完形填空。     It happened when I was a little girl. I can remember neither the begin

完形填空。     It happened when I was a little girl. I can remember neither the begin

完形填空。     It happened when I was a little girl. I can remember neither the beginning nor the end, but whenever I  
it, tears flow down my face.
     When I was young, my family led a(n)   2    life in the country. As you can imagine, many country roads
are difficult to walk on. One  3 we were visiting some relatives and the   4  was very bad. It began to  5 on
our way back home. Dad carried me on his  6 . Mom gave her overcoat to my  7  . We walked together
through the rain for more than an hour.
     I was fat at that time and Dad must be  8  to hold me for such a long time. He almost    9   down many
times. In hope of  10   my father"s burden, I tried to carry myself,  11   I achieved nothing since I was just a
little kid.
     When we arrived home, the inside of our house was  12 with rain water. The rain had come   13 our
leaky (有裂缝的) roof and water was everywhere. Mom put bowls all around the house to try to  14 the
rain. Then she put me and my elder brother to  15 , carefully placing us on the remaining  16   place. I fell
asleep soon. When I opened my eyes, I found Dad and Mom were  17 in chairs, both having caught bad
This is my very earliest  18 . Though the evening has long passed, and now we live a happy life, I won"t
forget the rain we  19 together. The rain, that evening, and especially my parents"   20 , will stay in my mind
(     )1. A. deal with  
(     )2. A. hard        
(     )3. A. morning    
(     )4. A. food        
(     )5. A. blow        
(     )6. A. arm        
(     )7. A. brother    
(     )8. A. worried    
(     )9. A. fell        
(     )10. A. taking    
(     )11. A. so        
(     )12. A. buried    
(     )13. A. under      
(     )14. A. catch      
(     )15. A. ground    
(     )16. A. dry        
(     )17. A. quarreling
(     )18. A. visit      
(     )19. A. got stuck  
(     )20. A. wishes    
B. think of  
B. unhappy    
B. noon      
B. drink      
B. thunder    
B. back      
B. sister    
B. tired      
B. looked    
B. moving    
B. and        
B. covered    
B. over      
B. welcome    
B. floor      
B. clean      
B. sleeping  
B. excitement
B. got away  
B. words      
C. lead to      
C. interesting  
C. afternoon    
C. traffic      
C. rain          
C. bike          
C. friend        
C. angry        
C. turned        
C. lifting      
C. but          
C. mixed        
C. in            
C. greet        
C. bed          
C. beautiful    
C. laughing      
C. opportunity  
C. went through  
C. love          
D. suffer from  
D. rich          
D. evening      
D. weather      
D. snow          
D. car          
D. relative      
D. lazy          
D. ran          
D. reducing      
D. instead      
D. crowded      
D. through      
D. expect        
D. ceiling      
D. warm          
D. eating        
D. memory        
D. went by      
D. education    
1-5:  BADDC  6-10:  BABAD   11-15:  CBDAC   16-20:  ABDCC
     It was on a winter morning, near Oxford, Maryland, that I set the breakfast table beside the huge
window, which _1_ the Tred Avon River.The snow decorated the shore in white.For a moment I stood
quietly against the bookcase, appreciating what the night"s snow had _2  .    3    I leaned forward and
peered (盯着看) close to the frosted window."It really is!" I cried out loud."There is a goose out there!
" I _4_ to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars (望远镜).Into their sights came the   5_ of a
large   Canada goose, very still, its wings folded tight to its sides, its _6_ frozen to the ice.Then from the
dark sides, I saw a line of swans.They crossed   7    the west of the broad river, moving _8_ to the east.
As I _9_, the leader swung to the right, and then the white _10_ of birds become a white circle.It floated
from the top of the sky downward.At last, as easy as feathers coming to earth, the circle _11   the ice. 
The swans _12_ the frozen goose! Amazingly, those bills (啄) began to work on _13  .The long necks
were lifted and curved down, _14_. It went on for a long time.At last, the goose was free and _15_ its
big webbed (有蹼的) feet slowly.The goose  _16   its wings as far as they would go.The swans took
off and _17   on their eastward journey, in perfect formation, to their secret destination._18_ them, rising
with incredible speed and joy, the goose moved into the sky.I watched them _19   they disappeared over
the tips of the farthest trees.Only then did I realize that tears were running down my cheeks.This is a true
story.I do not try to interpret it here.I just often   20   it in the bad moments, and tell myself, "If so for birds, why not for man?"
