Jerry Morris died on 28 October 2009. He was 99 years old. You have probably nev

Jerry Morris died on 28 October 2009. He was 99 years old. You have probably nev

Jerry Morris died on 28 October 2009. He was 99 years old. You have probably never heard of him. He was a professor of public health. More than 50 years ago he produced one of the most famous epidemiological (流行病学) papers of the 20th century.
His study showed that bus conductors were much less likely to die of heart disease than bus drivers. Why? Because the conductors spent their working day walking. It seems obvious now but in the middle of the last century doctors were puzzled by the rising numbers of people who got heart diseases. Jerry Morris found one of the main causes: a sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyle. He started exercising for a few minutes each day and lived until his 100th year.
If you wish to protect your heart, you have to do more than wander in the garden. The exercise needs to be reasonable. Jogging is not for everyone and a round trip to the gym takes a couple of hours, plus the monthly membership fee is only good value if you visit regularly. The answer is simple: walk.
A half-hour purposeful walk five times a week will lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and strokes. Older people sometimes feel they have left it too late. But it is never too late to start and there are no upper age limits. Start gently. Take your time: a 15-minute flat walk in the nearest park, four or five times a week. Within a month or so, you are already beginning to protect your heart. Build the walks up. When you can comfortably walk for half an hour in the park, go further: try following rivers and canals.
Regular walkers have their own natural gymnasium. There is no membership fee, just some of the finest scenery in the world. Great Britain is the walker’s gym. When you have followed the rivers and canals, and are enjoying walking for a couple of hours, head for the coast. Once again, build it up slowly. When you are comfortable with long coastal walks, you can think of our national parks.
小题1:Jerry Morris is mentioned in the first paragraph mainly to __________.
A.make his epidemiological message known to the public
B.praise his research into ways of improving public health
C.introduce the topic of doing exercise and keeping healthy
D.give an example of a person who lives a healthy and long life
小题2:We can learn from the passage that __________.
A.bus conductors are more likely to die of heart disease than bus drivers.
B.doctors in the 1950s knew why heart diseases kept happening to people.
C.walking is better than doing sports in a gym because it saves time and money.
D.British people love walking because they have free gymnasium with finest scenery.
小题3:What suggestion does the writer give about walking?
A.Parks are the best place for walking.
B.Starters should not push themselves too hard.
C.A two-quarter walk a day is suitable for starters.
D.People of old age might not be fit enough to start walking.
小题4:What might be the best title for this passage?
A.Long Life Comes from Walking
B.Walking Helps Cure Heart Disease
C.A Walk a Day Keeps the Doctors away
D.An Hour’s Walk in Nature is Worth Two in the Gym



小题1:根据“You have probably never heard of him. He was a professor of public health. ...he produced one of the most famous epidemiological (流行病学) papers of the 20th century.”可知,作者在第一段没有详细介绍流行病学,排除A;第一段没有介绍他的研究方法,排除B;第一段没有给出论点,也就不可能列举例子,排除D;第一段介绍一个不出名的人,而且还是一个公共健康方面的教授,说明作者想要引入健康这个话题,故选C。
小题2:根据第三段“a round trip to the gym takes a couple of hours, plus the monthly membership fee is only good value if you visit regularly. The answer is simple: walk.”可知,作者不提倡花钱和时间去健身房锻炼,最简单的方法是散步,由此可见,散步既省钱又实惠,故选C。
小题3:根据倒数第二段“Start gently. Take your time: a 15-minute flat walk in the nearest park, four or five times a week. ...When you can comfortably walk for half an hour in the park, go further: try following rivers and canals.”可知,对于刚起步的人来说,不要操之过急,应该循序渐进地进行散步锻炼,故选B。
小题4:根据第四段“A half-hour purposeful walk five times a week will lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and strokes.”可知,散步能降低得心脏病、糖尿病和中风的风险,并不能治愈心脏病,排除B;根据最后一段“There is no membership fee, just some of the finest scenery in the world.”可知,散步比去健身房节省了金钱和时间,并非比健身房的锻炼要好,排除D;A项文中未提及;故选C。
Many people are aware of the beauty of a solar eclipse (日食), but are surprised to learn that lunar eclipses are often just as impressive. While total solar eclipse lasts only for a few minutes and can be seen only in a small area of a few kilometers, total lunar eclipse can last for several hours and can be seen over much of the planet. In fact, the beauty and stability of lunar eclipses make them a favorite of both amateur and professional photographers.
Lunar eclipses generally occur two or three times a year, and are possible only when the Moon is full. When we see the Moon, we are actually seeing sunlight reflected off the surface of the Moon When the Earth is positioned in between the Moon and the Sun, however, the Earth"s shadow falls on the Moon, and a lunar eclipse occurs.
The type of lunar eclipse - total, partial, or penumbral (半影) - that occurs depends both on how much of the Moon passes through the Earth"s shadow and through which part of the shadow it passes. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth"s outer shadow. This type of eclipse is brief and frequently goes unobserved by all but astronomers. By contrast, total and partial eclipses occur when all or part, respectively, of the Moon passes through the umbra(本影) shadow of the Earth. These eclipses are quite easy to see and are widely observed.
Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are safe to watch. Solar radiation that occurs during an eclipse of the Sun can cause a form of burns of one"s eyes known as eclipse blindness. In fact, the only way to safely view a solar eclipse is by using specially designed equipment. However, since the Moon"s light is reflected sunlight, it is completely safe to watch a lunar eclipse without any special equipment, although a pair of binoculars can certainly help the viewer appreciate the beauty of this phenomenon
小题1:The underlined word "stability " most probably means_______.
小题2:According to the passage, a partial lunar eclipse occurs________.
A.when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth
B.when all of the Moon passes through the Earth"s umbra shadow
C.when only a part of the Moon passes through the Earth"s outer shadow
D.when only a part of the Moon passes through the Earth"s umbra shadow
小题3:The passage implies that penumbral eclipses are________.
A.longer-lasting than most solar eclipses
B.more common than partial or full lunar eclipse
C.the result of the shadow cast by the Moon onto the Earth
D.more difficult to observe than other types of lunar eclipse
小题4:According to the passage, it is safe to watch a lunar eclipse, unlike a solar eclipse, because ________.
A.moonlight is less strong than sunlight
B.a lunar eclipse is briefer than a solar eclipse
C.a lunar eclipse lasts much longer than a solar eclipse
D.special equipment can be employed to view a lunar eclipse

