My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared head of the family. When I w

My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared head of the family. When I w

My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared head of the family. When I was five years old, she invited some friends to her apartment for a party. 26the guests was a neighborhood big shot(大亨). They had a little girl about my age who was27 and very much used to getting her own way.
Grandmother spent a lot of time with the big shot and his family. She 28 them the most important members of her social circle and tried hard to please them. At one point during the party, I 29my way to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. A minute or two later, the little girl 30the bathroom door and simply walked in. I was still sitting down. “Don’t you know that little girls aren"t31to come into the bathroom when a little boy is using it!?” I shouted. The32I had piled upon her shocked the little girl. Then she started to cry. She tearfully33to her parents and my grandmother. Grandmother was waiting for me when I left the bathroom. I received the longest, sharpest34. After her scolding was over and I had been dismissed, the party 35.
Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a flood of water36out from under the door. She37the bathroom door and saw that the sink and tub were plugged(塞)up and that the taps 38at full blast (拧到最大). Everyone knew who did it. The guests quickly formed a39wall around me, but Grandmother was40 angry that she almost got to me anyway.
My grandfather took me41to the window. He was a kind and gentle man, full of wisdom and patience.42did he raise his voice to anyone, and never did he43 his wife. He looked at me with much curiosity, 44 angry or upset.
“Tell me,” he asked, “why did you do it?”
“Well, she shouted at me 45,” I said earnestly. “Now she"s got something to shout about.”
Grandfather didn’t speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. “Eric,” he said at last, “you are my revenge(复仇).”
