Allen : I’ve never been a big fan of the bears , especially the vacation show .

Allen : I’ve never been a big fan of the bears , especially the vacation show .

Allen : I’ve never been a big fan of the bears , especially the vacation show . On my last trip to Disneyland (1999) we passed it by , because we didn’t want to spend the time on something we didn’t really enjoy. If we’d known it would be closed by our next visit , I’m sure we would have watched it one more time . I was just making the point that it wasn’t until Disney announced the closing that this feeling suddenly sprang (弹跳) up for the Country Bear show at Disneyland .
But I think the idea of keeping some attractions (胜迹) open forever regardless of (不顾及) the number of visitors it gets is a mistake . We all have great memories of the Bears , but clearly very few kids today (or I should say families today ) are making those same memories from this show . That may be a sad fact , but it’s a fact . For whatever reason , the show doesn’t pull in the numbers . Isn’t it right to use the Country Bear space to bring in a more popular attraction so that more kids today can make those magic memories of an attraction THEY like ? Otherwise aren’t we just telling kids today that they “have to” make great memories of the Bears , when it’s obvious that the kids themselves are not enjoying the Bears like we did ?
Roger : I am very disappointed that they have decided to retire the Country Bear Playhouse . I remember going to the show as a child , and still enjoyed it as a teenager ,
and now young adult . It is true that there aren’t a lot of shows left at DL and with this one closing even less . Being at DL does require a lot of walking , and it is nice to have a few attractions that are a place to sit and enjoy a good show . I understand that DL has to develop , but there has to be some history to the Disneyland that Walt Disney first designed . There should be some parts of DL that just never go away , and this is one of them . By the time I have children it looks like there won’t be any attractions that I can say I went to as a child at the rate they are going .
Now the Bears are leaving . What I want to say is: stop trying to compete with everyone ! DL is the best , because of attractions like the Country Bears . If DL insists on destroying all of its magic to make way for the latest , well , then it might as well be just another theme (主题) park .
小题1:What news might get people talking about the problem of the Country Bears ?
A.The Country Bear Playhouse will be closed .
B.There will be a new attraction for our guests at Disneyland
C.The number of visitors to the Country Bear Playhouse is falling .
D.The Bears will retire because of old age and can’t give shows any more .
小题2:Allen spoke mainly to get his point across that           .
A.the Bears will be missed
B.we should tell kids today that they “have to” make great memories of the Bears
C.the longtime attraction ought to make way for a future attraction
D.people never care about what they have until all is lost
小题3:Which is the best choice to complete Roger’s idea : “The Country Bears have been a part of Disneyland for nearly 30 years ,         .”
A.and I feel it is time to give our bears a good rest
B.but anyway , the attraction has lost interest
C.but I know that Disneyland will always be changing , and I accept that
D.and I am sad that the Bears will be leaving
小题4:Which of the following is not in the same group as the other three ? attraction B.a theme parkC.the Bears D.the latest magic
小题5:Where can this passage be found ?
A.In a Web discussion zone (区).
B.In a suggestion book .
C.In a report on the popularity of the Country Bears .
D.In high school students’ compositions



Starving polar bears are eating one another in the Arctic. Flowers are blooming too soon and die. The ice caps are melting so fast that rising water levels will threaten coastal towns along Florida within several decades. These are just a few examples of the terrible consequences of climate change supported by a new analysis in Nature.
In the past three decades, average global temperatures have risen about 0. 6°C and are projected to jump by about 1. 7°C by the end of the century, says Cynthia Rosenzweig, who leads the Climate Impacts Group at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University in New York. “We’ve already seen that a relatively low amount of warming,” she says, “can lead to a broad range of changes. ”
The unnatural warming caused by man-made greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide produced by cars and coal-powered plants, brings trouble for entire ecosystems. In North America alone, scientists have identified 89 species of plants, such as the American holly that have flowered earlier in the spring. In Spain, apple trees bloom 35 days ahead of schedule in response to the higher temperatures. Other wildlife, like the insects that use certain plants for food and the birds that feed on the insects, must then move forward their seasonal stirrings(萌动) and mating(交配) patterns to survive.
To try to follow this time shift, some birds such as robins, the classic symbol of winter’s thaw(解冻时期), are returning to Colorado from their migrations some two weeks earlier than in years past. All these changes can throw a food chain in disorder. Some bird species that arrive before the insects reappear may starve to death.
“Around the world, plants and animals are waking up to an earlier alarm clock than they used to,” says Terry Root, a biologist from Stanford University.  
小题1:The underlined word “projected”(in Paragraph 2) probably means “____”.
小题2:According to the third paragraph, as a result of climate change ____ .
A.the warm weather wakes animals up earlier
B.certain trees bloom a season ahead of time
C.the birds need to change patterns of living
D.the American holly will flower in late spring
小题3:What can we know about robins according to the passage?
A.Farmers depend on them to tell the time.
B.They used to come back when spring came.
C.They used to predict the change of weather.
D.They usually migrate when seasons change.
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Man is to blame for global warming
B.Great changes take place on Earth
C.Bird migration and climate change
D.Global warming changing nature’s clock

