A victim of climate change A polar bear"s dead body found on the Arctic island o

A victim of climate change A polar bear"s dead body found on the Arctic island o

A victim of climate change
A polar bear"s dead body found on the Arctic island of Svalbard, the northernmost part of Norway, has shocked experts who say climate change may be to blame for the death. The starved polar bear in Norway was said to be in good bones by the time a group of explorers came across its body in July.
The bear is thought to have been heading north in a desperate search for sea ice that would allow it to hunt for seals."From his lying position in death, the bear appears to simply have starved to health in April when the Norwegian Polar Institute examined and labeled it. However, the animal was reduced to skin and bones and died where he dropped," polar bear expert Dr. Ian Stirling, a professor at the University of Alberta said, "He had external suggestion of any remaining fat, having been reduced to little more than skin and bone."
Stirling believes the bear starved to death as a result of a lack of sea ice which the animals use as a platform for hunting seals. That may also explain why the 16-year-old male bear was found about 155 miles north of where it was seen in April.
Arctic sea ice reached a record low in 2012, according to a report released this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that pointed to continued signs of climate change.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature currently classifies polar bears as vulnerable on its Red List of Threatened Species.
小题1:How did Stirling know the reason for the death of the polar bear?
A.By the food he ate.B.By doing further experiments.
C.By observing other polar bears.D.By his lying position in death.
小题2:The underlined word "vulnerable" probably means _____.
A.easily hurtB.difficult to hunt
小题3:What is the author"s attitude to the incident?
小题4:Where does this text probably come from?
A.A novel.B.A guidebook.
C.A news report.D.An advertisement.



小题1: D细节理解题。.. From his lying position in death, the bear appears to simply have starved to health in April when the Norwegian Polar Institute examined and labeled it。句意为:当挪威极地研究院在检测北极熊时发现,从他死的位置上可以看出,北极熊是在四月份因饥饿而死的。故答案为D。
小题2:A词义理解题。The International Union for Conservation of Nature currently classifies polar bears as vulnerable on its Red List of Threatened Species.国际联盟自然保护机构将北极熊归类到了濒危物种的红色名单上。由此可知北极熊是易受攻击,受伤害的动物。dangerous 危险的,此处并非北极熊是危险的,而是处于危险之中。故答案为A。
小题4:C段落理解题。文章从发现北极熊的尸体开始展开,经过对熊尸体的检测,推测出了是因气候变化而导致死亡的原因,同时指出了气候变暖使北极的冰在连年减少,2012年达到了新的纪录。所以这篇文章应出自于一篇报道。novel 小说,文章并非在讲一个故事;a guidebook 一本指导书,文章并未对事情作出指导;advertisement 广告,没有介绍什么产品,故答案应为C。
Can we give a hand to those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.
1. Protect wildlife habitat.
Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all result in loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together naturally. Parks and reserves are now all too often the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.
2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species.
The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources (资源) and habitat. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.
3. Place decals (贴花纸) on windows.
It is reported that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.
4. Slow down when driving.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障碍) to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant risk to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you’re out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
小题1: What would be the best title for this passage?
A.How animals go to extinction
B.The importance of protecting wildlife
C.What to do to help save wildlife
D.How to protect wildlife habitat
小题2:By writing the underlined sentence, the writer means that _____.
A.more parks and reserves should be built
B.we should have more habitats free of destruction
C.there is a need for improvement in parks and re-serves
D.parks and reserves are good examples of protecting wildlife
小题3:People are advised to put decals on windows to _____.
A.decorate the houses and beautify the environment
B.protect the windows from birds hitting
C.attract more birds to make homes nearby
D.avoid birds hitting the windows by mistake
小题4:The underlined phrase “prey on” in the passage means _____.
A.drive awayB.live withC.kill for foodD.fight with

