阅读理解     Several days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousin"s QQ head popp

阅读理解     Several days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousin"s QQ head popp

阅读理解     Several days ago, while I was logging onto QQ, my cousin"s QQ head popped out online. We
hadn"t seen each other for a few months, so I decided to start a conversation with her. My cousin is
studying in a college of our city. Her hobby is surfing the Internet. Every time I am on the computer,
she is always online, listening to music or decorating her "personal space". I like visiting her space.
It"s creative and modern and worth a visit. I can"t imagine my designing such a colorful web page.
     When I read the sentences she sent to me, I noticed that the Chinese characters had been changed,
but I could still guess their meanings. I took a strong interest in this type of new characters. Further
observation made me realize that they added some common Chinese radicals(部首) to the original
characters, making them more vivid, a little like Japanese. My cousin said this gives new life to the
Chinese language and culture.
     It is true that the Internet has reinvented our language, but I still can"t accept this new cultural
change. Some Chinese characters have meanings in the shapes; one shouldn"t superficially change
them by adding an additional radical. So I persuaded my cousin to change her new idea and use
standard characters to communicate. And she willingly accepted my advice.1. The author"s cousin was a(n) ________.  A. engineer      
B. teacher       
C. model          
D. student2. The author would like to visit his cousin"s space _________.A. because he wants to design a web page
B. because the music is well worth listening to
C. because it is very attractive and popular
D. because it is the best one on the Internet3. The second paragraph mainly tells us that ________.     A. the Internet has an effect on the Chinese characters
B. the Chinese people have learned a lot from the Internet
C. the QQ message online is very useful to everyone
D. the text message is more important than the QQ messages4. The underlined word "reinvented" in the passage means "_________".A. destroyed        
B. improved        
C. discovered      
D. introduced5. We can learn from this passage that _________.    A. the author is a teacher in a college
B. the author can design a webpage creatively
C. the Chinese characters have been changed into Japanese
D. the author thinks people should use standard characters to communicate
1-5: DCABD
完形填空.     A man was driving at 70 miles in a 40-mile zone, when a ___1___came behind him.
Right away the man started thinking of ___2___to give.
     As the policeman came to him, he said, "Hi, officer, I guess you ___3___me a little hit
over the speed limit. I was in a rush to get___4___, to be with my wife and kids. You know
my younger son wasn"t feeling too___5___ when I left home this morning. I"m afraid he"s ill.
     The policeman said, "Well, I guess so," and started ___6___something in his notebook.
As minutes went by, he could see from the side view mirror, the policeman was ___7___
writing. When the man was wondering why he hadn"t asked for his driving ___8___so far,
the policeman came to his window, ___9___him a piece of paper, and returned to his car
without saying a single word. The man wondered: how much was this ___10___going to be?
However, the man was ___11___it was not a ticket at all and he began to ___12___:
     "I had a daughter who was ___13___by a speeding car at the age of six by a speeding
driver. He got a fine, a few months in___14___, and then was free, free to hug his two
daughters. I only had one, and nowI have to ___15___until I get to heaven before I can
hug her again. I have tried to ___16___that man a thousand times, and I thought I had.
Maybe I really did forgive(原谅) him. So pray (祈祷)for me, and be___17___ when you
drive again. My son is all I have been life with."
     The man was completely ___18___and could not move for the next few minutes. When
finally he did, he drove___19___, even a few miles ___20___the speed limit, praying for
forgiveness.(     )1.A. truck
(     )2.A. excuses
(     )3.A. remembered
(     )4.A. to school
(     )5.A. well
(     )6.A. writing
(     )7.A. even
(     )8.A. insurance
(     )9.A. sent
(     )10A. paper
(     )11.A. excited
(     )12.A. laugh
(     )13.A. hit
(     )14.A. fear
(     )15.A. wait
(     )16.A. attack
(     )17.A. honest
(     )18.A. disappointed
(     )19.A. quickly
(     )20.A. under

B. mail car
B. information
B. recognized
B. home
B. happy
B. lookint for
B. really
B. license
B. note
B. upset
B. smile
B. knocked
B. trouble
B. stay
B. forgive
B. thankful
B. nervous
B. slowly
B. over

