阅读理解。     How can you help kids cope with (应对) stress? Proper rest and good nutr

阅读理解。     How can you help kids cope with (应对) stress? Proper rest and good nutr

阅读理解。     How can you help kids cope with (应对) stress? Proper rest and good nutrition can improve coping
skills, so can good parenting. Make time for your kids each day. Whether they need to talk or just be in
the same room with you, make yourself available.
     Even as kids get older, quality time is important. It"s really hard for some people to come home after
work, get down on the floor, and play with their kids or just talk to them about their day-especially if
they"ve had a stressful day themselves. But expressing interest in your kids shows that they"re important
to you.
     Help your child cope with stress by talking about what may be causing it. Together, you can come up
with a few solutions. For example, he should cut back on after-school activities, spending more time
talking with parents or teachers, developing an exercise plan or keeping a journal.
     You can also help by predicting potentially stressful situations and preparing kids for them. For
example, let a child know ahead of time(but not too far ahead of time) that a doctor"s appointment is
coming up and talk about what will happen there. Keep in mind, though, that younger kids probably
won"t need too much advance preparation. Too much information can cause more stress.
     Remember that some level of stress is normal; let kids know that it"s OK to feel angry, scared, lonely,
or anxious and that other people share those feelings.
     When kids can"t or won"t discuss these issues, try talking about your own concerns. This shows that
you"re willing to handle tough topics and are available to talk with when they"re ready. If a child shows
symptoms (症状) that concern you and is unwilling to talk, consult a counselor or other mental health
     Most parents have the skills to deal with their children"s stress. The time to seek professional attention
is when any change in behavior continues to exist, when stress is causing serious anxiety, or when the
behavior is causing significant problems in functioning at school or at home.1. What is the purpose of the text?A. To share the author"s ideas on proper parenting.
B. To persuade parents to spend more time with kids.
C. To advise parents how to help kids deal with stress.
D. To seek different ways to help solve kids" problems.2.What makes it difficult for parents to spare quality time for kids?A. Kids growing so fast.            
B. Parents being tired out.
C. Kids losing interest in parents.      
D. There being too much homework.3. You are advised not to talk too much about a stressful situation in advance because        . A. it does no good to your kids
B. it doesn"t work in practice
C. your kids may lose interest
D. your kids don"t want to listen4. What can we learn from Paragraph 5?A. Normal people share the same feelings.
B. It is normal for kids to have some stress.
C. Kids should get rid of the negative feelings.
D. Everybody feels angry, scared, lonely or anxious.
1-4: CBAB
阅读理解。     People in Mutsuhito, Japan, lived through one hundreds, and sometimes thousands, a day. But they
couldn"t get used to it.
     What was it? It was a string of earthquakes that made the small town shake all the time.This went on
for more than a year. Sometimes the quakes were very small. Only certain instruments could pick them
up.At other times, the quakes damaged houses and land. The people were always afraid. They wished
they knew how to stop the ground from shaking.
     People all over the world would like to know when an earthquake is coming. But an earthquake is
almost always a surprise. Under the surface of the Earth, huge blocks of rock drift apart or slide against
each other.The ground above splits apart or rumbles and shakes.
     Some scientists hope to predict quakes by keeping a close watch on animals. It seems that some
animals can sense an earthquake coming. In 1969, animals in a Chinese zoo began to act funny one day.
Swans flew out of their pond. A panda sat down, covered its eyes with its paws, and groaned. The
animals seemed to know that something was about to happen. And it did. An earthquake struck. What
was it that the animals sensed? Scientists are trying to find out.
     Keeping close track of the Earth"s magnetic force in earthquake areas may also help. A few years ago,
in Hollister, CA, scientists kept a record of the area"s magnetic pull. For one week, the force grew
stronger. Then it weakened suddenly. A day later, an earthquake struck.
     It may become possible to know when and where an earthquake will happen. But it will be much
harder to stop one from happening.
     Many scientists think that the Earth"s covering is not smooth. They say the earth"s "skin" is made up of
huge puzzle pieces called plates. Land and ocean floors make up these huge plates. Under the Earth"s
crust (外壳), or plates, is hot rock. The plates float on top of this rock. Sometimes the rock forces its
way through the crust. What happens then? A volcano is born! More often, the rock moves and forces
the plates to pull away from each other, causing earthquakes to happen.(Volcanoes and earthquakes
often go together.)
