You"ve been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know no

You"ve been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know no


You"ve been away from us for one year; you told us a lie which I came to know not long ago.
On this special day for teachers across the country, I can _1_keep myself from telling your white lie to those who would lend me an ear.
Do you still remember the happy _2_about six years ago? We fixed our eyes upon you at your _3_.You, a beautiful young lady, _4_ us that you would live in our village.
Soon after, we began to find you were part of your students and their simple honest parents. The villagers found their children _5_more time on their books _6_ after doing their homework and housework. Yet they still _7_ that one day you might leave. You _8_a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their_9_ of your leaving. You went all out in the _10_ of your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in their tuition(学费).You often emphasized to us the _11_ of one"s life, so that must have been what you were _12_ in those five years!
One cold morning when class began, you entered the room _13_ you had been crying _14_.In your class, we _15_ but looked away from your eyes. You _16_for some time as if you were _17_to find this right word…you said you would go away and would never be back to teach because your boyfriend wanted you more…
On the following morning, we _18_ you the very best and the villagers gave you their _19_The train took you away and your broken _20_The other day I happened to hear my parents chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world soon after you waved goodbye.
1. A. forever         B. seldom     C. hardly          D. soon
2. A. scene          B. condition   C. sign             D. sight
3. A. report         B. arrival      C. explanation       D. speech
4. A. promised       B. answered   C. permitted        D. agreed
5. A. shared         B. spent       C. paid            D. devoted
6. A. even          B. ever        C. soon            D. still
7. A. considered     B. feared       C. supposed        D. doubted
8. A. wore          B. pretended   C. gained          D. presented
9. A. pale          B. trouble       C. question        D. fear
10. A. teaching      B. middle      C. course          D. field
11. A. way          B. wealth      C. value           D. cost
12. A. after         B. for         C. with           D. against
13. A. as if         B. because      C. even though     D. before
14. A. happily      B. bitterly       C. anxiously       D. angrily
15. A .listened      B .talked        C. discussed       D. studied
16. A. explained    B. stopped       C. talked          D .spoke
17. A. thinking     B. worrying      C. crying          D. trying
18. A. hoped       B expected      C. wished          D. brought
19. A. thanks       B. satisfactions   C. expressions      D. rewards
20. A. boy         B. class         C. heart            D. memory

1---20     CABAB   ABADA   CAABA     BDCAC

1. hardly="almost" not,这里指作者情难自抑,要告诉人们一个白色的谎言。答案为C。
10.go all out in sth.指在某一个方面全力以赴。显然这里指在教育孩子们方面。答案为A。
11.value of one"s life意思为“人生的价值”。答案为C。 after意思为“追求”。这句话的意思是:因此那(人生的价值)一定就是你在那五年中所追求的东西。答案为A。
18.习惯用语wish sb. the very best意思为“祝愿某人万事如意”。答案为C。

After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland(陆岬,伸出海面的尖形高地).They had persuaded their young sister to _1_, saying that the long walk would be too _2_for her. Once they had got in the head land, the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like _3_a new world. There were damp, dark caves to _4_,there were many_5_ among the rocks, full of sea creatures(生物);and, here and there along the beach were those _6_ objects, washed up and _7_ by the tide.
The afternoon passed _8_The sun was already _9_when the boys reluctantly(恋恋不舍地) _10_ to make their _11_ homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tide had come in so sudden that they were now _12_from either end of the beach. Their only chance of _13_ was to find a way up the cliff(悬崖) nearby.
They soon find a narrow path _14_ the cliff top. But half way up their path was_15_by a large rock which they could not climb_16_The two boys had to_17_ at the top of their voices, _18_ that someone might_19_over the top of the rock, and finally came their father with two policemen. _20_of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a miserable night on the cliff.
1. A. keep quiet    B. stay behind       C. take a rest        D. join them
2. A. tiring        B. exciting          C. uninteresting     D. impossible
3. A. discovering   B. facing           C. enjoying         D. imagining
4. A. look up     B. explore           C. hide in          D. search
5. A. lakes        B. rivers            C. waterfalls        D. pools
6. A. dirty        B .light             C. strange           D. clean
7. A. moved       B .covered          C. beaten           D. left
8. A. quickly      B. unexpectedly      C. finally            D. suddenly
9. A. leaving      B. dropping          C. going            D. setting
10. A. forgot      B. decided           C. succeeded        D. turned
11.A. road        B. way             C. track            D. path
12. A. cut off      B. left behind         C. held back        D. put away
13. A. running off  B. keeping clear       C. getting away      D. turning back
14. A. reaching    B. passing            C. going up         D. leading to
15. A. blocked     B. covered           C. stopped          D. filled
16. A. on         B. over              C. round            D. through
17. A. shout       B. shoot             C. repeat            D .renew
18. A. wanting     B. guessing          C. believing          D. hoping
19. A .turn        B. appear            C. hide              D. climb
20. A. Any        B. None             C. One              D. First
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In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things come to represent, in fact, what I call __21__and love.
I don’t remember my father ever getting into a swimming tool. But he did __22__the water. Any kind of __23__ride seemed to give him pleasure. __24__he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.
But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me. I was not a strong __27__, or one who learned to swim early, for I had my __28__. But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father’s office and __29__those summer days with my father, who __30__ come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father would stand there in his suit, the __31__person not in swimsuit.
After swimming, I would go __32__ his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me __33__anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk __34__ he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn’t be playing with his _35__. But my father always __36__and said easily, “Oh, no, it’s __37__.” Sometimes he handed me coins and told me to get __38__ an ice cream…
A poet once said, “We look at life once, in childhood,; the rest is __39__.” And I think it is not only what we “look at once, in childhood” that determines our memories, but __40__, in that childhood, look at us.  
21.A. desire      B. joy        C. anger        D. worry
22.A. avoid       B. refuse      C. praise        D. love
23.A. boat        B. bus        C. train        D. bike
24.A. But        B. Then       C. And          D. Still
25.A. on         B. off         C. by           D. in
26.A. having     B. leaving     C. making       D. getting
27.A. swimmer     B. rider      C. walker       D. runner
28.A. hopes       B. faiths      C. rights       D. fears
29.A. spending    B. saving      C. wasting      D. ruining
30.A. should     B. would       C. had to       D. ought to
31.A. next       B. only        C. other        D. last
32.A. away from  B. out of      C. by           D. inside
33.A. put up     B. break down  C. play with     D. work out
34.A. the moment   B. the first time   C. while           D. before
35. A. fishing net   B. office things    C. wooden chair    D. lab equipment
36. A. stood up     B. set out         C. showed up       D. turned out
37. A. fine         B. strange          C. terrible        D. funny
38. A. the student   B. the assistant   C. myself          D. himself
39. A. memory       B. wealth          C. experience      D. practice
40. A. which        B. who             C. what            D. whose
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小题1:Dear Molly,
I have a problem. My parents are always talking to me about studying. They want me to study harder so I can go to a good school. I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me. How can I explain to my parents that I need some free time?
------ Overworked
小题2:Dear Molly,
My best friend Tony is a nice young man, but he has a bad habit. He is always late. No matter where he is going to what he is doing, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a meeting! What can I do to break him of this bad habit?
------ Worried
小题3:Dear Molly,
I have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. I am extremely neat. What can I do?
小题4:Dear Molly,
My cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I don’t have any interest at all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly give me some advice?
--- Shy
小题5:Dear Molly,
I’m feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected. My teacher comforted me, saying “Don’t worry. You can do better next time.” But I’m still feeling bad. I need your help.  