C. police car
C. mistook
C. out
C. free
C. listing
C. still
C. journal
C. rewarded
C. ticket
C. angry
C. read
C. trapped
C. prison
C. remain
C. educate
C. patient
C. shocked
C. fortunately
C. to

D. taxi
D. caught
D. to hospital
D. healthy
D. looking up
D. never
D. Route
D. pushed
D. notice
D. surprised
D. think
D. killed
D. danger
D. escape
D. support
D. careful
D. frighteded
D. rapidly
D. with

题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解.     On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the New York railway station,
playing his violin. The music was so great that many people stopped to put some money into
the hat of the young man.
     The next day, the young artist came to the same place, and put his hat on the ground
gracefully. Different from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it under
his hat. Then he began to play the violin. It sounded more pleasant than ever.
     Soon he was surrounded with people who were attracted by the words on that paper.
It said, " Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by
mistake. Please come to claim it soon."
     After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed through the crowd to the violinist and
said, "Yes, it"s you. I knew that you were an honest man and would certainly come here."
The young violinist asked calmly, " Are you Mr George Sang?" The man nodded. The violinist
asked, " Did you lose something?" "It"s a lottery ticket," said the man. The violinist took out
a lottery ticket on which George Sang"s name was seen. "Is it?" he asked. George nodded
and took the lottery ticket and kissed it, then danced with the violinist.
     The violinist was a student at an arts college and had planned to attend advanced studies
in Vienna. Later his classmate asked the violinist, "At that time you needed money to pay
the tuition and you had to play the violin in the railway station every day to make money.
Why didn"t you keep the lottery ticket for yourself?"
     The violinist said, "Although I don"t have much money, I live happily. But if I lose honesty
I won"t be happy forever." Though our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being
honest always be with us. 1. What did the young viloin to make some money?______.A. He played the violin to make some money.
B. He waited for the train to Vienna.
C. He came to buy a train ticket to Vienna.
D. He walked around the New York railway station.2. Which sentence below best explains the underlined sentence in paragraph two?______.A. Because the violinist loved to play the violin at the station.
B. Because the violinist felt happy when people surrounded him.
C. Because the artist felt happier when he did a good thing.
D. Because he felt happy to attend advanced studies.3. According to the words on the paper, which sentence below is TRUE?______.A. It asked a gentleman named George Sang to claim his hat.
B. It asked a gentleman nmaed George Sang to claim his important thing.
C. It was a lottery ticket and he needed to find the owner.
D. IT was a lottery ticket and the owner is unknown.4. The artist didn"t take the lottery ticket for himself because he _______.A. chose to be honest
B. didn"t need the money.
C. thought the lottery was worth nothing.
D. was afraid of blame if he kept it for himself.5. From this article, we can learn that ________.A. we should share with others if we find something valuable.
B. we should know the importance of honesty and lead a happy life.
C. keep the lottery if you find one.
D. playing the violin could make you feel happy.
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Five years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he  1  his small company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive "school" fee. He always   2  his success to it.
     At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,    3  to return to the homeland, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the    4    made through years of work after school and the scholarships. At the airport he had to accept the    5    customs check. The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be taken down for   6  .  Glen knew that carrying the specific goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying   7   for his watch. So when he was checked, he told a lie that his watch was a  8  fake(假货). When he was   9  of his "smarts", immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,  10  cost nearly $100,00, into pieces  11  hearing Glen"s words. Glen was  12 .   Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined  13  . For many times of entry-exit   14    he knew that only those people in the "blacklist" would "enjoy" this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully in the box, and   15   him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if  16   reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be  17  according to law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long.
     After returning to the homeland, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep  18   on him, because the additional high "school" fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of  19  , which he would remember as the   20  of his success forever.
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. set up    
(     )2. A. honors    
(     )3. A. decided    
(     )4. A. books      
(     )5. A. ordinary  
(     )6. A. look      
(     )7 .A. one        
(     )8. A. expensive  
(     )9. A. afraid    
(     )10. A. that      
(     )11. A. on        
(     )12. A. pleased  
(     )13. A. strictly  
(     )14. A. conditions
(     )15. A. stopped  
(     )16. A. came out  
(     )17. A. hit      
(     )18. A. expression
(     )19. A. honesty  
(     )20. A. secret    

