阅读理解。                                My First Long Run   Two weeks ago,I had a q

阅读理解。                                My First Long Run   Two weeks ago,I had a q

阅读理解。                                My First Long Run
   Two weeks ago,I had a quarrel with my husband. After he had driven off in anger,I realized that I
wasn"t going to feel any better just sitting there.Feeling abandoned andguilty,I put on my gym shoes
to get some fresh air.
    Our driveway has a slope (斜坡)that is easier just to jog downif you are lazy,takipg advantage of
gravity.Instead of stopping at theend of the slope,I decided to see if I could just jog to the end of
thestreet.1 had tried a few months ago and failed miserably,Since thatfirst attempt I had been jogging
regularly and was significantly fitter,but still very lazy.However this time around I managed to reach
thestop sign with ease and I figiired I would go a little further.
    After about one kilometer, however, I noticed that my upperbody was tense. To make the moveinent
easier I had to relax my body,and tried to take deep breaths of fresh air.
    I kept  giving myself the excuse  to  stop. No  one  would  bedisappointed. No one would even know. But I didn"t stop.I wanted tokeep going harder , better , faster , stronger. To my great surprise , I ran4. 9
km in 31 minutes. When I got back,I had tears in my eyes. I didsomething I thought I could never do.
It was the first run of my life. Since then,I have improved mystride ( 步幅 ) and time. After every run I
feel fitter, happier andmotivated to keep progressing.I love the runner"s high. I normally jogbecause I
want to look good. I want to run because it makes me feelgood.
1. Why did the author feel guilty?
( No more than 9 words)
2. What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago?
( No more than 11 words)
3.What excuses did tbe author keep giving herself to stop?
(No more than 9 words)
4. How is running different from jogging to the author?
( No more than 14 words)
1. She had a quarrel with her husband.
2. She failed to jog to the end of the street.
3. No one would be disappointed or even know.
4. Running makes her feel good while jogging makes her lookgood.
阅读理解.     For an American, or a foreigner here, any chance to have a social life is welcome. But
what happened last night made me think I may be better off having no life while I"m in
     Friday evening,l was on my way with an American journalist friend to his welcome party.
When we got to a checkpoint,we were told to get out of the car to be searched,which is
normal procedure. We waited under a tent,as our car was examined on the other side
of a wall. We couldn"t see what was happening but we figured we would hit the road soon.
     But the search was taking longer than expected, probably because of a car bomb
threat that had been reported earlier. Then we noticed the officers put their helmets(头盔)
on. Never a good sign.
     Our Iraqi driver then noticed that our other Iraqi driver and guards who were in a
second car were standing facing a wall. We had gotten separated from them at the
checkpoint. We told two American officers that they were with us. They whispered
with each other and then walked away.
     A few minutes later, an officer walked toward us and asked us to follow him. He
said to me, "If you make any moves,l will take you down hard. "
     That"s when l knew we were actually thought to be doing something terrible. We
were told to sit in a row on the sidewalk, facing the street. I noticed across the street
were our other driver and guards. They were also in a row, but in a kneeling position
with their hands on their heads.
     I was shocked. The only explanation could be that our guards had been at the
shooting range in the morning, so the police dog may have picked something up from
that. I also wondered why our Iraqi fellows on the other side of the street were being
treated worse than us when it was our car that was under suspicion(怀疑) .
      After the end of the hour long suffering, we were allowed to leave. No longer in
the mood for the party,we all went home.1. The author and his people were going to the party____.A. in two cars
B. in one car
C. under the protection of police officers
D. for the purpose of exploding a car2. The author became aware the situation was worse than expected when__________.A. they arrived at the checkpoint
B. the officers put their helmets on
C. an officer shouted at him
D. some people were asked to kneel down3. Paragraphs 6 and 7 are mainly written to_________.A. analyze the reason for the accident
B. describe the author"s terrible feelings
C. state the importance to obey police
D. show how differently the officers treated them4. The author indicated that in Iraq ,__________.A. he would think twice before going to social activities
B. it was particularly dangerous for foreigners
C. foreigners were treating local people very cruelly
D. American officers could do whatever they wanted
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

    My son Joey was born with club feet (畸形足) .  The doctors told us that with ___1___   he would
be able to walk   2  but would never run very well. The first three years of his   3    were spent in surgery(手术) . By the time he was eight, you wouldn"t know he had a 4  when you saw him walk.
     The children in our   5   ran around as most children do during play,and Joey would jump right in and
 run and play,too. We never told him that he probably wouldn"t be   6  to run as well as the other children. So he didn" t know.
      In seventh grade he   7  to go out for the cross-country team. Every day he trained with the team. He worked harder and ran more than any of the others. Perhaps he 8  that the abilities that seemed to come   9  to so many others did not come naturally to him. 10  the entire team runs, only the top seven runners
have the 11   to score points for the school. We didn"t tell him he probably would never make the team,
so he didn"t know.
