完形填空   A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kind

完形填空   A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kind

完形填空   A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kindness.
    In March last year, the car I was driving was_1_in a serious crash with another car on a country road.
I soon_2_myself at the centre of a frenzy of activity, surrounded by paramedics, police, rescuers and
members of the local community. An enormous can opener was used to  3   me out of my wrecked car
and  4   an ambulance.
    Over the next eight hours, I was transported to hospital, dragged up, Xrayed and diagnosed (诊断)
with a broken neck. Knowing that I"d  5   death by a fraction of a second sustained me throughout the
long wait in the emergency ward and  6  me to deal with the visible distress of my hospital visitors.
    Only after I"d convinced the last friend to   7   could I direct my energies inwards. Flitting in and out
of my line of vision during my hospital  8   was the Red Cross lady, a gentle  9   in white who, from time
to time, popped her head in to  10   cups of tea. After the visitors had gone, she ventured further into my
cubicle to  11   if I was all right.
   I found myself 12   her everything: about the shock of the  13 , my feats for my family as a result of my
injuries-about my whole life. While I  14   for an ambulance to transport me to another hospital, she
stood by my trolley and  15   my hand as I offloaded all the emotion I"d stoically withheld (强忍着的)
from my family. She  16  , quiet and nonjudgmental.
     Even now, the  17   that I have her contact details provides me with great  18  . I look forward to a
day in the nottoodistant future when my guardian angel and I can meet again, in  19   circumstances.
    In times of crisis, faith can sustain us: for me, my faith in human nature, reawakened by the  20   of a
stranger, has helped ease my journey back to recovery.
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. caught      
(     )2. A. imagined    
(     )3. A. push        
(     )4. A. into        
(     )5. A. survived    
(     )6. A. advised      
(     )7. A. assist      
(     )8. A. stay        
(     )9. A. patient      
(     )10. A. make        
(     )11  A. claim      
(     )12. A. presenting  
(     )13. A. accident    
(     )14. A. hoped      
(     )15. A. held        
(     )16. A. puzzled    
(     )17. A. knowledge  
(     )18. A. progress    
(     )19. A. unforeseen  
(     )20. A. sympathy    
B. trapped    
B. found      
B. force      
B. onto        
B. met        
B. forced      
B. leave      
B. visit      
B. performance
B. offer      
B. consult    
B. showing    
B. incident    
B. prepared    
B. lent        
B. doubted    
B. belief      
B. pride      
B. happier    
B. strength    
C. lost        
C. devoted      
C. get          
C. off          
C. beat        
C. ordered      
C. participate  
C. operation    
C. presence    
C. drink        
C. conclude    
C. giving      
C. event        
C. waited      
C. moved        
C. stopped      
C. power        
C. surprise    
C. strange      
C. kindness    
D. involved    
D. dreamed      
D. turn        
D. on          
D. feared      
D. helped      
D. come        
D. appointment  
D. physician    
D. take        
D. check        
D. telling      
D. occasion    
D. watched      
D. waved        
D. listened    
D. privilege    
D. comfort      
D. extreme      
D. donation    
1-5: DBCAA  6-10: DBACB  11-15: DDACA  16-20: DADBC
     It was the summer of 1965. Deluca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked Deluca
about his plan for the future. "I"m going to college, but I need a way to pay for it," Deluca recalls saying.
"Buck said, "you should open a sandwich shop.""
     That afternoon, they agreed to be partners. And they set a goal: to open 32 stores in ten years. After
doing some research, Buck wrote a check for $1,000. Deluca rented a storefront (店面) in Connecticut,
and when they couldn"t cover their startup costs, Buck kicked in another $1,000.
     But business didn"t go smoothly as they expected. Deluca says, "After six months, we were doing
poorly, but we didn"t know how badly, because we didn"t have any financial controls." All he and Buck
knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.
     Deluca was managing the store and to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was
working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. They"d meet Monday evenings and brainstorm
ideas for keeping the business running. "We convinced ourselves to open a second store. We figured we
could tell the public, "We are so successful; we are opening a second store."" And they did-in the spring
of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.
     But the partners" learnasyougo approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday,
Deluca would drive around and handdeliver the checks to pay their supplies. "It probably took me two
and a half hours and it wasn"t necessary but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the
personal relationships established really helped out," Deluca says.
     And having a goal was also important. "There are so many problems that can get you down. You just
have to keep working toward your goal," Deluca adds.
     Deluca ended up founding Subways Sandwich, the multimilliondollar restaurant chain.

1. Deluca opened the first sandwich shop in order to ________.
A. support his family
B. pay for his college education
C. help his partner expand business
D. do some research

2. Which of the following is true of Buck?
A. He put money into the sandwich business.
B. He was a professor of business administration.
C. He was studying at the University of Bridgeport.
D. He rented a storefront for Deluca.

