You are near the front line of a battle . Around you shells are exploding ;peop

You are near the front line of a battle . Around you shells are exploding ;peop


You are near the front line of a battle . Around you shells are exploding ;people are shooting from a house behind you .What are you doing there? You aren’t a soldier .You aren’t  36  carrying a gun .You’re standing in front of a    37  and you’re telling the TV   38 what is happening.
It’s all in a day’s work for a war reporter ,and it can be very    39 .In the first two years of the   40   in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫),28 reporters and photographers were killed .Hundreds more were    41 . What kind of people put themselves in danger to   42   pictures to our TV screens and   43  to our newspapers? Why do they do it ?
“I think it’s every young journalist’s   44  to be a foreign reporter,” says Michael Nicholson, “that’s   45   you find the excitement .So when the first opportunity comes, you take it    46  it is a war.”
But there are moments of   47  . Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes ,when you’re lying on the ground and bullets (子弹)are flying  48  your ears ,you think: ‘What am I doing here? I’m not going to do this again.’ But that feeling   49  after a while and when the next war starts, you’ll be   50   .”
“None of us believes that we’re going to   51  ,” adds Michael. But he always 52   a lucky charm(护身符)with him .It was given to him by his wife for his first war. It’s a card which says “Take care of yourself.”Does he ever think about dying?“Oh,   53  ,and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, ‘If you get me out of this ,I   54   I’ll never do it again.’ You can almost hear God   55  , because you know he doesn’t believe you .”
36.A.simply           B.really                C.merely              D.even
37.A.crowd                 C.battlefield
38.A.producers       B.viewers            C.directors          D.actors
39.A.dangerous       B.exciting            C.normal             D.disappointing
40.A.stay               B.fight                  C.war         
41.A.injured          B.buried              C.defeated               D.saved
42.A.bring                   C.take                    D.make
43.A.scenes            B.passages            C.stories              D.contents
44.A.belief            B.dream                 C.duty          
45.A.why              B.what                         D.where
46.A.even so          B.ever since if               D.even if
47.A.fear               B.surprise           C.shame              D.sadness
48.A.into               B.around                C.past                D.through
49.A.returns           B.goes                 C.continues         D.occurs
50.A.there              B.away                C.out                  D.home
51.A.leave             B.escape                C.die                  D.remain
52.A.hangs             B.wears                 C.holds               D.carries
53.A.never             B.many times        C.some time              D.seldom
54.A.consider         B.accept              C.promise          D.guess
55.A.whispering     B.laughing             C.screaming        D.crying

36.D   37.D   38.B   39.A   40.C 41.A   42.A   43.C   44.B   45.D   
46.D   47.A   48.C   49.B   50.A51.C   52.B  53.B   54.C   55.B

46.解析:even if即使,as if好像,even so即使这样,ever since从那时到现在。“机会来了你要抓住它,即使是一场战争”。
48.解析:past经过。子弹飞过耳边,fly past your ears。into表示飞进,around表示绕着飞,through表示把耳朵打穿。
53.解析:后面说every time,说明是想过,所以选many times。

