第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑A The

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑A The


The old man walked slowly into the restaurant. With head tilted, and shoulders bent forward he leaned on his trusty stick with each unhurried step. His torn cloth jacket, patched trousers, worn out shoes, and warm personality made him stand out from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd. He stopped, turned with his whole body, and winked at a little girl seated by the door. She flashed a big smile right back at him.
A young waitress named Mary watched him walk toward a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said, "Here, Sir. Let me give you a hand with that chair." She pulled the chair away from the table. Steadying him with one arm, she helped him move in front of the chair, and get comfortably seated. Then she moved the table up close to him, and leaned his stick against the table where he could reach it.
In a soft, clear voice he said, "Thank you, Miss. And bless you for your kind gestures."
"You"re welcome, Sir." She replied. "And my name is Mary. I"ll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time, just wave at me!"
After he had finished a hearty meal, Mary brought him the change from his ticket. He left it on the table. She helped him and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, "Come back and see us, Sir!" He turned and nodded a thank-you. "You are very kind." he said softly, smiling.
When Mary went to clean his table, she almost fainted. Under his plate she found a business card, and a note scribbled on a napkin. Under the napkin was a one-hundred-dollar bill.       
The note on the napkin read, "Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself too. It shows by the way you treat others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you."
The man she had waited on was the owner of the restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she, or any of his employees had ever seen him in person.
56.The old man left $ 100 under the napkin because he ____.
A.was grateful for Mary"s kindness
B.wanted to encourage Mary to do more good deeds
C.appreciated Mary"s kindness and work attitude
D.thought highly of the tasty meal in the restaurant
57.What do we know about Mary and the old man?
A.Mary knew who the old man was from the note.
B.Mary recognized the old man when she served him.
C.The old man intended to have Mary as his secretary.
D.It was the first time that Mary had seen her boss in the flesh.
58.It can be inferred that the old man went to the restaurant to ____.
A.have a good meal              B.enjoy good service
C.have an on-site visit           D.show his generosity
59.The passage is developed mainly by ____.
A.following the order of space      B.following the order of events
C.making comparisons             D.providing examples
60.The best title of the passage would be ____.
A.Employer and Employee         B.The Secret of Happiness
C.A Gift from the Manager         D.Good Service in the Restaurant



