Beaches Cross-Training ClubHalloween Fun Run Start date: Sept. 9---Oct. 28 Rate:

Beaches Cross-Training ClubHalloween Fun Run Start date: Sept. 9---Oct. 28 Rate:


Beaches Cross-Training Club
Halloween Fun Run
Start date: Sept. 9---Oct. 28
Rate: $80 / $10 per class
Time: 4:15---5:15
Dress according to weather. Please note that your child does not need to run races in order to participate in this run training. Focus is on fun and participation. No run experience needed. All ages of kids are welcome.
Class format: 40 minutes of running and running games.
Saturday Indoor Long Rides 2---5 pm
Start date: Sat. Oct.17---Dec.19
Pre-registered rate: $200 / $ 20 per ride
Drop-in rate: $22
This class is designed for road riders, Ride to Conquer Cancer participants, athletic cross-training, and people wanting a great weekly challenge. Participants are encouraged to work within their own level of comfort. No previous riding experience needed; all are welcome. We will begin long rides at 2 hours, and after a few weeks add 15 minutes until we reach 3 hours. At that point, rides will remain 3 hours in length until the outdoor season begins.
Please bring liquid that you drink, nutrition and a towel. Room accommodates 18 spin bikes(健身车).
Family Fun Fit Private Coaching
Learn with Christina Kaufmann. Family Fun Fit’s Private Coaching Service begins with a one-hour face-to-face meeting where we map out where you are and where you wish to be. Next, Christina creates a personalized training program and schedule that will systematically train you and encourage you to achieve your desired goal.
Clients(顾客) have the access to the coach via email or phone. Christina’s past clients have successfully achieved their goals.
This service is ongoing(进行中). Cost is $150 per month.
小题1:Halloween Fun Run is held to make kids ______.
A.learn how to competeB.become professional runners
C.have a good self-confidence
小题2:When you attend Saturday Indoor Long Rides, you’re required to _____.
A.begin long rides at three hoursB.have precious riding experience
C.prepare some a road rider
小题3:What do we know about Christina Kaufmann ?
A.Her class is very lively and interesting.
B.She gives her instructions on the phone in most cases.
C.She offers service for free.
D.She helps make training plans.
小题4:What’s the purpose of the text ?
A.To introduce Christina Kaufmann.
B.To help people form good habits.
C.To try to teach people how to keep fit.
D.To encourage people to join the club.



