第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A You

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A You


You"re in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young women looking at a sweater. You listen to their conversation:
“I can"t believe it--a Lorenzo Bertolla! They are almost impossible to find. Isn"t it beautiful? And it"s a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome.”
They leave and you go over to see this incredible sweater. It"s nice and the price is right. You"ve never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla, but those girls looked really stylish. They must know. So, you buy it. You never realize that those young women are employees of an advertising agency. They are actually paid to go from store to store, talking loudly about Lorenzo Bertolla clothes.
Every day we notice what people are wearing, driving and eating. If the person looks cool, the product seems cool, too. This is the secret of undercover marketing. Companies from Ford to Nike are starting to use it.
Undercover marketing is important because it reaches people that don"t pay attention to traditional advertising. This is particularly true of the MTV generation----consumers between the age of 18 and 34. It is a golden group. They have a lot of money to spend, but they don"t trust ads.
So advertising agencies hire young actors to “perform” in bars and other places where young adults go. Some people might call this practice deceptive(骗人的), but marketing executive Jonathan Ressler calls it creative. “Look at traditional advertising. Its effectiveness is decreasing.”
However, one might ask what exactly is “real” about of young women pretending to be enthusiastic about a sweater? Advertising executives would say it"s no less real than an ad. The difference is that you know an ad is trying to persuade you to buy something. You don" t know when a conversation you overhear is just a performance.
56. The two attractive young women were talking so that they could ________.
A. get the sweater at a lower price    B. be heard by people around
C. be admired by other shoppers    D. decide on buying the sweater
57. Lorenzo Bertolla is __________.
A. a very popular male singer         B. an advertising agency
C. a clothing company in Rome      D. the brand name of a sweater
58. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 
A. The two girls are in fact employed by the Lorenzo Bertolla Company.
B. The MTV generation tend to be more easily influenced by ads.
C. Traditional advertising is becoming less effective because it"s too direct.
D. Undercover marketing will surely be banned soon by the government.
59. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Two Attractive Shoppers            B. Lorenzo Bertolla Sweaters
C. Ways of Advertising                   D. Undercover Marketing
56--59   BDCD  