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What if I took that big jump on my bike?What’s the worst thing that could happen if I go out at midnight?Should try smoking?The teen years can play out like a choose-your-own-adventure novel.
Teenagers must act on an endless parade of choices.Some choices.including smoking.Come with serious consequences.As a result, adolescents often find themselves trapped between their impulsive tendencies(-Just try it!)and their newfound ability to make well-informed and logical choices(-Wait, maybe that’s not such a good idea!).
So what makes the teenager’s brain so complex? What drives adolescents-more than any other age group-to sometimes make rash or questionable decisions?
If you have ever thought that the choices teenagers make are all about exploring and pushing limits, you are on to something. Experts Experts believe that this tendency marks a necessary period in teen development.The process helps prepare teenagers to confront the world on their own. It is something all humans have evolved to experience-yes, teens everywhere go through this exploratory period.Nor is it unique to people:Even laboratory mice experience a similar stage during their development.
For example,laboratory experiments show that young mice stay close by their mothers for safety. As mice grow.their behavior does too.“When they reach puberty,they’re like,‘I’m gonna start checking out how this environment looks without my mom,…explains Beatriz Luna,of the University of Pittsburgh.
As a developmental cognitive neuroscientist,Luna studies those changes that occur in the brain as children develop into adults.She and other researchers are showing how the teen experience can lead to powerful advantages later in life.Take mice again:Young mice that explore most tend to live longest——that is,unless a cat eats them,Luna adds.
小题1:What is the best title for the text?
A.Teenagers make endless choices
B.The teenage brain drives them to be different
C.How the teenage brain develops
D.Researches about the teenagers
小题2:What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?
A.It means “you are wrong”.
B.It means“you lose your way”.
C.It means“you get the point”.
D.It means“you are off the point”.
小题3:According to the text,the teenager who explores most wiIl
A.make no mistakes in his life.
B.have advantages over others.
C.loSe his confidence even his life.
D.experience no failure and live Iongest.
小题4:What does the writer want to tell us by taking mice for example?
A.young mice try to look for safety.
B.Young mice like to stay with their mothers.
C.Mice also experience a period to explore the world.
D.Mice experience different stages.
小题5:What may the text discuss in the next part?
A.How call a teenager make right choices
B.Why the parents shouldn’t allow teenagers to smoke
C.What has been discovered in the lab experiment.
D.What really goes on in the teenage brain.