26. A. Between             B. Among             C. Around             D. Beside
27. A. spoiled               B. harmed             C. liked                D. concerned
28. A. imagined            B. told                  C. evaluated           D. considered
29. A. made                 B. found             C. pushed            D. wound
30. A. closed                B. opened             C. beat                 D. tapped
31. A. expected            B. asked                      C. supposed          D. told
32. A. happiness           B. depression               C. embarrassmentD. anger
33. A. complained               B. apologized     C. replied             D. referred
34. A. cry                    B. blame               C. comment        D. demand
35. A. picked up            B. broke down              C. carried on          D. took off
36. A. moving              B. stirring           C. floating            D. streaming
37. A. pushed open       B. pulled down    C. shut up             D. knocked at
38. A. had gone             B. were going        C. went               D. had been going
39. A. productive          B. hard                 C. protective         D. rough
40. A. so                      B. too                   C. as                    D. very
41. A. by his hand               B. by the hand       C. by surprise        D. with anxiety
42. A. Often                 B. Sometimes        C. Always             D. Rarely
43 A. argue with           B. talk with           C. put up with       D. come to terms with
44. A. other than           B. instead of          C. rather than         D. more than
45. A. for something   B. for nothing       C. without doubt   D. with sympathy
26-30 BADAB 31-35 CDABC 36-40 DABCA 41-45 BDACB
26. B前文说她邀请了一些亲戚朋友到公寓里聚会。此处表示:在这些客人中。
27. A因家里有钱以及下文的“习惯于我行我素”可知他们的小女儿被宠得非常娇气,脾气很蛮横。Spoil表示“宠坏,溺爱”。
29. A晚会进行中,我走进了洗手间并随手把门关上。这里用make one’s way to表示向…走去。而其他动词的含义不符合语境:B找到去…的路,C挤出一条路,D蜿蜒前进。
30. B由and simply walked in可知那个小女孩推开洗手间的门进来了。
31. C从语境可知这里用be supposed to表示should理应做……;应该做……。句意为:“难道你不知道当一个男孩在使用洗手间的时候女孩子是不可以进来的吗!?
32. D从上文内容可知作者这个时候很生气。
33. A本题用动词complain表示“投诉”,历来我行我素的女孩出来没有被人这么呵斥过,她哭着向她的父母和我奶奶告状。
34. B当我从洗手间出来,祖母劈头盖脸地把我骂了一通。
35. C等她骂完叫我滚开之后,晚会继续进行。这里用carry on表示“继续”。
36. D从下文可知祖母发现有水从洗手间的门缝里涌出来。
37. A撞开洗手间的门,发现洗手盆和浴缸都被塞子塞住了。
38. B这里用过去进行时表示祖母进去的时候看见水正水正哗啦啦地直流。
40. A此处是so…that 句型,表示“如此愤怒,(尽管有人墙保护)差点打了我”。
41. B祖父牵着我的手来到窗前。表示牵着/抓着某人的手用介词by +the +身体某部位。此处的the 不能用his, her, my代替。其他选项与句子意义不符。
42. D上文说祖父很温和,因此他很少提高嗓门和别人说话。从句子结构(倒装)和语境看,只有D项符合语境。
43. A他也从来没有和祖母吵架。
44. C由下文意义可知祖父的反映是:没有半点生气或烦恼的样子。从搭配看B项不对。
45. B此处表示“祖母她先无缘无故地骂了我一顿”,这回我故意捣乱之后让她骂就有理由了。
I was born and raised in the shadow of the Capitol(美国国会大厦), in Washington, D.C., as were my parents and my mother’s parents.
Our row house was on a tree-lined street just blocks from the building that was the heart of the federal legislative branch. When I was a child, in the 1940s, friends and I would pack a lunch or ride a streetcar to the Capitol. If we roller-skated, we hid the skates in the bushes in the park across the street before entering the building.
I knew every corner of the Capitol. We’d play hide-and-seek and pretend we saw ghosts in the halls and stairways. I don’t know how we got away with it. I remember the beautiful ladies’ rooms, with their marble floors and sinks. I pretended that I was a fine lady in them.
In those days, you could walk around the Capitol dome(圆顶屋), which was a little scary for me. I loved the wonderful paintings and statues and the subway rides to the Senate Office Building. It was like an amusement ride. I even used to sit in the gallery of the U.S. House of Representatives—until I became bored with all the talk and went on another adventure.
Whenever I ran up the steps to the huge bronze doors of the Rotunda, I would look back to the world below like a hero. As soon as the doors were opened, the sense of history surrounded me, and I knew it was someplace special.
Those were lucky days, when an American citizen could wander in the Capitol and be a part of history.
Once war was declared, some things changed in the nation’s capital. Because of concerns thatWashington might be attacked, as London had been, everyone prepared. Kids at my elementary school wore dog tags, and each of us was fingerprinted.
My father, a pipe worker, became a civil defense warden(民防队员). During an air-raid(空袭), his job was to turn off any leaking gas. Since he always had a cigarette in his mouth, maybe that was not a good choice, but he had a gas mask and flashlight hanging in the rafters of our basement. The mask looked like a monster in the ceiling. My 15-year-old brother was a junior civil defense warden. During air-raid drills, he knocked on doors and asked people to put out their lights. I remember huge searchlights that crisscrossed the skies during the drills, looking for enemy planes.
小题1:What can we infer from the passage?
A. The writer attended the meeting in House of Representative.
B. The writer’s family lived in Washington D.C. for generations.
C. American citizen, except children, could never enter the Capitol.
D. The writer’s father had a gas mask to prevent him from smoking.
小题2:When the writer said “I was born and raised in the shadow of the Capitol” (1st paragraph),    she most probably meant that ________.
A.she spent her childhood in an area near the Capitol
B.she grew up under the pressure of the Capitol
C.the Capitol had some bad influence on my childhood
D.she was born and brought up secretly in the Capitol
小题3:By telling the childhood experience, the passage suggests that ________.
A.London was attacked during the war, as well as Washington
B.the writer is a daughter of a member of Representatives
C.the writer’s father and brother joined the army during the war
D.the Capitol used to be open to the public in history
小题4: What is the writer’s attitude towards the things that changed in the nation’s capital?

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The old idea that child prodigies (神童) “burn themselves” or “overtax their brains” in the early years, therefore, suffer from failure and (at worst) mental illness is just a myth. As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright children is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.
To find this out, 1,500 gifted persons were followed up to their thirty-fifth years with these results:
On adult intelligence tests, they scored as high as they did as children. They were, as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. Eighty-four percent of their group were married and seemed content with their life.
