In today"s world of cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players, most people have

In today"s world of cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players, most people have

In today"s world of cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. Since these devices are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? According to some consumers, yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is "an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function." Many young adults agree ─ and use their cell phones to tell time. Louis Galie, a senior vice president at Timex, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago. As a result, some people claim that the watch industry is at a crossroads.
However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches regain popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality timepiece that doesn"t just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers boasted(自夸) about their products" accuracy. But in recent years, the watch industry has transformed itself into an accessory(附件,配件) business. And for many today, the image(外形) a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells.
"Complications" ─ features that go beyond simple timekeeping ─ are an important part of a watch"s image. Today"s watches offer a host of features that suit almost any personality. These features include altitude trackers(追踪器), compasses(指南针), lunar calendars, USB drives, and even devices that measure the effectiveness of golf swings!
Creativity is also a key element in today"s watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don"t even look like watches. The company"s popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell the time. It looks more like a futuristic bracelet(手镯) than a watch. Another Japanese watchmaker, EleeNo, makes a "handless" watch. Using a ring of circles to keep time, this watch makes an excellent conversation piece.
Whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative flair or a love of sports, consumers want their timepieces to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what"s on their wrists(手腕). Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!
小题1:Why aren’t watches popular with young people as before?
A.Because watches cannot keep good time as cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players.
B.Because watches are featured by the disadvantages of simple function
C.Because watches are too expensive to afford.
D.Because watches don’t have beautiful appearance as other modern time telling tools.
小题2: What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Watching-making is facing a survival crisis challenge.
B.Watching-making is faced with the developing opportunity.
C.Watching-making becomes the sun rising industry.
D.Watching-making has a specific development target.
小题3: It can be implied that ____________________.
A.people will gradually lose interest in watches as they grow older
B.watchmakers hardly change the development strategy for watches’s watches are better than those in the past in quality
D.customers used to be more concerned with the quality of a watch than with its image.
小题4:The following qualities can make a watch popular EXCEPT _________.
A.multifunctionB.accuracyC.nice designD.low price
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Watches and TeenagersB.The History of Watches
C.The Accuracy of WatchesD.Watches Tell More Than Time



Howling is a behaviour commonly observed among a wolf pack. As pack animals, wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling as an important means of communication among each other. There are different explanations of a wolf’s howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.
One theory is that wolves howl to bond better together. It’s almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a song together. But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harrington, a professor who studies wolf behaviour.
Indeed, there have been times when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a chorus, and the next, quarreling among each other. It appears that usually the lowest-ranking members of the pack may actually be “punished” for joining in the chorus at times. So is howling a way to strengthen a social bond or just a way to reconfirm status among its members? —Why do wolves howl for sure?
What is clear, however, is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that wolves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appears to be an excellent means of gathering.
Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occur in the morning, as if wolves were doing some sort of “roll call” where wolves all howl together to report their presence.
小题1:What is the possible similarity between wolves’ howling together and humans’ singing in chorus?
A.The act of calling each other.B.The sense of accomplishment.
C.The act of hunting for something.D.The sense of belonging to a group.
小题2:Why does Harrington think the “social bond” theory may be wrong?
A.Wolves separate from each other after howling.
B.Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.
C.Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.
D.Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.
小题3:Researchers are sure that wolves often howl to ______. their ranks B.find their companions the missing their loneliness
小题4:“Howling… is a contagious behaviour” (in the last paragraph) means _______.
A.howling is a signal for hunting
B.howling is a way of communication
C.howling often occurs in the morning
D.howling spreads from one to another

