A good teacher is one who remembers what it was like to be young. As he 1  himse

A good teacher is one who remembers what it was like to be young. As he 1  himse


A good teacher is one who remembers what it was like to be young. As he 1  himself in his student’s place, he is able to understand his  2  and they’re able to understand him.  3  ,he remembers that his students have a real   4  for knowledge. He therefore keeps up with 5  developments in his field so that his   6   are lively and up-to-date.
Secondly, he is   7  what it was like to be bored 8  ,so he will make an effort   9   interesting. He neither mumbles(含糊的说话)his material   10 reads it from old notes.
Instead, he 11  his lectures to follow by turns with discussion and make his   12  more active, spirited with examples.
Most important, a good  13  remembers how sensitive his feelings were   14 he was young. He knows how important his   15  can be and is never unkind or   16 critical. He also remembers that he   17  the instructors who asked the most   18 him. So he tries to be, in   19  ,the teacher he dreamed of   20  when he was young.
1.A.lay                         B.placed                       C.put                           D.made
2.A.pupils                    B.classmates                 C.fellows                     D.friends
3.A.The first                 B.One                          C.Above all                  D.First
4.A.thirst                      B.requirement               C.wish                         D.desire
5.A.the later                 B.the latest                   C.later                          D.the lateliest
6.A.materials                B.classes                       C.pupils                       D.teachers
7.A.sure                       B.known                      C.clear                         D.clever
8.A.at school                B.in school                   C.on duty                            D.in class
9.A.to do                      B.to be                         C.to have                      D.to get
10.A.or                        B.no                                   C.not                           D.nor
11.A.should make          B.could have                 C.would cause               D.might let
12.A.lecture notes         B.classes                       C.lessons                      D.words
13.A.teacher                 B.man                          C.student                      D.headmaster
14.A.so                        B.how                          C.and                           D.when
15.A.friendship             B.kindness                    C.subjects                     D.activities
16.A.necessarily            B.very                          C.unnecessarily             D.greatly
17.A.hoped                   B.respected                   C.longed                      D.wished
18.A.about                  B.to                             C.at                             D.of
19.A.words                   B.short                         C.word                         D.sentence
20.A.taking                  B.doing                        C.having                      D.being

1--20   CADAB    BCDBD    CBADA   CBDBD  

1.“put oneself in sb.’s place”将某人自己放在别人的位置。
3.由第二自然段开头一句可推断:第一点是教师要铭记学生对知识的渴求。above all表示“尤其,最重要的是”,通常放在段落结尾处,表总结。
4.have a real thirst for…为固定短语,“对……的渴求”的意思。
5. 由句意及语法断定,the latest表示“最新的”。
8.“in class”固定搭配“在课堂上”。
9.由句型“make an effort to do sth.”及单词interesting作系动词be的表语断定选B。
11.由句意及动词句型“cause sb.to do sth.”断定。
18.“问某人问题”ask sth.of sb.
19.“in short”习惯搭配“简而言之”。