     Sometimes, the plates end up on top of each other. When this happens, the land above may look
strange. Seen from the air, there seems to be a long scar in the Earth. This is called a fault (断层).The
areas along faults have more earthquakes than other parts of the Earth.
     For now, we"ll just have to shake along with the Earth. It goes through millions of small earthquakes every year. With luck, you won"t feel a thing!1. In order to predict earthquakes, scientists can ______.Which is wrong according to this passage?A. keep a close watch on animals
B. keep close track of the Earth"s magnetic force in earthquake areas
C. keep inventing instruments to pick up every earthquake
D. keep a record of earthquake area"s magnetic pull of force2. When the rock forces its way through the Earth"s crust, ______.A. a volcano is born
B. an earthquake happens
C. a fault forms
D. the Earth"s covering becomes smooth3. How does a fault form?A. When California rests on two separate plates.
B. When the plates end up on top of each other.
C. Before an earthquake happens.
D. After volcano comes.
题型:甘肃省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Twenty courses provided by 18 top Chinese universities went online on Wednesday, China"s latest
attempt to spread teaching resources within the nation and promote (提升) Chinese culture globally.
     These courses cover 20 subjects or lectures given by speakers and professors from several universities, including Zhejiang University, Nankai University and Wuhan University. Most of the courses will focus on
traditional Chinese culture, according to the Ministry of Education. They are available through the
websites of NetEase and China Network Television, as well as icourse.edu.cn, for free.
     Some of the courses will be translated into English and promoted across the rest of the world,
according to NetEase Company, an international body promoting open content among the world"s
     The company has set up a translation team and "will kick off the translation work when we finish the
negotiation (谈判) on intellectual rights with universities", said Zhu Xirui, a senior manager for NetEase
     "We want to promote Chinese culture to overseas netizens through the program," he said.
     Ding Xiuhong, another manager of NetEase Company, said they had invested (投资) more than 15
million yuan ($2.37 million) in the program.
     "Although we haven"t made a profit from "the program, it will at least help increase our website"s page
views," Ding said.
     "I"d like to watch the Chinese elite (精英) classes, such as Chinese literature and poetry, as well as
economy," said Jeremy Scaramuzzi, a teacher at Tsinghua International School.
      He said he was also interested in Chinese classes on political science since that is the subject he
majored in in the United States.1. Which of the following statements is true?A. The courses mainly focus on university education.
B. Viewers will have to pay for watching the courses.
C. The program is intended to promote Chinese culture.
D. The program is of little value to Chinese students.2.  According to the passage, people can get access to the courses from ____ websites.A. 2.        
B. 3.          
C. 4.          
D. 5.3. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. the investors are making some profits    
B. the courses are given in Chinese at present
C. the program has gained great popularity  
D. the translation work is being carried out4. The passage is most probably a(n) ______.A. advertisement
B. lecture    
C. news report  
D. course introduction
题型:甘肃省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     We all know that teenagers like to sleep late. But more and more research is showing that this is not
just a preference - or even the result of late-night studying or instant messaging - but is rooted in their
biological rhythms (节律). All of this would be little more than an interesting observation except that most
high schools start so early, and so many teenagers are having a hard time staying awake.
     A recent article in The Times cited a National Sleep Foundation survey in which more than a quarter
of the students reported that they fell asleep in class at least once a week. Researchers say this is true
because youngsters - beginning around age 12 until they reach their mid-20s-only start producing
melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone (荷尔蒙), around 11:00 pm and that production lasts until about 7:00 am. In adults, melatonin lasts to around 4:00 am. Trying to wake up a teenager before 7:00 am is
like trying to awake an adult before 4:00 am.
     The obvious remedy (补救) would be for high schools to start later-well, after 8:00 am. A handful of
schools that have switched have reported beneficial results. School officials in Minneapolis say that
attendance improved and students" grades rose slightly after they changed to start at 8:40 am several
years ago. In Wilton, Conn., where the high school start time was pushed back to 8:20 am from 7:35 am,
teachers and parents reported better student behavior and greater alertness (活泼). Surveys of students
in both districts indicated that they did not use the later starts as an excuse to go to bed later.
     Numerous districts have considered the idea of later high school hours, only to drop it because of
fierce adult opposition. Coaches complain that the later classroom hours in the afternoon would take time
from their training programs and teams" success. School bus companies would be forced to change their
schedules. And many parents complained that they would have to adjust their own schedules.