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As people in Beijing and northern China struggle with severe air pollution this winter,the toxic(有毒的)air is also making life hard for plants and even food crops of China.
"in the last 50 years there has been a 1 6-fold increase in ozone(臭氧)pollution”in the Beijing area,said Hanqin Tian of Auburn University in Alabama,who studies the effects of China"s pollution and climate change on plants.
Ozone is particularly harmful to plants because it damages the pores(气孔)  on leaves,called stomata,which plants use to regulate how much water evaporates from the leaves.That,in turn,affectS how much water a plant must take up through its roots.Changes in water uptake by plants have been documented in other parts of the world,including the United States,as having major impacts on regional groundwater and surface water supplies.
In studies of the long-term productivity of plants,Hanqin Tian and some of his colleagues show that ozone pollution,along with climate change,has been lowering plant productivity in China,which reduces the amount of carbon and other pollutants that the plants Can absorb to fight all the emissions from the burning offossil fuels.
The worst effects on plants are likely to be in areas where the growing pollution problem is just fairly new, said Arthur Chappelka, also a plant researcher at Auburn University.Some plants are more resistant to pollutants than others,he said,and the plants that are living today in long-polluted urban areas are likely to be only those that are very pollution tolerant.
Away from the cities, however, where crops are necded to feed China’s yast population, the effeets of the growing pollution on crops is a significant concern.
“In some ways it affects the crop production and food securiy of China,”said Hanqin Tian.“Air quality is really important for human health, plants and ecosystem and sustainability.”
The problem is bound to get worse as China continues to develop economically, he said, and so he and other researchers continue to urge the Chinese government to take action to reduce emissions from cars and industries.
小题1:ozone does harm to plants mainly by ________.
A.exposing them to strong sunlight
B.damaging the structure of their leaves
C.adding more pores to the roots
D.making the land unfit for the plants to grow
小题2:Which of the following statement does Hanqin Tian support?
A.Ozone pollution has increased 1 6 times in the past 30 years.
B.Ozone pollution has lowered plant productivity alone.
C.Plants can take in a large amount of carbon and other pollutants.
D.The toxic air has few effects on food supply in China.
小题3:What Can we infer from the passage?   
A.Healthy foods are not available in Beijing.
B.Some kinds of plants aren’t affected by air pollution.
C.Crops in China are hard to feed its large population.
D.People should stop developing economically
小题4:According to the passage,the Chinese govemment should more about developing economy
B.reduce the number of cars and industries
C.continue to make more researches
D.take measures to reduce carbon emissions
小题5:What′S the best title of the passage?
A.Polluted air damages plants and crops
B.Air pollution is becoming more serious
C.China’s air pollution and climate changes
D.Food security in China

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People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the     it is to do so, in theory it is that,     , in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的)     of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work     .So spending money to help      learn English may    up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you     ,the more you are let down.
The daughter of one of my friends     English in primary school,     her foreign teacher’s blindness     psychology. She did not want to go on     English until middle school,     a college student studying English slowly     her interest in the language.
It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty     learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education,     find that despite(尽管) their excellent     , many students have     command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children
   classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than     them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to    the language ability of their mother tongue.
A.easyB.difficultC.easierD.more difficult
A.but B.howeverC.thoughD.yet
A.begin B.startC.finishD.end
小题7: B.getC.buyD.take
A.because ofB.becauseC.instead of D.instead
小题11: learnC.with learningD.for learning
A.while B.whereC.when
A.introducedB.practicedC.explained D.developed
小题14: C.atD.of
A.HeB.IC.She D.They
A.fewB.less C.little D.fewer

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It is known to us that computer users are being warned by industry experts to pay attention to secret codes which could be used to record their conversation.
E-mails, screen savers, and electronic greeting cards can carry a secret code which is able to turn on the computer’s microphone, make a recording, and forward it to someone else without the user’s knowledge.
In fact any attachments (附件) sent to a computer, whether it is a game of Space Invaders, or a moving picture, can possibly be used to spy (窥探).
Experts say people should always think twice about opening attachments because --- although not common --- bugging (窃听) by computer can and has been done.
Bill Lyons, head of the Internet Security Company Finjan, said, “People in the army have tested this and you can be sure, if people in general are aware of it, then computer hackers (黑客) are aware of it. The frightening thing is that there are tools on the Internet which people, using a simple search method, can find, and which will enable them to attach this dangerous code to simple attachments.”
小题1:What is the advice given in the passage?
A.Use secret codes to record other people’s conversation.
B.Be careful when opening an attachment.
C.Never open any attachments.
D.Never use secret codes.
小题2:What worries the experts is that ___ .
A.nobody seems to believe such things
B.nobody knows the danger of the code can easily be used to tie dangerous codes to e-mails
D.effective ways can never be found to deal with the problem.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.A moving picture cannot be used to spy.
B.Electronic greeting cards cannot carry a secret code.
C.A secret code is used to destroy the computer system.
D.Any attachments sent to a computer may carry a secret code.

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