“I sat-in at a restaurant for six months, and when they finally agreed to serve me, they didn’t have what I wanted”---so went a famous line. In reality, the sit-in movement was not a joke. It began in Greensboro, North Carolina, at 4:30 P.M., on the afternoon of February 1, 1960. On that day, Ezell Blair Jr., Joseph McNeil, David Richmond, and Franklin McClain entered an F.W. Woolworth store. They sat down at a segregated(隔离的)lunch counter, ordered coffee, and then refused to leave when told, ‘We don’t serve Negroes.”
The four young men had expected not to be served. What no one had expected, however, was that they would sit there and politely, but firmly, refuse to leave. This was 1960, and throughout the South black people were not allowed to sit at the same lunch counters with whites, swim at the same beaches, use the same water fountains, or worship at the same churches. Segregation was the law, and it meant separation of the races in every way.
The next day, the four returned to Woolworth’s---this time accompanied by sixteen other students. Again they sat at the lunch counter and requested service. Again they were refused. And again, they declined to leave. On Wednesday, February 3, seventy students filled the Woolworth’s store. This time, the group included white students as well as black. Many brought school books and studied while they waited. By this time, their protest had become known nationwide as a “sit-in”.
On Thursday, there was trouble. An angry group of white teenagers began shoving(推搡) and cursing them but were quickly removed by the police. By February 10, the sit-in movement had spread to five other states.
By September 1961, more than 70,000 people, both black and white, had participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and lunch counters, kneel-ins at segregated churches, read-ins at segregated libraries, and swim-ins at segregated pools and beaches. Over 3,600 people had been arrested, and more than 100 students had been driven away. But they were getting results. On June 10, 1964, the U.S Senate passed a major civil rights bill outlawing(宣布为非法)racial discrimination in all public places. President Lyndon Johnson signed it on July 2, and it became law. But the highest credit still goes to the four brave students from North Carolina who first sat-in and waited it out.
60. In this passage, “ sit-in” refers to _________.
A. an activity where people sit together and drink coffee freely
B. a bill which outlaws racial discrimination in all public places
C. a form in which people peacefully sit and decline to leave
D. a polite behavior that everyone enjoys
61. Which statement can be concluded from the fifth paragraph in the passage?
A. The sit-in movement was not successful.
B. The sit-in movement had a positive result.
C. Only black people participated in sit-ins.
D. A lot of protesters were arrested, with some students driven away from school
62. What was the purpose of the civil rights bill passed in 1964?
A. The highest credit went to the four brave students.
B. It declared that segregation was a law.
C. The students were allowed to participate in sit-ins.
D. It made racial segregation against the law in all public places.
63. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Segregation was the law in the South.
B. The first sit-in was in 1960.
C. The sit-ins helped to end segregation.
D. The civil rights bill was passed in 1964 by the U.S. Senate.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A caring mother is the single most important factor in preventing teenagers from abusing(滥用)drugs and alcohol,researchers said on Friday. An international study showed that teenagers living with both parents are less likely to suffer from alcohol and drug problems,and a strong maternal bond is the most effective way to fight against them.
“These findings suggest that living with both parents may prevent drug use.”said Dr.McArdle of Newcastle University in northern England, who led the study.“They also suggest that attachment(感情眷念),particularly to mothers,is a more effective factor and that this is truly across cultures and substances.”   
The report, which is published in the journal Addiction, involved nearly 4,000 teenagers in England, Ireland, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. They were questioned about their use of several kinds of drugs and alcohol. The teenagers also filled in questionnaires about their relationship with their parents and grandparents, how well they were supervised(监护)after school and whether they were allowed to meet friends at home.
“Both the quality of family relationships and the structure of families have significant influences on youth drug use,” McArdle said in a statement. But he added a strong maternal bond offered the greatest protection against developing drug habits.
The rate of drug abuse among teenagers living with both parents and who had a good relationship with their mother was 16.6 percent. If either factor was missing ,the drug abuse rate rose to 32 percent.More than 42 percent of teenagers living in one parent families who did not have a strong bond with their mother used drugs.
Drug prevention campaigns in British schools and on television warn teenagers about the danger of drugs and alcohol but McArdle said no one is dealing with the problem of their parents’ responsibility.
63.The phrase“maternal bond”appears twice in this passage. Guess its meaning.
A.物质的奖励       B.母亲的约束     C.法律的制裁    D.学校的指导
64. According to McArdle, which is most likely to have the drug abuse problem?
A. 16-year-old Tom from a happy big family.
B.17-year-old Kate supervised by her single mother.
C. 18-year-old Juliet living with her single father.
D.19-year-old Mark cared by his parents.
65. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Teenagers with both parents won’t have the drug use problem.
B. Teenagers from several countries filled in the questionnaire.
C. Teenagers were asked about their relationship with parents.
D. Teenagers in British schools are warned against drugs abuse.
66. The last paragraph suggests that________________.
A. schools should answer for the drug problem
B. television and media are to blame
C. parents and the society are responsible for the drug problem
D. mothers are the cause of youth drug use
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Just 7 km east of Sydney’s city center lies Australia’s most famous beach – Bondi, with its glorious strip of golden sand and blue water. Other delightful surf beaches and small bays stretch south to Maroubra , while the harbour suburbs to the north offer sandy bays and the bushland of Sydney Harbour National Park . The life saving movement was founded in Australia in the early 1900s , and now Bondi and Bronte each claim to be the world’s first surf club .
Surf and sand from Bondi to Maroubra , plus calm harbour beaches .
●With its rolling surf and long are of sand , Bondi is the region’s best-known beach and the liveliest of all the ocean suburbs .
●Four more surf beaches lie south of Bondi—Tamarama , Bronte , Coogee and Maroubra —as well as calmer Clovelly and Cordons Bay .


Lively beachfront dining and shopping strips , and charming harbours .
●Bondi, Bronte , Coogee and Maroubra all offer a delightful seaside town atmosphere —complete with beachwear and surf shops , pubs and outdoor cafes .
●Take a boat from Circullar Quay to one of the harbour suburbs—there is Rose Bay with its parks and harbourside restaurants , Vaucluse , home of Vaucluse House , and Watsons Bay , with a famous seafood restaurant and wonderful views up the harbour .
3. Inland
Shops , cafes , restaurants , parks and several major attractions .
●Paddington and Woollahra are famous for their cafes , small shops , art galleries , markets and nearby Centennial Park , one of Sydney’s largest open spaces .
●Visit Bondi Junction for its largest shopping center and cinema complex .
4. Activities
From surfing and diving to walks , golf and seaplane rides .
●Learn to surf at Bondi , Bronte or Coogee , go diving at Gordons Bay (where there is an underwater trail ), or watch a summer surf carnival .
●Play golf at Bondi Beach , Rose Bay or Moore Park , enjoy a game of tennis , and go horse riding at Centennial Park .