When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson, Arizona.  36  the move, my father  37  us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire, not   38  that the universe would suddenly change its course. "In May, we"re  39  to Arizona."
The words, so small, didn"t seem  40  enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a train moving across the country. I watched the  41_  change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plants that  42  mysteries(奥秘) yet to come. Finally, we arrived and  43  into our new home.
44  my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I   45  explored(探索) our new surroundings.
One afternoon, I was out exploring  46  and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched (蹲) down for a closer look. "You"d better not  47  that."
I turned around to see an old woman
"Are you new to this neighborhood?" I explained that I was,  48 , new to the entire state.
"My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the  49 ? It must be quite a _50  after living in Boston."
How could I explain how I  51  the desert? I couldn"t seem to find the right words.
"It"s vastness," she offered. “That vastness  52  you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert -- you can  53  how little you are in comparison with the world.     54  , you feel that the possibilities are limitless.”
That was it. That was the feeling I"d had ever since I"d first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my  55  would change with just a few simple words.
"Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn"t touch."
36. A. During            B. Until              C. Upon                    D. Before   
37. A. gathered          B. warned            C. organized          D. comforted 
38. A. hoping              B. admitting         C. realizing            D. believing  
39. A. going                B. moving          C. driving                 D. flying    
40. A. good                 B. simple           C. big                       D. proper    
41. A. picture              B. ground            C. scene               D. area     
42. A. suggested                   B. solved           C. discovered         D. explained 
43. A. settled              B. walked           C. hurried              D. stepped
44. A. If                     B. After                    C. Once              D. While  
45. A. bitterly             B. easily                   C. proudly             D. eagerly   
46 A as well                B. as usual           C. right away         D. on time 
47. A. move                B. dig                         C. pull                  D. touch   
48. A. of course           B. in fact                    C. after all             D. at least  
49. A. desert               B. city                 C. state                  D. country 
50. A. luck                  B. doubt                C. shock                D. danger  
51. A. found               B. examined         C. watched            D. reached 
52. A. why                 B. when               C. how                         D. where   
53. A. prove                B. guess               C. sense                 D. expect   
54. A. However           B. Otherwise        C. Therefore              D. Meanwhile
55. A. idea                  B. life                        C. home                    D. family
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In the summer vacation of 1997 , I was fixed with a job . I worked as a(n)     36   at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop .The fruit shop did    37    business . Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood,     38    he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in cars . Mr Breen    39    them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up , always     40   me to carry it out to their car . They were clearly long-standing customers , and I    41    they must have stayed faithful to him   42     he had promised to sell good quality     43   . He had a way with them —I had to   44     that . He called every woman “madam” for a start ,    45    those who clearly were not, but when he     46   it , it did not sound like flattery (奉承). It just sounded     47   in an old-fashioned way . He was a great chatter     48   . If he did not know them , he would greet them with a few    49    about the weather ,     50   he did , he would ask about their families or make    51    , always cutting his cloth    52    his customers . Whatever their bills came to , be     53   gave them back the few odd pence (零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous (慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite . He never    54    anything away . He was always looking for     55   for nothing .
36.A.operator        B.assistant      C.waiter              D.secretary
37.A.good           B.poor       C.big                 D.usual                 B.when          C.therefore          D.but
39.A.sold          B.knew          C.gave          D.sent
40.A.making        B.letting       C.getting             D.keeping
41.A.wish         B.insist         C.declare        D.suppose
42.A.when         B.if             C.because            D.though         B.fruit            C.vegetables   D.drink
44.A.admit         B.expect         C.announce  D.promise
45.A.yet            B.only            C.just                D.even
46.A.told           B.said                C.spoke        D.talked
47.A.serious          B.strange        C.polite             D.familiar well usual    C.either             D.also
49.A.sayings          B.questions  C.words        D.speeches
50.A.and then        B.and so       C.even if            D.but if
51.A.preparations   B.jokes           C.repairs       D.friends
52.A.according to   B.due to                C.instead of D.up to
53.A.never           B.ever            C.seldom             D.always
54.A.took          B.moved       C.threw       D.turned .
55.A.something      B.anything      C.somebody D.anybody
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My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling   36 , but I always knew he was   37  . He never criticized us, but used   38  to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die.”  I   39  as a child I said something   40  about somebody, and my father said, “   41  time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you.” He explained that if I looked for the best   42  people, I would get the best   43  . From then on I’ve always tried to   44  the principle in my life and later  in running my company.
Dad’s also always been very   45 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was   46  a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a  47 :stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.
I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,   48  any good father would.  When he realized I had made up my mind,  he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad   49  me to go into law.  And I’ve   50  regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,   51  I didn’t pursue my   52  . You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”
As   53  turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national   54 for young people in the U.K.  My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad   55  me.
36. A. biologist             B. manager                   C. lawyer                            D. gardener
37. A. strict                      B. honest                       C. special                            D. learned
38. A. praise                        B. courage                         C. power                      D. warmth
39. A. think                         B. imagine                         C. remember                 D. guess
40. A. unnecessary         B. unkind                          C. unimportant              D. unusual
41. A. Another                 B. Some                          C. Any                           D. Other
42. A. on                          B. in                              C. at                                 D. about