3. What can we learn about their first shop?
A. It stood at an unfavorable place.
B. It lowered the prices to poor management.
C. It made no profits due to poor management.
D. It lacked control over the quality of sandwich.

4. They decided to open a second store because they ________.
A. had enough money to do it
B. had succeeded in their business
C. wished to meet the increasing demand of customers
D. wanted to make believe(假装)that they were successful

5. What contributes most to their success according to the author?
A. Learning by trial and error.
B. Making friends with supplies.
C. Finding a good partner.
D. Opening chain stores.
    "Grandma, Grandma, tell us a story!" Four darling children sat by my feet, looking up at me
Suddenly, we were interrupted clapping. "Terrific," the director said, stepping up the stage from
the aisle(过道).  "Except, could you kids face the audience a bit more?"
     The kids shifted to face the empty seats, which would be filled in a few days for the church play.
"Perfect," the director said. "Now, Grandma, read to your grandchildren." A pang of sadness hit me.
If only I could read to my real grandchild!
     I had a granddaughter, but I"d never met her. Sixteen years earlier my son was involved in a
relationship that ended badly. But out of it came a blessing: a baby girl named Lena. I hoped to be
a grandmother to her-but shortly after the birth, the mother moved without any address left. Over
the years, I asked around town to try and find my son"s exwife(前妻), but it seemed that she didn"t
want to be found.
      I"d just joined this new church a week earlier, and was at once offered the part of Grandma in
the play.  At least now I could pretend to be a grandma. The rehearsals went well, and finally the
day of the show arrived. The performance was great. "You all looked so natural up there," one of
my friends said.
     Afterward, we went to the church basement for refreshments(茶点). I walked over to one of
the girls in the play, Rehearsals had been such a whirlwind(一片忙乱) that we never really got to
talk. "How"s my granddaughter?" I joked.
     "Fine!" she answered. Just then, someone else walked up and asked the girl her name.
      I wasn"t sure I heard the girl"s answer correctly. But it made me ask her another question. "What"s
your mother"s name?"
    She told me, I was still in shock. "And what"s your father"s name?" I asked. She told me. It was my
     She"d only started going to that church a week before I did. Since that day of the play, we"ve stayed
close. Not long ago, she even made me a great grandma.

1.  What was the author doing at the beginning of the story?
A.  Telling a story.  
B.  Playing a game.
C.  Preparing for a play.  
D.  Acting in a movie.

2.  Why did the author feel "A pang of sadness" at the words of the director?
A.  The director"s words reminded her of her lost granddaughter.
B.  The director"s words hurt her so badly.
C.  She wished that she had a real grandchild.
D.  The director wasn"t content with her performance.

3.What happened in the church basement after the play?
A.  The author played a joke on Lena.
B.  Lena treated the author as a friend.
C.  The author got to know who Lena was.
D.  Lena mistook the author for her grandmother.

4.  This passage is mainly organized in the pattern of ________.
A.  time and events  
B.  contrast and conclusion
C.  cause and effect  
D.  questions and answers

