure.
78. ____________________
It’s frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are “programmed” to do so. They can only do what men have them do, in which way it is like the human brain. We can also do what we are “programmed” to do. Our genes “program” us the instant the zygote (授精卵) is formed, and our potentialities are limited by that “program.”
79. ____________________
Surely, though, if a computer can be made complex enough, it can be as creative as people.  If it could be made as complex as a human brain, it could be the replacement of a human brain and do whatever a human brain can do. Then the real supercomputer comes along.
80. ____________________
In other words, once we pass a certain critical point, the computers will gain a dominating position and present a complexity explosion. In a very short time thereafter, computers may exist not only taking after the human brain, but far passing it. When the time comes, we might as well step aside and hand over all our work to them and really have them serve us.
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