试题分析:这篇文章是广告,是鼓励人们参加Beaches Cross-Training Club,广告中有俱乐部一些有趣的活动项目,和相关的信息。
小题1:细节题:从第一个广告的句子:Focus is on fun and participation.可知Halloween Fun Run 是为了让孩子玩的愉快。选C
小题2:细节题:从第二个广告的句子:Please bring liquid that you drink, nutrition and a towel.可知参加Saturday Indoor Long Rides需要带些饮料。选 C
小题3:细节题:从倒数第三段的句子:Learn with Christina Kaufmann. Christina creates a personalized training program and schedule that will systematically train you and encourage you to achieve your desired goal.
可知Christina 帮助制定训练计划。选D
小题4:主旨题; 从文章的第一句话Beaches Cross-Training Club可知是鼓励人们参加俱乐部。选D
点评:这篇文章是广告,是鼓励人们参加Beaches Cross-Training Club,广告中有俱乐部一些有趣的活动项目,和相关的信息。属于信息筛选类短文,文本所给信息非常丰富,要求考生从中选出适合题目要求的信息。解此类题目时,考生可以先阅读题目和选项,了解具体要求,然后再仔细阅读文章,认真筛选甄别,这样的阅读就有的放矢,可以大大提高阅读的速度和效率。
Summerfest Arts Faire 2010
Summerfest Arts Faire is an arts festival in Logan, Utah, celebrating local, regional and national artists. Visitors can expect to see high quality artworks from nationally recognized artists. Summerfest also features live entertainment and a variety of delicious food.
Place: 50 North Main Street, Logan, UT 84321
Dates: June 17-June 19, 2010
Time: Thursday-Saturday 1:00 pm-10:00 pm
Venture Outdoors Festival
The 5th Annual Venture Outdoors Festival is a celebration of outdoor recreation (娱乐). This unique festival is designed to increase knowledge and understanding of and participation (参与) in the many recreational activities available in Utah. This family-friendly event features live music, guest speakers, giveaways, creative children’s activities, and great food all day long.
Place: 3100 South 2900 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Date: June 19, 2010
Time: Saturday 3:00 pm -10:00 pm
The Days of ‘47 KSL 5 Parade (游行)
The parade is one of the largest and oldest parades in the United States. Colorful floats, bands, horses and clowns thrill tens of thousands of people each year. Many parade-goers camp out on the streets the night before just to make sure of a great position to catch it all.
Place: 900 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Date: July 24, 2010
Time: Saturday 9:00 am
Taylorsville Dayzz 2010
Experience Taylorsville Dayzz 2010, a celebration of the city’s birthday. Enjoy a 5K Family Run, Carnival, Food and Exhibit Booths and Fireworks. Listen to a live concert by Taylorsville Symphony and Utah Symphony, and a live performance of Jayson Hewlett (an American entertainer).
Place: 5100 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84118
Dates: June 25-June 28, 2010
Time: Monday 8:00 pm, Friday 7:00 pm, Saturday 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
小题1:If you have to go to work in the afternoon, you can only take part in        .
A.Summerfest Arts Faire 2010B.Venture Outdoors Festival
C.The Days of ‘47 KSL 5 Parade D.Taylorsville Dayzz 2010
小题2:A person who wants to watch fireworks can go to       .
A.50 North Main Street, Logan, UT 84321
B.3100 South 2900 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84109
C.900 South 700 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84105
D.5100 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84118
小题3:Which of the following time is proper for one to enjoy a live concert?
A.Monday 8:00 am.B.Friday 6:00 pm.C.Saturday 9:00 pm.D.Sunday 10:00 pm.
小题4:We can learn from the text that       .
A.The Days of ‘47 KSL 5 Parade attracts a large crowd
B.Summerfest Arts Faire 2010 is mainly intended for writers
C.people can take part in various matches at Taylorsville Dayzz 2010
D.Venture Outdoors Festival will become more and more popular

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Surviving treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan
3 MARCH — 3 JULY 2013
At the heart of the silk road, Afghanistan linked the great trading routes of ancient Iran, Central Asia, Indian and China, and the more distant cultures of Greece and Rome.
Nearly lost during the years of civil war and later Taliban (塔利班) rule, precious objects that reveal this diverse past were bravely hidden in 1989 by officials from the National Museum of Afghanistan to save them from destruction.
The surviving treasures date from 2000 BC to the 1st century AD and included rich gold ornaments (装饰品) found at a burial site and limestone (石灰石) sculptures of a Greek city.
This is a unique opportunity to discover the story of Afghanistan’s ancient culture, its immense fragility, and the remarkable dedication (奉献) shown to its survival and protection.
The exhibition is open late on Fridays until 20:30.
£10, members free
020 7323 8181
﹡On weekdays, take advantage of a classic afternoon tea package in the Court Restaurant for just £26 (including exhibition ticket).
﹡The exhibition catalogue (£25 paperback) and other related titles are available in the museum shops or online at
﹡The exhibition Multimedia Guide (£1) is available at the exhibition entrance.
﹡If you are visiting with a group, ask for the group ticket price. Details on group lecture packages are available at
Monday 18 March, 17:30.
Nowruz, or New Year, is celebrated in many countries from Afghanistan and Iran to Uzbekistan.
17:30~18:00 Entrance to exhibition.
19:00   Talks and discussion on Nowruz.
£15 (including exhibition entry).
﹡Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.
Tuesday 14 May, 16:30~17:30.
Afghan rubab virtuoso Soudi Homayun Sakhi and tabla player Yusuf Mahmoud give a performance of a full raga and folk pieces.
£5, members £3.
﹡Easter holiday activities
Thursday 18 ~ Monday 22 April,11:00~16:00.
Explore the rich culture of Afghanistan. Listen to stories of Alexander the Great, try making a kite and be inspired by the treasures from the Hill of Gold.
Suitable for all ages.
Free, just drop in.
小题1: If you arrive at the museum on April 20th, what can you enjoy?
A.Near Year celebration.
B.Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.
C.Easter holiday activities.
D.The exhibition without any special events.
小题2:When seeing “The art of the Afgahan rubab”, a tourist can pay less by ________. tickets online
B.attending talks and discussion on Nowruz
C.calling at 020 7323 8181
D.becoming a member of the British Museum
小题3:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Of all the special events Performance costs least.
B.Museum officials saved these objects from destruction.
C.The Multimedia Guide is offered to visitors without any charge.
D.You can learn details about group visit either on website or by phone.
小题4: Where can you most probably find this passage?
A.In a high school text book.B.In a history magazine.
C.In a state-owned newspaper.D.In a traveler’s booklet.