题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Zheng He (1371-1435), or Cheng Ho, is arguably(可论证地) China’s most famous navigator. Starting from the beginning of the 15th Century, he traveled to the West seven times. In 28 years, he traveled more than 50,000km and visited over 30 countries, including Singapore. Zheng He died in the tenth year of the reign(统治) of the Ming emperor Xuande (1435) and was buried in the southern suburbs of Bull’s Head Hill (Niushou) in Nanjing.
In 1985, during the 580th anniversary(周年纪念) of Zheng He’s voyage, his tomb(坟墓) was rebuilt. The new tomb was built on the site of the original tomb in Nanjing and reconstructed according to the customs of Islamic teachings, as Zheng He was a Muslim.
At the entrance to the tomb is a Ming-style building, which was a memorial hall. Inside are paintings of the man himself and his navigation maps. To get to the tomb, there are newly laid stone platforms and steps. The stairway consists of 28 stone steps that are divided into four sections with each section having seven steps. This represents Zheng He’s seven journeys to the West. The Arabic words which mean “Allah (God) is great” are written on top of the tomb.
Zheng He built many wooden ships, some of which are the largest in history, in Nanjing. Three of the shipyards still exist today.
56. Zheng He’s tomb was rebuilt ________.
A. because he was a Muslim           B. following the Islamic customs
C. to celebrate Zheng’s 580th birthday   D. beside the original one
57. You can see _____ at Zheng He’s tomb.
A. a Ming-style hall in the tomb           B. ZhengHe’s portraits and his maps for his voyage
C. Arabic-style buildings and materials      D. four flights of 28 stone steps
58. The passage mainly tells us ______.
A. how ZhengHe built his ships             B. something about his tomb
C. that ZhengHe was a Muslim navigator      D. about ZhengHe, his voyages and his tomb
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A teacher of English as a second language is the 2004 Teacher of the Year in the United States.Kathy Mellor of Rhode Island will spend the next year as an international spokeswoman for education.President Bush and his wife,Laura,honored her during a ceremony(仪式)at the White House last week.
For the past nineteen years,Kathy Mellor has taught English as a second language at Davisville Middle School in North Kingstown,Rhode Island,in the northeastern United States.She redesigned the program for E.S.L students at her school to provide each student with one to three periods per day in classes for English learners.How much instruction the students get depends on their level of skill in listening,speaking,reading and writing.The amount of time they spend in these classes is reduced as their level of English increases.
A teacher describes this as the most successful E.S.L.program in North Kingstown.She also praises Kathy Mellor for providing help to students and their families by forming a local parents group for speakers of other languages.This improved their ability to help their children.Kathy Mellor earned a master’s degree in education from Rhode Island College.She studied teaching English as a second language.
She was chosen for the national honor of Teacher of the Year from among top teachers in each of the fifty states.As Teacher of the Year,Kathy Mellor will travel around the United States and to other countries.She will talk about the importance of education and the work of teachers.
50.This passage is mainly about______.
A.Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States
B.Ms Mellor’s English teaching instruction
C.Ms Mellor’s teaching skills of learning English
D.praises to Ms Mellor from other teachers
51.What does“E.S.L.”in the passage stand for?
A.English study learners.                               B.English speaking and listening.
C.English special learners.                          D.English as a second language.
52.From this passage we can learn that______.
A.middle school teachers from each state are honored Teachers of the Year
B.middle school teachers in the USA have to get master’s degrees
C.Ms Mellor’s students have no problems in learning English
D.the American government pays much attention to education
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