题型:辽宁省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:辽宁省期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. undertook        
(     )2. A. destroyed        
(     )3. A. Finally          
(     )4. A. rushed            
(     )5. A. figure            
(     )6. A. head              
(     )7. A. along            
(     )8. A. steadily          
(     )9. A. watched          
(     )10. A. block            
(     )11. A. skated on        
(     )12. A. threatened      
(     )13. A. the ice          
(     )14. A. one after another
(     )15. A. washing          
(     )16. A. enlarged        
(     )17. A. started          
(     )18. A. Behind          
(     )19. A. after            
(     )20. A. write about      
B. overlooked  
B. covered      
B. Unwillingly  
B. returne      
B. shadow      
B. body        
B. from        
B. wildly      
B. expecte      
B. mass        
B. landed on    
B. attacked    
B. their feather
B. side by side
B. protecting  
B. spread      
B. carried      
B. In front of  
B. althoug      
B. keep up      
C. witnessed    
C. painted      
C. Disappointedly
C. advanced      
C. cry          
C. feet          
C. around        
C. highly        
C. predicted    
C. dot          
C. fell down to  
C. surrounded    
C. the river    
C. now and then  
C. moving        
C. lifted        
C. repeated      
C. Along with    
C. unless        
C. think of      
D. passed        
D. hidden        
D. Suddenly      
D. reached        
D. baby          
D. beak          
D. in            
D. closely        
D. feared        
D. line          
D. broke into    
D. killed        
D. the shore      
D. again and again
D. warming        
D. threw          
D. stopped        
D. Including      
D. until          
D. tell from      
     I wear what I feel is comfortable and convenient. Decades ago, my 10-year-old Italian nephew asked me for jeans from Canada when I visited.
     Upon seeing them, he claimed they were not Levis. "What does Levis mean?" I asked naively.
     Later, I was preparing to come to China when my Sichuan friend ordered jeans for her daughter.
"You mean Levis, I guess?" "No, Benetton," she said.
     Living in China I realize the effect brands have on people here. Once I bought a pair of sandals
because I needed sandals. Many people told me, "Wow! You wear them? You have money!" I didn"t
know why they thought 150-yuan ($22) sandals were for wealthy people. I had never heard that brand
name (which I can"t remember) before.
     While visiting my family in Canada, we were talking about fake products(假冒商品) in China. As a
writer, I don"t accept that readers pirate(盗版) my books and I would consider myself a thief if I ever
buy them. A young relative asked, "What about your purse?"
     "What"s the problem with my purse?" I countered.
     "It"s a Yves Saint-Laurent; do you mean you paid the full price?"
     "How can you think I bought a YSL? I bought it because of size, color and price."
     She picked up the purse and pointed to the steel YSL on it. Believe it or not, I had not noticed it till
     When Pearl Market used to sell watches, I happened to need one and went there for the large choice
they offered. What I wanted was a watch to see the time, I insisted.
     They had no Chinese brands, only Cartier, Citizen, Seiko, Rolex. Having refused several ming pai
copies, I was leaving without buying when I saw a black one.
     "Diesel, what a strange name for a watch," I thought. Wasn"t diesel something that went into a gas
tank? The business deal went quickly; I offered 35 yuan and left with the watch.
1. What"s the author"s attitude towards fake products? 
A. He thinks they are of good quality.
B. He supports fake products.
C. He believes they are symbols of status.
D. He is strongly against fake products.
2. Why did the author go to Pearl Market to buy a watch? 
A. Because the watches here were cheaper.
B. Because there were many famous brands.
C. Because he might make a better choice here.
D. Because he wanted to buy a fake watch.
3. What point does the author want to make in the passage? 
A. Brands don"t always tell the truth.
B. Fake products should be banned.
C. Following fashion makes much sense.
D. True beauty comes from one"s actions.
     When I was nine years old I lived in a small town. I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back
of a children"s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the
kit (配件). Two weeks later the kit arrived. The next three hours later, I returned home with no card and
a pocket full of money shouting, "Mama, all the people couldn"t wait to buy my cards!" A salesperson
was born.