B. took up      
B. mentions      
B. refused      
B. things        
B. routine      
B. inspection    
B. it            
B. useful        
B. proud        
B. what          
B. at            
B. delighted    
B. quietly      
B. experiences  
B. hoped        
B. found out    
B. awarded      
B. idea          
B. lies          
B. lesson        

C. went up      
C. brings        
C. objected      
C. savings      
C. regular      
C. see          
C. them          
C. worthless    
C. ashamed      
C. as            
C. who          
C. astonished    
C. friendly      
C. experiments  
C. warned        
C. sent out      
C. praised      
C. thought      
C. goods        
C. choice        

D. picked up      
D. owes            
D. asked          
D. price          
D. common          
D. experiment      
D. these          
D. valuable        
D. hard            
D. which          
D. in              
D. satisfied      
D. curiously      
D. chances        
D. invited        
D. set out        
D. charged        
D. impression      
D. bravery        
D. belief          

     Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very mean and hated spending money. One day
a fair(交易会)came to the nearby town.
     They went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. Matt"s wife wanted to buy a hat only costing $28, but was refused. Later on, a comb of $5 attracted her attention, but he would not let her spend
any money.
    Then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane. "Fun flight!" the notice said, "$10 for 10 minutes."
     Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didn"t want to
pay for his wife either. "I"ve only got $10," he told the pilot. "Can my wife come with me for free?" The
pilot wasn"t selling many tickets, so he said, "I"ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn"t scream,
she can have a free flight."
      Matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife. The pilot took off and made his airplane do
all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.
      When the plane landed, the pilot said, "OK, your wife didn"t make a sound. She can have her ride
      "Thank you," Matt said, "it wasn"t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out."
1. How much did the couple spend at the fair?
A. $28.        
B. $5.    
C. $43.
D. $10.
2. The pilot flew the airplane upside down in order to _______.
A. throw the wife out of the plane     
B. get another $10 by making the wife shout
C. show off his perfect flying skills
D. provide the couple with pleasure of excitement
3. The passage is intended to _______.

A. teach readers a lesson  
B. attract tourists  
C. make readers laugh  
D. praise the couple

4. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Matt loved money more than his wife.  
B. Matt would like to buy everything for his wife.
C. The pilot didn"t mind whether Matt"s wife would pay.
D. Matt"s wife enjoyed her riding in the plane.
     There once was a group of tiny frogs(青蛙) who held a running competition. The goal
was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to
see the race and cheer on the contestants.(选手)
     The race began…
     Honestly, no one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of
the tower. You heard statements such as:
     "Oh, it"s too difficult!"
     "They will NEVER make it to the top."
     "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!"
     The tiny frogs began falling down, one by one…
     …except for those who in a fresh tempo(节奏) were climbing higher and higher…
     The crowd continued to shout, "It is too difficult! No one will make it!"
     More tiny frogs got tired and gave up… But one continued higher and higher and
higher …This one wouldn"t give up!
    In the end, everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for the one tiny frog
which, after a big effort(努力), was the only one who reached the top!
     Then all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this tiny frog managed to
do it.
     A contestant asked the frog how he had found the strength to reach the goal. It turned
out that the winner was deaf.
1. The big crowd"s statements showed that ________.
A. they tried to discourage the contestants
B. they thought the contestants would give up
C. they didn"t believe that the contestants would succeed
D. they hoped that they could watch a wonderful game
2. As the crowd expected, the tiny frogs began to ________.
A. climb higher and higher
B. fall down one by one
C. make it to the top
D. beat each other
3. When asked how the succeeded, the winner ________.
A. didn"t mention the secret
B. couldn"t hear or answer at all
C. was too shy to answer
D. didn"t care about it at all
4. The story mainly tells us that ________.
A. nothing is impossible if we put our heart into it
B. a deaf frog can run much faster than others
C. we shouldn"t care about what others say if we want to succeed
D. we needn"t spend too much time in looking for special skills.