43. A. in case                   B. by turns                     C. by chance                 D. in return
44. A. revise                    B. set                                    C. review                            D. follow
45. A. understanding             B. experienced                     C. serious                          D. demanding
46. A. taking up                   B. making up                 C. picking up                  D. keeping up
47. A. suggestion                  B. decision                         C. notice                            D. choice
48. A. and                           B. as                               C. even if                       D. as if
49. A. helped                B. allowed                     C. persuaded                   D. suggested
50. A. always                       B. never                         C. seldom                     D. almost
51. A. rather                        B. but                                C. for                                D. therefore
52. A. promise              B. task                            C. belief                        D. dream
53. A. this                           B. he                                 C. it                                  D. that
54. A. newspaper           B. magazine                       C. program                        D. project
55. A. controlled           B. comforted                      C. reminded                       D. raised
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What an exciting day it was for Jennifer and Valerie! They had been friends since Grade Three and had   41  many of their high school experience. Now they were driving together to their final high school event. Today was  42   day at Lamar High School. 43 they were close friends, they were different in many ways. Jennifer was a fairly 44 student while Valerie did just enough to get by and was mainly   45   in a good social life.
“Isn"t it  46   that we"re all finished?”said Valerie. “I"m really looking forward to having a good time this summer.”
“ 47   be nice,” Jennifer replied, “I"m afraid I"m going to have to work most of the summer to help pay for my college expenses.”
Jennifer"s parents had only a small  48   and she had made up her mind to have an occupation in which she could afford all the things her  49   could not.
Valerie,  50  , came from a fairly well-to-do family. She had little desire to work hard for  51  she had always taken for granted.
“I really don"t want to go to college for a while,” she   52  .
“My uncle runs a restaurant in the Bahamas and he has  53   me to spend a year there as a waitress. That should give me plenty of   54  for the beach.”
“It seems   55  I"ll really be going different ways now”, thought Jennifer.
41. A. learned        B. obtained          C. remembered     D. shared
42. A. exam                  B. sports              C. graduation         D. working
43. A. If                     B. Because           C. Although           D. When
44. A. diligent             B. polite              C. active             D. favorite
45. A. specialized   B. relieved           C. envied               D. interested
46. A. certain              B. great               C. unfortunate        D. annoying
47. A. Can                  B. Shall             C. Must                      D. Need
48. A. income               B. problem            C. family                    D. differance
49. A. teachers       B. parents              C. friends                   D. relatives
50. A. in fact                B. in a way          C. as a result        D. on the other hand
51. A. what                 B. whom               C. that                        D. these
52. A. admitted           B. complained        C. invited                   D. screamed
53. A. helped              B. assured                     C. proposed                D. promised
54. A. peace        B. work                 C. energy            D. time
55. A. I                      B. we                    C. she                 D. they
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Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She   26  John very much. In her   27  he couldn"t do anything   28 . Every morning she would give him breakfast   29  bed and bring him the papers to   30  . It isn"t really true that he was too   31  to work-in fact he had tried a few   32 . First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to   33  at least six windows. Then he   34  a bus conductor and on his second 35  a passenger stole his bag with all the fare (车费) collected. He   36  lost his job as a postman   37  he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people"s houses. It seemed that there was   38   suitable work for him. So he    39   to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so   40  about this that she told the   41  to all her neighbours. “My John is going to be a soldier,” she said, “He is going to be the best soldier there   42  was, I can tell you!”
Then the great day came   43  he was to march past the palace in the parade (接受检阅的队伍). His   44  mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good   45  in the crowd.
The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his   46  came in sight some of the people watching   47  laughing at the one who couldn"t keep pace with the others as they marched along.
But Ella Fant , who was filled with    48  , shouted at the top of her voice, “Look at   49  ! They"re all out of   50  except my John! Isn"t he the best!”
26. A. depended on       B. waited on               C. trusted             D. loved
27. A. hope                        B. eyes                                C. head                 D. beliefs
28. A. wrong                      B. great                             C. good                    D. strange
29. A. to                            B. at                                  C. in                         D. by
30. A. check                B. read                              C. keep             D. sign
31. A. lazy                         B. young                           C. weak            D. shy
32. A. ones                        B. years                             C. tasks             D. jobs
33. A. rub                          B. drop                            C. break                    D. clean
34. A. followed           B. met                                 C. became                D. found
35. A. day                           B. try                                  C. route                    D. chance
36. A. thus                           B. even                               C. once               D. only
37. A. even if              B. so that                           C. because             D. though
38. A. some                       B. such                              C. less                        D. no
39. A. began                      B. promised                       C. managed           D. decided
40. A. excited                     B. worried                         C. anxious                  D. curious
41. A. incident                     B. change                          C. news                      D. matter
42. A. yet                            B. ever                                C. never                     D. just
43. A. where                      B. since                             C. when              D. till
44. A. proud                      B. kind                              C. strict                      D. lucky
45. A. time                        B. position                         C. experience       D. impression
46. A. neighbours          B. army officer               C. mother                  D. fellow soldiers
47. A. couldn"t help              B. shouldn"t burst out  C. stopped          D. kept
48. A. sadness               B. happiness                     C. surprise                  D. regret
49. A. them                        B. those                             C. that                        D. him
50. A. sight                          B. order                             C. mind                      D. step
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