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The Official Theme for the 2005 World Exposition , Aichi,Japan is “Nature’s Wisdom”.
Name: The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan
Theme: “Nature’s Wisdom”
Site: Steo City, Nagakute Town, Toyata City, in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Period: March 25 to September 25, 2005
Projected number of visitors: 15 million
Nature has provided humanity with a means to develop into complex societies based on this very basic relationship.
A vast network of knowledge and wisdom has evolved from this basic relationship between humans and nature. Nature"s wisdom,her mysteries, inspiring beauty and power,have been unlocked by minds and scientific processes. Humans have become masters of this knowledge and have developed incredible technologies to employ energy and other resources.
In an increasingly overcrowded world, it is sometimes hard to focus beyond everyday life and onto the long term effects of our technological progress. Surely then,we must be reminded of the true wisdom found in a continuous relationship with nature. After all,we are in a world seeing an increasing amount of media coverage of international debates concerned about damage to the environment. It is commonly accepted that as far as the environment is concerned,it is a time to re-think our relationship with nature before it is too late.
Model Community
Continuous development is what the Eco-communities project at Expo 2005 is all about. The Eco-communities project has been expected to reuse energy and to reduce and make use of existing waste. As well, the entire Expo 2005 site--expected to host 25 million people over a six-month period--has been designed with the conservation(保持)of nature and the local environment as the top priority(优先考虑的事).
Finding answers for today" s world must be done in the background of technology. Thus,the idea of eco-communities was developed. Yet, an understanding of the socio-historical background is just as important in today’s richly multi-cultural world of economically various states and unions. And so the "Art of Life" Expo 2005 sub-theme was expected to be a model of human participation on a global scale. Expo 2005 offers to the people of the world an opportunity to come together and discuss many global issues that face humankind. It is a place to bring together the world"s talent to create a model community for the future where humans can live in harmony with nature.
64.What is the period of Expo 2005 Japan?
A.May 1-October 31.            B.March 25-September 25.
C.May 1-October 30.          D.October 9-0ctober 21.
65. Which of the following themes is Expo 2005 Japan"s?
A.Better City,Better Life
B.Interactions between Urban and Rural Areas
C.Nature’s Wisdom
D.Environment, Resource and Technique
66.According to paragraph 3, nature has many features except ______.
A. danger      B. power     C. beauty       D. wisdom
67. We can infer that______according the contents of the passage.
A.the relationship between nature and humans isn’t close is easier for us to find the true wisdom is important and necessary for human to protect environment
and nature
D.harmonious community and Art of life can’t realize
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The unimaginable earthquake in Haiti has shocked the world. Thanks to modern communication technology, the world has seen the scale of destruction by the 7.0- magnitude quake. Images on TV and the Internet show the Haiti capital has been reduced to rubble and helpless survivors waiting for relief.
So far, at least 50,000 people are feared dead, and tens of thousands left injured or homeless in one of the poorest countries in the West. The number of dead is rising with each passing hour for a few days. Considering Haiti’s total population is only about 8.5 million, the extent of damage will reach every field of the country’s social structures.
Rescuers from countries such as China, the United States, France and Dominican Republic have already reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food and medicines, life-detecting devices and other rescue equipment. Politicians,workers and Hollywood actors have opened their wallets and called for donations to help disaster relief. The whole world is ready to help them. The world is a village today where no one can remain indifferent when a neighbor falls in disaster.
The suffering of people anywhere in the world strikes the hearts of Chinese people. The death of eight Chinese peacekeepers in Haiti has little to do with it. Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because just less than 20 months ago they were struggling to rise from the earthquake.
Though Beijing and Port-au-Prince have no diplomatic relations, China was among the first nations to send a rescue team and to announce a donation. In the face of natural disasters, respect for human lives overtakes diplomacy and national boundaries. We share the pain of the Haitian people, and we believe China’s experience in rescue and operations and reconstructions will help reduce that pain.
The most pressing task after a quake is the golden-hour rescue operation. Many Haitians are buried under rubble, and relentless efforts must be made to save as many of them as possible. Yet there remains a question on how effectively the flows of aid from around the world be managed. It is here that the UN can play the leading role, for it should be responsible for common humanitarian efforts from across the globe to reach the benefits to the maximum number of people.
After the 2004 tsunami killed more than 200,000 people in Asia, some experts said the UN needed to build a well-equipped and trained force disaster rescue specialists and keep it on standby to help people after natural disasters such as the Haiti quake. It is time the UN gave the idea a serious thought, for a life-saving force could play as important as its peacekeeping soldiers.
60.According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.The number of Haiti’s total population is about 8.5 billion
B.Rescuers from many countries have reached Haiti, carrying necessary things like food, water and medicines.
C.Chinese people feel a special sympathy for Haitians because we have the same experiences.
D.The flows of aid from the world has been managed well.
61.The word “indifferent” underlined in the third paragraph most probably means ______.
A.cruel         B.friendly        C.cold         D.warm
62. We can infer that people around the world actively help the Haitians because ______.
A.people among countries have close relations
B.earthquake is a natural disaster, people respect human lives, and show common feelings to people in trouble
C.people should be responsible
D.people have ever been rescued by Haitians
63.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.The UN plays an important role
B.We are with you, Haiti
C.People share the pain with the Haitian people
D.Modern communication technology is used widely
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HOUSTON (Reuters) — Houston tops a U.S. magazine’s annual fattest cities list for the fourth time in five years, with four other Texas cities in the top 25.
  Fast food restaurants — Houston has twice the national average number — are partly to blame for the dishonor, Men’s Fitness editor-in-chief Neal Boulton said.
  “Americans work long hours, don’t take vacations, and when they’re faced with the worst food choices, they indulge (沉溺于) in those,” he said.
  High humidity, poor air quality and some of the nation’s longest commute (每天去上班的路程) times also helped Texas’ most populous city unseat Detroit, the 2003 heavy weight champion, the magazine said.
  Houston Mayor Bill White, who has worked with a major food company to develop healthy food products and the city’s public schools to improve lunch menus, called the report “mostly ungrounded and nonsense.”
  “On the other hand, it calls attention to real issues the mayor is trying to deal with,” his spokesman, Frank Michel, said.
  The magazine said it looked at factors such as the number and types of restaurants, park space, air quality, weather and the number of health clubs.
  Philadelphia, Detroit, Memphis, Tennessee, and Chicago followed Houston on the seventh edition of the fat list. Texas cities Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth and El Paso were in the top 14, which Boulton said was no surprise.
  “It’s pure big indulgence, just living big, and that’s part of the culture,” said Boulton.
  Seattle ranked as the fittest city. Austin and Arlington, a Dallas-Fort Worth suburb, were the only Texas cities on the fit list. Austin was 19th and Arlington 22nd out of 25.
小题1:What decides the magazine’s annual fattest list?
A.The size of fat population.B.The number of fast food restaurants.
C.The economic growth rate of the state.D.Things related to unhealthy ways of life.
小题2:Which city topped 2003 fattest cities list?
小题3:By saying “living big” (in Paragraph 9), Boulton means people _________.
A.are growing fatterB.are living wastefully too many fatty foodsD.are spending too much time working
小题4:Which of the following is best supported by the text?
A.Texas has the most fat cities in the U.S.
B.Bill White is happy with the newspaper report.
C.People in Texas are the most hardworking in the U.S.
D.Most school children in Houston have weight problems.

