Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable headin

Section CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable headin


Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not nee
A.Choose a limited subject
B.Draw in black and white
C.Use only simple actions
D.Use words sparingly
AB.Revise and simplify
AC.Create easy-to-recognize characters
Consider straightforward, uncomplicated actions for you characters. While the actions may be symbolic, such as pumping up for a business deal, it should be clear what the character in the drawing is doing
Aim your satire at targets that can be “summarized” in a few easily recognized images, You might choose a single person, such as a rock star, or a group or institution—such as business people, a nation, Congress, or basketball players, Labels or dialogue can help identify characters, but remember that the less “work” your audience has to do, the more effective your cartoon will be .
While brief, simple dialogue may be necessary to get your point across, make sure it’s easy to understand and doesn’t take up much room. If you rely too heavily on dialogue, you are really creating an illustrated story or play instead of a cartoon. Labels and captions, too, should be minimal and easy to understand.
Consider subjects that are familiar to your audience and that can be encapsulated in a few words and images. Try characters actions, or ideas that become laughable with only a little exaggeration or an unlikely comparison.
Eliminate all that is extraneous and reword your cartoon until its impact is as immediate as possible. In fashion circle, there is a saying: less is more which can be applied to creating a cartoon.

76---80   CFADE  


Section D
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the possible fewest words
If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition you are not alone.
A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit.
A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows. Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal forthright, respectful and thorough.
“What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention” said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions with patients.
“It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,” he said.
Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or , for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away. In either case, wait time can be hours and actual face time with a doctor might be just seconds.
“The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit , but medical schools can  fill in this crack  by adding in the seven behavioral things into their training.” Li said.
“If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared , it leaves them feeling like they’re heard ” Lisaid.
(Note : Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
81.When on duty, a doctor’s right behavior is___________.
82.What is the guarantee of exhibiting doctor’s good qualities?
83.By “fill in this crack”(underlined ) , the writer means_______.
84.What is this passage mainly concerned about?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第二节 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
A friend once told me a beautiful story of how ordinary people found a simple way to help others. My friend was 36 the beautiful view on the top of Casper Mountain, a 37 place for visitors to overlook (俯视) Casper, Wyoming. Even in the summer it was 38 on top of the mountain, and on this day he 39 a young woman who clearly had no coat. She 40 as she wrapped (用……缠绕) her arms around herself.
Then he saw an older man 41 up to the young woman, take off his sweater and place it on her 42 . The man said, “Here, keep the sweater. The 43 is even better when you’re warm.” She smiled her 44 and wrapped the warm sweater 45 her shoulders as the man went away.
Before the woman left, she found a middle-aged woman who was also 46 cold and she handed her the sweater. “47 it,” she said. “The view is even better when you’re warm.”
My friend was 48 in that, so he kept his eyes on the sweater. He noticed that before the current (现在的) 49 of the sweater left, she came near to a trembling (颤抖的) man, 50 it to him and said, “Here ... keep the sweater. The view is 51 better when you’re warm.”
“That happened a couple of years ago,” my friend said. “And as far as I know, that 52 is still on top of Casper Mountain, going from one person to another.”
Ordinary people can find a way to 53 others. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones 54 us daily. Like somebody else likes to say: Nobody can help everybody, 55 everybody can help somebody!
36. A. getting      B. enjoying       C. taking              D. making
37. A. dirty      B. terrible         C. favorite        D. cold
38. A. hot             B. sunny          C. cool                    D. warm
39. A. liked          B. knew           C. touched        D. noticed
40. A. laughed           B. cried          C. feared          D. shook
41. A. walk           B. rush             C. jump             D. swim
42. A. shoulders    B. hands          C. arms                D. legs
43. A. health     B. picture         C. result               D. view
44. A. thanks         B. apologies      C. dissatisfaction   D. greetings
45. A. on           B. by               C. with                    D. around
46. A. silently     B. clearly         C. especially       D. finally
47. A. Throw            B. Buy         C. Keep               D. Mend
48. A. surprised     B. interested            C. shocked            D. frightened
49. A. helper     B. giver          C. owner             D. seller
50. A. gave           B. sold         C. showed         D. bought
51. A. quite        B. never               C. ever              D. much
52. A. man            B. woman        C. mountain       D. sweater
53. A. compete           B. help             C. fight                    D. forgive
54. A. catch          B. miss             C. surround (包围)  D. welcome
55. A. if              B. unless           C. so                    D. But
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew,but whose face he didn’t,the girl with the rose.Thirteen months ago,in a Florida library he took a book off the shell and found himself interested in the notes in the margin(页边).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and insightful(有洞察力的)mind.
In front of the book,he discovered the name,Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he got her address.He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to keep in touch.  
During the next year and one month the two grew to know each other through the mail. A romance started.John requested a photograph,but she refused.She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like.Later they agreed on their first meeting—7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York.
“You’ll recognize me,” she wrote,“by the red rose I’ll be wearing my coat.” So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose.
A girl in a green suit was coming toward him,her figure long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers.Almost uncontrollably he came to her,and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40.The girl was walking quickly away.