5.  We can infer that when writing the story, the author felt ________.
A.  lighthearted 
B.  heartbroken
C.  confused  
D.  anxious
     This is a story from the Ming Dynasty period of China"s history. There was a miner official called
Wan Hu, whose dream was to "fly to the moon". One day he tied himself to a chair with 47 "rockets"
and disappeared into the sky and was never seen again. Hundreds of years later in 1969, when US
astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down from Apollo 11 and set his foot on the moon"s surface, the
dream of Wan, as well as the rest of humankind was realized. To honor Wan, a crater (环形山) on
the far side of the moon is named after him.
   Mankind has been able to change the world for the better because there are people like Wan who
never stopped pursuing their dreams.
   "I have a dream!" American civil rights leader Martin Luther King once said. It was that dream that
helped black Americans to get equal legal rights.
   To realize his dream of feeding everyone in China, Yuan Longping worked in fields day and night
and invented hybrid rice that now feeds almost one quarter of the world"s population.
   Dreams are important because they give us vision (远景). We grew great with them. They provide
direction for our life. With dreams we set goals and make plans, so we can change our present situation
for the better. And our dreams appeal to the likeminded. As individuals we are better off with
dreams-and so are our families, communities and society. Life would be dull without a dream.
   When we have a burning desire and we decided to go after it we are full of enthusiasm. As American
novelist Louisa May Alcott, who wrote Little Women said: "Far away there in the sunshine are my
highest aspirations". I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and
follow where they lead.
1.  How many people who had dreams are mentioned in the passage? (1 word)
2.  According to the passage, what was it that changed the world for the better? (No more than 20 words)
3.  How do people remember Wan Hu? (No more than 20 words)
4.  What can we learn from the fifth paragraph? (No more than 10 words)
5.  What"s the meaning of the underlined word "aspirations" in the last paragraph? (1 word)
      One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown. He hadn"t seen one of his friends for many
years, who was a _1_and needy man. When Sheikh asked about him, he was told by people that the
man he was    2  was a rich man and no longer poor. Sheikh  3   to pay a visit to his friend.
       4   talking with his friend, Sheikh asked him the   5   for the change in his situation. The man replied
that he had been so poor that he was forced to  6   some properties(财产)that belonged to him, like
furniture(家具). By selling these things, he had  7   some money enough to start a   8   with.
     As he was on his way back to his house with the  9  , he saw a poor lady  10   by the road. The man
asked the lady the reason, and she  11   that her husband died and her children were  12  . Hearing this,
the man felt  13   for her, and on seeing that she  14   the money more than himself, he gave all the money
to her. He  15   home and spent the night, sad and  16   for his family.
      The next morning,   17   he was summoned(召唤) to the house of a rich man. He was told by the
rich man that he had six thousand bags of  18   which he wanted to sell quickly and the man could buy it
at a   19   price on loan(借用) from him. The poor man did so and sold the rice 20  . He took some
more bags several days later and in this way he was able to make much more money. Soon he became
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. clever      
(     )2. A. living with  
(     )3. A. decided      
(     )4. A. Until        
(     )5. A. message      
(     )6. A. sell        
(     )7. A. saved        
(     )8. A. travel      
(     )9. A. money        
(     )10. A. crying      
(     )11. A. believed    
(     )12. A. hungry      
(     )13. A. sadness    
(     )14. A. took        
(     )15. A. drove      
(     )16. A. worried    
(     )17. A. happily    
(     )18. A. rice        
(     )19. A. low        
(     )20. A. slowly      
B. rich        
B. waiting for
B. forgot      
B. Before      
B. reason      
B. make        
B. collected  
B. business    
B. news        
B. walking    
B. explained  
B. dangerous  
B. interest    
B. needed      
B. returned    
B. pleased    
B. surprisingly
B. meat        
B. fair        
B. quickly    
C. lazy              
C. asking about      
C. refused          
C. After            
C. time              
C. keep              
C. paid              
C. family            
C. hope              
C. sleeping          
C. shouted          
C. crazy            
C. shame            
C. owned            
C. left              
C. excited          
C. carelessly        
C. vegetables        
C. high              
C. hardly            
D. oor            
D. istening to    
D. ried          
D. hile          
D. lan            
D. ind            
D. asted          
D. esson          
D. urniture      
D. tanding        
D. magined        
D. ngry          
D. ity            
D. arned          
D. tayed          
D. rightened      
D. nluckily      
D. lothes        
D. ight          
D. inally        
     I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily there"re small ways of helping them and you
needn"t have a lot of  1  . One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine.   2   doing this one day, I got
to_ 3    a young homeless man. He was often  4   the magazine at the train station.
     He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while, I discovered that his   5  was close to mine.
It  6   that we were born in the same month.
     I met him last year    7   after his birthday, and after congratulating(祝贺) him, without   8   ,  I asked
if he had had a good day. He  9   and said that he hadn"t really celebrated. I felt so  10  .
    I just couldn"t bear the thought of (不敢想)this nice, young man being  11   on his 25th birthday with
no presents, no cake, nothing! So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket.  12   for me, I had
enough yarn  13   . I set to work and knitted(编织) a  14    for the young man. The yarn had become a
little dirty  15   I didn"t knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be  16  when he got it.
    I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had 17   to meet him so I had  18    the scarf
and a piece of my own birthday 19   around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.
The  20   in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. work      
(     )2. A. In        
(     )3. A. realize    
(     )4. A. selling    
(     )5. A. birthday  
(     )6. A. said      
(     )7. A. long      
(     )8. A. stopping  
(     )9. A. looked up  
(     )10. A. foolish  
(     )11. A. calm      
(     )12. A. Suddenly  
(     )13. A. used      
(     )14. A. scarf    
(     )15. A. when      
(     )16. A. different
(     )17. A. liked    
(     )18. A. made      
(     )19. A. cake      
(     )20. A. light    
B. energy  
B. On      
B. ignore  
B. reading  
B. house    
B. found    
B. shortly  
B. helping  
B. turned up
B. excited  
B. happy    
B. Luckily  
B. done    
B. cap      
B. because  
B. dry      
B. hoped    
B. thrown  
B. present  
B. pain    
C. money      
C. Besides    
C. know        
C. covering    
C. height      
C. guessed    
C. ever        
C. praising    
C. looked down
C. clever      
C. alone      
C. Badly      
C. left        
C. sock        
C. so          
C. wet        
C. promised    
C. received    
C. song        
C. sight      
D. experience  
D. By          
D. recognize  
D. buying      
D. hobby      
D. meant      
D. even        
D. thinking    
D. got down    
D. worried    
D. hungry      
D. However    
D. produced    
D. glove      
D. and        
D. clean      
D. agreed      
D. carried    
D. party      
D. tear