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“Get your hands off me, I have been stolen,” the laptop, a portable(便携式的)computer, shouted. That is a new solution to laptop computer theft: a program that lets owners give their property a voice when it has been taken.
The program allows users to display alerts(警报)on the missing computer’s screen and even to set a spoken message. Tracking software for stolen laptops has been on the market for some time, but this is thought to be the first that allows owners to give the thief a piece of their mind.
Owners must report their laptop missing by visiting to a website, which sends a message to the model: a red and yellow “lost or stolen” sign appears on its screen when it is started. Under the latest version(版本) of the software, users can also send a spoken message.
The message can be set to reappear every 30 seconds, no matter how many times the thief closes it. “One customer sent a message saying, ‘You are being tracked. I am right at your door’,” said Carrie Hafeman, chief executive (主管) of the company which produces the program, Retriever.
In the latest version, people can add a spoken message. For example, the laptop’s speakers will say: “Help, this laptop is reported lost or stolen. If you are not my owner, please report me now.”
The Retriever software package(软件包), which costs $29.95 (£21) but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs. Owners can remotely switch to an alternative password if they fear that the thief has also got hold of the access details.
If a thief accesses the internet with the stolen laptop, Retriever will collect information on the internet service provider in use, so that the police can be alerted to its location.
Thousands of laptops are stolen every year from homes and offices, but with the use of laptops increasing, the number stolen while their owners are out and about has been rising sharply.
Other security software allows users to erase(删除)data remotely or lock down the computer.
小题1:The expression “to give the thief a piece of their mind” can be understood as “_______”.
A.to give the thief an alert mind
B.to express the owners’ anger to the thief
C.to remind the thief of his conscience
D.to make the thief give up his mind
小题2:Different from other security software, Retriever can ______.
A.record the stealing process
B.help recognize the lost laptop
C.lock down the computer remotely
D.send a spoken message
小题3:One function of the program is that it allows the owner to ______ at a distance.
A.change some access details for switching on the laptop
B.turn on the laptop by using the original password
C.operate the laptop by means of an alternative password
D.erase the information kept in the stolen laptop
小题4:Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
A.With no Retriever, thousands of laptops are stolen every year.
B.A new software provides a means to reduce laptop theft.
C.Retriever has helped to find thieves and lost computers.
D.A new program offers a communication platform with the thief.

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An American educational expert, Frederick M. Hess, says that a long summer vacation doesn’t make sense in today’s world.
This summer, 50 million kids will spend much time talking online, watching TV, playing video games and asking older brothers or sisters to take them to the supermarket. They will also be putting their academic futures at risk.
During much of the 20th century, many Americans worked in factories that did not need a college degree but still offered a high salary. Also, in the 19th century, there was no air condition. And poor hygiene (卫生) meant that crowded schools had health risks.
Things have changed. For today’s students, academic skills are key to future success. Many countries don’t give kids an American-style summer vacation. They offer no more than seven consecutive (连续的) weeks of vacation. Most American school districts offer up to 13 weeks. To compete in global marketplace, Americans must be prepared to go up against international competitors.
Summer vacation also causes challenges for today’s families. In the 1960s, more than 60% of families had a stay-at-home mum. Now, two-thirds of American children live families where every adult works. For these families, summer vacation can be more burden than break. Someone must watch the kids.
But the biggest problem may be how summer vacation hurts academic achievement. Scientist have found that disadvantaged students lose important ground in the summertime.
A school year can allow time-limited teachers to conduct richer and more imaginative lessons. Schools would have more time for sports, languages, music and the arts.
小题1:Before the 20th century, a long summer vacation might ______.
A.reduce income for Americans
B.reduce health risks for students
C.cause career failure for Americans
D.cause loss in global market for America
小题2: How long does an American-style summer vacation last?
A.No more than two months.
B.Less than three months.
C.As long as three months.
D.As long as four months.
小题3:According to the text, who will benefit from a long school year?
A.American students, teachers and parents.
B.American students, parents and shop owners.
C.American students, parents and international competitors.
D.American students, teachers and international competitors.
小题4:How many reasons did the writer give to support his/her opinion?