     Many schools officials say more research is needed. We"re all for that and for remembering that the
goal is to educate youngsters-and for that they need to be awake.1. According to the new research, teenagers like to sleep late because _________ .A. their biological systems make them do so
B. they waste too much rest time sending instant messages
C. they prefer to stay in bed rather than get up early  
D. they have to study till late at night2. We can learn from the second paragraph that melatonin makes ________ .A. youngsters awake after 7:00 am
B. youngsters sleepy before 7:00 am
C. adults sleepy after 4:00 am        
D. adults awake after 4:00 am3. The third paragraph is written to show that _________ .A. many high schools start after 8:00 am
B. later high school start time made students go to bed late
C. students don"t go to bed late even though they have later high school hours
D. later high school start time is a very effective measure4. According to the passage, who are fiercely against later high school hours?
① School team coaches.  
② Many parents.  
③ School teachers.
④ School bus companies.A. ①②③    
B. ①②④    
C. ①③④  
D. ②③④5. We can infer from the passage that the author"s attitude towards later high school hours is ______ . A. unclear  
B. negative      
C. uninterested    
D. positive  
题型:甘肃省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The great Snipe is a little shore bird-not one that would be considered a great athlete. However, a
recent study has shown that these slightly fat birds not only fly nonstop for long periods of time during
their annual migration, but do so at record speeds.
     The brown migratory birds (候鸟) that are about the size of a pigeon (鸽子) spend their summers in
Eastern Europe and winters in Central Africa, a distance of about 2,800 to 4,000 miles. In May 2009, a
team of researchers led by Dr. Raymond Klaasen from Sweden"s Lund University fitted ten Great Snipes with tiny geo-locating devices (装置) that allow scientists to figure out when and where the birds travel,
and let them loose. The following year they found three of the birds and took back the devices. What
they discovered was quite stunning.
     All three birds had flown nonstop to Central Africa in August of 2009-one had flown 4,225 miles in
just 3.5 days. The second one had covered a distance of 3,833 miles in three days, while the third had
managed to fly 2,870 miles in a mere 48 hours or two days. Even more surprising was that these birds
had traveled at speeds that averaged about 50 miles per hour-making it the fastest known migration ever.
     While many birds migrate longer distances, they do so over a period of a few months, resting and
feeding in between. However, despite the fact the Great Snipe has plenty of opportunities, it does not
stop. And they do the entire flight with their own power, with no assistance from the wind. The tiny bird
is able to make this unbelievable direct flight because of all the fat it gradually gathers in its body, which it
then uses as fuel.
     Native no North Eastern Europe, Great Snipes live in marshlands and wet meadows (沼泽地和湿草地). But they are also on the list of endangered animals because of loss of habitat.1.What is the text mainly about?A. A new device used to follow birds
B. A recent research on endangered birds
C. A unique migration route of birds
D. An unusual species of migratory bird2. The underlined word"stunning"in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by "______".A. amazing
B. worrying
C. disappointing
D. fascinating 3. What do we know about the three birds scientists found?A. The second spent the least time flying
B. They could fly about 1,200 miles a day
C. The third flew the slowest among the three.
D. They started their journey from Central Africa4. During their migration, Great Snipes _____.A. frequently pause to feed
B. fly with the help of the wind
C. use the fat in their body as fuel
D. sometimes take the opportunity to rest 5. This text can be classified as _____.A. humorous
B. explanatory
C. novelistic
D. poetic
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文并回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求).    Let children judge their own work. A child learning to talk
does not learn by being corrected all the time:if corrected too
much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand time a day the
difference between the language he uses and the language those
around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to
make his language like other people"s. In the same way,children
learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being
taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle, compare(比
较) their own performances with those of more skilled people,and
slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a
child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for
himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would
never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him,or corrcet
it unless he was made to. Let him work out,with the help of other
children if he wants it,what this word says,what the answer is to
that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or
      If it is a matter of right answer,  as it may be in mathematics
of science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own
paper. Why should our teachers waste time to do such routine
work?  Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he
can"t find the way to get the right answer. Let the children learn
what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure
their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not
know.1. What is the best title of the passage?  ( Please answer within 10 words. )
2. What is the best way for children to leam things?  ( Please answer within 10 words. )
3. According to the writer,what should teachers do in school? ( Please answer within 10 words. )
4. Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.
5. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the  following one?
    However, in school we always tell children what"s wrong and tell them how to correct them.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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