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Why should I teach my children history? That sounds like a stupid question to even ask.But, as I hear different home schooling teachers discuss history, I get the idea that there may be different reasons for teaching history.Let me briefly explain the three good reasons for studying history and two bad reasons for studying history.
The major reason I see for studying history is that we can learn from the past.I am convinced that the world would be a much better place if more people understood the successes and failures of the past and the things that made these successes and failures.However, as the unfortunately true statement goes "the one thing we seem to learn from history is that we don"t seem to learn from history". Perhaps at least in teaching history, to my children I can do a small part in changing this.
A second major reason for studying history is that it is hard to understand the current political climate in the absence of an understanding of its historical context.We can’t even understand why we are and where we are without history, much less (更不必说) try to figure out where we are going or how we should get where we want to be.
I teach my children history, for one more reason.I purchased a set of historical audio (录音机) tapes for our children.My seven-year-old son listened to them over and over.It was my hope that he would become inspired by the accomplishments of people like the Wright brothers to accomplish things by himself.I think that it is good that we celebrate the accomplishments of people like Martin Luther King Jr.if, in doing so, young people are called on to stand for the principles that he stood for and accomplish what he accomplished.I also think that by studying people like Adolph Hitler, people can learn to stand against the things that he stood for.
小题1:What message can we get from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 ?
A.Many people aren"t clever enough to learn well from the past.
B.Many people fail to make good use of history and make the same mistakes.
C.Many people feel it hard to understand history.
D.Many people have no interest in studying history.
小题2:In Paragraph 3, the author shows that history is useful because _______________.
A.It makes the current political situation go smoothly
B.It helps us realize the importance of historical events
C.It helps us understand why things are the way they are
D.It helps people accept the present situation where they live
小题3:Some historical figures are mentioned in the last paragraph to show ______________.
A.People can be inspired to do good, while also learning to fight against evil
B.People may also learn from bad historical figures
C.More celebrations should be held to honor their achievements
D.Today’s people can also achieve what they achieved
小题4:What would be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.How to teach history effectively.
B.Some negative reasons for studying history.
C.How to get more people to study history.
D.Some bad historical figures.
小题5:The main purpose of this passage is to ____________.
A.inspire the parents to teach their children history the importance of history in politics
C.explain the reasons why children study history
D.introduce the writer" s own way of teaching history

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Do you think it is ever a good idea for a teenager to have a credit card?
My kids watch closely as I swipe the card through the register.They’ve seen me do it hundreds, thousands of times.Cool.They are itching to swipe it through the machine themselves. When we walk out of the store with our groceries or pet food, or whatever, it’s almost as though money has not changed hands, painless, easy.
So it shouldn’t be shocking to discover that teenagers are becoming card carrying consumers in their own right.The question is, should they?
While some argue it’s best to teach kids how to use a credit card while still living under the family roof, not everyone agrees. Dave Ramsey, financial expert says getting a credit card for your teenager is actually, “an excellent way to teach him or her to be financially irresponsible.”
Now parents are required to co-sign on credit cards for children under 21.“If their name is on the credit card, then the parent may say, ‘Hey, my name is on this.Don’t get me into trouble,” says Mary Beth Pinto, a marketing professor.“When parents were the co-obligors(共同借贷人),the children caused less debt.If the parents are the co-obligors, the tendency is that the parents were explaining how to use the cards.” Still, Pinto believes parents should start the process much earlier.“Yes, there has to be teaching going on and it has to start when they’re younger. You’re not going to get rid of credit cards.They are here to stay. You have to have them. You can’t fight progress,” Pinto said.
Ramsey, however, disagrees.“Throwing teens into a pool of (credit)sharks is a sure way to guarantee a life-time of heartache,” he said.“You can make online purchases and rent a car with a credit card.Of course, you must have money in your bank account before you can make a purchase with a credit card.But paying for things with money is what you are supposed to do.”
小题1:The author mentioned her experience in Para 2 mainly to______.
A.prove the convenience of using credit cards
B.tell what impression credit cards leave on kids
C.give advice on using credit cards wisely
D.explain the pleasure credit cards bring to customers
小题2:The underlined word in Para 2 can be replaced by __________.
小题3:What’s Ramsey’s attitude towards teens’ using credit cards?
A.He feels it is worth a try
B.He is very supportive
C.He is strongly against it
D.He considers it as a pleasant experience
小题4:Pinto will most likely agree that __________.
A.parents should let teens own their credit cards earlier shouldn’t be in control of credit cards is never good for anyone to get a credit card
D.learning to use credit cards is practical

