A high school in Hiroshima City has been the first to do something with DNA in t

A high school in Hiroshima City has been the first to do something with DNA in t

A high school in Hiroshima City has been the first to do something with DNA in the world. Its students have won praise not only for doing this research but also for presenting their findings to groups of expert scientists. The school is one of the Super Science High Schools allowed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, where students are given an opportunity to study science at an advanced level. Here, students use the same type of hitech experimental laboratories as those found at universities. In these labs, they conduct experiments and research in new fields of study not found in textbooks. As part of this science course, the students, with the help of Hiroshima University, used a machine called sequencer (音序器), and over the course of a year and a half they succeeded in decoding (解译) the DNA. They then presented their results to academic groups. Achieving a world first might sound very wonderful, but the process of decoding the DNA involved very hard work. The students were also responsible for maintaining the equipment, and they had to read difficult research papers and put in extra study beyond their regular schoolwork.
"Researchers need to work hard. The work was tiring, but the students worked toward their ambitious goal of achieving a world first. They have a great sense of achievement, and the number of students who hope to become biologists has increased," said Taruma Akinori, who is in charge of the science course.
In addition to the results being added to the scientific community, the students’ research paper will be translated into English and made available overseas. Moreover, the students have decided to take on a new challenge in DNA decoding.
小题1:Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Decoding the blueprint of life
B.Super Science High School
C.More students hoping to become biologists
D.Hi-tech experimental laboratory
小题2:Up to a point, their success is due to ______.
A.hi-tech experimental facilities
B.the great pressure their school put on them
C.the increasing number of biologists
D.little interest in their regular school work
小题3: The research paper will be put into English in order to ______.
A.become an English textbook
B.help the students make English friends
C.make the results known by the whole world
D.challenge foreign scientists
小题4:The author’s attitude towards those students who have accomplished a world first in DNA decoding is ______.



小题3:根据最后一段the students’ research paper will be translated into English and made available overseas可知C正确。
Foulsham House is a fine,stone house of the 1790s.It stands by the River Byre,in twenty-five hectares(公顷)of the best farmland in the southwest.
Smithson built the house,and the story goes back to George,the young Prince of Wales,who fell in love with the beautiful lady Kitty Wake,at one of the first Lord Foulsham’s wild woods parties.In the past many great men rode on the hills about Foulsham House,and many fine ladies took tea in the Green Room.
The house has eight bedrooms,three bathrooms,two living-rooms and a dining room with a real Adam fire-place(壁炉).The gentleman’s library has a view over the park and the river.All rooms are light and airy(空气通畅的),with wood,high windows,and wood floors.
At the back of the house,where the third Lord Foulsham kept the horses,there is garage-space(停车的地方)for four cars.In many other ways,this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the 2000s.
  If you wish to know more about Foulsham House,write to:
Harvey,Platt,Longford & Sons,
6,Castle Green,Gilham,Byreside.
小题1:The writer writes this passage to ________.
A.persuade people to buy it
B.give some information about Foulsham House
C.tell a love story
D.describe the beauty of a best farmland
小题2:People say that ________.
A.Smithson built the house for Lord Foulsham’s wild parties
B.Prince George fell in love with Kitty Wake at Foulsham House
C.Prince George and Kitty Wake fell in love with the Green Room
D.Lord Foulsham fell in love with a lady in Wales
小题3:The library ________.
A.has a fine view of the park and the river
B.is where great men and fine ladies took tea
C.has an Adam fire-place,and a real wood floor
D.has eight bedrooms,three bathrooms and two living-rooms