About 70 percent had graduated from colleges, though only 30 percent had graduated with honors. A few had even flunked out (退学), but nearly half of these had returned to graduate.
Of the men, 80 percent were in one of the professions or in business, managerial or semiprofessional jobs. The women who had remained single had offices, business, or professional occupations.
The group had published 90 books and 1,500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents.
In a material way they didn’t do badly either. Average income was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth when last surveyed.
In fact, far from being strange, maladjusted (难以适应) people locked in an ivory tower, most of the gifted were turning their early promises into practical reality.
小题1:The main idea of the passage is __________.
A.that gifted adults can be as intelligent as when they were young
B.that bright children are unlikely to be physically and mentally healthy
C.that gifted children are most likely to become bright grown-ups
D.that when the bright children grow up, they become ordinary
小题2:From the passage, we can conclude that ____________.
A.most of the gifted children became white-collar workers
B.half of the gifted followed up graduated from colleges
C.each of the talented published at least one article
D.successful men got higher income than successful women
小题3: Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
A.The gifted could not be fit for their social positions.
B.Most of the bright and successful women remained single.
C.The gifted men got full marks on intelligence tests.
D.Most of the gifted appeared satisfied with their life.
小题4:The explanation of the underlined part “turning their early promises into practical reality” is _____________.
A.earning their living and keeping promises
B.doing practical jobs and facing reality
C.doing what they have promised
D.realizing what they were expected

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Cara Lang is 13. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, in the US. Last Thursday, she didn’t go to school. She went to work with her father instead. Every year, on the fourth Thursday in April, millions of young girls go to work. This is Take Our Daughters to Work Day. The girls are between the ages of 9 to 15. They spend the day at work with an adult, usually a mother, aunt, or uncle. They go to offices, police stations, laboratories, and other places where their parents or other family members work. Next year, the day will include sons, too.
The Ms. Foundation, an organization for women, started the program about ten years ago. In the US, many women work outside the home. The Ms. Foundation wanted girls to find out about many different kinds of jobs. Then, when the girls grow up, they can choose a job they like.
Cara’s father is a film director. Cara says, “It was very exciting for me to go to the studio with my dad. I saw a lot of people doing different jobs.” Many businesses have special activities for girls on this day. Last year, Cara went to work with her aunt at the University of Massachusetts. In the engineering department, the girls learned to build a bridge with toothpicks and candy. In the chemistry department, they learned to use scales. They learned about many other kinds of jobs, too.
Right now, Cara does not know what jobs she will have when she grows up. But because of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, she knows she has many choices.
小题1:What is Cara’s father?
A.An engineer. B.An official.
C.A moviemaker. D.A professor.
小题2:According to the passage, Take Our Daughters to Work Day is __________.
A.on every Thursday in April
B.a holiday for girls of all ages
C.a day for girls to know about jobs
D.a day for girls to get a job easily
小题3:On this special day, Cara has done all the following EXCEPT that __________.
A.she learned to use scales
B.she worked as an actress
C.she went to work with her aunt
D.she used toothpicks and candy to build a bridge
小题4:What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Cara Lang, a Fortunate Girl
B.Take Our Daughters to Work Day
C.Children’s Day and Work Day
D.Ms. Foundation, an Organization for Women

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When Dave was eighteen,he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  1  than by bus.It worked quite well for a few years,but then it got so old,and it was costing him  2  much in repairs that he decided that he had better  3  it.
He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly   to buy a cheap car,but they all knew that it was falling to pieces,so  5  of them had any desire to buy it.
Dave"s friend Sam saw that he was  6  when they met one evening,and said,“What"s  7 ,Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered,“Well,what about advertising it in the paper? You may   8  more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam"s   9  was sensible,he put an advertisement in an evening paper,which read:“For sale:small car,  10  very little petrol,only two owners.Bargain at £50.”