59.Which of the following best shows the location of each city? 
60.What is the most suitable heading for Part 2?
A.Shops.                B.Harbours.            C.Bays.                  D.Cafes.
61.If you want to see a film after shopping, you’d better go to          .
A.Paddington          B.Centennial Park   C.Bondi Junciton    D.Gordons Bay
62.About Bondi, which of the following is not mentioned in the article?
A.position and surroundings.                    B.entertainment and activities.
C.scenery and views.                               D.history and places of interest.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The questions of what children learn, and how they should learn it, is continually being debated and reheated. Nobody dares any longer to defend the old system, the parrot – fashion (way of learning by repeating what others say) of learning lessons, the grammar with a whip system,which was good enough for our grandparents.The theories of modern psychology have stepped into argue that we must understand the needs of children.Children are not just small adults;they are children who must be respected as such.
Well,you may say,this is as it should be,and a good idea.But think further.What happens?
‘Education’ becomes the responsibility not of teachers, but of psychologists.What happens then? Teachers worry too much about the psychological implications of their lessons,and forget about the subjects themselves.If a child dislikes a lesson,the teacher feels that it is his fault,not the child’s. So teachers worry whether history is ‘relevant’ to modem young children.And do they dare to recount stories about violent battles? Or will this make the children themselves violent? Can they tell their classes about children of different races,or will this encourage racial hatred? Why teach children to write grammatical sentences? Verbal expression is better.Sums? Arithmetic? No:real—life mathematical situations are more understandable.
You see.you can go too far.Influenced by educational theorists,who have nothing better to do than write books about their ideas,teachers leave their teacher—training colleges filled with grand,psychological ideas about children and their needs. They make complicated preparations and try out their ‘modern methods’ on the long – suffering children. Since one ‘modern method’ rapidly replaces another, the poor kids will have well been fed up by the time they leave school. frequently the modern methods are so complicated that they fail to be understood by the teachers, let alone the children; even more often, the relaxed discipline so necessary for the ‘informal’ feeling the class must have, prevents all but a handful of children from learning anything.
63.Under the old system, children were           .
A.made to learn passively                        B.good enough to their grandparents
C.made to learn actively                          D.understood and respected by teachers
64.What happens when teachers pay too much attention to the psychological implications during a lesson?
A.They find that children dislike the lessons.
B.They worry too much about history, stories, racial hatred, grammar and arithmetic.
C.They don’t pay enough attention to what students are learning.
D.They tend to blame students for their failure in teaching.
65.How do you understand the underlined sentence at the end of the passage?
A.Children will learn well in a relaxed classroom atmosphere.
B.Few children will actually learn when there is no discipline.
C.Relaxed discipline is necessary for children to develop.
D.No children will learn anything without strict discipline.
66.What is the author’s attitude toward the theories of modern psychology?
A.Indifferent (不关心的).                       B.Tolerant (容忍的).
C.Supportive (支持的).                           D.Critical (批评的).
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

As I was reading a recent story in Slate on 20-somethings complaining about how the economy was ruining their life plans, I couldn’t help but think the 20-somethings sounded like a bunch of spoiled children who grew up expecting everything to be easy for them. As a 20-something myself, I certainly share their disappointment: my husband and I probably won’t be able to buy a house until we’re in our 40s, and we too are burdened by student loans(贷款). But why should it be any different? Being young persons in America, shouldn’t they take up all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?
Consider some of these views shared in the Slate story: Jennifer, 29, owner of a two-bedroom apartment with her husband, worries that she won’t be able to have children for at least a decade because they can’t afford to buy a house yet.
I read that, and I thought, what planet is she living on where you need to own a house in order to have kids? Has she ever visited a developing country, or even downtown areas in this one? Home ownership is a luxury(奢华), not a fertility requirement.
A 26-year-old in the story despairs(绝望) that he can’t afford to get a Ph.D. in literature. Well, that sounds a bit like expressing disappointment that no one will pay you to write poetry on the beach in Thailand for five years.
Yes, it’s sad that these young people feel so lost. But I think the problem is their extremely high expectations, not economic reality. Beth Kobliner, author of Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, says that she thinks people’s expectations are slowly adjusting, but today’s 20-somethings grew up at a time when everyone’s wealth appeared to be expanding. Their parents probably saw their home values rise along with their investments. “So you have people who have grown up in an environment where people had great expectations of what living well means,” says Kobliner.
This recession(衰退) will certainly play a role in forcing those expectations into more realistic group. In the meantime, it seems a lot better for our mental health to focus on being grateful-for our one-bedroom apartments, for living in modern cities, or perhaps just for being able to eat three meals a day-than on longing for some kind of luxury life.
67.What makes the author think the 20-somethings sound like a bunch of spoiled children?
A.They expect everything to be easy for them.
B.They complain that the economy is spoiling their life plans.
C.They are reluctant to face all of the challenges.
D.They are burdened by student loans.
68.The underlined word “fertility” in Paragraph 3 probably means       .
A.baby production                             B.pleasant       
C.baby comfort                           D.essential
69.Which of the following is not one of the complaints of the 20-somethings?
A.They can’t have children for at least a decade to buy a house.
B.They have only one-bedroom apartment to live in.
C.They can’t buy a house until 40 because of student loans.
D.They despair at not being able to afford a Ph.D. in literature.
70.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To tell us what the author’s attitude towards the 20 – somethings.
B.To explain why young people can’t afford to buy a house.
C.To suggest what we should do when young people’s high hopes create despair.
D.To explain what the 20 – something’s high expectations are.
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