     He    12   to run four to five miles a day , every day-even the day he had a fever. I was   13 , so I went to look for him after school. I found him running alone. I asked him how he felt.
" 14  ," he said. He had two more miles to go. The   15  ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from
his fever. Yet he looked  16   ahead and kept running. We never told him he   17  run four miles with a fever. So he didn"t know.
     Two weeks later the names of the team runners were 18  . Joey was number six on the list. Joey had
made the team. He was in seventh grade-the other six team members were all eight-graders. We never
told him he couldn"t   19  to make the team. We never told him he couldn"t do it. We never told him he
couldn"t do all those things. So he didn"t know. He   20  did it.

(     )1.A. examination
(     )2.A. silently    
(     )3.A. school      
(     )4.A. confidence  
(     )5.A. neighborhood
(     )6.A. pleased    
(     )7.A. refused    
(     )8.A. sensed      
(     )9.A. suddenly    
(     )10.A. If        
(     )11.A. strength  
(     )12.A. continued  
(     )13.A. upset      
(     )14.A. Sorry      
(     )15.A. tears      
(     )16.A. obviously  
(     )17.A. couldn"t  
(     )18.A. discovered
(     )19.A. expect    
(     )20.A. seldom     B. experiment
B. usually  
B. life      
B. problem  
B. city      
B. cetain    
B. decided  
B. understood
B. actually  
B. Since    
B. benefit  
B. had      
B. angry    
B. Okay      
B. heat      
B. anxiously
B. wouldn"t  
B. called    
B. like      
B. just      C. excitement  
C. normally    
C. illness    
C. success    
C. family      
C. able        
C. remembered  
C. learned    
C. naturally  
C. Although    
C. intelligence
C. wanted      
C. worried    
C. Right      
C. sweat      
C. straight    
C. mustn"t    
C. completed  
C. fail        
C. always      D. treatment    
D. quickly      
D. time        
D. comfort      
D. childhood    
D. willing      
D. promised    
D. drove        
D. possibly    
D. Because      
D. chance      
D. indicated    
D. disappointed
D. Absolute    
D. failure      
D. typically    
D. needn"t      
D. examined    
D. try          
D. never       
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Karen, Judy and I were the last ones back to the classroom after lunch.All our classmates were
playing outside.
     "Look at what I found in Ms.Lee"s office." Karen   1   a small box filled with pieces of chalk in
every color of the rainbow.
     "Wow! What fun it would be to write on the  2   " Judy"s eyes shone with joy. "But Ms.Lee
doesn"t let us do so," I responded."Don"t be  3  , Janet.No one will ever know," said Karen,   4   into
the box and drawing out some chalk.I   5   joined my friends in the artwork.However, I found it was
funi Next we were
  6    the clock all the time in case  7   walked in.
     Then it struck Judy that we should   8   each other to writing names with our left hands.Picking up
their chalk, they started.I chose a white piece.My  9  was a bit shaky, but no one would   10   that it
said "Janet".
     "Better get this board cleaned off now," said Judy, erasing our handwork.Everything   11 ...but my
name! In   12 , I was sweating and I felt my knees 13   It wasn"t chalk at all, but a white piece of crayon
on closer 14  .Mom had a saying: "Fools" names and faces always   15   in public." I never understood 
16   what it meant before.Now I did!
     I rushed to the toilet to get a can of cleanser while Judy tried with   17   paper towels.After rubbing
hard, my name was gone, but an abrasion (磨损处) remained on the board.
     Hearing footsteps coming, we  18   the area as much as we could to remove every tell-tale trace
of wetness.We were just slipping into our desks   19   the teacher walked in.Perhaps Ms.Lee never
noticed the abrasion.But I did.
     Now I still remember the lesson I learned that day."No one will ever know" is never  20 .To me,
living with a guilty conscience is punishment enough.
题型:辽宁省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:辽宁省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A. carried out
(     ) 2. A. chalkboard
(     ) 3. A. shy        
(     ) 4. A. putting    
(     ) 5. A. unwillingly
(     ) 6. A. seeing    
(     ) 7. A. anyone    
(     ) 8. A. challenge  
(     ) 9. A. arm        
(     )10. A. recognize  
(     )11. A. cleaned off
(     )12. A. anger      
(     )13. A. tired      
(     )14. A. notice    
(     )15. A. appear    
(     )16. A. mostly    
(     )17. A. thin      
(     )18. A. erased    
(     )19. A. before    
(     )20. A. true      
B. held up    
B. wall        
B. embarrassed
B. opening    
B. happily    
B. looking    
B. no one      
B. fight      
B. handwriting
B. doubt      
B. came off    
B. prayer      
B. nervous    
B. thought    
B. mark        
B. quickly    
B. wet        
B. spread      
B. after      
B. reasonable  
C. called up  
C. box        
C. chicken    
C. reaching  
C. luckily    
C. observing  
C. everyone  
C. compare    
C. chalk      
C. realize    
C. cleared off
C. disbelief  
C. frightened
C. examination
C. exist      
C. carefully  
C. thick      
C. dried      
C. since      
C. fair      
D. made out    
D. table      
D. bored      
D. getting    
D. readily    
D. eying      
D. someone    
D. check      
D. heart      
D. tell        
D. took off    
D. vain        
D. weak        
D. touch      
D. change      
D. fully      
D. useful      
D. covered    
D. when        
D. acceptable  
     About 10 years ago, I started a job as a trainer for a telemarketing agency. In one of my first
classes, the head trainer told a very inspiring story.