When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in the dark hall
listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyone"s spirits up to ceiling. I left there feeling like I could do anything.
When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, "Dad, I want to make people feel like that." My
father asked me what I meant. "I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler," I replied. A
dream was born.
     Recently, I began pursuing my dream of motivating others. I realized that everything I had
accomplished - the graduate degree, the successful sales career, speaking appointments, training and
managing for a major fortune 100 company as a senior manager- had prepared me for this moment. I
told my boss who was a great leader I would leave the company though I might not reach such a height
in career. He told me to proceed and he believed I would succeed.
     Having made that decision, I was immediately tested. One week after I gave notice, my husband was
laid off from his job. We had recently bought a new home and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage (抵押) payment and now we were done to no income. I even planned to turn back to my
former company, knowing they wanted me to stay but I was certain that if I went back, I would never
leave. I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of "if onlys" later on.
A motivational speaker was born.
     When I held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles(奇迹) really began to happen. In a short time period my husband found a better job. We didn"t miss a mortgage payment. And I was
able to book several speaking appointments with new clients (客户). I discovered the incredible power
of dreams. I loved my old job, my workmates and the company I left, but it was time to get on with my
dream. To celebrate my success I had a local artist paint my new office as a garden. At the top of one
wall she marked, "The world always makes way for the dreamer."
1.Why was the kit sent for?
A. Selling greeting cards.
B. Collecting greeting cards.
C. Buying greeting cards.
D. Sending greeting cards.
2.When did the author decide to become a motivational speaker?
A. After buying a new home by mortgage.
B. After giving notice to leave her secure position in the company.
C. After finding a job in a major fortune 100 company.
D. After listening to Mr. Ziegler"s inspiring speech.
3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. She was once an excellent manager.
B. She left her post at the height of her career.
C. She was not sure whether the former company could accept her.
D. She didn"t miss paying the monthly mortgage payment.
4. What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?
A. Carry on with your dreams and you will be successful.
B. Risk everything you have for a dream and you will succeed.
C. The world belongs to dreamers.
D. Everyone will find their dreams.
     Once President Roosevelt"s house was broken into and lots of things were stolen.  1  this, one of
Roosevelt"s friends wrote to him and  2  him not to take it to his heart so much. President Roosevelt  3
 immediately, saying, "Dear friend, thank you for your letter to  4   me. I am all right now. I think I should
thank God. This is because of the following three  5 : Firstly, the thief only stole things from me  6  did not
hurt me at all;   7 , the thief has stolen some of my things  8  all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was
the man  9  me who became a thief."
     It is certainly 10  for anyone to be stolen from. However, President Roosevelt had three reasons to be
  11. This story tells us we should learn to be grateful in our life. There is a  12  from Mahatma Gandhi-Live as you were to die tomorrow; learn as you were to live forever. Great people are always  13  their love to
the world, just as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and so on. How about us?
     You can not do 14 , but still you can do something. So, be grateful to your life, all the people and the
things in your life.
     Be grateful to nature, for the fresh air you 15 , the clean water you drink, and the beautiful flowers you
     Be grateful to your parents, for they  16  to you and taught you right from wrong.
     Be grateful to your  17 , for they taught you with great patience.
     Be grateful to your friends, for you have known  18  since you were 9 or 10 and faced the 19  together
for so many years.
      20  I want to say: being grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life. Why don"t we have a try?
     Let"s get it started!