The Couch Surfing network is an online community stretching across the globe with over one and a half million members.The basic concept is to provide a platform for travelers to contact people who are willing to put them up free of charge.Travelers connect with potential hosts online and, if they like each other, exchange details to make further arrangements.
Basil is one traveler from Switzerland who is currently couch surfing with a Chinese host in Beijmg."I thought staying in hostel is nice but you mostly meet foreigners and speak English.If you use Couch Surfing you have chance to meet people living here and really get a chance to know the life of the place you visit." Basil was speaking during a regular meeting of the Beijing network of Couch Surfing with a membership of almost 2,000.
Although some people may have concerns about meeting complete strangers and giving them full access to your house, Beijing group member Fred Sharp from California says that the Couch Surfing community is one that generally attracts trustworthy people.
"I have never had a problem with guests。I"d say that this Couch Surfing community worldwide is a fairly trustworthy community Like I say, always be cautious, make sure that you read everyone"s profile that you"re considering hosting, and if it doesn"t feel right just say "no", it"s ok."
Originally launched in the US as a non-profit organization in 2004, Couch Surfing is growing fast across the world.China is no exception with around 30,000 members and hundreds more signing up each week.One of them is Beijing resident Hai Yan who joined in November 2009.She says the first time she hosted a guest was a very positive experience."My first guest was from Italy He was very kind and helpful.He bought me a present from Italy, a handbag.It"s a famous brand!"
As the organization grows from strength to strength, hotel owners across the world will be watching very closely and possibly thinking twice about raising their prices too high.
61.The Couch Surfing network is intended to ____.
A.give reliable information about hotels
B.provide people with a platform to contact each other
C.find potential hosts who want to supply travelers with couches
D.offer travelers convenience to find suitable hosts for free accommodations
62.According to Fred Sharp, ____.
A.couch surfers can fully rely on Couch Surfing community
B.Couch Surfing community enables you to meet different people
C.Couch Surfing community is trusted by all couch surfers
D.couch surfers may form a judgment on hosts and make a final decision
63.We can infer from the passage that ____.
A.Couch Surfing has a long history       
B.Hai Yan is satisfied with her host
C.Couch Surfing is getting popular in China       
D.Basil works at the Beijing Network
64.The last paragraph suggests that hotels will ____.
A.be replaced by the organization  B.probably not charge too much
C.not consider raising their prices      D.show no concern about the organization
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What a blessing to be alive in a wonderful world of unlimited possibilities.After contracting Hodgkin"s disease at seven and being given six months to live,I recovered.I’m not dying of cancer.I’m   36  with it .  37   what comes my way, I don’t have to be afraid any more.
In the second year of high school,the class was scheduled to run the  38  .Due to the swelling and  39  from surgery on my leg,for two years I hadn"t worn shorts and lived in  40 .Yet that day,I was ready-shorts,heart and mind.When the coach yelled,“Ready.Set.Go!” I ran faster than anyone else for the first 20 feet, 41  to finish first.As we came around the first of four laps,there were students all over the  42 .By the end of the second and third laps,many of the students had already  43 and were on the ground breathing deeply.By the time I hit the fourth lap,I was   44 .Then it hit me.I realized nobody had given up.  45 ,everyone had already finished.I cried.12 minutes,42 seconds after starting,I   46  the finish line.I fell to the ground,  47  .
Suddenly my coach ran up to me and  48 ,yelling,“You did it,Manuel .You finished,son .”He looked me   49   in the eyes,waving a piece of paper in his hand.It was my  50  for the day,which I had forgotten.He read it aloud to everyone.It simply said,“I,Manuel Diotte,will finish the mile run tomorrow,whatever  51  come.No  52 or frustration will stop me.  53  capable of finishing,and with God as my strength,I"ll finish.” My heart   54  and tears went away.It was then    55  I realized winning is not always finishing first.Sometimes winning is just finishing.
36.A.enduring         B.studying       C.living         D.burdening
37.A.Regardless of     B.As of          C.In terms of    D.Let alone
38.A.game             B.competition    C.match          D.mile
39.A.wounds           B.scars          C.signs          D.treats
40.A.fear             B.surprise       C.anger          D.disappointment
41.A.hoped            B.determined     C.expected       D.longed
42.A.trip             B.school         C.ground         D.track
43.A.quit             B.gone           C.insisted       D.left
44.A.annoyed          B.confident      C.alone          D.lonely
45.A.Otherwise        B.Instead        C.Yet            D.Besides
46.A.ran              B.walked         C.passed         D.crossed
47.A.embarrassed      B.proud          C.amused         D.excited
48.A.sent me up       B.picked me up   C.took me up    D.set me up
49.A.up               B.over           C.straight       D.ahead
50.A.opinion          B.goal           C.belief         D.thought
51.A.can              B.may            C.should         D.must
52.A.hesitation        B.blame          C.pain           D.laughter
53.A.Other than        B.More than      C.Rather than    D.Less than
54.A.lifted            B.broke          C.sank           D.beat
55.A.before           B.when           C.that           D.Since
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I was born an albino.No one in my family had ever known what an albino was,what it meant to be an albino,and what had to be done differently because I was an albino.
My parents treated me just like they treated everybody else. That was just about the best thing they could have done. It helped me trust myself,so when the annoyances came along,I could deal with them.
Actually,my photo always looked like a snowball with two pieces of coal for eyes. Kids would tease me,asking if I was joining the circus and calling me “Whitey”. Like most albinos,I had terrible eyesight,and my grades suffered until eventually I overcame my feeling ashamed of myself and realized it was okay to ask to sit in the front of the classroom so I could see the blackboard better. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the tip of my nose so I could see it well enough to read. Even when I was eight or nine. movie-theater clerks started asking me to pay adult prices because I “looked older”.
The worst part for me was that because my eyesight was so bad,I couldn"t play sports very well. I didn"t give up trying,though. And I studied harder. Eventually,I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college I was double majoring,going to summer school and devoting myself to every kind of extracurricular activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make “albino” a positive word. And I decided to make my living with my eyes.
I couldn"t see well enough to play spots,but with a solid education and the drive to do it,I could make a living involved in the field I loved. I"ve done it now for more than thirty years in print and in video,and now in cyberspace. People make jokes about how I"m the only “blind editor” they know,but most of the time the jokes are signs of respect. And I make jokes about being an albino.
I was just a proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that being born an albino helped me to overcome difficulties,gain confidence,and be proud of my personal achievement and humble about my professional accomplishments.
56.According to the passage,an albino refers to a person__________.
A.who has bad eyesight        B.who is born with white skin and hair
C.who looks older than his age  D.who joins the circus
57.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The fact that the author was born an albino.
B.The way that the author"s parents treated him.
C.What had to be done differently to the author.
D.The fact that the author had no idea what an albino was.
58.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Despite his bad eyesight,the author played sports well.
B.The author paid adult prices for movies when he was still young.
C.The author"s study was affected by his eyesight at first. 
D.“Albino” has already become a positive word now.
59.In the passage,the author intends to tell us___________.
A.actually being an albino helped him achieve success
B.how an albino studied well
C.what it is like to be an albino
D.how people should treat an albino
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This week,We talk about the application process for American colleges and universities.This is Part Eight in our Foreign Student Series.Earlier,we explained  how to begin a search for schools by going to one of the American educational advising centers around the world.We also discussed the rules for entering in the United States.  71    
But if your goal is to come to the United States to study,then it is time to make a list of  colleges of universities that interest you.  72   Directors of foreign student admissions say students should apply to at least three schools.
Some students want to attend a small college.Others want to go to a big university.That university in Columbus.Ohio,in the Midwest,has almost fifty-two thousand students.There are students this year from around one hundred fifty countries.Ohio State provides international students with an application on its Web site.  73   Or you can print the forms and mail them with the payment.
Many colleges and universities have their applications and also their catalogs online.You should start on your applications at least two years before you want to begin studies.  74   But answering all the questions is not enough.Another important step is taking admissions tests.The SAT is the college entry test that American high school students most commonly take.  75  Colleges and universities may also require international students to take the TOEFL—the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
A.Completing a college application can take some time.
B.You can pay the application charge online with a credit card.
C.Another one is the ACT.
D.If a really big university appeals to you,then there aye ones like Ohio State.
E.Be sure to choose more than one.
F.And we talked about programs that can be completed online.
G.If you have a general question for our Foreign Student Series,write to special@voanews.com.
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Linda Evans was my best friend -like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, and horseback riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time -like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no idea how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much, I wanted to share stories of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Linda and whose last name was Wagman- Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”
Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled, and there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure: we won’t lose each other again!
56. The writer went to piano lessons with Linda Evans_______.
A. at the age of 13                 B. before she got married
C. after they moved to new homes     D. before the writer’s family moved away
57. They didn’t often write to each other because they_______.
A. got married                   B. had little time to do so
C. didn’t like writing letters        D. could see each other on special time
58. There was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she______.
A. was in trouble                
B. didn’t know Linda’s address
C. received the card that she sent    
D. didn’t have a friend like Linda to share her happiness or sadness
59. The writer was happy when she_________.
A. read the newspaper       
B. heard Linda’s voice on the phone 
C. met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D. wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman
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