     He began by drawing a stickman standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting,
he drew things like a house, a car, and a few friends inside the circle.
     He asked the question, "Can anyone tell me what this is?" In a long silence, one guy decided to
throw out "the world?" The trainer said, "That"s close and this is your Comfort Zone. Inside your
circle you have all the things that are important to you. "
     "Your home, your family, your friends, and your job. People feel that inside this circle they are
safe from any danger or conflict. "
     "Can anyone tell me what happens when you step out of this circle?" A strong silence came over
the room. The same eager guy abruptly announced, "You are afraid. "
     Another guy said, "You make mistakes. " The silence continued and the trainer smiled and said,
"When you make mistakes, what can the result be?"
    The first guy shouted, "You learn something. "
    "Exactly, you are learning. " The trainer turned to the board and drew an arrow pointing from the
stickman directly to the outside of the circle. He continued to say, "When you leave your Comfort
Zone you put yourself out there, in front of the world to be in situations that you are not comfortable
with. "
     "The end result is that you have learned something that you did not know and you expand your
knowledge to become a better person. " He turned again to the board and drew a bigger circle
around the original circle, and added a few new things like more friends, a bigger house, etc.
     "The moral of the story is that if you stay inside your Comfort Zone, you will never be able to
expand your horizons and learn. When you step out of your Comfort Zone you will eventually make
your circle bigger and your mind grow stronger, and all in all a better person. "
1. According to the passage, the Comfort Zone is ______.
A. a place where we can enjoy a lot of amusement
B. a person who can offer us some comfort and protect us
C. a state in which we feel all safe and right with the world
D. a circle which we don"t dare to get out of
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. If we move beyond the Comfort Zone, our anxiety level will go up.
B. When we step out of the Comfort Zone, we must feel excited.
C. We don"t need to leave our Comfort Zone if we really want to grow.
D. We are all still in our Comfort Zone when making new friends.
3. Why does the author tell us the story?
A. To build up our interpersonal skills.
B. To make us work better as a team.
C. To provide us some working activities.
D. To motivate us to step out for a better world.
     As women in the rich Asian country have become better educated, with five times as many now
getting advanced degrees as in 1995, they have also become choosier and are less likely to settle for
the role of gentle wife traditionally expected of Korean women.
     "I heard if you are a female with master"s degree, it is much harder to arrange a meeting than if you
have a bachelor"s degree because of an unfavorable concept "too smart women" here," said King, a
college senior in Seoul.
     The age at which Korean women are getting hitched has risen by an average 4. 1 years over the
past 20 years to 28. 9 years, according to Statistics Korea, and that has created worried mothers
getting things rolling for their daughters.
     "My daughter is in her early 30"s, an age considered late for marriage here", said a woman who
took her daughter to a match-making agency in Seoul.
     "If she does not find her match this year, it will be much more difficult to marry in the coming years.
So I went to the firm with her and made her join. "
     At DUO, a matchmaking firm, its 26, 000 members can choose between five different membership
programs with fees from 1. 08 million won( 韩元)($971) to 8. 8 million won.
     To attract more customers, the site displays the average annual income of its male and female
customers, as well as their professional standing.
     "In a privately set-up blind date, you cannot be entirely sure of how much of personal information
given to you is accurate," said DUO spokesman Yon Jun.
     Critics say the industry focuses more on income and status. Some of them have coined the phrase
"employage" to sum up employment and marriage.
     "If your father works in the financial industry or is a high-ranking administrator, maybe you will find
your match with similar backgrounds through a matchmaking firm, starting a perfect marriage on the
back of parental support," said comedian Quan.
1. The underlined word "hitched" in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.
A. employed    
B. married      
C. educated      
D. worried
2. What leads to the embarrassing state for Korean women in matchmaking is that           .
A. they don"t want to be gentle any more
B. most of them are not in good shape
C. they have a much higher education
D. matchmaking agencies pushed them too hard
3. From the passage, we can conclude that           .
A. all the perfect marriages result from good backgrounds
B. blind date can help you get more accurate personal information
C. mothers are more worried about themselves than their daughters
D. twenty years ago, girls averaged less than 25 when they were married
4. Why do some people invent the word "employage"? Because           .
A. they like the special way that matchmaking is arranged
B. the matchmaking firm pays more attention to money and status
C. mothers are more worried about their daughters in marriage
D. young women prefer personal information to profession