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To get a chocolate out of a box requires a lot of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of the paper bag in which it arrived, the cellophane (玻璃纸) wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the paper removed, the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. But this overuse of wrapping is not limited to luxuries. It is now becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything that is not done up in beautiful wrapping.
The package itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the refuse put out by the average London house-hold each week. So why is it done? Some of it, like the cellophane on meat, is necessary, but most of the rest is simply competitive selling. This is absurd. Packaging is using up valuable energy and resources and polluting the environment.
Recycling is already happening with milk bottles which are returned to the dairies (牛奶场), washed out, and refilled. But both glass and paper are being threatened by the growing use of plastic. More dairies are experimenting with plastic bottles.
The trouble with plastic is that it does not rot. Some environmentalists argue that the only solution to the problem of ever increasing plastic containers is to throw away plastic altogether in the shops, a suggestion unacceptable to many producers who say there is no alternative (替代品) to their handy plastic packs.
It is evident that more research is needed into the recovery and re-use of various materials and into the cost of collecting and recycling containers rather than producing new ones. Unnecessary packaging, intended to be used just once, and to make things look better so more people will buy them, is clearly becoming increasingly absurd. But it is not so much a question of throwing away packaging as using it wisely. What is needed now is a more advanced approach to using scarce resources for what is, after all, a relatively unimportant function.
小题1:The underlined part “this overuse of wrapping is not limited to luxuries” in Paragraph l means ______.
A.more wrapping is needed for ordinary products
B.the wrapping used for luxury products is unnecessary
C.more wrapping is used for luxuries than for ordinary products
D.too much wrapping is used for both luxury and ordinary products
小题2:Why is packaging important to producers?
A.It is easy to use it again.
B.Packaged things will not go rotten.
C.They want to attract more shoppers.
D.Shoppers are all interested in beautiful packaging.
小题3:According to the passage, dairies are ______.
A.reusing their paper containers
B.giving up the use of glass bottles
C.increasing the use of plastic bottles
D.experimenting with the use of paper bottles
小题4:Some environmentalists think that ______.
A.too much plastic is wasted
B.shops should stop using plastic containers
C.no alternative can be found to plastic packaging
D.plastic packaging should be made more convenient

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Last night’s meteor(流星) shower left many people in the community dissatisfied and demanding answers. According to Gabe Rothsclild, Emerald Valley’s mayor, people gathered in the suburbs of the city, carrying heavy telescopes, expecting to watch the brightly burning meteors passing through the sky. What they found instead was a sky so brightened by the city’s lights that it darkened the light of the meteors passing overhead.
“My family was so frustrated,” admitted town resident Duane Cosby, “We wanted to make this an unforgettable family outing, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment. ”
Astronomers—scientists who study stars and planets—-have been complaining about this problem for decades. They say that light pollution prevents them from seeing objects in the sky that they could see quite easily in the past. They call on people and the government to take measures to fight against it.
There is yet a population besides professional and amateur star observers that suffers even more from light pollution. This population consists of birds, bats frogs, snakes, etc. For example, outdoor lighting severely affects migrating(迁徙的)birds. According to the International Dark-Sky Association. “100 million birds a year throughout North America die in crashes with lighted buildings and towers. ”
Countless more animals casualties(伤亡)result from the use of artificial lighting. Clearly, people enjoy the benefits of lighting their evenings, but some scientists think it can be harmful for humans, too. They worry that exposure to light while sleeping can increase person’s chances of getting cancer.
Emerald Valley is only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of light pollution. For years, Flagstaff,Arizona,has enforced lighting regulations in its city in order to assist astronomers at the Lowell Observatory. Similar efforts have been made worldwide, and a movement is underway to remind us to turn off lights when we are not using them, so that other creatures can share the night.
小题1: What is the author concerned about according to Paragraph 4?
A.Birds may take other migration paths
B.Animals’ living habits may change suddenly
C.Varieties of animals will become sharply reduced
D.Animals’ survival is threatened by outdoor lighting
小题2:Lighting regulations in Flagstaff, Arizona are put into effect to
A.Lessen the chance of getting cancer
B.create an ideal observation condition
C.ensure citizens a good sleep at night
D.enable all creatures to live in harmony
小题3: What message does the author most want to give us?
A.Saving wildlife is saving ourselves
B.Great efforts should be made to save energy
C.Human activities should be environmentally friendly
D.New equipment should be introduced for space study

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