He did not hesitate(犹豫),saying,“I’m John,and you must be Miss Maynell.I am so glad you could meet me. May I take you to dinner?”
The woman smiled, “I don’t know what this is about,son,” she answered,“but the young lady in the green suit begged me to wear this rose on my coat.And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner,I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street.She said it was some kind of test!”    
56.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.John once met Miss Maynell somewhere before.
B.Miss Maynell was not honest.
C.John didn’t know who Miss Maynell really was when he spoke to the woman.
D.John and Miss Maynell kept in touch by telephone before they met.
57.From the last paragraph,we can learn that          .
A.the woman was waiting to be asked to dinner by John
B.the woman past 40 was Miss Maynell’s close friend
C.the woman wearing the red rose on her coat was Miss Maynell
D.Miss Maynell wanted to test John before they met
58.How did John learn about Miss Maynell at first?
A.They talked with each other on the Internet.
B.John knew her name while reading in a library.
C.They met each other in a bookstore.
D.The woman well past 40 years introduced them to each other.
59.From the passage,we can infer that             .
A.Miss Maynell would accept John as her boyfriend
B.Miss Maynell used to work in the library
C.John regretted not greeting the girl in green
D.John loved Miss Maynell because of her good looks
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Have you ever known a married couple that just didn’t seem as though they should fit together—yet they are both happy in the marriage, and you can’t figure out why?
I know of one couple: the husband is a burly(魁梧的)ex-athlete who, in addition to being a successful salesman, coaches Little League, is active in his Rotary Club and plays golf every Saturday with friends. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn’t even like to go out to dinner.
What mysterious force drives us into the arms of one person, while pushing us away from another who might appear equally desirable to any unbiased(没有偏见的) observer?
Of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according to John Money, professor emeritus(荣誉退休的) of medical psychology and pediatrics(儿科学) at Johns Hopkins University, is what he calls our “love map”—a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes. It shows our preferences in hair and eye color, in voice, smell, body build. It also records the kind of personality that appeals to us, whether it’s the warm and friendly type or the strong, silent type.
In short, we fall for and pursue those people who most clearly fit our love map. And this love map is largely determined in childhood. By age eight, the pattern for our ideal mate has already begun to float around in our brains.
When I lecture, I often ask couples in the audience what drew them to their dates or mates. Answers range from “She’s strong and independent” and “I go for redheads” to “I love his sense of humor” and “That crooked smile, that’s what did it.”
I believe what they say. But I also know that if I were to ask those same men and women to describe their mothers, there would be many similarities between their ideal mates and their moms. Yes, our mothers—the first real love of our lives—write a significant portion of our love map.
51. What does the underlined word “petite” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. Clever.              B. Little.               C. Energetic.         D. Lovely.
52. What is “love map” according to John Money?
A. One of the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate.
B. Our preferences in hair and eye color, in voice, smell, body build.
C. A group of messages encodes in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes.
D. Something that appeals to us, whether it’s the warm and friendly type.
53. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. By age eight, the pattern for our ideal mate has already begun to float around in our brains.
B. We fall for and pursue those people who most clearly fit our love map.
C. Love map is largely determined in childhood.
D. “She’d strong and independent” is the most important reason that drew the couple together.
54. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The author believes what the questioned couple said.
B. Our mothers play a very important role in the forming of our “love map”.
C. Our mothers are the first real love in our lives.
D. There would be many similarities between ideal mates and moms.
55. What would be the best title of this passage?
A. The “love map” in our mind.
B. What mysterious force drives us into the arms of one person?
C. The real reason why we choose that special someone.
D. Our mothers write a significant portion of our love map.            
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Many people want to offer help in a natural disaster by donating money, transporting supplies, giving blood, or offering physical assistance. Unfortunately, there are times when kind-hearted people disturb more than they help in a natural disaster. An untrained individual may end up becoming another person in need of rescue.
If you decide to be a volunteer during a natural disaster, be sure you coordinate(使协调) with trained rescuers so that your assistance can be effectively made use of. You may be able to offer transportation to survivors that are not seriously injured, or you may be able to help bring in necessities; however, you should never decide by yourself what needs to be done.
Giving donations is often the best way to help in a natural disaster. Just make sure that your donation goes to a reliable organization. That means the organization will spend the largest percentage of its donations on direct assistance to victims of the natural disaster; _________. After a natural disaster, dishonest “charities” often show up trying to collect money. If you are donating to help during a natural disaster, look for a well-recognized, well-respected name, or do some research before giving. If you would like to check out different charities, a good place to start is the Better Business Bureau.
If you would rather donate food, clothing, or other supplies, make sure such items are sent to the proper location where they can be effectively sorted and distributed to those in need.
Just know that any effort you make to help, no matter how large or how small, will be appreciated.
56. What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)           ____________________________________________________________________________
57. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
If you have not been trained, you may become trapped or harmed during the course of the rescue.              ____________________________________________________________________________
58. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 20 words.)             ____________________________________________________________________________
59. How are you going to offer help in a natural disaster? Give your reasons.
(Please answer within 30 words.)
60. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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