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Suleman Dawood
S c h o o l  o f  B u s i n e s s
“Become a part of the community dedicated to excellence and knowledge creation.”
Lahore University of Management Science is a premier institution known for its academic excellence. It offers a diverse range of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in the areas of management, computer science, computer engineering, economics, law and social science.
Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) of the University is recognized as one of the most prestigious(有声望的)business schools in the region. SDSB offers programs at the graduate (MBA, EMBA) and the undergraduate (BSc Accounting and Finance) levels and also offers executive education. The school is now ready to launch a world-class PhD programme. 
Faculty (全体员工) Positions                Subject Areas

Why Join LUMS

Applicants should forward their letter of interest and detailed curriculum vitae(个人简历) with a passport size photograph to the following address:
Convenor, SDSB Faculty Search Committee
Suleman Dawood School of Business
Lahore University of Management Science, Opposite Sector U, D.H.A. Lahore, Pakistan
小题1:From the text, we can learn that       .
A.SDSB is one of the schools in LUMS
B.SDSB is known for its academic excellence
C.LUMS is one of the most famous business schools in the region
D.SDSB offers a diverse range of programs in the areas of management
小题2: Why does SDSB need faculty members?
A.The school needs state-of-art teaching and research facilities.
B.The faculty is recruited from the finest universities of the world.
C.The school is making an expansion thanks to some major sponsorship.
D.The school needs permanent and visiting faculty positions.
小题3:If you joined LUMS, you would       . supply chain management
B.have high quality teacher intake
C.get a PhD from a well-known university
D.have the opportunity for professional growth and development
小题4:Applicants should provide the information except       .
A.a photographB.a PhD certificate
C.a letter of interestD.detailed curriculum vitae
小题5: What type of article do you think this text is?
A.A novel.B.A poem.C.An advertisement.D.A play.