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The Media Village and Media Hotel for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will provide a collection of convenient services to the host broadcasters, rights holding broadcasters, and other media this summer.
Located near the Beiyuanlukou North Station of the Line 5 subway, the Media Village is northeast of the Olympic Green and the Olympic Forest Park in the north of the city -- just five kilometers(km) from the Main Press Center (MBC) and two km from the International Broadcast Center (IBC).
It will take just 15 minutes by car to reach the National Stadium and other core stadiums. In addition, shuttle buses to the different stadiums will run daily. Journalists will be able to pass the security check for their destination stadium when they get on the buses and be able to enter the stadium upon arrival.
The Media Village is being completed in two phases (阶段). Composed of two sections, the 640,000-sqm Media Village will accommodate 7,000 journalists. The project can continue to adopt changes according to the requirements of the Olympics.
Journalists staying at the Media Village will enjoy an attractive selection of services, including completely furnished rooms, a 24-hour media workroom, ADSL, 24-hour dining service, UPS delivery service, banking, Olympic licensed product store, newspaper and magazine booth, dry cleaning, post office, and gym.
In line with the concepts of " Green Olympics," " Hi-tech Olympics," and " People"s Olympics," the Media Village makes use of green construction materials and surpasses the city"s energy-saving standards by 60 percent.
Completed last May, the Media Village is undergoing decoration and outside greening at present. It is scheduled to be open from July 25 to August 29, 2008.
73. The Media Village is _______.
A. in the northeast of the Olympic Forest Park
B. five kilometers from the Main Press Center
C. two kilometers from the International Broadcast Center
D. a-quarter car ride from the National Stadium
74. Journalists staying at the Media Village must receive security check when_______.
A. entering any destination stadiums before their arrival
B. getting on the buses or entering any stadiums
C. getting on the buses to their destination Stadium
D. entering any destination stadiums upon their arrival
75. As for the Media Village, we know from the passage that _______.
A. Journalists at the Media Village will enjoy all kinds of services they need
B. It is designed to provide excellent services and built with higher standards
C. The Media Village reaches 60 percent of the city" s energy-saving standards
D. It will be completed in May, 2008 and will be open in July or August, 2008
76. What does the whole passage tell us about the Media Village?
A. Its convenience, accommodations and decoration.
B. Its function, safety, standards and transportation.
C. Its location, security, services and construction.
D. Its importance, security check and use.
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