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. Hearing      
(     )2. A. allowed      
(     )3. A. came back    
(     )4. A. inform      
(     )5. A. causes      
(     )6. A. but          
(     )7. A. las          
(     )8. A. in case of  
(     )9. A. better than  
(     )10. A. unlucky    
(     )11. A. grateful    
(     )12. A. word        
(     )13. A. saying      
(     )14. A. nothing    
(     )15. A. mix        
(     )16. A. gave reasons
(     )17. A. doctors    
(     )18. A. some others
(     )19. A. difficulties
(     )20. A. At least    
B. Seeing      
B. suggested  
B. wrote back  
B. encourage  
B. reasons    
B. and        
B. finally    
B. in terms of
B. more than  
B. fortunate  
B. careful    
B. sentence    
B. showing    
B. anything    
B. equip      
B. gave a hand
B. fellows    
B. each other  
B. danger      
B. At first    
C. Finding      
C. advised      
C. turned back  
C. support      
C. results      
C. or            
C. suddenly      
C. instead of    
C. rather than  
C. unlikely      
C. helpful      
C. passage      
C. requiring    
C. something    
C. breath        
C. gave money    
C. schoolmate    
C. the others    
C. enemies      
C. At last      
D. Receiving  
D. prevented  
D. gave back  
D. comfort    
D. rules      
D. so        
D. secondly  
D. because of
D. or rather  
D. friendly  
D. useful    
D. pattern    
D. pretending
D. everything
D. relax      
D. gave birth
D. teachers  
D. everybody  
D. classes    
D. At most    
     A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racing.But the price-five
dollars-was far beyond Reuben Earle"s wealth.Five dollars would buy almost a week"s groceries for his
     But hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an idea.
     He ran towards the  1  and stopped at a construction site.People built their own homes in Bay Roberts,
using nails _2_ in hessian sacks(麻袋)from a local factory.Sometimes the sacks were _3_, and Reuben
knew he could sell them back to the  4_ for five cents a piece.
     Back home, he looked at his mother Dora and _5_.Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hair.Slim and beautiful, she was the center of the home, the glue that held it together.
     Every day after school, Reuben walked down the town, _6_ the hessian nail bags.On the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more  7  than Reuben.Now he would have more time for his _8_.
Then one day the _9_ had come.
     Reuben ran down Water Street to the store."Please, Mister.I have to sell the sacks now."
      The man took the sacks,   10   his pocket and put four coins in Reuben"s hand.Reuben murmured (小
声说)a thank you and  11  , home.
     When he got home.Reuben   12   the tin can.He poured the coins out and began to 13 . He had enough.
     Then, he headed for the shop, "I have the  14  ," he told the owner.
     The man went to the window and took out Reuben"s  15  . He wiped the dust off and gently wrapped it
in brown paper.Then he placed it in Reuben"s hands.
     Racing home, Reuben _16_ the front door."Here, Mum! Here"." He placed a small box in her
work-roughened hands.
     She  17  it carefully. A jewel box appeared.Dora lifted the cover,   18  beginning to blur (模糊) her
     Dora had never received such a  19  ; she had no jewellery except her wedding ring. 20 ,she smiled and
gathered her son into her arms.
题型:湖北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. window      
(     )2. A. purchased    
(     )3. A. taken apart  
(     )4. A. people      
(     )5. A. wept        
(     )6. A. collecting  
(     )7. A. disappointed
(     )8. A. mother      
(     )9. A. challenge    
(     )10. A. searched for
(     )11. A. ran        
(     )12. A. sought      
(     )13. A. laugh      
(     )14. A. jewel      
(     )15. A. treasure    
(     )16. A. got in      
(     )17. A. opened      
(     )18. A. tears      
(     )19. A. celebration
(     )20. A. Thankful    
B. Sound      
B. produced    
B. seta side  
B. site        
B. hesitated  
B. selling    
B. delighted  
B. schedule    
B. possibility
B. reached into
B. walked      
B. buried      
B. count      
B. box        
B. coins      
B. slid into  
B. unwrapped  
B. fog        
B. wish        
B. Breathless  
C. store          
C. delivered      
C. sorted out    
C. factory        
C. smiled        
C. recycling      
C. determined    
C. burden        
C. time          
C. glanced through
C. left          
C. broke          
C. judge          
C. money          
C. present        
C. squeezed out  
C. unfolded      
C. dust          
C. gift          
C. Unexpected    
D. school      
D. packed      
D. thrown away  
D. shop        
D. murmured    
D. carrying    
D. devoted      
D. mission      
D. opportunity  
D. stared at    
D. arrived      
D. uncovered    
D. observe      
D. ring        
D. sacks        
D. burst through
D. fastened    
D. sunlight    
D. blessing    
D. Speechless