For two days after the advertisement first appeared,there was no   11 .But then on Saturday evening a man rang up and said he would like to  12  him about the car.“All right,” Dave said,feeling happy.He asked the man whether ten o"clock the next morning would be   13  or not.“Fine,” the man said.“And I"ll  14  my wife.We intend to go for a ride in it to   15  it.”
The next morning,at ten quarter,Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  16  to wait there for the person who had   17  his advertisement.Even Dave had to   18  that the car really looked like a wreck.Then soon after he had got the car as   19  as it could be,a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out.He looked at Dave"s car and then said,“Have you reported this   20  to us yet,sir?”
1.A.directly          B.safely      C.properly      D.easily                  B.such            C.very        D.too
3.A.keep          C.sell             D.throw
4.A.anxious          B.lucky          C.ashamed   D.generous
5.A.some              B.neither        C.none  one
6.A.calm                  B.upset           C.delighted   D.astonished                         B.up                           D.that
8.A.learn                      B.miss            C.get              D.find
9.A.message                 B.advice         C.request    D.description
10.A.uses                            B.loses           C.has             D.spends
11.A.doubt                     C.trouble        D.answer
12.A.tell                       B.see              C.agree
13.A.exact                    B.suitable       C.early           D.late
14.A.follow                   C.bring     D.introduce   
15.A.test                      B.obtain         C.admire       D.recognize
16.A.failing                  B.meaning      C.turning   D.happening                            B.placed    C.answered  D.understood
18.A.forget                    C.disagree      D.admit
19.A.clean                    B.crowded             D.light
20.A.bargain                    C.accident      D.result
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完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)
A few years ago I was at an international conference with nearly 700 participants. One afternoon I_a very crowded talk by a famous author. The hall filled quickly and soon there were no  2  left , so many dozens of people were standing around the edges.
I saw a very elderly man, stooped(驼背的) slightly with age,  3  against the wall. I immediately got up, told those sitting beside me to  4  the place for him and made my way to him. When I offered my seat to him , he looked  5   and started to refuse , but I would have   6  of that. He asked me my name and thanked me deeply, and then made his  7  back into my row and sat comfortably. Many people who  8  our exchange turned to say what a kind thing I had done. I kept saying , “it’s nothing  9  . I m from Canada, it’s normal for us to help other people!” 
A few minutes later, the man sitting next to the elderly man  10  to leave the hall for another talk and the elderly man   11  to me to return and sit beside him.   12  I resisted, thinking someone else might need it more, but people sitting around him started to repeat my  13 , asking me to come and sit! So I returned and sat beside the gentleman for the  14  .
when the talk was over ,the man thanked me again and  15  asked if I knew who he was . I had no idea. He then looked quite delighted and  16  me a household name that I recognized immediately!
I was astonished to have been sitting next to him,  17  he was excited to think I had given up my seat for him  18  knowing who he was! Again I had to tell him where I come from , and it’s the  19  thing to do! I have felt more blessed to be a Canadian since that day, for seeing how easy it is to  20  someone and how rare it seemed to so many people.
1. A. missed            B. gave           C. expected         D. attended
2. A. seats             B. rooms         C. topics           D. rows
3. A. turning            B. walking        C. leaning          D. lying
4. A. move             B. spare          C. take             D. hold
5. A. glad              B. satisfied        C. disappointed       D. surprised
6. A. nothing           B. none          C. something        D. anything
7. A. living           B. fortune          C. direction          D. way
8. A. witnessed        B. confirmed         C. remembered        D. experienced
9. A. easy            B. popular           C. special           D. funny
10. A. agreed          B. refused            C. chose            D. forgot
11. A. sent             B. signaled            C. rolled             D. said
12. A. At last           B. At least            C. At most           D. At first
13. A. action            B. name             C. dream            D. address
14. A. game            B. discussion          C. course           D. talk  
15. A. quietly           B. loudly.              C. proudly           D. angrily  
16. A. shared            B. told                C. asked             D. answered  
17. A. as if              B. even if             C. so                D .but  
18. A. by               B. without              C. through           D. after
19. A. strange           B. secret               C. normal            D. hard  
20. A. help              B. accept              C. praise            D. trust   
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