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If you still need to relax and want to head overseas, don’t miss out some great deals on accommodation or air fares at some of the world’s top off–peak travel hotspots. Whether you want to go to Europe or run away on a tropical escape, stretch that travel budget to take advantage of off-peak rates at some of the world’s most-visited locales. Several destinations host spring festivals and other special events.
Here are four off-peak travel destinations to visit in 2013:
With rich culture and history, Portugal continues to be one of the most affordable European destinations. Head to this beautiful capital city of Lisbon to attend the festivals and fairs, visit some 12th–century buildings, and stay at one of the newer hotels in the main city district. The Hotel Teatro is a four-star restaurant, and average nightly rates are under $150 a night.
Hotel Teatro
Porto, Portugal
+351  220  409  620
Set your sights on Aruba for an unforgettable Caribbean holiday. You can get special offers from one of the larger beach resorts(旅游胜地) here. Some of the chain hotels, including Marriott and Radisson, offer discounts on spa relaxations (矿泉浴场) . The Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino, & Spa is offering a Super Saver Spring Rate at just $309 per night.
Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa
Palm Beach, Aruba
Escape to southern Mexico to explore the historic colonial city and learn about the region’s traditions, culture, and colorful history. Oaxaca holds several cultural festivals and is a great place to relax. You will be receiving a 50% discount with just $170 per night for a deluxe(豪华的) single or double room if you stay in the Camino Real Oaxaca for more than 7 nights (7 included).
Camino Real Oaxaca
Centro, 68000
01 951 501 6100
Another place to have some local culture and participate in some late spring festivals is Istanbul, Turkey. Stay at a destination that will put you within easy reach of famous sites like the Topkapi Palace. The Modern Sultan Hotel is a deluxe hotel located in the heart of the historic district. Average nightly rates for the bed and breakfast package are just under $120 per night.
Modern Sultan Hotel
Istanbul, Turkey
+90 212 520 00 53
小题1:In the passage Portugal is described as a destination ________.
A.for visitors interested in ancient buildings
B.especially appealing to wealthy Europeans
C.owning rich culture but lacking colorful festivals
D.having the Hotel Teatro in the suburbs of Lisbon
小题2:If you want to know more information about spas, you can call ________.
A.800-967-9033B.+351 220 409 620
C.01 951 501 6100 D.+90 212 520 00 53
小题3:According to the passage, nightly rates including breakfast is offered by ________.
A.Hotel Teatro
B.Radisson Aruba Resort, Casino & Spa
C.Camino Real Oaxaca
D.Modern Sultan Hotel
小题4:What is the passage mainly about ?
A.Some off-peak places for relaxation.
B.A way to travel on a budget.
C.The world’s most visited destinations.
D.Comparing the four tourist destinations.

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Charles Blackman: Alice in Wonderland
An Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Australia
10 June—12 August 2013
Venue(地点)   The lan Potter Centre
Admission     Free entry
Charles Blackman is famous for his beautiful painting of dreams. In 1956, he heard for the first time Lewis Carroll’s extraordinary tale of Alice in Wonderland—the story of a Victorian girl who falls down a rabbit hole, meets a lot of funny characters and experience all kinds of things. At that time, Blackman’s wife was suffering from progressive blindness. The story of Alice moving through the strange situations, often disheartened by various events, was similar to his wife’s experiences. It also reflected so much of his own life. All this contributed to the completion of the Alice in Wonderland paintings.
Illustrator Workshop
Go straight to the experts for an introductory course in book illustration(插图). The course includes an introduction to the process of illustration and its techniques, workshop exercises and group projects.
Dates  Sunday 17June & Sunday 5 Aug. 10 am—1 pm
Venue  Gas Works Arts Park
Wonderful World
Celebrate the exhibition and Children’s Book Week with special activities just for the day, including a special visit from Alice and the White Rabbit.
Date   Sunday 24 June, 11 am—4 pm
Venue  Exhibition Space. Level 3
Visit the exhibition or discover wonderful curiosities in artworks in the NGV Collection and make a magic world in a box. Alice and the White Rabbit will be with you. Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland will be screened.
Dates  Sunday 8,15,22,29 July, and Tuesday 24—Friday 27 July, 12 noon—3 pm
Venue  Theatre, NGV Australia
Drawing Workshop
Distortions of Scale(比例失真)can make artworks strange but interesting. Find out how Charles Blackman distorted scale in his paintings to create a curious world, then experiment with scale in your own drawings. More information upon booking.
Date   Friday 27 July, 10:30 am—3 pm
Venue  Foyer, Level 3
小题1:Charles Blackman’s paintings come from      .
A.his admiration for Lewis Carroll
B.his dream of becoming a famous artist
C.his wish to express his own feelings
D.his eagerness to cure his wife’s illness
小题2:Which two activities can you participate in on the same day?
A.Illustrator workshop and Wonderful World.
B.Illustrator workshop and Drawing Workshop.
C.Wonderful World and Topsy-Turvy.
D.Topsy-Turvy and Drawing Workshop.
小题3:To understand the Alice in Wonderland paintings, you should go to       .
A.Exhibition Space. Level 3B.Gas Works Arts Park
C.Theatre, NGV AustraliaD.Foyer, Level 3
小题4:Activities concerning children’s books are to be held       .
A.on June 24B.on July 15C.on July 24D.on August 5

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