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The South Pole is a particular place on the earth.When people stand at the top of it looking around,they will find all directions face to north.No matter how they make their first step in which direction,they will always walk towards the north.That’s to say,only north and south exist there,neither east nor west exists.
At the top of the South Pole,any clock or watch keeps good time because all meridians(子午线) join there.All kinds of local time are completely suitable there.It is even difficult to distinguish(区别) New Year’s Eve from New Year’s Day.
The explorers and scientists from different countries always fix the time according to their own.Therefore the time by their watches was different when the people with different nationality gathered there.
The Winter Solstice(冬至日) is an important festival at the South Pole.It is always on June 21 or 22.This day is called Midwinter Festival,on which the daytime is the shortest in a year and the night the longest.All people at the South Pole extend greetings to each other and present gifts to each other.They usually give all kinds of celebrations.From that day on,the daytime will get longer day by day.
小题1:At the top of the South Pole,your watch will ________.
A.keep good timeB.be five minutes fast
C.stopD.be ten minutes slow
小题2:The Winter Solstice is an important festival ________.
A.in the worldB.at the South PoleC.at the North PoleD.in China
小题3:On the Winter Solstice,________ is the shortest in a year.
A.the nightB.the noonC.the morningD.the daytime

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Geologists have been studying volcanoes for a long time.Though they have learned a great deal,they still have not discovered the cause of volcanic action.They know that the inside of the earth is very hot,but they are not sure exactly what causes the great heat.Some geologists have thought that the heat is caused by the great pressure of the earth’s outer layers.Or the heat may be left from the time when the earth was formed.During the last sixty years scientists have learned about radium,uranium,thorium,and other radioactive elements.Many scientists now believe that much of the heat inside the earth is produced by radioactive elements.
Whatever the cause of the heat may be,we do know that the earth gets hotter the farther down we dig.In deep mines and oil wells the temperatures rise about 1°F for every 50 feet.At this rate of the temperature 40 miles below the earth’s surface should be over 4 000°.This is much hotter than necessary to melt rock.However,the pressure of the rock above keeps most materials from melting at their usual melting points.Geologists believe that the rock deep in the earth may be plastic,or puttylike(油灰状的).In other words,the rock yields slowly to pressure but is not liquid.But if some change in the earth’s crust releases the pressure,the rock melts.Then the hot,liquid rock can move up toward the surface.
小题1:The cause for the great heat inside of the earth is______.
A.great pressure of the earth’s outer layers
B.the heat left from the time when the earth was formed
C.radioactive elements giving out heat
D.not sure
小题2:According to the passage,______ prevents most rock from melting at its usual melting points.
A.the pressure of the rock itself
B.the pressure of the rock above
C.the pressure of the earth’s outer layers
D.the heat given out by some radioactive elements
小题3:According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?
A.The farther down,the hotter the earth gets.
B.The rock deep in the earth is liquid.
C.When the pressure releases from the earth’s crust,the rock melts.
D.Rock would be melted at 4 000°.