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When Harvard was founded in 1636, there were no other colleges in the American colonies, and it would become the model for many of those that followed. When it began requiring applicants to take a test known as the SAT in 1935, Harvard started another trend. Two years ago, after it announced an aggressive new financial-aid policy, it helped push social class to the center of the national debate over higher education and forced two of its main competitors, Stanford and Yale, to follow its lead.
Last week. Harvard began to make another effort to affect higher education in its image, its president, Derek Bok, announced that the college would abandon its early admissions program, which for decades has allowed high school seniors to apply in October and get an answer yes, no or maybe – in December, shortly before the regular deadline for applications.
Harvard officials argue that the program is beneficial to rich students who don"t need to compare financial-aid offers from various colleges. After the announcement, many people within education urged other colleges to take a similar step.
"We"re thrilled," said Laurie Kobick, a college counselor (顾问) at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Va. "I think it"s going to make admissions better in so many different ways. It will indeed go a small way toward leveling the field among applicants. Of course, it will also have an effect on colleges, and the biggest winner will almost certainly be Harvard. a fact that may prevent many other colleges – perhaps all of them – from       following Hazard this time. Because any college that does so will risk losing some of its best applicants."
小题1:From the first paragraph we can learn that Harvard ____.
A.was the first college in the American colonies
B.was best known for the SAT
C.was muck better than Stanford and Yale
D.refused to offer financial-aid to applicants
小题2:By abandoning early admissions program, Harvard wants ____. attract the public"s attention influence higher education in its own way save money spent in attracting students allow its competitors to admit more students
小题3:Early admissions program is good for rich students because ____.
A.they have more chances to enter college
B.they can enter college with a lower score
C.they have special right to be admitted into college
D.they have no problem in supporting their studies
小题4:Why does Laurie Kobick think other colleges may not follow Harvard?
A.Because they think the action will harm high education.
B.Because they are afraid that the action is not practical.
C.Because they may attract fewer top students than he[ore,
D.Because they are afraid the action will damage their reputation.

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Most people hate change, which is sad since we often go through intense changes in life. And for some of us, even the smallest changes can upset our day. So the question is: Why do most of us find making adjustments to our lives so hard?
Fear of change is nothing new. Over a century ago, the Parisians were unhappy over a particular addition to their city: the Eiffel Tower. In fact, the citizens were so angry about the plans for the tower that they protested its construction. As strange as it may seem, their anger was completely natural. They were given no choice about the huge change that was going to be made, so they became angry.
But we get upset over changes even when we do have a say in the matter and think about them carefully. Changes are brought about every day by the decisions we make: which school to attend, which job to take, whom to marry. Voluntary changes also make most of us uneasy because we don’t know how those changes will affect our future.
People have discovered that the key to overcoming the fear and anger associated with change is to be flexible. When they are flexible, people can adapt to new situations more easily. Being flexible is especially important in the 21st century as technology makes change occur faster than ever before. Those who oppose change, especially with technology in the workplace, may find themselves out of a job.
When change comes, and you have no choice but to face it, embrace it. A positive attitude helps a lot. In fact, the change may turn out to be the best thing for you. That new job you got may end up being much better than your old one. You may make the best friends of your life in the new city you moved to. Don’t merely focus on how you feel about change; instead decide to accept the change. The change is the reality, and it’s up to you whether the change will be a success or a failure. You never know your next change may be your lifes Eiffel Tower!
小题1:Why did the building of the Eiffel Tower make the Parisians unhappy?
A.Because they didn’t like the design of the Eiffel Tower.
B.Because they couldn’t avoid accepting the Eiffel Tower.
C.Because it was no use building the Eiffel Tower.
D.Because the Eiffel Tower seemed strange.
小题2:According to the passage, it can be inferred that what won’t disturb us are _____________.
A.the changes that have agreement with one’s will
B.the small changes we meet in our daily life
C.the changes whose effect we can predict and control
D.the changes that we discuss or consider thoroughly
小题3:How should we overcome negative emotions that the changes bring?
A.We are not supposed to face the changes and let them alone.
B.We should actively accustom ourselves to the new circumstance.
C.We should not take the changes seriously and avoid them as much as possible.
D.We should know that the changes merely bring us bad influence.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.The change will probably make you fail like the Eiffel Tower.
B.The change is like the Eiffel Tower which is not good for our future life.
C.Your future life is never known just like the Eiffel Tower unknown to the Parisians.
D.Your future life is likely to be a great achievement due to the change.
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Psychology of ChangeB.The ways to Overcome the Fear
C.Changes That Disturb UsD.The Bad Effect of Changes

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