You"ve just finished you’re a-levels and you"ve got a place at university, but you"d really like a break from the academic world. Why not think about taking a year out? While most students go__61from school to university, more and more young people today are choosing to spend a year at“the university of life” __62 . There are lots of things to choose from. You could work in a bank or do community work. You might even do something challenging ,such as__63 an expedition(探险) to the Amazon rainforest. The experience will__64  your horizons and teach you new skills. It may also give you the chance to earn some money ,which will be very helpful when you__65 start your studies. If you"re interested in taking a year out, you must make sure that the university will__66 your place for you till next year. Most are quite happy to do this,__67they find that yearout students are__68 experienced, confident and independent. But don"t forget: it"s a year out not a year__69 . Your university will want to know what you"re going to do. They won"t be very pleased if you just
want to do__70 for a year. So what would you do with a year out?
61.  A. easily          B. simply        C. fast        D. straight 
62.  A. last            B. first         C. at last     D. at first
63.  A. participating     B. joining       C. attending   D. expecting
64.  A. broaden         B. spread        C. improve     D. raise 
65.  A. hopefully      B. willingly     C. eventually  D. happily 
66.  A. hold            B. leave         C. occupy      D. remain 
67.  A. however         B. though        C. as          D. when 
68.  A. less            B. much         C. even        D. more 
69.  A. in              B. off           C. away        D. through
70.  A. nothing         B. something     C. anything         D. everything 
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The 28-year-old had spent six years working nights while she gained her univ
ersity degree during the day. When she finally graduated she had her eye on a teaching__51 at a nearby primary school. With the help of her friends, she had an interview with the Head.
“I noticed a tiny hole in one of my stockings earlier,” she __52 . “I thought about changing them, but I knew I’d be late if I did. And by the time I got to the interview, __53 enormous. I walked in apologizing for not__54  .”The would-be teacher didn’t get the job. In fact one of her friends told her that the __55 only comment was:“If someone doesn"t take the time to present her best __56at an interview,what kind of __57  is she going to be?”
First impressions are __58 ones. In other words, if you"re viewed positively within the critical(关键的)first four minutes, the person you"ve met will __59  assume everything you do is positive. Leave the interviewer a bad impression, and often he will assume you have a lot of other unsatisfactory characters. Worse, he or she may not take the time to give you a second __60 . Most employers believe that those who look as if they care about themselves will care more about their jobs.
51.A. profession      B. position         C. career         D. occupation
52.A. repeats         B. reminds          C. recalls        D. responds
53.A. I was           B. he was           C. it was         D. they were
54.A. looking at all    B. looking at him   C. looking round  D. looking my best
55.A. Head"s          B. student"s        C. friend"s       D. would be teacher"s
56.A. figure          B. image            C. aspect        D. shape
57.A. person          B. worker           C. graduate      D. teacher
58. A. lasting         B. remaining        C. continuing    D. persisting
59.A. rarely          B. occasionally     C. probably      D. certainly
60.A. job             B. thought          C. chance        D. question
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Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, “Look! That"s a spaceship up there and it"s going to land here.”
Frightened by the strange spaceship, _ 61  of the young people got into their cars and drove away as quickly as possible. Peter loved Mary and always stayed close to her. They, more __62 than frightened, watched the spaceship land and saw a door open. When nobody came out, they went to look __63 it. In the center of the floor, there was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not __64  the door close behind him. The temperature fell rapidly and two young people lost their __65 .
When they came to, they were __66 to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship had gone. __67 car was nearby.
“What happened?” asked Mary.
Peter scratched his head, saying slowly, “Don"t ask me. Perhaps we had a __68 . Come on.It"s time to go home.”
After driving about fifty meters, they found their way blocked by a thick wall made of something like __69 . On the other side of the wall, a few strange beings stopped to look through it and read a notice which, translated into English, said: “New arrivals at the zoo: a pair of __70  inhabitants in their natural surroundings with their house on wheels.”
61. A. both         B. all         C. several       D. most
62. A. tired        B. curious     C. confused      D. astonished
63. A. at           B. for         C. into          D. around
64. A. hear         B. watch       C. let           D. make
65. A. way          B. weight      C. speech        D. consciousness
66. A. pleased      B. disturbed   C. surprised     D. disappointed
67. A. A            B. Another     C. Their         D. No
68. A. game         B. dream       C. mistake       D. problem
69. A. glass        B. stone       C. wood          D. steel
70. A. city         B. space       C. land          D. Earth
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Bedtime stories are one of the delights of early childhood. But according to
Dr Julie Spreadbury from Queensland University, parents should not __61  up reading to their children __62 they enter primary school. She says listening to, reading and discussing the stories help children"s __63 .
“My __64 indicates that once children can read themselves, most parents stop reading__65 them,”Dr Spreadbury says.
“__66 may be at the end of Year 1, which is far too__67 .”
Dr Spreadbury says __68 reading not only gives children a good start at school, but brings parents and their children closer.
“This makes it __69 for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them, or things they are __70 in their everyday life.”
61. A. speed         B. keep           C. give         D. hold
62. A. after         B. until           C. if           D. unless
63. A. thinking      B. comprehension   C. relaxation    D. development
64. A. theory        B. research        C. story        D. decision
65. A. about         B. from          C. to           D. through
66. A. Some          B. Most          C. They         D. That
67. A. difficult       B. early          C. much         D. informal
68. A. daily         B. healthy         C. fast         D. bedtime
69. A. easier         B. funnier         C. rarer        D. clearer
70. A. reading       B. promising       C. celebrating   D. Receiving
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My Experience in a Free School
At first I couldn"t believe it! There were no __26  in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to __27  . Although we all lived “in”, __28  made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out”.
The __29 thing was that practically all the students went to class, __30  very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or _31 class. The new ones always went wild __32, but this never lasted long. The __33 took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like_34; never did we have to __35 “stand up”,“sit down”,“speak out”. I don"t __36 one student who didn"t try his best.
The subjects were the same as those in __37school, but what a difference in the approach(方式)! For example, in botany(植物学) we had __38  classes in the spring or fall, but instead we __39 [ZZ(Z)39two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. __40 in winter we each studied a few __41  things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different kinds of storerooms small ones __42 ,but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a __43 time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, __44  the angles(角度) and so on. I didn"t take __45 .I can"t stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. That"s __46!
__47 I think I am a __48  person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think  better. That"s probably a real big __49   between the free school and regular school—the amount of __50.
26.A. desks          B. lights        C. students         D. buildings
27.A. home           B. bed           C. class            D. work 
28.A. anybody        B. nobody        C. teachers         D. parents
29.A. sad            B. last          C. good             D. strange 
30.A. and            B. but           C. so               D. yet 
31.A. attended       B. took          C. missed           D. studied 
32.A. from then on   B. at first      C. once more        D. just then 
33.A. freedom        B. habit         C. time             D. people 
34.A. workers       B. pupils         C. gardeners        D. grownups 
35.A. understand    B. study          C. play            D. say 
36.A. hear from     B. feel like      C. think about      D. know of 
37.A. night         B. regular        C. small            D. real 
38.A. all           B. short          C. no               D. indoor 
39.A. planted       B. studied        C. drew             D. toured 
40.A. Still         B. Then           C. Yet              D. Next 
41.A. wild          B. successful     C. usual            D. particular
42.A. as well       B. after a while  C. of course        D. as a result 
43.A. funny         B. great          C. convenient       D. thoughtful
44.A. looking out   B. taking out     C. finding out      D. figuring out 
45.A. math          B. care           C. botany           D. notice 
46.A. dull          B. interesting    C. enough           D. dangerous
47.A. On the whole  B. Once again     C. Sooner or later  D. After a while 
48.A. careful       B. better         C. busier           D. lovely 
49.A. problem       B. chance         C. difference       D. change
50.A. reading       B. gardening      C. teaching         D. thinking
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