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In a natural disaster—a hurricane,flood,tornado,volcanic eruption,or other calamity—minutes and even seconds of warning can be the difference between life and death.Because of this,scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances to predict when and where disasters will happen.They are also studying how best to analyze and communicate this information once it is obtained.The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power with devastating results.
On September 29,1998,Hurricane Georges made landfall in Biloxi,Mississippi,after devastating Haiti,the Dominican Republic,Puerto Rico,and several islands of the Caribbean with torrential rains and winds up to 160 km/h (100 mph).Few people lost their lives along the Gulf Coast of the United States,although hundreds died in the Caribbean.
This was a very different outcome from 1900,when a powerful Gulf Coast hurricane made an unexpected direct hit on Galveston,Texas,killing at least 6 000 people.Vastly improved hurricane warnings explain the different circumstances at either end of the 20th century—residents of Galveston had no advance warning that a storm was approaching,while residents of Biloxi had been warned days in advance of Georges’s approach,allowing for extensive safety precautions.
At the same time that people in Biloxi were thankful for the advance warning,some residents of New Orleans,Louisiana,120 km to the west,were less satisfied.A day before Georges made landfall,forecasters were predicting that the hurricane had a good chance of striking New Orleans.Because much of New Orleans lies below sea level,the city is at risk for flooding.In addition,because New Orleans has a large population in vulnerable locations,emergency management officials must begin evacuations well before a storm strikes.But evacuation costs money:Businesses close,tourists leave,and citizens take precautionary measures.The mayor of New Orleans estimated that his city’s preparations for Georges cost more than 50 million.After the full fury of Georges missed New Orleans,some residents questioned the value of the hurricane forecasts in the face of such high costs.
The differing views on the early warnings for Hurricane Georges illustrate some of the complexities involved in predicting disasters.Disaster prediction is more than just forecasting the future with advanced technology—it is also a process of providing scientific information to the government officials and other decision makers who must respond to those predictions.
In general,the process has three phases.First,there is the challenge of forecasting the event itself.In the case of Georges,scientists worked to predict the future direction and strength of the hurricane days in advance.
A second important challenge is communicating the forecast to decision-makers.Because forecasts are always uncertain,a central factor in disaster predictions is communicating this uncertainty.Uncertainty is usually described in terms of odds or probabilities,much like daily weather forecasts.The media plays an important role in communicating predictions and their uncertainty to the public.
The third part of the process is the use of predictive information by decision makers.Even the most accurate information is of little value if the decision maker does not use it appropriately,for example in deciding whether to order an evacuation.If there is a breakdown in any of these three phases of prediction,the result is increased danger and a higher risk of loss of life.
小题1:The underlined word“calamity”refers to ______.
小题2:According the passage,the purpose of disaster prediction is to______.
A.demonstrate the power of advanced technology
B.bring out the truth between life and death
C.prevent such natural disasters from happening
D.reduce human casualties and loss of property
小题3:Which of the following areas suffered the most severe damage?
A.Biloxi,Mississippi.B.Gulf Coast of U. S.
C.Galveston,Texas.D.New Orleans.

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No one can believe that the over 6 300-kilometer long Great Wall might disappear some day.Believe it or not,the Great Wall is being destroyed by people.Less than 20 percent of the Great Wall built in the Ming Dynasty is still perfect,but about 80 percent is in danger.The Great Wall can be called “great” mostly because of its amazing length.But we should realize that the length was made up of one brick at a time.If we do nothing to save the Great Wall,it will become a series of separate wasteland rather than a historic site.
The Great Wall is actually a series of walls built and rebuilt by different dynasties over the past 2 000 years.It began in the rule of China’s first emperor,Qin Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221 BC~206 BC),and lasted into the Ming Dynasty.The parts built before the Ming Dynasty have nearly disappeared.People are familiar with sections such as Badaling in Beijing and Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu because they have been open to tourists for many years.But those sections far away from the public eyes have been almost forgotten.
Few local people knew the 3-meter-high walls made of earth and stones beside them are part of the Great Wall.The lack of knowledge is considered as one of the main reasons behind human.
The bricks on the Great Wall are carried off by countryside people to build their houses,sheep corral(畜栏) and pigsties(猪圈).Some were taken away to build roads.Bricks carved with people’s names are put away as remembrance.Rubbish is spread over the battlements(城垛).The bricks can be sold for 15 yuan per tractor load.Those who destroyed and are destroying the Great Wall know its name,but are not clear about its cultural meaning.It will take a long time to let them know this.The local farmers not only carried off the body of the Wall but dug out the entire base.
It is necessary to protect the Great Wall.First of all,the officials should be aware of theimportance of the Great Wall.Young Chinese should know more about the nation’s great civilization (文明)and learn to love it.
小题1:The main reason for which the Great Wall can be called“great”is__________.
A.it was made by brickB.it was very wide
C.it was very longD.it had a long history
小题2:Why does the author say the Great Wall might disappear?
A.It is useless from now on.B.It will be replaced by a new one.
C.Some parts of it are being destroyed.D.It’s too old to be used again.
小题3:The underlined part “those sections far away from the public eyes” refers to the parts of the Great Wall__________.
A.that are too difficult to understandB.nobody can watch
C.that are too far to been seenD.that are not well known to the public
小题4:What’s the main reason of the Great Wall’s being destroyed?
A.The local people are short of culture knowledge.
B.The local people need bricks and stones to build houses.
C.The local people think that the Great Wall is not important.
D.The local people are against the government.

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